There was a certain humor to my situation. Sometimes it seems that when things start to go wrong, everything goes wrong. As I watched the repossession company tow my car away I just shook my head and thought to myself “Well, its official now, I am totally, completely and absolutely fucked!”
I certainly was on a roll! Three weeks earlier my longtime girlfriend announced to me that she felt our relationship was just “too superficial” and extremely dumped me. Two months prior to that I lost my job as a graphics artist and even though I had been looking every day for work, I was still unemployed. With no income, slowly but surely my fellow saves ran out and I was already three months behind in my rent and now, no car! Without a car, how in the hell was I going to find a job. Without a job, how was I going to get back my car! Without a car or a job how was I going to find another woman? Yes, no doubt about it, I was fucked big now. “Well”, I said to myself with a certain Scarlett O’Hara logic, “I will think about that tomorrow, for tomorrow is another day.”
As I quietly snuck into my boarding house, I prayed that Gina (the owner) would not see me. She had been hounding me for the back rent every day and I obviously figured if I could just stall her a little while longer, maybe something would come up to turn my situation around. As I silently tip-toed up the stairs to my room I did run into Victoria and Samantha, the other two tenants in the huge Victorian we all shared. As usually, they politely said hello and coolly went about their business.
When I first moved in I had imagined all sorts of erotic possibilities with my delightful and quite grogeous housemates but sadly none of them came true. It had such promise too, one single reasonably attractive twenty-something guy living in a big old house with three gorgeous curvy women; I thought for sure something sexual would turn up eventually as it seemed like the plot line of a porn movie already. Well, two years had passed since I moved in and the only erotic incident I had to report was “accidentally” walking in on Gina as she was showing one morning. Boy was she pissed that day but the sight of her sudsy curves played as the backdrop to many jack-off sessions for the next few years!
Opening the door to my room I began to drink the last six pack of beer I had in my little refrigerator. Drinking may not be the answer, but it sure did get my mind off of my troubles for a while and made me at least forget the question. As had become a sad nightly ritual I did off into a drunken stupor laying on my bed pondering the fucktacular clown show that my life had now become.
The next morning, I was abruptly awakened to the sound of violent pounding on my bedroom door, the incredibly loud noise not helping my throbbing headache at all.
“BOB!” Gina yelled “This is Gina, and I want to know what you are going to do about your back rent TODAY!”. I probably don’t have to tell you but her shrinking and pounding did not particularly soothe the tremendous hangover I was experiencing.
“Gina, Just a little more time, I promise.” I feebly answered through the door.
“I am getting very impatient Bob, I know you lost your job, and your car, so I don’t mind telling you that your prospects for getting my money do not look very bright!”
Well, I certainly couldn’t argue with her logic there as my future looked quite bleak. I made up a story about a hot job prospect I had that afternoon which miraculously seemed to temporarily satisfy her and to my relief I heard her walk down the hall. My hot prospect was a cashiers job at McDonalds, so things had truly reached rock bottom!
“All those years in college and it has come to this”, I thought to myself as I wrapped myself in a towel and walked down the hall to the bathroom to shower. As I passed the staircase I saw Gina, Samantha and Victoria all discussing something at the bottom of the stairs and as I passed, as if on cue, they all gave me a dirty, condescending look.
I was so ashamed, not by being seen by them in my towel, we had all seen one another walking around the house in towels before, but I was ashamed by the fact that I knew they all were discussing me and my rent situation. Although I had enjoyed living here for the past few years, I also had to admit that these three women, beautiful or not, were pretty cold.
They seemingly barely tolerated my existence around the house, and even though I think I am fairly attractive, they had shown no interest in me whatsoever since I moved in. I was just the upstairs tenant, who now was behind in the rent and obviously a hopeless loser fuckup. As I stepped into the shower I tried to think of ways I might be able to get out of This hopeless situation and could not think of one.
It was a long shower as I luxurious in the hot water trying to think, but my mind kept drawing up a total blank. Well, I thoughtto myself as I turned off the water, let me go get ready for my exciting career in the fast food industry. Drying off, I wrapped the towel back around myself and padded back down the hall to my room.
When I opened the door my heart sank and my mouth flew open in shock. Everything I owned was gone! My TV, my refrigerator, all of my clothes, all gone. Even my bed was missing as the room was completely bare! Hearing snickering behind me, I spun around to see Gina standing in the hall with her arms crossed over her chest. Looking extremely pissed, yet hot as ever, despite my concern that we had had an intruder she seemed amused, not concerned.
“GINA! I HAVE BEEN ROBBED, CALL THE POLICE!” I screamed hysterically.
“No, you have not been robbed” she said coolly as she quite whipped out a packet of papers from her pocket.
Looking me squarely in the eyes she began to read the contents of the contract she was holding. “In the event that the Lessee, that’s you,” she said pointing at my chest “Fails to pay the amount of rent agreed to in the contract by the 5th day of the month, the Lessor, (that’s me), has the right to put up for sale any contents of the Lessees domicile with the balance of the proceeds from the sale after deduction for back rent and/or damages going to the Lessee.”
I just stood there with my mouth hanging wide open and stared at her in disbelief, my mind racing as I tried to understand what was happening. Seeing my confusion, Gina quickly cleared up the situation.
“In other words BOB I sold all of your stuff to pay off your debt!” she yelled as an evil grin came across her face.
“YOU BITCH! GET MY STUFF BACK NOW!!” I screamed but stopped when she slapped me hard right across the face.
Her voice crackling with anger and dripping with malice she said “Listen Bob, don’t get uppity with me or I will throw you out right now!”
As I looked down at myself, completely naked and wearing only a towel, and havingno money or recourse, I tried to control my rage.
Following my eyes with her to my towel, she grinned. “Oh, and by the way, that towel you have on belongs to me, remember?” she said as she ripped it off, leaving me completely naked and standing alone in an equally naked and bare room.
With a smug look of total victory, she walked back down the stairs, casually throwing the towel over her left Shoulder. As I stood there nude and shocked, I tried to understand what was happening; my stomach was churning as I was completely dumbfounded. Three months ago I had a girlfriend, a nice car, a good job and money in the bank. Today, I was reduced to literally nothing, not even a single sock! My mind raced as I tried to think of a way to convince Gina to get my stuff back as I certainly could not get back on track NAKED. Hurriedly I ran down the stairs and met her in the kitchen, desperately trying to cover myself with my hands.
“Please give me a break Gina! You really can’t do this to me, please!” I begged as I fell to her feet, trying anything to get her to listen to reason. I was so desperate the embarrassment of being naked in front of her did not dissuade me from prostrating myself in front of her, kneeing on the kitchen floor with my hands gripping her bare calm.
“Oh for God’s sake take it like a man! You shouldn’t of overextended yourself, so DON’T BLAME ME for your fuckup!” she snapped, obviously unmoved by my begging. This was like some sort of nightmare I could not wake up from and my humiliation was not over yet. At that very moment Samantha and Victoria walked into the kitchen and burst out laughing. What a sight this must have been, a grown man, naked and kneeing and hysterically begging at Gina’s feet.
As they walked into the room I vainly tried to cover myself with my hands as my face burned with shame. Victoria said nothing but just started to laugh even louder at my prediction as her room Samantha just giggled uncontrollably. Holding an envelope in her hand she just waved it back and forth in the air as she snickered, trying very hard to speak through her snorts.
“Bad news Bob, you are still $420 short!”
Hearing this my heart sank and I could not look them in the eyes I was so humiliated.
“Can you believe it Gina? The salvation army only gave us 20 cents for each pair of his underwear!” Victoria replied as she passed the envelope of cash to our landlord. This last comment was too much for them and all three girls began to scream with laughter.
“Wh-what do you want from me?” I muttered, the realization of my desperate situation finally sinking in.
“Well, I tell you what Bob, you have five minutes to get out!” Gina said pointing at the door. I was panic stricken. What in the hell was I going to do, naked, and now homeless! Again, humiliating myself further I fell to my knees and began to begin again. As I knelt there pleading with them Victoria finally spoke up.
“You know,if you kick him out now you will never get your money back.” she said pointing at Gina.
“You have a good point.” she replied as she looked back down at the floor into my face. “Ok Bob, here is the deal. I will let you work off your debt.” Turning to the other two girls she turned and said “You know, it might be kind of be nice to have a cute little naked house boy around don’t you think?”. Barely being able to restrain themselves from giggling, they both agreed as they nodded.
So, that was the deal. I was to be paid 10 dollars a day to clean, cook and do whatever else they wanted me to do and out of that 10 dollars 3 went to pay for the food they would give me. I was not allowed to buy anything until the debt was paid which means that for the duration of my servitude I was to remain stark naked. Since I had no money, car or clothes I had no alternative but to agree to their terms and essentially became a prisoner in the house. Gina agreed and added that if I paid off my debt they would all go and retrieve some of my belongings assuming they had not sold.
For the next 60 days I was to be completely at their mercy and the first week they worked me like a dog. I cleaned out the basement and the attic, painted the living room and retired the bathroom. To my dismay, the way their work schedules worked out one of them was always in the house supervising me so I never had any rest.
Victoria was the worst of the three to work for. Blisteringly hot with her thick hips, big D cups, long red hair and even longer legs, I always was semi-hard when around her before my descent into slavery, only know my arousal was on full display. When she told me it got her off to see me scrubbing and cleaning the floors with a toothbrush nude it only made me hornier. Working around these women in the nude, Although completely humiliating and degrading, also caused me to be in an almost nonstop state of arousal and this was not unnoticed by my three jailers.
They knew this too and used this knowledge to torque me further. One night Gina sat down to watch TV and ordered me to knee down in front of her and give her a nice slow foot massage followed by a pedicure. It took over three hours, and as I had her beautiful feet in my hands the entire time, I was completely uncovered and trying very hard to will my cock soft.
It was a losing battle as Gina was gorgeous. As she casually locked on the couch in just her long oversized grey t-shirt, her long blonde hair cascading over her shoulders while her breasts swung free in their obvious bra-less state, I was struggling against an irresistible force growing in my groin.
The sounds of her light moans of approval at my work on her feet only made my struggle to control my cock more difficult as I continued with her massage. As my fingers caresed her soles after her pedicure, working the sweet almond oil deeply into the skin, she “accidentally” reached out with her free foot and lightly strokeed my balls with her delicious toes. That was it for me and nature could no longer be denied. Winking strictly at me when my shocked eyes met hers my intense and instantaneous throbbing erection then alerted her to my life long foot fetish which gave her and the other two a new weapon. Seeing my erection, and the smoldering look of abject lust on my face, she raised her freshly painted toes to my mouth and smiled.
“Why don’t you BLOW them dry?”
As those words left her mouth it took all I could must not to pop those babies in my mouth and suck all night.
Armed with this new knowledge of my secret pervy nature, Gina told the other girls and I was done. Victoria now demanded that I give her a pedicure every morning as she prepared for work and Samantha, not to be outdone, commanded me massage her feet and calves when she got home from riding her motorcycle. It is a wonder I could still function with all of that blood constantly diverted from my brain to my cock at this non-stop assault on my pervy desires.
The girls also began to get bolder as the weeks drug on. As I would walk by, one of them would reach out and catch me by my balls in their hands. Helpless to stop them they would stroke the shake of my penis and flick their tongues over the top of my swollen glasses enjoying seeing me get as hard as possible on command. Even though I knew they would not finish me, I had no choice but to let them continue to taunt and tease my throbbing member as I stood there ramrod still as I was fondled.
Gina always got a big thrill out of bringing my to the edge of orgasm and then abruptly ordering me to do some odd job. Laughing at my humiliating position they would follow me around the house and continue to stroke and prod me, thus keeping me hard for hours on end. Luckily I had at least some time alone to relieve this constant tension that was filling my testicles as of course they never finished me off.
Two weeks into my servitude, my last vestige of privacy, and thus my last hope for release was removed. As I was showing and jacking off furiously, Gina ripped open the shower curve.
“Do that on your own time!” she screamed. “I am not paying you to get your sperm all over my tub so, from now on you will not be allowed to ever be out of our sight.”
From that day on I was forced to bathe while someone was in the room with me and even when I had to go to the bathroom, I was forced to keep the door cracked open, and if I was longer than five minutes, one of the girls would come to investigate. My degradation was complete as I now had zero privacy!
Nighttime was the worst. To prevent me from jacking off as they were sleeping, the girls took turns keeping me in their room for the night. Chained to a cot at the end of the bed and let out in the morning, Victoria was the cruelest as she loved to play with me when I was tied up and helpless, bringing me just to the edge over and over and laughing as I begged for her not to stop.
She was a stunning beauty with perfect breasts and very long beautiful legs and with her knowledge of my love of feet, she was now merciless. As I struggled against my bondage she would do a semiconductor little strip tease ending with her rubbing her naked clip up and down my stomach while dangling her nipples just out of the reach of my tongue. As my helpless cock smoked against her ass while she straddled my stomach, she would laugh maniacally telling me how much she loved getting me so hard and desperate and then leaving me hanging. She was the ultimate cock-tease and I was so horny I thought sometimes I would literally burst out my seed spontaneously just by being in her presence.
Gina used her knowledge of my fetish to great effect, and tied me to the bottom of her bed while she slept with her feet in my helpless lap, her delectable toes deliberately shifting up against my defenseless and exposed cock all night as I could do nothing but hopelesslymoan. Every night that I spent in her room she would wear a little see through teddy and silicate pantyhose and the feel of those silk encased feet massaging my nipples and tantalizing my balls almost made me weep with frustration.
Nights with Samantha were equally alluring and even rougher. She would not chain me to the cot but would have me tied spread-eagled in her bed. After blindfolding me she would tease and stroke me until I whimpered, my light moans of becoming like music to her ears. Laying in the dark, I could feel her silky long brunette locks dragged up and down my body as the lacy fabric of her moist panties teased my thigh. As I lay there completely exposed she would strip off, and then drip honey all over my chest, thighs and crotch before slowly beginning to lick it off. Being blindfolded, I bucked and struggled, desperate to see those gorgeous globes dangling over my face, but to no avail, she left me completely in the dark.
When she finally would finish licking up the honey and I would inevitably and pathetically beg for her to finish me, she would strictly yawn and fall asleep with her nose nuzzled in between my penis and my balls and her toes in my mouth, which of course I eagerly sucked. By the end of week two I thought I was about to lose my mind as all I could remember from the last few weeks of this torque was being constantly horny and perpetually hard.
Eventually teasing moved up the scale, and every night one of the girls would have me slowly eat them to one orgasm after another as I laid chained in frustrated bondage. Although being horny and frustrated this new development was welcome, as I burned for each of them and the taste of their sweet negative was like wine on my tongue. Finally, on the last night Gina said “Bob, tomorrow is your big day, you will have paid off your debt by then!”
The girls looked at each other disappointedly, but I was licking my lips in anticipation. I still did not know what I would do or where I would go, but at least I would get my stuff back and more importantly I would finally be allowed to cum! The last four weeks had been complete hell! Going all this time without having an orgasm, coupled with the fact that I was naked all of the time and relentlessly teared and tormented most of the day and night, I could think of nothing but sexual release. Gina was almost tender with me as she chained me to the cot on the final night.
“Good night Bob, I certainly will miss your talented tongue!” she said as she gently laid the deepest French kiss on me I had ever received. My hands instinctively reached for her but were thwarted by the handscuffs and as I laid back down in frustration Gina’s bedroom door opened and in walking Samantha and Victoria, completely NAKED! The sight of these beauty before my starving eyes made all of the tortures of the prior weeks worth the wait.
My already stress cock became even stiffer as they entered and Gina smiled as she climbedonto my chest and thrust her sopping wet pussy on my eager waiting mouth. As she lowered her dripping snatch onto my tongue, I began to flick my tongue rapidly over her clip as she gushed onto my face. As I enthusiastically committed my tongue in and out of her love canal I felt Victoria mount me.
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