Walk with Nightmare Ch. 05

She comes home from work on the chilly November evening to find him packing an overnight bag for the both of them. She looks to him and he smiles at her.”We are going to go camping tonight” As he looks to her he can see exhaustion on her face from a long day at work. He stops packing the bag and walks over to her. “You look beat my pet would you like to nap in my arms for a bit?” He reaches up and stokes her Cheek with his thumb and pulling her head forward to kiss the top of it.

She nods closing her eyes and leaning her face into his hand. “Please Sir Let me lay protected in your arms” He guides her over to the bed and helps her out of her work clothes. He kisses her bare shoulder and up her neck. She whimpers a little and he guides her to the bed. He lies down with her and wraps his arms around her stroking her back until she drifts off. He lets her sleep for about thirty minutes before slipping out of the bed and continue to pack. He quietly loads everything into her truckand comes back to the bedroom.

He sits on the bed and reaching out to stroke her cheek. When she does not wake from the gentle touch his hand goes to snake his fingers into her hair and he pulls her head up sharply. Her face is a few inches from his when her eyes fly open “Nap time is over my pet.”

She gasps and then lowers her lashes.”Yes Sir”, she says still a bit sleepily. She begins to move to get out of the bed and seek her clothes for the evening. He has set out a pair of jeans and a tank top with a pair of sandals. She dresses quickly and ties her hair back.

He smiles at her waiting for her, holding the keys to the truck. They get in and drive to their favorite secluded spot and begin to unpack. She goes and gathers firewood and starts a fire to cook their dinner on. He sets up the tent and everything else. She begins to cook dinner by tightly wrapping some potatoes in foil and sticking them in the fire. Next she begins to prepare the steak for him and a pieceof chicken for her. When dinner is almost done he brings her a drink. She smiles at the red contents of the glass as he nods to her. She sips the drink and dishes out their meal.

They enjoy their meal in relative silence. She picks at the food a bit nervously. He notices and make a mental note of it to see what is bothering her later when she is more docile. She pushes her plate away half eaten and curls up in her chair staring into the fire waiting for him to finish. He puts his plate down and goes to her offering his hand. When she takes it he pulls her up roughly to him. In an instant her mind goes blank and she is once again his alone. His hands move to lace into her hair, and pull her head back roughly. He brings his lips to the base of her throat and licks up to her jaw line and on up to her ear.

“Your mind has Wandered to another place. Never forget when you are with me I am the only thing you should be thinking about.”

He releases the hold he has on her and walks off into the woods with a bag he had left sitting outside the tent. She cleans up the dishes from dinner and packs away the rest of the food. He returns and beckons her to follow him. They arrive at a small clearing not far from the camp. At the base of a tree is a blanket and attached to the tree is a set of menacles. He leads her over and raises her hands above her head and surroundings the wrists with the leather menacles. He adjusts the chain so that he is not hurting her but also so that she cannot go far. His hands slowly slide down the exposed flesh of her arms after securing her hands.

He steps back and pulls out a pair of scissors from the bag. He walks over to her and begins to cut up the center of the tank top she is wearing. He brushes open the two halves of the shirt his palms lightly grazing her nipples causing them to harden in the cold air. The tight pink buds are barely visible in the darkness.

He returns to the bag pulling out a blindfold and places it on her eyes. He then bends down removing her sandals. He starts to cut up the legs of the jeans to her hips where he finishes cutting off the legs. His hand goes to her crotch where he begins to massage her though the coach fabric. She moans and her body arches towards him. Grabbing her hips and he turns her around. The rough bark of the tree now comes in contact with her soft supplements and her hard nipples causing her to moan and whimper again. He begins to cut the rest of the jean material from her body until she is naked before him. He lights a small lantern so he can see her. She now stands with her back to him naked tied to a tree.

He stands there for a few minutes marveling at her body. He lets her stand there shivering in the cold before him before pulling out the leather flogger. He step up beside her and gently lays it against her Cheek drawing it down her neck over her shoulder and then down her side. He takes a step back and swats at her bottom. He takes several mor swats before he can hear the footstep approaching from behind.

“Nice of you to join us my friend.” He smiles to himself as his friend approaches. “She is not quite ready yet, but should be soon.”

“Can I taste her?” His friend inquires while handing Sir a drink. “I have wanted to taste her since you first introduced her to me as yours.”

Sir ponders this for a moment. “I think I can permit you a taste of her though only tease her. Her thoughts wandered away earlier and she needs to remember to focus on me when she is in my presence.”

Sir walks over to pet and cares the back of her head so that she turns it towards him. He places the rim of the glass to her lips and lets her drink. She drinks from the cup a drunk escaping her mouth and down her chin. He leans in and licks the alcohol from her skin. The mixed alcohols warming her blood a little. The cold has certainly done a number on her skin as it is covered in goose bumps and chilled to the touch.

He steps back again and smacks her on her rump as he does so. He looks to his friend “So what would you like to do to her first?”

His friend smiles at him. “Like I said I would like to taste her, tease her.”

Sir nods to his friend.”Ok you can get started with her. I am going to go back to camp for a few minutes and get her some more drink it is colder than I expected I do not Need her getting frigid.” He turns on his heel and heads back to the campsite.

His friend walks over and with a called hand reach out and touches her side. He begins to turn her around so that her back rests against the tree. He leans into whisper in her ear “My dear sweet treat I am going to devour you. Then I am going to split you open with my massive cock.” He then begins to kiss his way down her chest pausing at her breasts to flick out his pierced tongue against her nipples. She moans softly. He continues his assault on her body going ever lower. He knees before her and reachings up withHis hand to spread open her folds. The tip of his tongue darts in and barely touches her clip. She jumps rubbing her back against the rough bark. She widens her Stance a bit leaving herself more exposed to him.

He pulls his head back and lifts one of her legs throwing it over his shoulder. He slides one finger between her lips to her opening and dips it in. bringing that finger to his mouth he tastes her “You are quite tasty. A taste I will enjoy this evening. Now relax and enjoy I will tease you, I will lick you, and I will taste your flesh.”

Without giving her time for all of his words to sink in his tongue returns to her body, the ball of his tongue ring dancing on her clip. He pulls the sensitive bud into his mouth sucking on it gently. She moans as he body shakes from the pleasure and shifts from the cold. She rubs her back more and more her back on the tree. The rough bark begins to rub her skin raw. His friend stops his sucking on her clip to move his tongue down and lick from her tender opening up though her folds to her electrified button again.

The friends stands and pulls her body to his chuckling into her ear. “Soon I will make you squeal and scream.”

Sir returns with more drink he moves over to his pet’s side helping her drink some more. He reaches down and twists both her nipples. “My friend I think it is time for her to prepare you to enter her.” Sir reach up and adjusts the restraints and has her to knee before them both.

Sir opens his pants and pulls his member out. He rubs the head of his semi hard member on her cheek and she turns her mouth to encase it in her lips. His friends smiles and follow suit rubbing the head of his cock on her cheek. She turns to take it in her mouth and she can barely wrap her lips around the engaged member.

She licks at the head a few times before Sir’s cock wants attention again. She goes back and forth between the two cocks for close to half an hour. Sir then leans down and lifts her chin. “Arise my pet.” With that he assists her in standing again.

She stands and Sir turns her around to face the tree again. Once her arms have been adjusted again his friend takes up position behind her. He pulls on her hips to pull her back towards him a little. With slow steady movements he strokes her folds with the head of his cock soaking it in her juices. He locates her opening and begins to ease himself in. She gasps and her fingers wrap around the chains of her bonds.

Her breasts rub against the rough bark which cuts into her skin. Sir’s friend buries himself in her about half way before he can feel she cannot stretch farther right now. “Mighty tight on me I know I will not last long here in you” He begins slowly to pump in and out of her. She is whimpering and crying little as he rents her body open. Her breaths come in short gasps as he continues to invade her core. His pace picks up and she is moaning loudly now. Sir reaches into the bag and brings out agag and walks over placing it around her mouth.

“Do not need you scaring off all the wildlife now do we?” He brushes back a few straight lock of hair from her face and kisses her softly on the forehead before stepping back and letting his friend proceeded.

His friend begins to pound in more fiercely now he starts to moan low in his throat before pulling out of her and climaxing all over her back and bottom. The first couple jets shot all the way up to her hair. He catches his breath as he leans forward on her. He plants a kiss on her should blade and releases her from his hold.

He turns to Sir “You were right she is tight and eager to please.”

Sir smiles proudly at pet. “I know she is.” Sir walks over to pet and turn her back to the tree once again. His hands begin to roam over Her skin and he can feel she is shaking. “Soon my pet I will get you into the warm but right now I need to steal a little more of your warmth from you” He reaches up and releases her armsrubbing them as he gently lowers them to her sides to get the blood flowing into them again. “Excite me again my pet.” He removes the gag from her mouth and his lips gently touch her jaw line. He hands her the glass of fluid to help warm her body up some.

She knees before him again and begins to worship his cock. She rubs her cheeks along its length and then surroundings just the head with her lips. He begins to slowly push himself in and out of her mouth becoming fully erect slowly. His hands cup her head as he eases himself into her Throat. She gags on him as he pushes down into her throat. “Easy my pet easy now, that’s it takes it slowly.” He strokes her face to help her relax.

She finally works him into her mouth and he begins to move in and out with force but not trying to hurt her. After about ten minutes of softly fucking her mouth he causes her to stand again and leans her back against the tree. He lifts one of her legs off the ground and wraps it around him.

Herskin numb from the cold cannot feel the bark digging in. He leans her head back and nips at her collarbone as he slides himself completely into her. He begins to pound away into her grinding up against her clip. The force of his strokes make her back scrap against the tree cutting her skin.

He begins to pump in her with great force and speed. He pins her to the tree roughly and moans deeply as he deposits his load into her. He holds her there her eyes staring up at him her skin trembling. As he begins to soften he lets her leg down. Sir retreats from her body and finally see her lips are turning blue.

His friend walks up from behind with a blanket. Sir places himself back into his jeans and pulls her towards him. Taking the blanket from his friend he wraps her in it. He locates her sandals and helps her into them before leading her back to camp. He sits her in a chair before bringing her something to drink. While she is warming herself by the fire he says good night to his friend. He returns to her side seeing color other then blue. “Are you ready for bed my pet?”

She looks up to him and nods, rising from the chair. She follows him into the tent. He had put on a small space heater to warm the tent while they played so she drops the blanket. He turns on a lantern and sees the deep cuts in her back from the tree. He moves over to touch them and she winces. He sees her wince and points for her to lie down on the air bed.

He goes to the first aide kit they keep with them and pulls out the rubbing alcohol and some cotton pads. He sits next to her on the bed and begins to clean out her wounds. She whimpers at the sting. “I am sorry my I did not mean for you to get hurt. He continues to clean the wounds gently. When he has completed cleaning her back he rises and goes outside and banks the fire for the night. Returning to the tent Sir finds her sitting up brushing out her hair. Sir disrobes and sits down next to her taking the brush from her andfinishes getting the snarls out.

He kisses her shoulder again. “What were you thinking about earlier my pet?”

She sights and turnes to him. “A lot of emotional stuff I wish not to burden you with”

He pulls her into a hug. He then lays the brush down and leans forward kissing her shoulder. He wraps his arms around her bringing her body closer to his. The brush of her bottom against his member almost instantly excited him again.”Do you feel up for another round my pet?”

She turns to look to him and nods. He lays her down on the bed and kisses her neck softly. His hand moves down to her clip and begins to massage it. Her hips begin to buck immediately as her legs tighten up and he drives her over the edge after so long a night of teasing. He is pleased to see she has finally climaxed. He moves to lie between her legs and begins to move in and out of her quivering flesh.

He takes his time enjoying the soft feel of her skin the dampness of her welcome core, thesoftness of her moans. In time he too reaches climax. His head bends to lie on her shoulder as he catches his breath. He rolls to his back and pulls her close, holding her tightly to him as she sleeps in his arms once again.


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