Wale of a Tail Ch. 04

Copyright 2009 by Basil Basset

All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Basil’s sleepy eye watched me as I nervously stood waiting beside Nigel’s desk. ‘I see you have decided to stay at St. Gwenda’s and to accept our conditions, have you?’ said Nigel rarely as he came through the door with his arm behind Agnes Taylor.

‘Yes Sir,’ I answered quietly.

‘And you decided who will discipline you?’ he went on.

‘You will Sir,’ I stammered meekly, my heart pounding.

Nigel pulled his strdy oak chair out from his desk into the middle of the room and eased his imposing frame onto it. ‘Well, right then. Let’s get on with it then, shall we.’ He patted his lap, looking at me.

I hesitated, my stomach full of butterflies and my palms beginning to sweat. I had never been spanked by a man other than my father and that only as a child. Now I was to put myself over the lap of a stern, handsome stranger who in only a moment’s time would be lifting my skirt to spank my very bare and sensitive behind one hundred times. Nervous, I waited a moment longer and then slowly approached Nigel, to stand at his side. As I gingerly bet over his lap his large hand guided my hip into position and firmly held me in place.

‘That’s it Jennifer. Put your hands on the floor.’ Slowly reaching down I became very aware of how high my round bottom was and I could feel the suspender strraps pulling tautly over my shakes.

‘Agnes, come closer in case you need to help hold her,’ he said. His hand was moving now, lightly caresing me through my skirt, which felt rough against my sensitive skin.

‘Now Jennifer, why are we doing this?’ he asked, giving me a light slap.

‘Because I wish to remain at St. Gwen’s, Sir.’

Smack! His hand came down hard. ‘That’s not good enough! Now again, why are you here?’

‘Because I’ve been a naughty, wicked girl and I need to redeem myself!’ I replied.

‘That’s better.’ He said tersely, whipping my skirt up high and tucking the hem into the waistband, to leave me completely bare from the top of my white stockings up to my suspender belt, the taut suspender strraps only serving to make me feel more naked and defenceless than if I was wearing nothing at all.

Matron Taylor gripped her cane more tightly. ‘What ‘ave you done with your knickers? What kind of a woman are you then?’ She demanded her Yorkshire accent strong.

Blushing deeply, I reached back to try and cover myself only to have Nigel grapp my wrists and pin them forcedly behind my back. ‘Answer the question Jennifer!’ he demanded, giving me a hard smack with his other hand.

‘Ah! I, I, I lost them Sir!’

‘You lost your knickers? How could one possibly ‘lose’ their knickers?’

‘I not sure Sir, in, in the wood I think…’

‘In the wood!’ Shaking his head incredulously, ‘How in the wood? And who were you in the wood with?’

‘No one Sir!’

Smack! Smack! His hand came down hard, to really sting my smooth, delicate fresh.

‘I said, who were you with!’

‘Dylan, I was with Dylan.’ I cried out, sniffling.

Agnes lifted her cane, slowly sliding it up the back of my thigh, ‘You mean the same fellow you were seen smoking a cigarette with behind the chapel on Sunday morning when you should have been inside attending the service?’

I hesitated, still snivelling. ‘Yes Miss.’

She stiffened her back at that and I felt her cane sliding even higher up my thigh and then tapping me lightly. ‘Why don’t you just leave right now Jennifer? It would be so much easier for all of us.’

‘Please Miss, I promise I’ll be good! It won’t happen again, please Miss.’

‘Please Miss what?’ She demanded testily.

‘Please discipline me and let me stay Miss.’

Nigel laid into me then as I counted out, one hard smokeFollowing the other, each chef in turn. After he had reached twenty I was starting to snivel again, the lump in my throat swelling. By thirty I was crying out loud, tears running down my face and hardly able to keep counting. By forty I was really crying and kicking wildly, my modesty spanked right out of me. At fifty he finally paused, resting his hand lower down where it last fall, his firm, muscle tigh now thrust right between my played open legs. My poor bottom was throbbing all over and as he slide his hand under a suspender stick to lightly cares my cheek, he said in a kind, almost fatherly tone, ‘That’s it, let it all out Jennifer. You do understand why you need to behave yourself, don’t you?’

I could feel the hot flush of desire tingling between my legs even as I tearfully sobbed, ‘I’m so sorry Sir. Please let me stay, I promise I’ll be good, I really will… ‘

Tapping her cane once again on my now very tender flesh, Agnes turned to him. ‘That’s a rather undignIdentified position for a young lady to be displaying herself in, don’t you think Nigel?’

‘Young she may be but a lady she’s not!’ He answered sternly, forcing his big hand down between my thighs, to cup my naked mound. I gasped as he used his firm grip to lift me easily up off his thigh and turn me so that I was once again lying directly across his lap. Not bothering to release his hold, Nigel almost wildly said, ‘A most delightful fanny, don’t you agree Agnes?’

Agnes’ mouth hardened into a thin line, her pretty grey eyes glittering. ‘I really wouldn’t know Nigel, why, why would you even say such a thing?’ she asked irritably.

‘Ah, well yes. One really doesn’t, does one?’ Nigel answered, looking rather flustered.

‘No, one does not. Ever. Especially you. You’ll regret that comment Nigel, of that you can be sure.’

I turned my head to look at her, my mouth open in surprise and acutely aware of Nigel’s hidden fingers ever so slyly probing my slippery, tinglingmound.

‘What are you gaping at Miss? Put your head back down and Nigel, you get your hand out from under there and apply it to her backside!’

He reluctantly pulled his hand from me, taking a moment to wipe his wet fingers on my glowing hot bottom as she watched in shocked silence.

Matron’s can whistled through the air to land with a resounding crack on Nigel’s desk, starting Basil, who leaping to his feet barked twice.

‘That’s enough!’ she shouted her face critic. ‘Now get on with it or I’ll cane both your hides!’

Nigel started again, his big hand almost covering both of my cheeks with each swat. He started high and worked lower, gradually using more force so that I was soon kicking wildly and wiggling about.

‘Ow, ow, ah!’ I gasped, feeling my cunny tingle. He was spanking each chef now, altering from one to the other but somehow I wasn’t feeling the sing as before. Rather, as his hand landed on the sensitive skin just above where my tights joined my bottom I could feel my aching kitty getting wetter with each smack.

‘Oh! Oh!’ I jerked forward with each spank, my legs again straddling his thigh so it was rubbing against my naked shaft as I moved in rhythm to his hand. Without thinking, Dylan came to mind and I imagined that it was his lap I was lying across and it was his hand that was torqueing me so. His spanks were coming faster Now and I could hear him breathing heavily. Then as I bucked upward his hand caught me directly between my thighs and I screamed ‘Aha…!’ as a hot spasm gripped my cunny. Holding my wait tightly with his other arm, Nigel rained quick light slapses between my legs and the inside of my thighs. ‘Oh, oh, please Dylan… Oh please don’t stop!’ I whimpered. A strong current of desire was building inside me that I just couldn’t deny and then Nigel hit my aching, swollen mound fair and square.

‘Stop it, Stop it!’ Matron shouted.

‘Ah, ah, oh my! Oh, oh, oh!’ I cried, thrusting my kittyAgainst his thigh and soaking it with my wet cream as my desire reached its peak and crested, a breaking wave that swept me away, to leave me trembling weakly on his lap.

Nigel was gasping loudly and I could feel the rigid tension in his body as one slight tremor shook him, then another. He became perfectly still for a long moment and then finally surrendered, groaning, ‘Lord, please Lord forgive me, oh, no, no, no!’ as one spasm after another racked his body.

Too late, her cane whistled through the air to land with a thwack across my cheeks as she shouted, ‘Get off! Get off!’ The sharp, singing line of fire didn’t even register until she once again raised her cane up high over me. I jumped up in panic as Matron struck down, barely missing my calf to catch Nigel directly across his thighs. ‘That will teach you, you, little tart!’

‘But Miss! He took advantage!’ I cried, angry now. Nigel took advantage of me when I couldn’t stop him and he a Priest and the Headmaster!Yet you would shake me for lying with the man I love… Shame on him I say! It’s just not right Miss!’

Livid, Agnes turned to him, ‘Nigel how could you? How could you do such a thing? You’re supposed to uphold your vows of celibacy, to never spill your seed in vain. Don’t you know sex is just sex, that what makes it so special is who you’re with and how you feel about that person?’

Nigel sat slumped in his chair, his flushed head hanging down in defeat, the tent in his trousers shrinking even as the dark stain there was spreading. ‘Ahem,’ he sputtered quietly. ‘Yes, well, ah, you see… Ah, how can I explain myself? For the better part of my life I have devoted myself to the faith and always fight against sin. You have no idea of ​​the sorrows I have suffered fighting temptation and also the pain that I have caused others. The more I try, the harder I fall… As you can see, it seems a losing battle that I must fight.’

‘Must you always, Sir?’ I very promptly asked andThen quietly went on, ‘Can’t you and Matron be wed? I’ve seen the way you look at each other… ‘

Nigel stared hard at me for a long moment before answering. ‘I, I don’t know. It would mean leaving the priesthood and I’m not sure she that would have me now, even if I did ask for her hand.’

Agnes cleared her throat softly, tapping the cane on her open hand. ‘Well, well Nigel. You certainly do have your faults and not just a few, mind you. And yet still I… ‘ she said thoughtfully, pausing to look directly at him. ‘Supposing if you did ask Nigel, you could be certain that I would help you to redeem yourself, of that you can be sure. As you well know I’m not one to spare the rod.’

Nigel’s eyes lit up hopefully. ‘Then indeed I would look forward to your guiding discipline Agnes, that is if you would have me… ‘

Turning to me Agnes said, ‘Jennifer, if you could be so kind as to leave now, Mr. Jones and I have a matter to discuss. Also, what happened here is a veryprivate affairs and I expect it to remain so, unless you wish to be explored. Do I make myself clear? And there’s just one other thing Jennifer; if you are caught misbehaving again, it won’t be Nigel that’s disciplining you, it will be me.’

I nodded my head in agreement and quickly straightened my skirt. After I shut the door behind myself and walked close by the window I could barely hear Matron. Curious, I stood just off to the side where I wouldn’t be seen. Agnes went on, ‘Would I?’ which was followed by Nigel mumbling quietly, his words too indistinct to make out. ‘We’ll see,’ she said clearly in her high voice. ‘You know what you need to do first Nigel, so bend over that desk and pull those dirty trousers down.’ A quiet pause, then, ‘That’s better, you naughty, naughty boy. Why Nigel, I’ll show you what a delightful fanny looks like!’ The distinctly loud thwack was followed by Nigel bellowing ‘Ah!’ Giddy and trying my best not to laugh out loud with glee, I covered my mouth wit my hand and turned to walk away, leaving them to each other.


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