See the Light

Authors Note: Special thanks to HMAuthor for the massive effort she put in editing this story. Of course it goes without saying that any errors are entirely my own!

This is a long story with quite a graduate build up. It follows Claire on her journey from a normal vanilla relationship to one filled with submissiveness and kink. Although I feel there is plenty of action throughout it may not be for you if you are looking for something that cuts straight to the challenge.

Thanks for reading!


I think every girl believes their true soul mate is out there somewhere; sometimes they turn up in the least expected places. Never in a million years would I have imagined that my life could be flipped upside down like this, yet I couldn’t be happier.

The way the leather restraints bite into my wrists & ankles, and the ball gag fills my mouth is simply divine. After all these years I’ve finally found my place, my calling, and who would have have thought it would be bound to a St. Andrews cross completely naked? All I see is darkness; the blindfold that covers my eyes has my every nerve sitting on edge as I wait, my heart heaving against my breast.

If only my friends could see me now; I don’t think they’d recognize what I’ve become. However I’ve never felt more liberated, more free, more sexual.

I hear footsteps, the unmistakable thud of leather boots on the cold, hard floor as he strides towards me. A drop of sweat percolates from my browser as I wait, my whole body quivering in anticipation. I know he is close.

“Hello little one,” he mutters. My heart skips a beat as I realize he is only feet away now. Suddenly I feel his firm hand run up my side and I tend up against my bonds. Oh my god, this is bliss!

I have seen the light.


“Harder, Tommy, harder!”

This had to be a joke right. There’s no way sex ever felt that good.

As I sat in my living room, all ICould hear was the raucous moans of my housemate Rachel.

Did she not realize some of us still had work to do?

Don’t get me wrong, being a secondary school teacher had been my dream for as long as I could remember and was an amazing career. Helping teenagers learn and grow through adolescence was an absolute privilege. However when you have thirty essays analysing characters traits in Romeo and Juliet ready to mark it did start to grind you down.

“Oh yes, Tommy, fuck me harder!”

Seriously, did she not think anyone could hear her?

The thought of Rachel on all fours, while Tommy slammed into her from behind, was not a picture I wanted on my mind tonight. I really wanted to get through these essays before the weekend.

“Oh my god that Feels so good!”

Fuck it. It must be for effect. There’s no way anyone could be that good.

I surprised and buried my head back into the pile of papers that sat on my lap.

Perhaps one dayI’d find my Romeo.

This wasn’t strictly true; as far as my friends and family were concerned I’d already found him. Apparently Aaron and I were like peas in a pod, quiet and unassuming, the perfect couple.

If that was true, then why did Aaron never make me scream like that in bed?

To all intents and purposes we were already married. It was just a case of Aaron getting down on one knee and slipping a ring on my finger. I dreaded the look on my mother’s face if I ever told her we were breaking up. She was enamoured with him in every way, from his spidery blond hair to his kind and easy demeanour, in her eyes he could do no wrong. I certainly couldn’t say he was anything other than the perfect gentlemen to me.

But then why did I crave something more? Something extra.

In truth I wasn’t sure exactly what it was I craved. I just knew I felt I was missing out on something.

I heard a loud moan erupt from across the hallway.

I can’t remember the last time Aaron made me scream like that.

There was the truth, the seedy, dark truth that I was too afraid to admit to anyone, even myself.

Perhaps it’s just Rachel making me jealous.

I’d always told myself I was a good girl. Not good in a pious, Christian, always turn up to church way, but good in a kind, reliable and good natured way. Just like my mother had taught me.

I heard the click of a door unlocking across the hallway and worked myself in my marking.

“Still on those essays are we?” asked Rachel, as she sauntered into the room. It was like her state of orgasmic bliss was carrying her through the air such was the freedom of her movements.

How could she just talk to me as if nothing had happened after I’ve just heard her screwing her boyfriend like that? I wouldn’t be able to look her in the eye for days.

I looked up from my papers. Her auburn hair dishhevelled, while no more than a pink bathrobe covered her long-legged frame. “Well they won’t mark themselves,” I said wildly. “It’ll be good to get them out of the way.”

Goddammit Rachel. Just because you’re a maths teacher and your marking just seems to magically disappear doesn’t mean you have to come in here and show off. And you’re having great sex. So what? Stop rubbing it in my face!

Rachel and I had been best friends since we’d met at University. We ate, laughed and cried together as we went through the same rigorous teacher training program, and now we shared a house together having both been hired at the same school.

I had to admit I’d always been a little jealous of Rachel. Her body was long, toned and slender, whereas mine was short and a little plump. She’d always had far more attention from the opposite sex. But now things were coming to a head, we had the same damn job yet she seemed to be enjoying herself more in every way.

Tonight would be different though.

I had it all plannedout in my mind. Aaron was leaving for a week’s work tomorrow, and we were heading out for a few drinks later before he set off. With a little bit of Dutch courage for both of us I was confident we’d be fucking with unbridled password before the night was out. At least that was the plan anyway.

Then I’d be the one screaming.


Like every other English pub, The Greyhound was dying a slow death. With its trade killed off by skyrocketing alcohol prices and the smoking ban, the place was barely able to keep its head above water these days. However on a Saturday night it was still able to attract a lively and amicable crowd.

Aaron and I sat at a small table, the hubbub of the crowd distracting us from the air of tension. “So looking forward to going away?” I asked, running my fingers through my long, dark hair.

“I’m not sure,” he replied haphazardly. “It looks like we’re going to be getting a few more contracts up north soon so I could be away a lot more.”

I could see from the look in his blue eyes and the slump in his lean shoulders that he didn’t want to be here. Aaron was a consummate professional, the thought of povertyening his system with a few stiff drinks the night before a big work project was the equivalent of committing the deadliest of cardinal sins. Like the pope breaking his celibacy hours before performing midnight mass.

Still he wouldn’t be complaining later. When I had him ravaging me from every angle.

“Do you know where you’re staying yet? Anywhere fancy?”

I was trying to steer the conversation away from work but was failing miserably, although I was certainly not helped by Aaron’s indifference. He worked in the IT department of a road maintenance company, no doubt mind numbing work and my impressions certainly weren’t improved as he Babbled on about operating systems, programming languages ​​and other inane computing jargon that means nothing to me. As he began an irrational rant on the inadequacies of the public sector my mind started to wonder, and my gaze started to drift.

In particular my eyes were drawn to a man sitting at the bar, his long brown hair drawn back into a short ponytail.

I’m sure I recognize you from somewhere.

After a few seconds I placed him. Growing up with two brothers in a football mad family, he reminded me of Tottenham star David Ginola. Pete must have had his poster hanging on his wall for years. However, it wasn’t Ginola’s ability to dance round defenders that had him stuck in my mind for so long. No, it was his flowing locks, his broad shoulders and his sartorial French accent that really caught my eye. I’d always seen him as a more cultured, Parisian version of Brad Pitt when he had long hair. I don’t mind admitting that I admired Ginola almost as much as my brothers did in my teenage years.

“I’ll be back in a minute; I’m just going to use the loo.” I awoke as if from a trace as Aaron rose from the table.

Damn it how long was I staring for? I hope he didn’t notice.

“No problem,” I replied hastily. “I’ll get us another drink before we go.”

I wandered towards the bar, not trying to get so close to Ginola that it would be awkward but close enough that he might notice me.

Did I really want him to notice me?

I reached the bar and waited to be served with my head pointing to the ground, almost out of embarrassment for the awe I was in.

Please notice me!

“Hi there.”

Dammit. No hot French accent.

I looked up and was greeted with a pleasant smile. The bottom half of his face was covered in a trimmed goatee that I couldn’t remember seeing on any of my brother’s Ginola posters.

“Hi,” I stammered back. It was all that I could muster as I forced myself to smile back.

“Don’t be so shy,” he said calmly. “I love the way your glasses highlight your eyes. They really bring your whole face to life.”

I blusheda deep shade of red. No one had ever compiled me on my glasses before. In fact not that many people had compiled me on my looks period.

“Thank you,” I replied as without thinking my hands were drawn to adjusting the way my thick rimmed spectacles sat on my nose.

He looked into my eyes and it felt as if he was staring into my soul such was his intensity. Normally I would have felt scared with someone scanning me so thoroughly. However all I felt was warmth in his big, hazel eyes.

“So do you come here often?” he asked casually. “I don’t recall seeing you before. And I would certainly remember a face like yours.”

I blushed again.

Aargh. How was he doing this to me!?

“It seems you are not used to such compliments,” he smiled. “I’m Jeff.”

“I… I’m Claire.”

Jesus. Just talking to him was giving me the jitters. He was so out of my league.

“Well it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Claire. Since you have put upwith my advances so politely may I offer to buy this round for you?” The barman approached us as I saw Aaron return from the rest room.

“Well ok, thanks.” I felt my shyness began to subside. “One glass of red wine and a pint of laser please.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he replied apologetically. “I didn’t realize you had company, I’d assumed you were alone. In that case I shall pay for these and I’ll intrude no further.”

Goddammit. Why did he have to be so nice? It would have been so much easier to walk away if he’d been a total arse hole.


This was it. This is what my whole evening had boiled down to. As I fumbled with my key in the lock, I realized my plan had worked. We were both nicely drunk and Aaron’s inhibitions were nicely lowered. I really hoped he would take me like a boss tonight, leaving me with no doubt that I’d been well and truly fucked.

Giving me what I craved.

We giggled like giddy school children as we entered my room, before we met in a loving embrace and I planted my lips onto his. As our tongues entwined I felt his hands grap lower and lower down my back until both his palms were kneeling my behind. I shuddered as he pulled me in close and my ample bus squashed against his body, feeling his firm, flat chest against me.

“I think I feel something in your pants,” I giggled as I reached between his legs and felt the stirring in his groin. “Looks like you’re pleased to see me!”

A look of absolute adultization swept across Aaron’s face as I began to stroke him through his jeans. I felt so dirty, so slutty feeling him up like this, but loved every second of it.

“You like that do you?” I hissed in his ear as I felt him grow in my hand. His eyes were squeezed shut. All he could muster as a response was to nod his head frantically.

Feeling how hard he was, I flopped down onto my knees. His penis sprang to life before me as I unbuckled his jeans and slipped them down his ankles. He wasn’thuge, no more than average in terms of length, but more than enough for me in my current state of arousal.

He let out a triumphant moan as I took the head in my mouth and wrapped my tongue around it, lapping up his pre cum before he began to run his fingers through my hair.

“Oh my god,” he stammered as I started to bob my head up and down on his cock, gradually taking him deeper and deeper in my mouth until I began to sense his knees weakening above me.

Fucking hell. I can’t believe how wet this is getting me. Perhaps I should be this slutty in bed more often.

“That’s it I want you right now,” I gasped as I pulled his cock out of my mouth.

We began to rip our clothes from our bodies as if our lives depended on it. I moaned deeply as Aaron took his time to care and suck my large breasts, before I got up on the bed on my hands and knees.

“No I need you inside me now,” I blurted out as I felt him run his fingers up and down my damp pussy, my whole body was shaking in anticipation.

I felt his cock push up against my folds, tantalizing me, teasing me.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned as drove the head of his cock inside me.

That’s it. Don’t just say the word though, actually do it. Fuck me.

He began to build a steady rhythm, putting his hands on my hips to keep his balance as he fucked me from behind. His dick felt quite nice inside me, it wasn’t so huge that it stretched me but big enough that I could feel it.

I didn’t realize how badly I needed this. Fuck I might even come tonight.

As he continued to thrust in and out of me, my mind fell back to Jeff. I began to picture his chiselled physics, his alluring, confident persona, and what he would look like fucking me.

I bet Jeff’s bigger than Aaron. I bet Jeff would really fill me up. I bet Jeff’s cock would take me to places I’d never been before.

I bit my lip as thoughts of Jeff pounding away at me took my arousal to aNo other level.

This is so wrong. But it feels so right. I can’t remember the last time I was this horny.

“Fuck me harder!” I screamed in pale imitation of Rachel earlier.

I bet Jeff wouldn’t have to be asked. I bet Jeff would take what was rightfully his.

“I don’t think I can,” wailed Aaron. “I don’t think I can last much longer!”

I screwed my eyes shut and summoned up all my courage.

Come on. Just one more minute. One minute for me to come. Just imagine it’s Jeff fucking you.

I knew it was wishful thinking. Even as I felt my climax approaching I knew it too late. Aaron clenched held of my hips even tighter than he had been and thrust hard into me three times, each time depositing his load inside me.

Sigh. I was seconds away. Seconds away.

I flopped onto the bed and rolled over onto my side. It had been so long since Aaron had made me come with his cock.

I know Jeff would have made me come. I knowJeff wouldn’t have left me waiting.

“That was amazing baby,” Aaron said reaching down and pecking me on the forehead. “But I’d better be going now.”


“I’ve got to be up pretty early tomorrow, and I’ve got a lot of things I need to take care of first. I’ll call you tomorrow evening when I get there ok?”

Fucking arsehole. Don’t both calling me if that’s going to be your attitude. Do you even care that I didn’t get to come?

Of course I kept those thoughts bottled up inside me, I was far too much a prude to tell him I wanted him to eat me out before he left.

You’re a good girl remember Claire. Good girls don’t bitch about their boyfriends. Good girls don’t shout and demand attention.

Then something else hit me.

Good girls don’t try and imagine they’re having sex with someone else to help them come.

Perhaps I wasn’t a good girl after all.

I pulled the covers over me and tried to get to sleep but my mind was consumed with thoughts. I didn’t know how, I didn’t know where and I didn’t know when but I had to make contact with Jeff again.

If only Aaron had stayed in the bathroom a little longer. Maybe I could have got his phone number. Oh well at least there’s a chance I might have wok Rachel up.

With that I rolled over and nodded off.


When I woke up next morning it took me a few seconds to realize why I felt so unfulfilled. Then it hit me.

Fucking bastard.

Last night I was supposed to be enjoying some of the best sex of my life, instead it had been the same washout as usual.

Well if he’s blowing his load that quickly, at least it shows he’s attracted to you.

It wasn’t any consolation. While there were so many things to like about Aaron, his ability between the sheets certainly wasn’t one of them. I yearned for a man who could send me to another planet with just the slightest of touches.

Then it hit me.


Although I had only been blessed with his presence for a few minutes, there was something about the ease at which our conversation flowed which meant the thought of him couldn’t escape my mind for long.

I slung my dressing gown over my shoulders and headed for the kitchen.

“I didn’t expect you up this early,” said Rachel cheerily as I entered the room. It looked as if she was her bright and bubbled self this morning.

Well that’s easy I suppose when you’ve actually been able to orgasm the night before.

“I’ve still got those essays to get through,” I grumbled, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

“Oh that sucks,” she continued, passing me a steaming mug of coffee. “How was last night?”

“Terrible,” I replied taking a large gulp from the mug. “Aaron was acting like a total jerk.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I heard you guys coming back in and you sounded like you’d had a good time.”

Well that’s abonus, at least she heard us. Probably not having sex though.

I took another long sip of coffee.

“Aaron’s not a bad guy,” continued Rachel. “You know what he’s like with work, I expect he was just nervous about his big trip. You and him go so well together.”

Why did everyone say that!? Was it so wrong that I wanted something more?

I keep my thoughts to myself, “Yea, I guess you’re right, I’m sure we’ll work things out.”

That’s it Claire. You’re a good girl remember. No one need know about your frustrations.

After a quick shower, I was back in the living room with a heap of essays piled on top of me as I lay across the sofa.

I’ve got to give these back on Monday; I really must finish them today.

Although literature had always been my password, and I’d enjoyed studying Shakespeare’s plays, I must say Romeo and Juliet that struck a chord with me.

Boy meets girl. They fall madly in love. Jeez Shakespeare didn’t know how it worked in the real world did he?

I flicked through the papers and it was hopeless. My anger at Aaron’s attitude the previous night consumed my mind, and even as I scribbled notes and splattered my student’s work with ticks and crosses I know what I really wanted.

Jeff can be my Romeo. I know it.

Suddenly I heard the click-clack of leather boots as Rachel entered the room, “Me and Tommy are heading out for lunch in a bit and wonder if you want to pop along. I don’t like the thought of you being here all alone.” Her tight jeans combined well with her brown boots to really accentuate her legs.


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