After a captivating evening together, Sophie had left James on his knees on the locker floor, still trapped in the humbler. Her locking him up was partially altruistic, as James’s prediction would be a wonderful surprise for her mother, Belinda, to discover when she returned.
Maybe Sophie felt a little mean, having tricked James into “only one minute, I promise” over three hours ago. But she was glad she Did. Even in her masturbating daydreams the night before, she hadn’t appreciated how effective it would be.
James, the man she had idolised for as long as she could remember, had spent the evening at her feet, trapped on his hands and knees, hanging on her every word and hypnotised by her slightest glance or secret smile.
It was wonderful and Sophie’s kinky mind soon cast-off any goal she may have had for her prey. She knew her mother would be thrilled to see James like this, and she had kindly attached the only key to a rose that she had hung by the front door. Wayout of reach for a man on his knees, but a wonderful present for Belinda when she returned.
Sophie and her vibrator had slinked away to her bedroom to enjoy each other in the steamy, sultry world beneath her sheets. James was now alone in the lounge, crawling warily on his knees with his erect cock dangling comically and his balls trailing behind him as waited for Belinda to return.
However, at Just before midnight, it was Kate, who arrived, kicked off her sandals and walked barefoot into the blinde.
Kate and Belinda were old friends although, unlike Belinda, Kate’s carefree, rock chick looks, and hedonistic, libertine lifestyle reeled from one disastrous relationship to the next. Kate was again between men, due in no small part to a night of drinking games and dares that she had played with Sophie that had ended up with Sophie locking a small padlock through Kate’s labia piercings. It was only a four-dial combination padlock, but Kate had somehow been unableto break the daughter’s code.
Dispite the frustration of not knowing the combination to unlock her love life, Kate’s wide, semiconductor smile returned as she walked into the locke to find James on his knees, naked and trying to stretch for a whiskey bottle placed just out of reach on a shelf. She stopped, her lean denim clad legs clamped together and her nipples tingling in her tight white te shirt.
“A humbler? How Gorgeous.” Kate’s Irish lilt was always more pronounced after a drink.
Kate had tucked her keyring into the back pocket of her jeans, and they jangle noisily, bouncing against her butt as she walked closer. James was exhausted from hours under Sophie’s teasing control and was now trembling from his efforts and the helpfully of his situation. His strong body was effectively useless inside the vice like grip of Sophie’s humbler, leaving him gazing up through desperate eyes and tussled dark hair.
Kate’s flirty coquettishness and perverted addition to sexmade her dangerous at the best of times. Late at night, and trapped on his knees, was a perilous time to be alone with the kinky blonde.
“Kate, hi,” he panted.
“I’m not dreaming, am I?”
Her tight jeans wrinkled as she knelt to play with his bulging balls that protruded from behind his thighs, her fingers then trespassing down to squeeze his erect cock, “Wow, you make my padlocked vagina just melt,” she mouthed, her attention returning to the denim seam pulling tightly between her open legs.
“Still stuck in Soph’s lock?” James asked.
“Yeah… padlocked and sealed … I haven’t fucked all week,” Kate breathed.
“Just try all combinations,” James suggested.
“How can I,” Kate cried with a giggle, “… a few tries and I’m too fucking horny to do anything.”
Sophie had inadvertently found the perfect trap for the sex addicted woman. With her fingers between her legs, Kate couldn’t focus long enough to try ten numbers, let alone ten thousand. Every night in bed, she had succeed to instant gratification rather than the hours of dial turning required to break Sophie’s code.
Kate stood up and popped the buttons on her jeans and wriggled her hips free of the wounded denim and pulled down her high cut black panties to reveal her shaken crotch. “See?” she showed, croouching down to show James the small, merciless padlock threaded vindictively through her labia.
“Not sure I can help,” James panted.
“Bite it off… and I’ll pour you a whiskey…”
With James’s head already bowed, Kate edged forward and bobbed down on her haunches, plunging James’s head into her erogenous zone, “Please, Bel’s not here,” she moaned as James used his tongue flick the small padlock into his mouth. With his lips around the lock, he gently tugged, easing it from side to side to stimulate the sexually frustrated woman.
“Fuck… I’m so sensitive there,” she whispered, thrusting her slim hips into James’s face, “this lock is fucking with my mind.”
“Give me the key to this humbler and I’ll sort Soph,” James tried.
He looked up to see Kate shaking her head. She had a bewitching smile on her wide lips and a small key operated padlock pressed between her lips. Her lips parted as she handed the lock to James, “Thread it through my new piercing,” she breathed.
“I thought you wanted to be unlocked?”
Kate Shook her head again, creating waves of tangled blonde hair, “Turns out that a padlocked pussy is one fucking aphrodisiac.”
James’s dropped his head and ran loving kisses along the cream between Kate’s thighs and vagina. This risqué woman lived for sex and now she wanted to further bind her genitals.
“A combination lock you can crack,” he breathed, deliberately close for her to feel, “With this padlock there’s no escape. It won’t seem so erotic when you’re alone in your apartment.”
“Maybe I am a good Catholic girl,” Kate breathed, while pushing her fingertips into the lastfree part of her vagina.
“No, you’re not,” James’s laughed.
“Oh, please lock me up!” she cried.
Still on all fours, James’s nose brushed back and forth against her new piercings, her damp lips parting slightly for the last time. Kate was getting increasingly frisky and impatient with her thighs bouncing vigorously against his head as she would him to seal her up. Finally, and Very gently, James eased the steel through the fresh, and still slightly red labia piercings. The lock was small, bunching soft folds of fresh together until they melded into one.
“Lock it up!” Kate begged, bouncing impatiently on her haunches.
James took his time, easing her delicate fresh clear of the lock until the click started them both. Kate exhausted loudly, even her breath had an Irish accent. She stretched to her feet, pulled the small key from her crotch, and tucked it into the pocket of James’s discarded jeans.
“You’ve locked me,” Kate whispered, bathing in the kinkythrill of being owned, “I’m sealed… and I’m yours.”
Wanting to prove her point, Kate pulled off her top and, now completely naked, eased herself on to the floor until she was lying on her back beneath James. His cock was erect, as it had been most of the evening, and she thrust her hips upwards until his tip touched her vagina.
“Try, please,” she begged, “Bel won’t care, I’m a fucking eunuch!”
James pulled on a condom and pressed down between the two padlocks. Kate’s cries quivered as he touched her, but her lips barely partly. She squealed, this was as close as she would probably ever come to fucking James, and she was impossible to penetrate.
“Should have put your cock inside me before locking me up!” she cried, her goose bump covered legs now wrapped around his waist, her core muscles firing to lift herself closer, “Or you could get a Prince Albert and we can lock our piercing together…”
Kate’s blue eyes were ablaze, wide, dreamy, and damp as Jamesventured down to give her a single kiss on her lips. Kate was now purring as she wriggled free. She poured a full glass of whiskey and sat on James’s back as she gulped it down. She crossed and uncrossed her legs and reached down to feel her new trinket.
“It’s tight,” she trembled, “but it’s so nice.”
She took one more sip of whiskey before passing the remnants down to James.
“And the bottle?” he asked hopefully.
“Only because you control my pussy, James,” Kate breathed her voice gravelly from the thrill of just saying the words, “… the things I may have to do for my release…”
With James once more left trapped on his hands and knees, Kate grabbed her clothes and tiptoed upstairs and in through Sophie’s open door. She pulled off her tee-shirt and bra and slipped beneath the white sheet.
“You came,” Sophie murmured.
“Yes,” Kate grew, “and I’ll be leaving with my code.”
Kate’s plan had been to overpower Sophie, to straddle her body and pin down her wrists, but she soon realized that Sophie was already hog cuffed. High security steel wrapped tightly around her delicate limbs, forcing her to arch her back to accommodate the short chain.
“Oh, not the fight I was expecting,” Kate purred.
“I can still kiss you,” Sophie smiled shyly, her manacled body wriggling and thrusting until she could reach Kate’s lips, from There brushing back and forth to clear a path through her free hanging blonde hair.
“Your keys, sweetie,” Kate insisted.
Kate’s dilated hazelnut eyes will betrayed their location and Kate reached down to stuff the keys into the pocket of her jeans, “Now I’m a forgotten bitch… just image your prediction when I get dressed and leave in the morning,” Kate mouthed.
“Morning?” Sophie beamed with effortcent eyes.
“Aha… but I’ll have my code before then.”
Kate scooted up the bed, lifted Sophie’s head and let it fall back against her bellybutton. With Sophie’s neck pressed hard into the fulcrum of her crotch for maximum leverage, Kate interlocked her ankles, straightened her legs and squeezed.
“Stop! I’ll unlock you,” Sophie croaked, traumatised by the strength of the woman’s legs.
“I know you will…”
Kate squeezed again, leaving Sophie in a breathy tizz of damp eyes and tangled hair.
“Okay, you have one minute to unlock me,” Kate whispered, releasing the vice and spreading her legs to reveal her tacky damp vagina.
“You have another padlock here,” Sophie exclaimed.
“James… he insisted,” Kate lied, “…just open yours fucking lock.”
Sophie’s trembling breath made Kate tingle even before she opened her mouth. She lapped Kate’s vagina and then used her tongue and her perfect white teeth to turn the dial on the combination padlock.
“Oh, you so owe me this,” Kate grew, her husky lilt morphing into a moan and then cries as she gripped bunches of Sophie’s hazelnut hair to clap her in placebetween her legs. Kate quickly orgasmed but continued to clutch fistfuls of her prisoner’s hair.
“You’re I’m so compassionate,” Kate smiled.
With her wrists shackled tightly Behind her back, Sophie’s hot breathy mouth tried again to open the combination padlock, her task hampered by Kate’s thrusting hips and Sophie’s own near orgasm arousal. Sophie looked up and grinned through dishevelled hair, “Don’t think my tongue can turn the dials.”
“Oh dear Soph… it’ll be a long night for you…”
With her hands and feet locked tightly together behind her back, Sophie was helpless to resist as Kate crossed her ankles, straightened her legs, and reapplied her crushing hug around Kate’s neck.
“Stop it, I’m gonna cum!” Sophie’s howled, her body over stimulated as she understood on the bed.
“Want my tights to show you even more love?”
“It’s 6-9-6-9,” Sophie squealed in delight.
Kate stopped, relaxed her tights from ‘punishment’ mode to just ‘incarceration’ mode.
“Really Soph? Two weeks of zero love life, and such an obvious code?”
“I thought you break it easily,” Sophie smiled shyly, “… take the hint and return to punishment me.”
Kate looked down at her helpless kitten, wondering what else she should do to her best friend’s daughter.
Sophie’s lips were mouth slowly and erotically, “This is the ‘6’. Will you give me the ‘9’? she begged.
Kate’s thighs released, allowing Sophie to lap her labia and then slide the combination padlock between her lips. Kate lay back, basking in the adoring attention, Her legs like sentries guarding their prey as Sophie’s incisors turned the dials.
It was over an hour later when Sophie’s excited cries and the gently tug of the lock against her piercing made Kate sit up. Sophie was panting andperspiring as her lips gently worked the padlock free.
“You’re free!”
“I’m still taking your cuff keys with me in the morning,” Kate breathed, “but for now let’s enjoy some ‘6’ and ‘9’ …”
James had tried everything to break out of the steel that clamped his balls but was no closer to reversing Sophie’s simple ‘click’ of five hours earlier when Belinda finally returned home at just after one in the morning.
She unlocked the front door and paused as she saw the key attached to the rose. She specifically whisked up the key and slide it discretely into her bra. In their games, keys meant power and as a discerning dominant, Belinda loved power. Totally enthralled and besotted with James’s gift, she let out a giggle and clipped into the lounge to find James waiting on his hands and knees on the rug.
“Oh wow,” she cried, “how glorgeous!”
She skipped across the floor on her heels, brushing her curvaceous calves against James’s day old stubble. James looked up inside her short red floral dress, captured by her long legs and deep pink panties clinching tight within. Belinda’s sexual appeal amplified with drink and normally he would now be whipping away her lingerie and carrying her to bed. If only Sophie hadn’t locked him inside the device from hell.
Belinda had always wanted to lock James in a humbler but had been too shy to ask. Maybe he had read her mind. She reached behind her to unzip her dress and unhook it from her shoulders. Gravity then took over, with the soft fabric gliding down and tangling with James’s head. Now wearing just deep pink bra, panties, and heels she croouched down beside him.
“Thank you darling, I love it!” she whispered hoarse from excitement, “Let’s make love.”
“You’ll have to let me out first,” James breathed.
“I’m Belinda, nice to meet you,” she laughed with a twirl of her curves.
“Bel, I’ve been on my knees all evening!”
She let James’s face explore her toned thighs as her hedonistic mind ran through her Kamasutra repertoire, “What a cock… but how to get it,” she mused.
“You could release me?”
Belinda stood up and placed her designer leather shoes between his legs, tensed her thigh and gently kicked his balls, “Do I really have to gag you?” she dug her fingers into the waist band of her pink undies, “It’s been a long sweaty day.”
“Let’s me take you to bed,” James breathed before his speech was taken away by dirty balled up satisfaction.
“Oh, so you’re taking charge?” Belinda giggled.
“I always do,” James teased, spitting out her panties in the hope to provoke his foxy discilinarian.
“Oh James,” she gasped mercilessly, “I am so close to keeping you on your knees forever.”
They shared a smile, this was foreplay for James and Belinda, although James had to be wary; Belinda had a habit of enforcing to the letter the threats she made in heightened arousal.
She clipped away quickly and returned with a long silk scarf that she attached to James’s neck with a slip knot. She wrapped the soft fabric around her hand and gave a gentle tug. The scarf tightened leaving James choking against her calm. She pursued as she pulled again forcing James to crawl forward at her heel.
“Take me to bed then,” Belinda smiled.
“Bitch!” James teased.
“Oh, you’re so fucked!” Belinda beamed, totally aroused by their play fight.
She placed the scarf beneath her shoe and tugged, dragging James’s neck to the floor. Belinda’s natural strength made her an intimidating wrestler at the best of times but locked in the humbler, the enigmatic brunette had total physical superiority.
Giddy with excitement, Belinda dropped down to straddle his back as if riding a horse. James tried to slide her off, her butt gliding forward on to his bare shoulders. He tried again to slide her off, but Belinda’s thighs slammed shut around his neck, locking them together and taking James down on to the rug with her.
The humbler was stretching his balls to their extreme, clamping them in a block of inescapable metal that made the veins in his cock bulge. Belinda was obsessed, reversing her clap on his neck so that her mouth could consume his engorged penis.
“Fuck, this is fun,” she garbled as James came in her mouth.
“Get me out of this so we can fuck,” James panted without thinking.
James’s life was governed by Belinda’s strictly imposed rules and the look in her dreamy brown eyes made his cock swell as he realized his mistake. Never ask to be released, never ask for the key, and never ever spit out her panties. He had once spent a cold and uncomfortable night on the concrete floor of their cell because he did just that. On one occasion when his petulant woman had gagged him with lingerie, he had duct tapered his own mouth close to ensure that the thong that had spent the day between her cheeks, spend the night in his mouth.
“You didn’t hear that, rightt?” he smiled.
“The humbler stayed locked for an hour.” Belinda felt his hand which was trembling just like hers.
“Not an hour.”
“Locked all night then,” Belinda fizzed, “… why don’t you stop talking.”
James pressed his hand against her, rolled on to his back and pulled her down on top of him. His balls were stretched behind him, but Belinda could just slide on to his cock by straddling his wait. James cried out as he pushed inside, her vagina hot and open.
“Not in the Kamasutra, but the only way you’re getting it tonight…” Belinda’s breathy voice was barely audible as she orgasmed. James’s climax was even more throaty, the man exhausted from his evening’s attention from all three women.
By three am they were both spent. It would have been nice to unlock James and cuddle up in bed, but Belinda had a report to protect. Instead, she cuddled up beside him on the rug, pulled a blanket over them both and fell asleep.
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