Seduction at Belinda's House Ch. 23

James was now working from home fulltime, with his office still set up in the disabled jail cell. He would usually wake early to start work, entering his office and pulling the door closed behind him. Then, usually an hour or so later, he would feel a dart of excitement as he heard a scrap of metal on metal as Belinda slide across the two heavy bolts securing his cell door.

Sometimes, if he was lucky, it would be accompanied by a smile and a tease through the small grilled window and a graphic description of how horny Belinda was feeling and how desperate she was to fuck when she returned.

Unfortunately, Belinda’s daughter, Sophie, also found an unlocked door too tempting to resist. And to make matters worse, Sophie had a habit of turning the key in the lock. The key then had a habit of finding its way in her pocket or handbag and Disappearing for the day.

There was only one key to open the cell, a large intricate piece of metal that operated the original lock. Thiswasn’t the sort of lock that the local locksmith could open, and they had yet to work out a backup plan if the key was ever lost. And despite its important, it was surpricing how many times it had been misplaced.

James smiled as he heard the bolts slide across. Belinda loved the power of bondage; it she loved her sexually and led to amazing love making. It may take an hour or two of teasing, but she would always unlock the cell and usually make out right there on the couch. With this image in his mind, he groaned as he turned to see Sophie through the small heavily grilled window.

“I need some money,” the daughter beamed, her hair glinting in the sun and her large hazelnut eyes fluttering prisonerly, “… and a foot massage.”

James pressed hard again the heavy steel door, “How much?” he Sighed.

With cash to buy breakfast now transferred to her account, Sophie sat on the ground, bounced her butt close to the door and pushed a foot through the small hatch at the base of the cell door. As James sat down, he glanced at the round cheeses and very short denim shorts of his captor. Sophie had finally accepted that James drew the line at any sexual contact, but that didn’t stop her from trying.

“Nice sandals,” he called as he unbuckled the leather strraps from around her ankle and pressed his hands into her feet. It may have been a strange way to spend time with his partner’s daughter, but it was an opportunity to show he cared and to maintain a strong relationship with the twenty-three year old woman.

After an in depth talk about Sophie’s friends, they moved on to James’s day, “We have lunch with your mum’s tedious yoga friend,” James surprised, “Fuck, I need to find an excuse to get out of that,” he paused, “…. umm Soph?”

“Mum will be so pissed,” Sophie replied, aware of what James was asking.

“I’ll deal with her,” James smiled.

“Can you deal with me as well?” Sophie asked hopefully.

“What do you have in mind?”

“Handcuffed and maybe a little paid by you?”

Sophie jumped up, giggled excitedly, and bounced on the balls of her feet as she turned the key in the cell door, “Sorry James, lunch is off.”

“I’m very cross,” James joked, “… now just stay out of your mum’s way until after lunch.”


The plan had worked, and a furious Belinda awaited Sophie on her return. Her mother held her wrist and led her out to the courtyard and the imposing cell door. Sophie had also locked the small grilled window and the food hat trapping James behind an impenetrable barrier of deadlocked steel.

“Opps, did I shut that on my way out?” Sophie teased, deliberately antagonising her mother.

Belinda kept guard as Sophie pulled the key from her handbag and unlocked James’s cell. Belinda was about to lead her daughter into the second of the two prison cells when James stepped in.

“You pour the drinks, Bel. I’ll deal with her,” he whispered.

Belinda kissed him and smiled as she walked back to the house.

“Tighter!” Sophie mouthed as James took her wrist. She then cried out in delight as James’s hold on her became taut and inescapable.

He led her into the second cell, forced her face down on to the thick cream rug and twisted her arms behind her back. Sophie’s lithe body struggled to break free, only to turn to aroused thrusting as James knelt astride her and sat back, his designer jeans pinned her head and shoulders to the ground.

“I had you locked up in that tiny cell all day,” Sophie moaned, deliberately provoking the bear, “Trapped, helpless, you were fucked…”

James swiftly locked her slim wrist in handcuffed and then paused and looked down to check that Sophie hadn’t orgasmed. He then used a second pair of high security handcuffs to lock Sophie’s ankles together and then used a large padlock to lock both pairs of handscuffs together.

“It so easy to chain up a flexible woman,” he smiled as he climbed off her body to watch her struggle with all four limbs locked as one behind her back.

“I’ve got Stockholm syndrome,” Sophie smiled, “Can I suck your cock?”

Sophie was obsessed with James at the best of time, uncontrollable so when he had her chained at his feet. He croouched down and wiped stray hazelnut hair from her eyes that already knew that she wouldn’t get her wish.

As a Consolation price, James leaned forward and kissed her cheek, “Do you remember the butt locking box?” Sophie purred.

Only the week before, they had bought a headbox that could only be opened by a pressure sensor on the lid. With James’s head inside, Sophie had sat on the box and locked it, making the shape and weight of her butt the unique code required to free him.

“I remember,” James whispered, his lips running teasingly up the back of Sophie’s legs and kissing her butt that peek out from her short denim shorts, “The secret code that kept me locked up for hours.”

“My bottom did let you out in theend, so I think you should kiss it again.”

James obliged but then continued her confinement by locking thumb cuffs to both her thumbs and her big toes. He then sat down next to her and eased Sophie’s head on to his lap. Sophie could feel his erect cock through his jeans and pressed against it with her lips.

“Ripped denim is in,” she mouthed.

“My cock stays in my jeans,” he grew.

“You said you would look after me,” Sophie whispered looking up innocently from his lap.

“Don’t you like the cuffs?” he asked. Even with the separation of his jeans, Sophie’s touch was causing havoc between his legs,

“Yes, thank you.”

Sophie’s smile widened as James gently drew back her hair and padlocked a shock collar around her neck, “This is for when you give me an erection,” he teased, trying to adjust himself and untangle his cock from his boxer shorts.

“I can’t help that,” she giggled.

James pressed the button making Sophie cry out in surprise. She stared up at him, wide eyed and open mouthed, “Oh my god!” Sophie was still looking shocked as she rested her head back in his lap, now war of the bulge in his jeans.

“God girl… think I should keep this on you permanently.”

But Sophie couldn’t resist, and edged forward and craned her head to feel his cock through the warm fabric, “Shock me again,” she trembled.

Sophie was shaking as the electric current shot into her neck. She was desperately thrusting her hips as she fought against her cuffs.

“You could spend your life trying to escape from those cuffs,” James whispered, “and the only key is in my pocket… so let me help you.”

He reached for the vibrator and delicately touched it between her legs, “Quietly,” he mouthed as the young woman thrusted and orgasmed and ended up in a delicious trembling mess.

“Don’t tell your mum,” he whispered, easy her away and standing up, “I’ll be back to release you later.”

James locked the cell door behind him and joined Belinda and the already open bottle of wine on the veranda, “A present,” he smiled, handing her the controller for Sophie’s shock collar.


It was Friday night a few weeks later and James had just returned home, thrown his jacket on the nearest chair, and poured a large whiskey. With Belinda out for the evening he was about to crash when he saw Sophie sitting on the couch.

He witnessed. He was becoming increasingly war his partner’s 23-year-old daughter who appeared to be blowsoming into a woman with the same love of bondage as her mother and an innovation for him that he was finding hard to break. Plus, she still had the compromising photos of him chained between her legs.

“Hi James,” Sophie whispered.

Dressed in a cream miro-skirt and flowing black top, Sophie smiled hopefully as he entered. She uncurled her long bare legs, stood up and kissed him. These were days that she marked in her diary, where her mum was out, and she could enjoyJames’s undivided attention.

“Are you out today, Soph?” James asked.


James eyed her beautifully made-up face and silky hair cagily, concerned that all this was for him. As were the tiny skirt and high heels.

“I’ve got something we can try,” Sophie trembled.

James turned to look and then exhausted.

“It’s a humbler,” Sophie whispered, the steel device weighing heavily in her hands.

James looked at the cruel device that could literally bring a man to his knees. He had once relented and let the young woman handcuff him, but he wasn’t going to let the daughter lock something around his balls.

“Nothing sexual, Soph, you know that,” he replied, offering her his glass of whiskey in the hope of distracting her with alcohol.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be having sex once I’ve locked you in this!”

He witnessed again. This woman seemed determined not to understand.

“It’s mum’s birthday soon,” Sophie smiled, “Try this toy for size in the safety of me and you can give it to her as a present.”

“Safety of you?” James repeated her questionable grammar. There was nothing safe about this girl who would do anything to sleep with him.

James picked up the heavy black metal humbler and opened the two halves to reveal the small hole designed to close around the base of the balls. He shut it slowly, shutdering slightly as it automatically clicked and locked.

“It okay, I have the key,” Sophie offered, tapping her left breast.

“Of course, you do.”

“Mum would love it!”

Sophie was right about that; Belinda would certainly love this cruelly incapacitating device. So much so, that he would probably spend the next week on his knees. He smiled. Just thinking of what Belinda’s sexually aroused body would do excited him.

“If I was to ever show mum the pictures of us,” Sophie breathed, her body desperate for James’s touch, “it would be when you were locked in the cell.”

“No, Soph.” The whiskey wasn’t going down fast enough.

“… and one day I will inherit the house,” Sophie continued as if whispering a secret story, “Mmm, I wonder if I would ever unlock your cell, or just leave it bolted like my mother did… maybe I would melt down the key as a keepsake.”

“Okay,” James surprised reluctantly, “I’ll just try it for size.”

Sophie stroked her long dark hair sub-consciously imagining the possibilities as James discretely unbuttoned his jeans and boxer shorts and dropped down on to all fours. He pulled his balls back between his legs and into Sophie’s hands and the waiting humbler. With his balls strained backwards, Sophie carefully snapped it shut. The humbler now holds his balls back behind his legs with the device hooked around the back of his thighs.

“And the chain,” Sophie insisted, taking the chain that was fixed to one end of the humbler around the front of his thighs and padlocked it back on to the device, “Now you can’t turn it and get out.”

“Fuck Soph, where did you find this thing?” James panted.

“Try to stand!”

James tried, moaned, and stayed repeatedly on his knees.

Sophie was buzzing. With his balls stretched backwards, James’s cock looked huge, and she so wanted to touch it, “How’s the ‘testicle cuff’?” she purred.

“What?” James panted.

“Testicle cuff’, that’s what it’s called,” she smiled, enjoying the word, her thighs brushing against his face as she circled him, “why have penis envy when it can be such a liability… you really are fucked.”

James was a tall and athletic man who always towered over her. Now he was trapped on his knees beneath her, panting and looking up with doting eyes that made her tingle. She had never imagined that her toy would finally bring her the attention that she had Always craved from him. He even seemed to enjoy the feeling of her skin against his, reassurance from the woman who controlled him.

“I feel so tall,” Sophie breathed, rubbing her legs todisperse her goosebumps.

James was still on all fours with the cuff around his genitals seeming to tighten with every step of her pointed silettos.

“Do you like this skirt, by the way?” Sophie whispered shyly, turning, and sitting astride James’s neck.

“It looks fine from the inside,” James panted.

“The inside is all you need to see,” Sophie trembled, praying that he would be helpful to resist her with her mother’s perfume sprayed liberally between her legs.

“It’s very short,” James winced as the young woman’s movement became even more sexual with her thighs thrusting and squeezing his head.

“If it was longer, you might get lost inside for days,” Sophie whispered.

Sophie’s full weight was getting heavy on his neck, and James dropped from his hands to his elbows, her weight slowly grinding him into the floor.

“What will mum do to you in this position?” she whispered.

His cock bounced as he imagined how Belinda would fuck him constantly while still in the humbler. His prediction would only heighten Belinda’s already heightened sex drive, “I have some ideas,” he gasped.

“Tell me,” Sophie mouthed.

This wasn’t the first time that James had had to talk Sophie out of a power high, but every time it was getting harder, “Okay, it fits… unlock me, Soph,” he panted.

“Do you like these shoes?”

“Yes,” he mouthed, bending down to kiss her leather high heels in the hope of sating her appetite.

“That’s a start, I guess,” she replied.


Once locked, the humbler was a solid piece of metal from which James had no hope of freeing his balls. He reached behind him, mouthing quietly to himself as he realized just how far his balls projected backward between his thighs and groaning as he felt his enlarged cock bobbing comically below.

Getting up off his knees was impossible. His only options seemed to be to knee, pant with exhaustion, and crane his eyes upwards to see Sophie’s longlegs, gyrating hips and a second glass of whiskey in her hand, as she unzipped her skirt.

“Keep your skirt on Soph,” James gasped, the utter helplessness of his position becoming more and more evidence.

“I thought you would want to see me undress?”

“Platonic,” James moaned.

“Fine, mum can call a locksmith in the morning,” Sophie retorted as she slowly buttoned up her top, the key still enclosed inside her lace bra.

“Okay, okay!” James crawled forward to kiss Sophie’s calm muscle, “but panties stay on.”

“Better,” she beamed.

Sophie’s skirt took several minutes to remove, with a long teasing striptease that ended with her dropping the skirt on to James’s head. James flicked it off and looked upwards to see only thin layer of white satin with innocent pink flowers hanging precariously from her slim gyrating hips.

“You know if you’d sleep with me, I wouldn’t have to lock you up like this,” Sophie witnessed.

“You don’t have to lock me up atall, Soph.”

She poked out her tongue in mock protest before sitting down on the rug in front of James with her feet drawn up towards her bottom and her legs apart.

“At least give me a reason to unbutton my blouse and free the key.”

James crawled forward to kiss her leg but got his head pinned between her inner tights before he had time to withdraw. He tried to crawl backwards, but Sophie’s body followed him, her shiny skirt sliding effortlessly across the rug.

“A humbler on your cock and a girl on your head… not the time to pick a fight,” Sophie giggled, “best to just surrender to my omnipotent thighs.”

“Okay,” James gasped.

She released her vice like hold and lay back, moaning noisily as James placed kisses on her soft trembling inner thighs, venturing as far as her panty line, “Deeper,” she cried, “it’s the only way you’re getting out of the testicle cuff.”

His nose nudged Sophie’s panties to the side but kissed only as far as her labia.

Sophie sat up, “Your cock!” she exclaimed, “Its huge!” her attention flicking to his penis.

“Soph, we mustn’t do this and anyway you’re too young.”

“I’m twenty-three! The days of me for using a man on all fours for horse rides are gone!”

“Please Sophie.”

With James on the edge, Sophie let go of his penis and released her grip around his head.

“Sorry, I just so want your attention,” she whispered.

“You’ve locked me a humbler, you have my attention.”

“I know, it’s just that I feel safe exploring my body with you.”

To Sophie’s delight, James crawled closer and started to kiss her again, this time venturing across her lingerie.

“You’re better than any man I’ve met… even Through my pants,” she witnessed.

Sophie’s breath quickly as she reached for the vibrator, placed it against her body and climaxed silently. James’s stayed where he was, with his head bowed between her legs as he waited for her hormones to balance.

“I could stay here all day,” she moaned, cinching him even more tightly.

James just waited.

“I wonder how long I’d have to leave you locked up like this before you pulled off your balls to escape?”

“Let’s not go there,” James panted.

“Why? The more I talk, the harder you get,” she breathed.

She was right, his cock was bulging.

“So how long would I have to leave you locked in the humbler before your freedom was worth more than your balls?”

“I think I’d get it cut off before then.”

“What your balls?” Sophie exclaimed, opening her legs, and watching James’s crawl defensively out of reach.

“The lock.”

“But I wouldn’t let you leave the house?”

With James now resting on his elbows, Sophie saw her opportunity and stood up and pinned both of his wrists beneath the sole and high heel of her shoes.

“A man’s fatal flaw,” she breathed, croouching down with James’s hands now trapped in the ‘V’ shape beneath her shoes.

“Women?Yeah, I agree.”

“No, your balls.”

“Penis envy?” James baited.

“You’re brave,” she replied, “My humbler could soon level the score.”

Sophie knelt to straddle his prostrate head and then relaxed her chest down on to his strong back. In this position, it was easy to reach down and take hold of his cock and within minutes the helpless man climaxed in her hands.

“Okay, Now the fun’s over,” James panted.

Sophie stood up and clipped over to fetch two glasses of whiskey. She returned to the rug and lay down provocatively on her side with her top leg raised invitingly.

“Drink?” she offered her swishing hair and large eyes now full of confidence.

“When I get out of this…” James gasped.

“You’ll punishment me again. I know. I want that.”

James was getting exhausted from holding his position and rolled on to his side where Sophie’s thigh was waiting as a pillow. She leaned forward to drag the tips of her hair across James’s face before surreptitisiously stealing a kiss from his lips.

“I love spending time with you,” Sophie mouthed, struggling back his dark, slightly greying hair, “It makes me feel alive and strong.”

When Sophie speak like this, James almost felt her actions were justified, even though his nose had once again ended up pressed against her damp panties.

“All men should be kept like this. You’ve never have been so attractive.”

James reached up and ran his fingers inside Sophie top, his fingers skirting her modest breasts but not squeeze deeper into her bra for fear of invading her body.


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