“Come, darling,” Belinda cried as she took James’s hand.
From the excitement in her over expressive brown eyes, and the way she extended her rolling hips, he knew that their new toy had arrived.
Standing in the middle of the open plan locke was a cube-shaped metal box about a foot and a half across. There was a hole on one side, like you would find on a smooth box, and the top was covered with a glass-like sensor. The steel box was heavy, but Belinda had secured it further by chaining it to the couch.
Belinda’s short cream dress winkled as she croouched down and pressed a green illuminated button. The top half of the box lifted on its hydroulic hinges, the two half of the hole separating to reveal a thick padded black leather interior.
“Does it work?” James asked.
“Aha,” Belinda breathed excitedly, “It obeys whoever sits on it.”
“And the movie?”
“Oh, you’ll like it.”
James unbuttoned his shirt; he always ended up naked in these games and so he might as well start the process. He wrapped one arm around Belinda’s wait and kissed her, holding her tightly as he ran his hand up inside her dress and across her butt.
“You’re naked too,” he observed, his cock already hard.
“Can you imagine a sexier key?”
“No, but can I trust it?
“Guess you’ll find out…”
James wanted to make out Then and there, but Belinda’s heels were stepping impossible as she tried to disperse her excitement. “In the box!” she insisted, holding his wrist, and watching over him like a sentry as he lay down on his back and placed his head inside the lower half of the box, his neck fitting snuggly into the lower part of the hole.
Belinda stood over him, performing a little dance to remind him that she was naked beneath her dress. She Then leaned over and pressed down on the lid, her dress riding up as the box closed with an ominous thud.
James’s head was now consumed within the solid steel box. Its welded joints were secure and unbreakable, with no evidence way to unlock it. The black leather interior took away all sight and sound, leaving James in total sensing isolation. With no other possible way to communicate, Belinda clicked open the videocall App on her phone.
“Hi in there,” Belinda breathed, her lips inches from her phone, “Shall we give my body the ultimate power it deserves?”
James stared at the image of Belinda’s face that now filled the wide virtual reality style screen inside the box. His cock was already straining as he subconsciously tried to kiss her larger-than-life lips.
“The sensors can scan anything,” Belinda whispered, “My handprint, my breasts… or I can simply sit on it.”
She giggled, turned, lifted her dress, and sat her bare bottom down on the lid of the box. The sensors came to life, flashing as they analyzed the shape and weight of her curves that pressed and spread on the lid. She shifted to give it another flash of her naked body, making sure that every tiny detail of her bottom was logged. Once her unique shape had been secured in its memory, the light turned red, and multiple deadlocks slammed closed inside the box.
“That’s it darling, the box will now stay locked until it senses my exact shape again,” Belinda whispered seizely, “I’m the only girl in the world who can free you.”
Belinda was buzzing with the knowledge that the weight and shape of her bottom was as unique as her fingerprint. She stood up, smoothed down the soft fabric of her dress and crouched down to explore their new toy. There was a vent that let in air through the lid, and a hole for a straw that could be used to keep her prisoner alive. Otherwise, it was extremely solid.
“No keyhole,” Belinda whispered into her phone.
“Fuck, this is secure,” James’s deep aroused voice replied, his hands tracing the steel exterior, “How do I even start to get out?”
“You find a girl with a butt as cute as mine,” Belinda suggested.
“There is no one.”
“Correct answer, darling,” she giggled, already unbuckling his jeans, “Either I sit on you… or you spend your life locked in my virtual reality,” Belinda pursued, as always mouth her threats in her uniquely slow and sensitive way.
Belinda touched her phone again and a pre-recorded video of her masturbating appeared on James’s large screen. Her legs were spread, and her shaken vagina glistened as the vibrator touched her body.
“One you prepared earlier?” James breathed.
Belinda had gone shy, “I don’t know what you mean?”
Belinda lifted her dress and sat on the box with one hand beneath her left cheek to ensure she didn’t inadvertently provide the code to unlock him. The movie was playing inside the box and now her real-life damp vagina was hovering semptingly close to the air vent. She could feel the air being sucked inside, her scent filling the tiny space, ensuring that James’s sight, hearing, and smell would soon be overwhelmed by her body.
“Fuck, I need you now!” James cried.
“I know you do,” Belinda mouthed, enjoying his increasing frantic touch.
She stood up and straddled his body, slowly sinking down on to his erect cock. James thrusted blindly against her, his body bucking and lifting Belinda for the few minutes it took for them to climax.
“Fuck, amazing!” he cried, his words lost in the soft leather that encased his head was also being drowned out by the soundtrack of Belinda’s never ending canned masturbation.
Belinda rose slowly to her knees, James’s erect cock pulling free as she moved. His hands ran up the back of her thighs, squeezing and pressing against her flushed flesh. He ran a finger between Belinda’s cheats, making her cry out in surprise, her body trembling as he eased her back on to his waiting cock.
Slowly, they went again, Belinda’s breathy voice morphing into moans and then cries as James’s cock pushed inside her. She orgasmed and flopped down onto her headless man with the pre-recorded movie of her slow and noisy orgasm still playing on James’s screen.
“How long’s the show?” James gasped.
“…Endless loop,” she mouthed.
Sophie, Belinda’s dreamy-eyed twenty-three-year-old daughter sauntered into the lounge, flaunting herself as usual in just underwear and a tight white top. Her hazelnut eyes widened as she saw the box, “It arrived?” she smiled with interest.
“Try it,” Belinda offered.
Still sleepy, Sophie flopped down on to the lid, her feet spread, and her knees pinned together. Frustration crept in as the light stayed red, and she bounced on the sensors as if punishing them for their disobedience. Not wanting to admit defeat, she witnessed and wandered off to play with the coffee machine Instead.
Belinda touched her phone and was rewarded with a close of James’s wonderfully aroused eyes, “Oh Jamie, you’re so fucked!” she whispered, “It really works. Sophie can’t open it. You’ll have to be so nice to my body if you want your freedom.”
Belinda’s high heels clipped proudly as she strutted over to the kitchen. She may have been in her forties but playing with James made her feel sexier than ever and she smiled cheesekily as saw that her dress had ridden up to give a glimpse of her butt.
“James is really off-limits today,” she bragged to her daughter.
“That’s cool,” Sophie shrugged nonchalantly with a jealous glance at her mother’s flirty dress.
“No really. Until it scans me again there is no way to let James out.”
“Nice,” Sophie murmured, her unbrushed chestnut hair hanging until it crosses her face.
“Here, let me help you,” Belinda tutted, taking the empty coffee cup from her daughter’s dreamy hand.
Sophie’s Interest had returned, and she padded back to the box determined to prove her mother wrong. Her mother had been naked and so she pulled down her bright pink panties and sat naked on the box with her legs stretched out in front of her. “Come on!” she mouthed as the light stayed red. “Maybe after a big breakfast?” she went as Belinda returned with her coffee.
Belinda didn’t take the bait and simply waited as Sophie sat on the box sipping at her coffee. Every few minutes the scanner lit up, sensing Sophie’s body, but every time the box stayed locked. James called out a few times, but with Belinda’s phone switched off and her orgasms still dominating his world, his words never escaped the soundproof interior.
“The box only answers to me,” Belinda smiled. It gave her a thrill, as did James’s hands that reached for her legs as she sashayed past.
Sophie finally stood up and meandered back to the kitchen benchmark, “Guess I’ll have to wait ’til I’ve got the body of a forty-year-old woman,” she teased.
Belinda smiled sarcastically as she touched her phone, “Ready, Jamie?” she whispered.
She circled the box before easing up her dress and sitting down on the lid. Hundreds of measurements were scanned and checked, each one matching perfectly as the light turned green, and the deadlocks released. Belinda stood up, modestly turned her back and wiggled her tight cream dress back into place over her hips.
Suddenly, Sophie sprang to life, quickly darting back to the box and sliding her brattish pink panties into place on to the sensor.
“Sophie!” Belinda cried.
But Sophie planted herself firmly, her hands gripping the sides of the metal box, as the sensors learned every curve of her body. Belinda stood frozen as the light turned back to red.
Sophie jumped up, skipped across the room, and sunk down on to the large couch, “It only answers to me now!” Sophie laughed, propping her feet on the cushions to show off her incarcerating curves.
Belinda’s look of surprise morphed into a smile, “Nicely done, sweetie,” she admitted.
Sophie looked happy, giggling uncontrollably as she swung her knees from side to side. Belinda calmly hit up her dressand sat back on the lid and was not surprised when the light stayed red.
“Tell me again how fucked James is,” Sophie giggled as she ticckled her own tights, “You better me so nice to the key!”
Belinda looked down as the light flashed red again, “Sorry Jamie,” Belinda whispered into her phone, her aroused and twisted mind going into overdrive as her moist lips brushed the screen, “Someone’s changed the locks.”
James’s first concern was loud and graphic and only inches away, “Please pause the movie, Bel?” he panted, Belinda now having orgasmed dozens of times.
“Opps, is that still on?” Belinda touched her phone to cut the feed.
“Feeling a little helpless in there?” Sophie called from across the room.
“Bel, get her to open it,” James’s deep breathing echoed Through the phone.
“How,” she whispered, “do you know how hard it would be to get a grown woman to sit still on the box against her will? If she moves during the scan or tenses her body even slightly then her shape would change.”
“And Mum doesn’t have a twenty-three year old body anymore,” Sophie teased.
“No, she doesn’t, but…” James’s response was cut dead by an impatient tap of Belinda’s phone.
Belinda looked over at her daughter, “Well, feel free to keep him locked up while I take a bath,” she surprised, dropping her phone into Sophie’s lap.
Sophie hugged her legs into her chest and grinned. She loved being part of their games, especially when her mother trusted her with James. James was now hers until her mother returned. She picked up the phone, rolled over and took a picture. Seconds later a close of her bottom, with pink panties bunching and riding up, filled James’s screen.
“Thought I’d give you a chance, Jamie,” she whispered into the phone, “Show you the key.”
Sophie paced over to the box as James’s gorgeous strong hands stretched up and pressed down on the sensors. It was such a pathetic attempt to recreate her butt that Sophie almost felt sorry for him.
“It didn’t even recognize that as a butt,” Sophie giggled.
James tried to guard himself as Sophie dropped down to straddle his waist, but this time she simply lay down on his body and nuzzled her head into his bare chest.
“Hug me, please?” she whispered.
Sophie was auditory purring as James wrapped his arms around her. Their relationship was complicated. She could feel his erection pushing through his jeans, but as she had matured, she had learned that his body was taboo.
“Soph… can you turn off this huge picture of your butt.”
“No,” Sophie murmured, “Study hard, I’ll be asking questions later.”
Belinda loved long baths, and it was almost two hours later when she returned to find Sophie dressed in a floral summer dress, searching for her car keys on the hall table.
“Where are you going?” Belinda called, still slipping into her dress as she hurried down the stairs.
The look of alarm on her mother’s face sent thrills through Sophie’s body, “Don’t worry, I’ll let him out later.”
“Later? It’s not you that decides when,” Belinda cried, her fingers trying to stretch the hem of her short cream dress to give her more authority.
“I think it is,” Sophie smiled, deliberately provoking her mother, her kinky mind already planning how she could get a turn in the box. She finally found her car keys and jingled them provocatively before dropping them into the depths of her handbag.
Just then, Belinda heard the music coming from their home gym and then noticed that Sophie’s hair was still damp from the shower, “Did you work out?” she asked.
Sophie nodded.
Belinda covered her mouth to hide her grin, “Oh, Soph. The box is so sensitive that if you exercise you may not be able to open the box until the muscles in your legs and butt relax.”
Sophie followed her mother back to the locke where James was now dozing, his eyes closed to block out the magnified pink panties. Sophie snuck forward and quietly sat on the lid.
“Fuck,” she mouthed as the light stayed red.
She stood, slapped her bottom, and tried again.
“We are meeting friends for lunch,” Belinda surprised.
“Come with me.”
They walked to their home gym where Sophie undressed and lay face down on the mass table, “I didn’t mean to,” she whispered with a smile as she watched Belinda’s feet through the face hole in the massage table.
Belinda’s finger’s dug into her daughter’s glutes, “These are rock hard, Soph. It could take hours.”
“Maybe you should cuff me?” Sophie asked, her hands claped together behind her back.
“How will that help?” Belinda exclaimed.
“It will relax me,” Sophie asked hopefully, “and it can be my punishment?”
Belinda witnessed, hoping that her own kinky nature didn’t make her as maddening as her daughter. It wasn’t how she had planned to spend her day, locking high security cuffs aroundher daughter’s wrists before driving massage oil on to her bare buttocks.
“Okay, let’s try now,” Belinda whispered, “… same underwear.”
“My pants? They’re in the washing machine,” Sophie replied.
“Sophie!” Belinda showed, “The lace and hem may be part of the key.”
“Okay, I’m not cross,” Belinda concluded.
She perched on the massage table and stroked her daughter’s long dark hair. Their lunch with friends was now cancelled and her smile was back. The helplessness of James’s situation was making her hot, and she was long for them to spend the rest of the day in bed.
She ran her fingers down Sophie’s back. Sophie sometimes felt more like a sister than a daughter and there were hints of a tease, an unspoken sexual tingle as Sophie’s manacled hands reached across to touch her mother’s leg.
“Thanks for the cuffs,” Sophie whispered, resting her head against her mother’s tigh.
“Thanks for locking James up so permanently.”
The women waited until the washing machine finished its cycle. The delicate pink garment then flipped in the heat of the dryer and then, still warm, slipped back on to Sophie’s hips.
Belinda helped her handcuffed daughter to her feet and led her back to the blinde. Sophie dropped down on to the lid, breathing deeply as the light flickered but stayed red. Belinda pulled up a chair and brushed her daughter’s hair as they waited, the sensors reassessing the younger woman ever minute.
“You might see a picture of me on his screen,” Sophie admitted.
Belinda continued plaining her hair, “Probably appropriate, sweetie, given what you’ve done to his day,” Belinda smiled. She wasn’t going to share her own misdemeanour.
Sophie stood up to let her mother inspect her cheeks and straighten the delegation pink fabric drawn tight across them.
“What if we can’t open it?” Sophie murmured.
“He’s only your prisoner until your muscles relax,” Belinda reassureed her.
“So, I can’t use the stepper again?”
“No!” Belinda cried.
Sophie sat back down, twisting her flesh against the sensors in the hope they would remember her, “Unlock! I give you my permission!”
“The deadlocks only obey your butt,” Belinda replied.
“My bottom gives its permission too!” Sophie laughed, bouncing again.
“It’s glorgeously secure, isn’t it,” Belinda purred, “Imagine if you didn’t want to let him out?”
“Just as well I didn’t go out as planned.”
Belinda shrugged, “I could have kept him happy with whiskey and sex.”
James tried to talk but with Belinda’s phone turned off he had no way to communicate with the real world.
“The box can also be set to distinguish between male and female bottoms,” Belinda explained, “The shape is very different. Maybe we should try when James has his next poker night… watch them try to free their host.”
Sophie giggled and rocked her slim hips, “Imagine getting a visitor to unknownly lockthe box,” she whispered, “Could we get Kate to lock me in?”
Belinda rolled her eyes, her daughter made so little attempt to hide her fansies.
Suddenly the light turned green, and Sophie jumped up in delight, “I did it!”
The women hastily opened the lid and helped James to his feet.
“Wow,” he croaked, still in a sub-space high.
“I let you out,” Sophie smiled hopefully.
“Fuck, so intense,” James grew, taking the prepared whiskey from Belinda’s hand.
Sophie curtsied playedfully.
“Why are you cuffed?” he asked.
Mother and daughter didn’t seem ready to explain that, nor the fact that Sophie was now lying with her head in the open box.
“I hope we can open it more quickly this time,” Belinda smiled wardily.
Belinda wasn’t about to follow her daughter on to the stepper machine, but she was about to make out with James and likely lose her underwear in the process. Belinda closed the box with her daughter’s head inside and hitched up her dress to reveal white satin lingerie with a cutesy flower design. Her fuller figure sat on the box. The longer she sat the more images of her body were stored and the more precise the code to unlock.
“Don’t ask,” she smiled to James as she switched on the vibrator and tucked it between her daughter’s legs.
She and James left, leaving Sophie to enjoy her turn in solidary Confinement.
Belinda and James returned downstairs an hour later in search of a drink. Belinda was wearing a white satin camisole and matching shorts and James had only a towel around his waist. Sophie’s head was still locked in the box. She had orgasmed, pushed away the vibrator and was now sleeping peacefully.
Sophie often found it hard to sleep, the only exception being when she was Restrained. The one time that she had overslept for college, Belinda had found her daughter in a deep sleep wearing cuffs around her hands and feet.
“You’d better let her out,” James whispered, instinctively looking for the keyhole.
“Why?” Belinda asked.
“I don’t get your relationship,” James replied, sweeping her up in his arms and lowering her down on the box.
“Opps, red light,” Belinda smiled, her voice hoarse from love making.
“Unclench,” James ordered with a gentle slap.
“How petulant! I can’t believe I let you lock me in here.”
“Next time I’m going to lock you in with my breasts.”
James opened Belinda’s legs and knelt between her thighs, “This will relax you,” he breathed as his tongue flicked against her clip.
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