Many thanks to my Editor, SueDanym. She has added the flair and panache to my story. Like it, Love it or Hate it. Please comment. Thanks again SueDanym.
This morning, I woke up with a raging erection. I must have had quite a dream to provoke such a ridid hard-on while sleep and only wish I could remember it. Because I’m not one to waste a good opportunity, my attention turns to you as you sleep peacefully beside me. Tapping gently on your shoulder, I wake you and tell you to prepare yourself for a good old fashioned fun day of sex and pleasure. And, the pleasure will be all mine. Although, if you play your cards right, you might enjoy it as well.
Initially, you try to deflect my attention, but I will not be derailed today. Firmly, I tell you to run off to the loo and do whatever it is that ladies do to prepare for a good fuck fest. I warn you that when you come back, you will be secured firmly with no chance of escape. Watching your naked body risefrom the bed, turn and walk out the door keeps me rock hard. Your hips have a graceful sway as you walk, which accentuates the curves of your ass. I do hear you mumble and groan as you walk away and decide to punish you for that later.
I get up and pull out the suitcase of goods that lies beneath our bed. Once opened, I find a full set of wrist and ankle cuffs, a mouth gag, nipple and clip clamps, floggers, paddles and even a box of assorted vibrators and butt plugs. Looking down at my collection, I smile. Over the past six months, I have learned to enjoy using these objects, at your urging. But, while it was you who initially insisted that I use them, you have now learned that with them, I can control you.
You return and look at the pile of goods that I have set out on the bed. “No, not this morning. I need a sleep in. Can we do this later?” you ask.
I smile and say “No”. As I grab you by your arms, the look on your face tells me you have resigned yourself to myplans. The cuffs go on your wrists and, using a rope that was attached to them, I drag you over to a new benchmark that is sitting in the corner of our room. I tell you to straddle the benchmark and then push your body forward until you are lying with your chest touching the seat. Your hands are clipped to the legs on the front of the bench, and your feet are clipped to the legs on the back. Now, you are officially hog tied to the bench and can appreciate the leather padding on the seat. I see you look down as you realize that the bench is sized so that your breasts are able to hang off the sides. You jiggle a little, and your breasts sweep beneath you with the same rhythm. I start to salivate. Because of the height of this bench, neither your hands, nor your feet are anywhere close to the floor. As you look back at my cock, which is jutting forward, you notice that the height of the benchmark does put you at the perfect level for my dick to enter any of your three inputs.
Onto your mouth Iplace a gag. I stand back to appreciate your beauty for a moment. Before me you lay, unable to move, open to me and completely at my mercy. I drizzle some oil onto your back and begin to rub and massage your body to help you relax. My fingers cares your muscles at first, but the pressure starts to increase, and soon my fingers are more inevitably working your body into a state of bliss. You enjoy my attention and lose yourself in your thoughts. Knowing that I will continue my ministerings for a good long while, you drift off to your happy place. While you assume that I’m doing this for you, it is really for me that I continue my massage. This turns me on far more than you know, especially because I know your relaxation will make things easier on you in the very near future.
Patiently, I Work your shoulders, neck, arms, lower back, legs and tighs. Your girly bits go untouched for now, since I know it will only serve to make you more desperate for my throbbing cock later. AfterI’ve satisfied myself that you are in a very relaxed state, I wipe my hands on a towel and look over to my collection of goodies. The candle catches my eye and I walk over and make a show of lighting it in front of you. Your eyes widen a bit when I tell you that it’s not just here to add chaos, but to serve as a sensitive tool in my quest for the perfect morning fuck. The candle is put to the side for the moment when my eyes are drawn to your nipples, which are hanging down like forbidden fruit, which I year to suckle. Taking your left nipple in my hand, I roll it between my thumb and fingers. I’m torn in this instant… do I take your nipple between my lips and make love to it with my mouth, or do I go for the nipple clamps? I decide on the latter and congratulate myself silently on the height of the benchmark, which makes your tits available for all sorts of activities. If only hot wax could pour up, instead of only down. As the first nipple clamp is applied, you wince in pain. I understand your squirming as I reach for the second nipple, but you are hardly in a position to escape. I roll the right nipple, pinch and then clamp it. Standing back, I smile.
“Remember that porn video I asked you to watch?” I ask.
“Yes, yes Sir,” you reply hesitantly.
I did ask you to watch one video of a lady getting spanked and then fingered for six minutes. That video will now be played while we try and copy it hit for hit, finger for finger. We will do exactly what they do, because you had told me that you thought it would be sensitive. Now that you are nice and relaxed, we shall move on to something fun… fun for me, anyway.
After I hit the “enter” button, the new SLUT paddle appears in my hand. I frenetically try and keep pace with the video. Your arse cheats are turning a nice shade of red, and we aren’t even close to the end of the tape. Still following the video, two of my fingers from my right hand enter your arse, causing you to tense. You try and move, but the bindings hold you firmly in place. While your moans sound hesitant at first, they turn appreciated when I breach the wall of your inner sphincter. My fingers stroke and rotate and massage your anus until you sound like you might be approaching an orgasm. I keep going and let you enjoy your anal orgasm, and to be truthful, I enjoy it as well. Your arse convulses strongly against my fingers and I close my eyes and imagine that it is my cock inside your back door. Your screams make my dick even stiffer. It seems as though you want me to stop, but no, only two minutes have passed. I listen carefully, but you utter no safe word, and so I continue. The paddle makes a surprise reappearance, much to your shock. You try and jump as the smokes fall because your arse sings like hell. But when I do eventually stop, you cry out loudly for more. You have reached a state of sexual frenzy, my pet.
When the video is over, I pour some moisturizer on your arse and work it into your skin. You love the coolness of the lotion and start to relax again as you enjoy my strong fingers working your butt. In my pile of goodies, there sits an unusual looking butt plug. It is purple and shaped so that it widens and tapers along its length. I insert it to the widened tip, which houses a treatment for later.
My massage continues over the rest of your body, including your girly bits. You appreciate what I am doing, but again, you crave more. Little do you know that there is much more yet to come. I start by just dripping the wax onto your back. Your body jerks in reaction to the heat, but because it cools quickly, you don’t complain. I know you are thinking about a different escapade with wax and grateful that this wax is not as wickedly hot. Once I have poured in the liquid wax on your skin, I massage it all over your back.
After a bit of time has passed, I put the candle away and light another. Then, I do something which you do not expect; I make the butt-plug vibrate. It is, of course, a remote controlled butt-plug. Reaching down, I find your pussy with my other hand. It’s still a bit red and hot from the spanking, and I can tell from your body’s stiffening that it’s a bit tender, as well. I do not acknowledge this, however, and just continue to have my way with you as I see fit. Your desperate clip becomes the focus of my attention as I assault it just the way I Know you want. You are so close to cuming, yet I do not let you come. Now, I tell you that I’m about to use the candle again. You excitement is palpable; you cannot wait for this wonderful wax to be dripped again on to your waiting body. However, when this wax makes contact with your butt, you scream.
The gag in your mouth temperatures it a bit, but you clearly can tell This is a different type of candle. I inform you that the first candle was a low heat mass candle, while this is a normal church candle. Yes, this is the feeling that you remember from a previous fun (for me) encounter. YOur butt is soon covered with little dots from the church candle which makes you jump as they are carefully applied in a star pattern. I enjoy watching you jerk every time the hotter wax makes contact with your slightly damp skin. Because I want to save the candle for later, I don’t let myself get carried away. I tell you to lay still and not move since I am going to take the wax off of your butt. A knife is placed onto your back so that you can feel its size. Since the butt-plug is still vibrating, it is very difficult for you to stay still. I know that images of the knife against your skin are swirling around in your mind. Slowly and with loving care, I scrape off the wax.
I put away the knife and you suddenly feel my cock rubbing against the lips of your dripping pussy. As I play with my cock at the entrance to your pleasure pit, you feel the sting of my crop hitting your poor, abused arse cheats. You try and speak… to tell me that you want me to shove my cock into your pussy. I know you like the way I slowly slide the head of my cock into your waiting cunt especially why I then brutally push it in to the back of your tunnel. Today, once my head enters, I pull out and repeat this about a hundred times. Each time my tip enters your empty hole, I use the crop, flogger or paddle on your bottom. As you squirm, your nipples brush the sides of the bench, causing the clamps to move. While your body wants to understand, your nipples demand that you stay still. As if I can read your mind I reach down and pull off the vicious clamps. Rubbing and rolling your nipples between my fingers helps to get the blood flowing again. I know they will sting for a while, so every now and then I reach down and play with them for your pleasure. LOL.
Finally, I push my cock into your warm, dripping, waiting pussy. Your pleasure pit is so tight that I pause for a moment to just enjoy the sensing. Calling on every bit of restraint which I can muster, I proceed to slowing fuck you,Knowing that you want me to fuck you hard and make you cum. I don’t care what you want, for it is me who is fucking you. I pull out and remove the butt-plug. Suddenly, you scream out through the gag. I know it is because you are very close to cuming and that you want me to finish you off. To settle you down again, I masse your back.
Soon, at your back door, you feel my cock. I sense you holding your breath as you feel lube dripping down to your sweet brown hole. My cock, which has been perfectly lined up for its grand entrance, pushes its way in as you push back. You have dreamt about this so many times, and now your dream is coming true. I see sweat forming on your back and feel your body tremble. I slowly advance so that you can feel every inch of my cock as it goes in, and then slowly pull out against the suction of your arse. This is a new sensing for me also, and one that I immediately love. While I want you to enjoy this sensing so that we can play this way again, your feelings are not my primary concern.
I stop my thrusting and pull out. Again, you moan and I know it’s because you want your orgasm… you naughty, dirty girl. As you feel my cock at your arse again, you smile to yourself. That smile soon turns in to a look of confusion as you feel another cock at your pussy. At this point, there is no going softly. In one swift movement of my hips, both my cock and my straw-on cock are fully enclosed by your cunt and arse. I wonder if you can tell which is which? You are so full of my cocks that I explode in just a few short pumps. As your body shakes with your own sweet release, I shoot a hot load of my cum into your arse. I continue to pump you as my straw on does not go soft and soon not only are you cuming again, but your juices start to squirt out of your cunt. Your successful cum hits my legs and runs down to the floor. I make note of this for you will have to clean it up later.
Finally, I pull out and then unclip you from the bench. Your body is so shaky when you stand that I have to help you onto the bed. The look of shock on your face as I shackle you to the bedposts is enough to get me hard again. Spread eagle is a good look for you. Out from the pile of toys comes a new vibrator that I immediately insert into your pussy. It has a phalange on the front so that your clip will feel the vibrations as well. Headphones are placed on your head so that you can hear some of the songs that I have selected. Understanding comes to your eyes as you realize that the vibrator is connected to the music and it vibrates with the rhythm. Wisely, I have varied the pace of the songs and a slow song starts, which slows the rate of the viruses quite a bit. When the slow song begins, your frustration shows. I’m having fun this morning watching you alternate between near climax during fast songs, and let down during the slower tunes. As we lock eyes, you nod in deference because you realize that I control you.
Eventually,I remove the vibe and replace it with my tongue, which is joined by a dildo and my fingers as I tease you. Your breasts are crowned with nipple suckers just to work you into an even needier slut. I have left both candles burning, and pour the mass candle wax onto one breast and rub it into your creamy skin. When the hot wax from the church candle hits your other breast, you try and move away, but cannot. A pathetic but sexy groan escapes your lips.
I work your body as my play toy. The crop and paddle continue to torque you as I alternate their harsh sensings with the sultry feel of my tongue, fingers and dildos. Trepidation crosses your face as you spy my new pinwheel which is used to trace around the globs of hot wax that still decorate your tits. Every time it touches you, your body strains against the bindings. Your destination to reach an orgasm is obviously as I play your body masterfully. When I decide you have edged enough, you experience the orgasm of your lifetime. You cry out a garbled unintelligible sound as you drench my smiling face with your pussy juices. You squirt and squirt as I continue to fuck you with the dildo and lick your clip.
I don’t stop until you beg. Then, you are freed of your restraints, gag and nipple-suckers. As you stretch out, I see little tremors in your muscles. The bed is wet from your juices and the air is filled with the scent of your cunt. Holding you close, I cuddle your body with reverence. You reach down and find my cock semi-hard, just as it was when we started this morning. You smile at me and then slide down to envelope my cock in your warm mouth. My dick reaches the back of your throat and you seem to swallow it part way down, because I’ve never quite been this deep before.
It doesn’t take much to push me over the edge because I’ve had my face in your cunt for so long. Without much warning, I shoot a load of cum into your mouth. You slide up my body and kiss me deeply, pushing my own cum into my mouth. Smiling, you inform me that what is good for the goose, is good for the gander. Looking over to the cupboard, you spy my laptop sitting open and survey that the camera is recording. Your eyes brighten with excitement when you realize that it has filmed our entire session. I tell you how forward I look to watching it later, and you reply “Soon, I hope”.
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