Seduction at Belinda's House Ch. 19

Sophie had returned home from university the night before. She didn’t need an alarm to wake early, as she had barely slept, excited to spend time with her mum’s new live-in guest.

Wearing denim shorts and a white blouse, Sophie skipped bare foot down to the old cell, one of two that remained from the old police station and were now a feature of the courtyard of their house. She peered through the small Observation window, through the gloom and could just make out Kate’s outline inside the open box bed. Her mum seemed to be playing a game of Russian dolls with her helpless friend.

Cool air was blowing through the main house and the courtyard, but the cell was acting as a heat trap from the day before. Sophie pulled the cell door, but it was locked; there was only one unique key that opened and locked both of the cells. Sophie traced her fingers around the empty keyhole as she imagined freeing mum’s cool friend.

Growing up, she had always loved spending time with Kate. Kate’s rock chick blonde hair and wild, impulsive nature made her an icon to a teenage Sophie. Sophie was now in her early twentyties, but she still idolised the crazy, and increasingly troubled, woman. After months of getting hurt down, Kate’s need to get away from alcohol and the wrong men, had led her to surrender herself into Belinda’s care.

To Sophie, even that was cool, and her chestnut ponytail bobbed Rhythmically as she skipped back to the house where her mum, Belinda, was hustling around the kitchen.

“Where is the key to Kate,” Sophie babbled as if asking for the keys to the car.

Belinda stopped and dried her hands, “Is she wake?”

“She will be!”

Belinda surprised. She wanted to keep Kate locked up for longer, to let the flighty blonde rest so that she could bring her completely under her control. A day with Sophie wouldn’t help that cause. She wiped her hands on the soft blue denim that hugged her hips and watched Sophie rummage through the kitchendrawers in search of the key.

Belinda perched on the edge of the kitchen table to think; her favourite blue jeans moulding against the wood, stretching even tighter around her hips. Her back a little from her gym workout and she rolled her shoulders back, her white top stretching across her breasts.

“It’s in my pocket, sweetie” Belinda exhausted, tapping the front of her jeans.


“First take her some breakfast and then we’ll see.”


Sophie ran back to the cell and called excitedly through the small grille set deep into the thick cell door.

Kate opened her eyes, slowly focused and smiled at the sound of Sophie’s voice. She could see Sophie’s eyes smiling through the grille, backlit by what appeared to be a beautiful day.

She tried to move but clatered to a metallic stop. She smiled. After their evening together, Belinda had tied Kate into a ball of chains. She wore several pairs of tightly locked foot cuffs that were connectedto tightly locked handcuffs. Her steel collar was locked to her legs, with Kate’s flexibility allowing her to enjoy the smooth warmth of her own thighs. As always, she was locked in her chatity belt and Belinda had even used thumb cuffs to connect her thumbs to her big toes.

But Kate loved to be chained, it felt so permanent. Better than a hug from a guy who might get up and leave. And it was a way to show Belinda how much she trusted her, her life now dependent on Belinda’s return.

Kate shuffled on her butt out of her box bed and towards her cell door. Sophie had opened the small food hatch at the base of the cell door and was sitting cross-legged, grinning through the small opening.

“Hey Sophie,” Kate smiled huskily.

Sophie was fidgeting excitedly, “Oh my god, what has mum done to you!” she cried.

“I deserve it.”

“Does it hurt?” Sophie tried to sound concern, despite being increasingly aroused.

“It’s like a hug.”


“And I sleft without tablets!” Kate replied proudly.

Sophie reached through the hatch to hold Kate’s hands that were adorned by both beautiful rings and cuffs, “It’s so cool that you are living with us,” she babbled.

Kate squeezed Sophie’s hands, soaking in the wonderful skin to skin contact, “Yeah, I love my cell,” Kate whispered.

“Oh Katie, but it’s a beautiful day to be out here.”

“Men and alcohol out there,” Kate witnessed, “and your mum won’t release me.”

“Maybe she’ll release you into my custody!” Sophie cried, pleased with her plan.

“No, she hasn’t let me out for days…” Kate surprised longingly.


Sophie ran back to the house, “How can you keep her chained up like that?”

“She needs time alone to sort her head out,” Belinda exhausted, brushing her hair in the mirror, then picking a strand of dark hair from her white top.

“She wants to come out!”

Belinda turned with a swish of dark wavy hair, “Did she says that?”

Sophie thought back before shaking her head, “But I really want to see her.”

Belinda stared at her own reflection in the mirror. Kate hadn’t been out of the cell for days and it was working. The hopeful eyes that gazed out from behind the grille were calmer and happier by the day. Belinda smiled. Kate was also more aroused by the day, more desperate for her touch and the women had shared several intimate moments inside the locked prison cell. Maybe Sophie could be part of Kate’s treatment. Maybe some time alone with her daughter was a fair reward for Kate’s trust.

Belinda led her daughter back to the cells, unlocked Kate’s door and strode inside. Belinda and Sophie’s legs towered above Kate’s chained up body, Kate’s eyes straining up to smile at her two visitors.

She shuffled across to push her face against Sophie’s bare calm, feeling the warmth and breathing in her scent. Belinda watched her daughter’s reaction with interest. Instead of stepping away, Sophie dropped to a cropto let Kate feel the warmth of her thigh.

“She’s been lonely in here,” Belinda whispered.

“I know…” Sophie breathed; the giggly girl replaced by an understanding woman.

“Are you sure you want to spend the day with her,” Belinda asked, “I will have to lock you both inside.”

“I think I can help her,” Sophie replied.

“Okay… lock her back in her box if you need to,” Belinda whispered.

Sophie stood up and nodded knewingly. Belinda kissed her cheek, smiling proudly as she discretely clipped a ring of keys on to the belt hoops of Sophie’s denim shorts. Kate’s face lit up as she eyed the keys that bounced against the young woman’s hips.

Sophie’s heart was beating fast as her mother left the cell and pushed the door closed behind her. Belinda had a habit of making eye contact with her prisoners just before locking them away. Belinda had been young when she had had Sophie and the twenty-year age difference, combined with the absence of Sophie father, made them more like friends. Sophie watched Belinda’s beautiful eyes as she incarcerated them for the day.

Both Sophie and Kate were mesmerised by the echoing sound of the key jangling in the lock, followed by the sight from Belinda’s lips as the key slide across her butt to nestle in her back pocket. Then the sound of the bolts grinding as they slide home and padlocks clicked into place. Then the security catches turning, which Even on their own would sentence the women to a life of captivity.

“Wow!” Sophie exhausted.

“That’s the last thing I hear every night,” Kate breathed, her gravelly voice in time with her desperate struggles to escape her chains.

Sophie was buzzing, bouncing with excitement at the prospect of a day with her idol. She sat down on the floor and leaning against the cell wall with her bare feet drawn up and legs spread. Her short shorts had ridden up leaving the keys lying against her bare thigh. She swept back her hair and grinned as Kate’s manacled body inched towards her.

“Unlock me before I break them open!” Kate grew.

“I’d like to see that!” Sophie grinned, her legs opening further.

Sophie shivered with excitement; it was like being caged with a liness, unsure what might this crazy rock chic go if she was unchained.

“Be patient Katie… you have all day under my control.”

Kate’s naked body trembled as she edged closer, until she was close enough for Sophie to reach her tangled blonde hair that hung messily around her bowed head. Sophie eased it back, brushing it through her fingers and used the elastic from her hair to tie it into a ponytail.

Sophie’s long brown hair now hung freely, curling behind her ear and down over her breasts. She reached for a large red pillow and lay down on her side so that the shackled woman could use her inner tigh as a pillow.

“Mum says she’s going to keep you in this cell all week, maybe longer.”

Kate didn’t reply immediately as her head moverved closer to the strip of blue denim that ran between Sophie’s legs, “I trust her,” Kate breathed.

“She sleeps in a king -size bed with James while you’re locked in a box…”

“I can dream about them…” Kate mouthed, now high on Sophie’s scent.

“While locked in these cuffs…”

“Bracets… my jewellery,” Kate corrected.

“The keys to which she leaves on her bedside table.”

Kate’s tongue was pushing beneath the denim.

“You know Mum keeps your chatity key in her thong!”

“I know,” Kate moaned in delight.

Sophie rolled on to her back so that the weight of Kate’s head pushed her deeper. Kate couldn’t reach her while she wore her shorts, but she could still enjoy Kate’s desperate touch.

“I can see why mum has to keep you locked away.”

Kate moaned, “Better between your legs that with some abusive guy.”

Sophie didn’t argue, she loved the attention, her smooth thighs mischievously squeezed together. Sophie had always loved Kate’s wild nature. Nothing shocked her. With Kate, she could live out any fantasy and share any thought in her kinky mind.


The two women could hear Belinda’s boots clipping across the courtyard. The small food hatch at the base of the cell door opened and she handed in coffees, food and bottles of water, “Is there anything else you girls need before I close you up for the day.”

Kate froze, panting hot breath against Sophie’s legs, “Ask her for my chatity key,” she hisssed.

Belinda heard Kate’s rasping lilt and leaned forward to see her smiling daughter struggling the back of Kate’s head which was still sandwiched between her thighs. Belinda smiled to herself. Controlling James had given her self-confidence and belief. Having his ultimate trust, had helped her to trust and love others. She could sense the same feelings in Sophie’s eyes.

She stood up, unbuttoned a couple of buttons so that she could ease her hand inside her tight jeans and down into thefront of her black thong. Kate’s chatity key rarely left her body, that had been at Kate’s request, as Kate loved the idea that James would find it when he and Belinda made love. But now Kate wanted Sophie to have that power and it was inevitable that the warm damp warm would transfer to the younger woman’s lingerie.

“Oh my god!” Kate exclaimed as the food hatch closed and locked, “We have the key!”

“I have the key,” Sophie replied smoothly, indulgently struggling Kate’s hair and looking every bit the spoilt brat.

The array of chains and cuffs that Kate had adored all night were now maddeningly secure. She wanted to play with her captress, who was now pacing the cell, rummaging through Kate’s clothes with the keys to her cuffs still jingling on her hip.

“Oh, I love this top!” Sophie smiled, easing out of her own blouse and squeezed in Kate’s old white t-shirt with the wound rock motif. Sophie realized her mistake and whipped off the t-shirt and removed her bra.She then squeezed back into the t-shirt which now moulded around her modest breasts with her erect nipples pushing through.

“Fuck, I feel like a slut,” Sophie beamed.

“Try my jeans,” Kate panted hopefully, her wrists now marked from trying to claw her way up Sophie’s bare legs to the keys that hung teasingly out of reach on her tiny denim shorts.

“No, I think I’ll Keep the keys, thanks very much!” Sophie giggled, impishly dropping down to ride the back of Kate’s head as if it were a saddle. Her bouncing weight made Kate drop on to her side, with Sophie’s thighs now sitting heavily on Kate’s shoulders. Kate cried out in pain as Sophie’s smooth flesh crushed her further into the concrete floor.

Sophie quickly climbed off and dropped to a crop. Kate’s eyes were aroused as her face peered out from between her own legs. The contorted woman was moaning as Sophie scooped back her hair and kissed her lips.

“Beautiful slut,” Kate smiled.

“Sorry… carried away by this cool t-shirt.”

Kate was now obsessed with the wide grinning lips and jangled her chains in the hope of another touch.

“Kiss or keys?” Sophie teased, leaning in kiss her again, “Oops, too late.”

Kate’s tongue explored Sophie’s lips, panting in frustration as she fight to escape her cuffs. Her wrists were starting to mark as the edges of the double-locked bracelets gripped.

“Sorry, but I feel safe with you in chains,” Sophie whispered, tilting her head to the side, sending a wave through her chestnut hair.

“Maybe I can escape…”

Sophie watched as her prisoner pushed her manicured nail into the keyhole of her high security foot cuffs. When that didn’t work, she shuffled around to kiss the back of Sophie’s thigh. Long, slow and loving with blue hopeful eyes.

“Wow, you are so cute,” Sophie gasped.

“Please, Mistress?”

“Do you promise to behave?”

Kate shook her head.

Sophie giggled, ” Let’s get you out of those cRuel things.”

At the back of the cell was a small round Scandic style wooden bath that Sophie filled with hot water. With steam welling up inside the small cell, she gradually unlocked Kate restrains other than for the heavy steel collar and one pair of cuffs that she used to lock Kate’s elbows together behind her back.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Kate mouthed repeatedly as Sophie unlocked and released the Chastity belt from Kate’s slim body.

Kate’s mode breasts contained as she tried desperately to reach her hands to the front and when that failed, her bare feet prowled forward to kiss Sophie on the lips, “My arms?” she begged.

Sophie reached her long lean arms behind Kate and tightened up her elbow cuffs, “No, you’ll have to teach me, Katie.”

Sophie led her naked idol to the hot pot, sat her down on the edge and steadied her as she swung her legs into the bubble water and climbed inside. She gently washed Kate’s tangled hair and then the rest of her body, herfingers massaging her breasts but eluding her vagina.

Kate was beaming, her blue eyes blinking away the steam as she fixed on Sophie’s touch. She watched in delight as Sophie wriggled out of her shorts and t-shirt and squeezed into the small pot with her, interlacing their arms and legs.

“You’re so fucking wild, I knew you would like this,” Sophie breathed.

“I’m impressed,” Kate whispered in her Irish lilt.

“Maybe I need locking up too?” Sophie stretched over to pick up a pair of handcuffs which she fastened around her own wrists.

The cell hadn’t been designed for a bath and the steam was making it hard to see across to the cell door. Sophie tightened her legs, cinching them closer together, and then lowered her vibrator into the water.

“Oh fuck, Soph!”

“Is This what you would do, Katie?”

Sophie flicked the switch and hugged her tightly as Kate climaxed, her shaking hips splashing water and bubbles across the cell. They held each otherfor several minutes before Sophie flicked the switch again.


Kate was breathless as Sophie turned her attention to Kate’s soapy breasts, exploring the feel of Kate’s nipples between her lips.

“Detaining your naked prisoner in a bath?” Kate panted.

“Well, it’s effective. You haven’t escaped!”

“I don’t want to,” Kate purred.

“Well, you can’t!”


The woman talked until the water was cold before Sophie untangled their bodies and climb out. She towelled dry and unlocked her handscuffs so she could pull on the rock chick t-shirt. Kate stood watching her, still helped trapped in her elbow cuffs, her naked body buzzing. She flicked her hips to a beat, rocking her pronounced breasts from side to side.

“I love that move,” Sophie breathed, copying her idol’s dance move and finishing by running her fingernails up Kate’s naked thighs.

The crazy rock chic was back, her fluid body moving to the tinny music blaring from Sophie’s phone, “I’ve missed dancing,” she panted.

Sophie collapsed exhausted on to the cushions, gasping in the humid air as Kate kept dancing. Then, Kate dropped to a croouch, slipping forward until she had Sophie in a schoolgirl pin as her naked body continued to thrust to the beat.

“I did this to your mum at a concert once,” Kate cried.

“In public?”

Kate nodded, her hips rocking on Sophie’s face until the track ended. Kate stopped, her butt resting on Sophie’s neck and her damp thighs tightened around her head.

“It’s like music chairs,” Kate panted, “I sit here ’til the music starts.”

Sophie was trembling. Her phone was out of reach, whereas Kate’s damp vagina was almost touching her mouth, her scent strong. She wanted to kiss but was anxious about what that would do to Kate’s newfound peace.

The women locked eyes. There was love and trust and a hunger from Kate who was not letting go. Sophie had always been envious of Kate’s jean-clad figure, and now hernaked curves the shaken pulsing crotch that controlled her idol were pressing down on her.

“Can we?” Sophie murmured.

“Yes… before you lock me away,” Kate breathed.

Kate’s core muscles were engaged, her hips were vibrating and her shaken crotch ground against Sophie’s mouth. Kate’s intense sex drive took over, her blue eyes clamped shut and her open mouth moaned as she climaxed.

Kate slide forward with her knees together, and then sat back on her haunches so that she was sitting on Sophie’s face. Her legs now formed a box which completely enclosed Sophie’s head.

“Wow, so that’s what lies beneath your belt,” Sophie mumbled, her hands exploring Kate’s legs.

“Fuck, Bel will throw away my key!” Kate laughed.

“I need to put you in your box…” Sophie’s muffled voice was dreamy, her legs twisting with arousal.

“You need to get out of your box first…” Kate breathed.


When Kate opened her legs, Sophie couldn’t take her eyes off her. Kate was the perfect rebel and Sophie wanted to play. Without a word, she silently pushed the chatity belt up between Kate’s legs and squeezed it deep between her cheeks. She enclosed Kate’s wait in the cruelly small steel belt and relocked it. She pulled out the key and swung it from side to side.

“You see why I need it…” Kate panted.

Sophie nodded, sitting down on Kate’s box bed with her thighs spread. She clicked her fingers to command Kate to knee before her, “You’ve taught your prodigy some dangerous shit,” she whispered.

Sophie gripped Kate’s hair and pulled her between her thighs.

“I remember when you let me sip your whiskey,” Sophie whispered, “I was ten.”

“Fuck, don’t learn from me…”

“I’ve always wanted to be you.”

“So out of control, I have to be kept in metal fucking pants and a box.”

“I’ve been down on a woman… how fucking awesome!” Sophie murmured, “And now she’s going down on me.”

Sophie pulled Kate’s lipson to her naked crotch and let Kate run her lips against her vagina. Kate’s lips had brought many guys and girls to orgasm and her experienced touch quickly overwhelmed the younger woman. Goosebumps on her legs followed by an uncontrolled orgasm.

“I’m going to tell mum to lock you up forever,” Sophie purred, “I can make her do anything. Would you like me as your jailer?”

Kate kissed her again, drawing wide eyes and amazement from the younger woman.


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