Seduction at Belinda's House Ch. 14

Belinda and James lay on their bed, still locked together inside Belinda’s facesitting shorts. There was little else they could do until Kate returned with the only keys to unlock Belinda’s tight and highly secure outfit.

Belinda was passing the time by tickling James, and despite the huge advantage she had over him, James was trying to ticle back.

“I’m surprised you want a ticle fight,” she panted, already hot from her exercises, “It’s going to get very steamy in my shorts.”

“Going to?” Ben questioned, his voice muffled by his partner’s bottom, “It’s been steamy in here for the last eight hours!”

“Well, ticle me again and I’ll smooth you, darling.”

Belinda pulled her knees into her chest, her red leather shorts pulling around her hips and crushing James even tighter into the lower part of the bottom. James lifted his hands in surrender, only for Belinda to ticle him again.

“This is so unfair,” James mumbled incoherently, “I have to beg you to give me air to breathe!”

“Just think of these shorts as my kingdom and me as the Queen,” she puffed, “Anything other than complete development receives life imprisonment, or even death.”

“But I can’t leave the kingdom,” James’s moaned.

“Yes… where is that crazy blonde?”


Suddenly they heard the key turn and Kate’s lithe body slip in through the half-opened doorway. She was wearing a tight white tee shirt, pink shorts and pink training shoes.

“How was your night together?” Kate babbled, wide eyed and breathless.

“For me, wonderful,” Belinda replied bashfully.

The women waited, but there was no immediate response from the shorts.

“He liked it too,” Belinda replied on James’s behalf.

“So, one more day?” Kate offered.

They both looked down as James moaned and tried to move his head, but the leather held him just as tightly as it had for the last ten hours. He tried to lift himself from the bed, but dehydration and sexual exhaustion, combined with a quick flick of Belinda’s hips kept him where he was.

Belinda brushed her tangled hair from her eyes, “Easy darling,” she scolded as she pulled him in deeper and stroked his head through the leather.

James breathed in sharply, sucking the skin-tight shorts even tauter. His hands gently hugged Belinda’s wait, his attention so obviously hers.

“What does it feel like…” Kate stuttered, “…to have a man like that?”

Belinda just smiled to herself.

“How was your brief freedom from chatity?” she asked Kate in return.

Kate had demanded the key to her belt in return for unlocking Belinda’s shorts. She had enjoyed her brief freedom from the steel girl, but like the twisted woman that she was, had willingly put herself back under lock and key.

Kate didn’t answer Belinda’s question either, instead a mischievous smile played across her lips.

Belinda examined her friend’s outfit, from her nipples that were protruding through her tight te shirt, to her pink shorts that were short enough to glimpse the chatity belt beneath.

“And why are you dressed like an eighteen-year-old tart?” Belinda baited.

“Tart?” Kate exclaimed, “I can’t even touch my clip, while you have a man locked to yours!”

Kate felt self-conscious and tried to look more respectable by sitting up straight and pulling her blonde hair back into a rough ponytail. As usual, her twisted mind couldn’t decide which it liked more, sex or the feeling of being locked away. Belinda’s fingers were now touching her inner thigh, gliding up inside the leg of her short shorts and pushing beneath the edge of her chatity belt. Kate sat motionless, moaning quietly on each breath.

Belinda loved how she and Kate confident and shared in their bondage games, but Kate’s look of frustration at not having a man to play with was sometimes hard to take.

“Would you like to try my shorts?” Belinda asked. Kate’s wide-eyed star and her vigorous nodding only added to her eighteen-year-old look.

Belinda reached into Kate’s pocket and pulled out the keys to both the belt and the shorts which were conveniently clipped together on Kate’s small keyring.

“Just for a few minutes while I shower… and put some pants on sweetie.”

Belinda unlocked the shorts from her waist and wriggled them over her hips and down her legs. James looked disorientated as he peered out from the used female hot pants that were still locked around his neck.

“Darling… well you know how girl’s like to share clothes…” Belinda smiled with big puppy dog ​​eyes.

“Just clothes?” James croaked.

Kate had already unlocked her chatity belt and was stepping excitedly into a pair of Belinda’s pink silk underwear which sat loosely on Kate’s narrow hips, bunching up a little around her pale chefs.

“You get to see my tattoo,” Kate smiled, pulling the silk to one side to reveal a small blue rose on her pale button.

“No, he doesn’t.”

Belinda reached over to pull the lingerie back across Kate’s butt, goose bumps forming instantly from the feel of Belinda’s manicured nails. The poor woman was desperate to be touched. Maybe Belinda had kept her in chatity for too long. She ran her nails down between Kate’s legs as Kate’s cries filled the room. She removed her hands. James’s face was going to cause anarchy down There.

“No need to wash the shorts… I’ll take them as they are,” Kate smiled coyly.

“You sure you want to do this Katie?” Belinda teased, “Once he’s in, you don’t get to decide when he comes out.”

That made Kate grin.

Belinda’s gaze flicked between her two closest friends. She loved the look of elation on her bestie’s face but was a little appreciate about how James would react.

James looked up as he drank the glass of water that Belinda had handed him. He looked exhausted but Belinda knew that he understand. His eyes were giving her the ‘you owe me’ look as they slide up Kate’s legs and were soon enclosed one more inside the shorts.

Belinda pulled the strap very tightly around her friend’s narrow waist, buckled it up and slipped the padlock through the buckle.

“You sure,” Belinda checked, “You get the shorts, but you don’t get the key.”

“Oh, I so love you,” Kate trembled with excitement, slapping Belinda’s hand away and locking the padlock herself. With her two friends permanently joined, Belinda took the key and disappeared into the shower.

James’s cock was aching and his head spinning as he explored his new prison. Slightly more space than he had had with Belinda, but just as dark and airless and with a totally different scent, and the new underknown of what the crazy blonde rock chick might do.

“Thank you, James,” Kate called, hugging him closer.

“You’re beautiful,” James called.

Kate beamed, her body electric. She so wanted him to touch her vagina, but she didn’t dare ask and so just lay on her front to enjoy being close to him and his occasional kisses.

“It’s so crazy cool having you in there,” Kate breathed, “… and I love that you think I’m beautiful.”

Kate was loving the power rush, the intimate feel of a man’s lips and the fact that she too was in bondage and she told out loud in disappointment as Belinda returned. Belinda was now wearing her blue flower print dress with its plunging neckline and short hem that lifted with the slightest movement. The feather light material that floated around Belinda’s thighs contrasting against the tight padlocked leather that encircled Kate’s slim frame.

Belinda sat down on the white bed sheets next to Kate’s head and slowly crossed her legs. Kate cries of anticipation were magnified as James’s lips pushed again into some long-forgotten place between Kate’s legs.

“Not yet,” Kate begged.

“Okay, sweetie,” Belinda purred as she glided across the bed, her knees to the side, and slide one thigh beneathKate’s head.

“He’s kissing me!” Kate cried.

“I think he wants to please you,” Belinda smiled aimlessly as she took some of Kate’s long blonde hair and threaded it through the crotch of her pink underwear. She then took the two handsfuls of hair and plained them together so that Kate’s hair was now tied to Belinda’s lingerie. Kate looked on bemused.

“What are you doing?” Kate asked innocently.

“Just tying you up by your hair.”

“Mmm,” Kate mumbled as she tried to pull away. She twisted and pulled again, only for her hair to hold her fast.

Belinda reached for the vibrator and touched it between Kate’s legs, but quickly pulled it away when Kate started to kiss her underwear, “Bad!” she whispered.

“Isn’t that why you tied me here?”

“No, I just like to see your expression when you’re between my legs… lost and aroused and just cute.”

Belinda again placed the vibrator against the front of Kate’s shorts and enjoyed the sight of her kinky friend writing around in pleasure, stretching and straining against her tight pink top and the ever-present red leather shorts.

“Oh god!” Kate looked up wide eyed from between Belinda’s legs, still tied up by her hair. Now shaking, she cried out loudly and uncontrollably. She thrust her hips with James’s almost ragdoll like body following helpfully behind.

Kate was shaking and smiling to herself as her heartbeat recovered. Belinda’s thighs had now closed in around her head and she relaxed and enjoyed the heat coming from Belinda’s ‘shower warm’ thighs.

“Bel?” James’s called uncertainly, his hands blindly searching for his partner, “What are you doing to her?”

“Nothing,” Belinda replied, a little embarrassed, “I think Katie, deserves some more kisses, don’t you?”

Belinda slowly unplaited Kate’s long blonde hair and gently eased her legs away and placed Kate’s head on to a large white pillow. Her eyes were shut and her breathing slow and deep.

“She looks so peaceful,” Belinda whispered to James, “She doesn’t usually sleep well.”

With Kate lying on her front, gravity ensured that James’s face followed her borrowed lingerie on its journey down between Kate’s cheats. Kate being sleep and her body being limp didn’t help James’s cause. If, like Sleeping Beauty, Kate slept for a hundred years he would still never escape.

“Can you lie with her for a few minutes… to let her rest?” Belinda asked.

“Bel..” James started and then stopped as Belinda rubbed his cock, “No don’t…”

James pursued his lips in an attempt to stay silent, but then had to bury his face against Kate’s body to muffle himself as he climaxed and floated down from the high.

“I could lock you to any woman in the world,” Belinda whispered teasingly but longingly, wishing like mad that she and James were still joined together.

James reached around sightlessly until he found and squeezed Belinda’s hand.

“Remember Kate’s tarty pink shorts,” Belinda whispered leaning close, “That’s you now.”

“Somehow they seemed cuter at a distance.”

“Oh, you and Sleeping Beauty both look cute right now, darling.”

“Guess I’m here for a hundred years then.”

Belinda giggled and held her hand to her mouth, “I hope so… having you two like that is making me hot.”

“Lucky that I love kinky girls…”

“Thank you darling,” Belinda purred.

“Let’s hope she wakes up soon.”

“Won’t help… neither of you have the key.”


Kate had slept for most of the morning. She and James had then passed another hour helped locked in the shorts before Belinda had released James from Kate’s adoring and, by then, hot embrace.

James and Belinda then spent the Afternoon in bed, and it was only hunger that had individuals to the restaurant. They returned home with the thought of the shorts still very much in their minds.

“Last night was incredible,” James grew, his voice gravelly, “but I’m going to get you back for acts of unspeakable sexual cruelty.”

Belinda looked up in awe as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.

“How can you look so innocent,” he asked, “after a night like that?”

Belinda pulled her dark hair back behind her ears and fixed him with piercing dark made up eyes.

“And why do I want more!” he cried in frustration.

“Maybe your mind is still inside my shorts…”

“Don’t say that!”

Belinda giggled.

Conversing through looks rather than words, James placed the black smoke box in front of the sofa and piled up cushions behind it. Once Belinda had stripped him of his clothes, he lay down on his back on the floor and lowered his head into the tight-fitting steel box. He locked one wrist with the handcuff on one side of the box and then watched with his heart pounding as Belinda locked his other wrist in place.

“I’m not obsessed with you bottom,” James said, unable to keep a straight face as Belinda giggled.

“I’m not judging you.”

“I’m doing this for you.”

“Sure…” Belinda breathed dreamily as she croouched down and gazed into James’s dilated eyes, “Are you ready?” she panted, her body already hot from anticipation.

Still dressed from the restaurant in a black sleepless bloom, short grey skirt and heels, Belinda lowered the lid gently into place. The box was now tight around James’s neck and his features were protruding up through the padded black seat. She edged forward on her heels and turned so that her bottom was perched on the edge of the box. She breathed out as she eased her weight down on to the soft leather which cast as it moulded around her skirt clad butt.

“No way to open the box now,” Belinda trembled.

“Lucky there’s a hole for my face,” James’s smiled back.

“Oh yes… about that.”

Belinda unzipped and stepped out of her skirt.

“I’ve seen it before,” James replied, already frustrated by the handscuffs.

Belinda smiled; she loved James in handcuffs. She sat on the box, facing down his body with James’s eyes looking up between her open thighs.

“If only I could think of something for you to do down there.”

James’s touch was gentle as always and she rocked forward, her legs spread to force his lips closer. Her painted nails curled around the front edge of the box as if holding the front of the saddle while willing her horse to push harder. She shouted out as the feeling built and dropped even lower on James’s mouth as she orgasmed.

James was looking up at her with almost a drunk smile, “What?” she exclaimed.


It had been intense and maybe she had been too loud and too rough on his face, although James’s would never say as much. He was still smiling at her, with looks that seemed too gorgeous to be smoothed by her. Still, she wasn’t going to move.

“Bye, bye,” she quipped as she brought her tights together and covered him completely, “And you can’t go anywhere,” she said as if justifying how she was treating her man.

“I don’t want to go anywhere…”

Fuck, why did he have such a sexy voice.

Belinda giggled. She had always loved the idea of ​​sitting on a guy’s face but for a long time had held back as it seemed almost too cruel and overpowering.

She lifted up and sunk back down squarely on James’s face. His nose pushed the deepest, but she could also feel his lips. They kissed her as she approached, moving frantically, but then stopping as they became trapped under her weight. His eyeshe fluttered against her for a tantalising moment before they too became crushed beneath her.

The leather lid casted under Belinda’s weight.

She stretched out her legs until her heels rested on James’s cock. She crossed her legs and leant back on the cushions. She had deliberately sat on James’s eyes and nose but had allowed James’s lips to come to rest in a tiny space between her butt and her tights.She had given him a slither of air, but even that could be taken away at a whim.

Belinda loved how James reacted to the smoother box. He’d cry out in pleasure and repeatedly moan about how much he loved her until his words were gone beyond recognition. Within seconds he would be rock hard, and his gorgeous body would be alive with arousal, emrithing and twisting.

Fuck, she was forty years old and a mother. She had always had a good figure but had transformed from a stick thin eighteen-year-old to a real woman. Yet James still loved everything about her. Even this box, which was a cruelly consuming device. Just by sitting down, she had imprisoned him, blinded him and with the slightly thrust of her hips she could kill him.

“What’s it like down there?” she asked, so wanting to hear James’s explain what her body was doing to him.

“It feels like my mind is chained to your butt.”

“Your mind?” Belinda sunk lower in her endeavour to swallow up his face.

Jamesflicked his tongue upwards, hoping to stimulate her vagina.

“Guess I am literally sitting on your consciousness… I am your world” Belinda hips were moving radically, each thrust pushing her damp silk underwear against his open lips.

She stopped, closed her eyes and focused on the feel of James’s face as he used his desperately limited freedom to move his lips to kiss her. She smiled at no none in particular, her red lips and large brown eyes having no one to admire them. She breathed out slowly as she stimulated her erect nipples.

At her age she should be in baggy shapeless undies hidden away inside cheap jeans. But here she was, in a sexy thong, damp from arousal, thrusting down on to her adoring man’s face.

“Deep breath, darling,” she moaned, edging forward and plugging his mouth and nose completely. Her flesh, her entire weight on his mouth.

She eased forward slightly on her seat, her bottom sinking ever deeper into the hole. He soon started to struggle. His body bucked, but the box stayed motionless. She watched his cock harden before she eased backwards again and listened to his deep breathing and the feel of cool air drawing deep through the crack between her thighs.

James’s cuffed hands were now pulling at the box, his fingers stretching to touch her thighs which slight overhung the lid.

“Maybe you should have checked my mood before Letting me put you inside,” Belinda exhausted slowly, “I’m fucking horny today.”

She could feel him wriggling beneath her, his lips kissing whatever was in their reach. James ran his fingers along the edge of the lid which was snug with the box, completely rigid beneath Belinda’s weight.

“Good luck opening that, darling,” Belinda panted.

The wine, combined with the weight of Belinda’s body on James’s lips, had slowed the conversation. When Belinda spoke, James was too distracted to respond, interested only in his inescapable facial compress and breathing in her warmScented air. When James spoke, his distorted lips could barely move and his mispronounced words only made her laugh.

For once she loved the fact that her man was distracted, because she was the cause of his distraction. He seemed to be in some wonderful subspace, from which she had no intention of releasing him. She leaned back against the cushions and closed her eyes.


“Bel?” James mumbled as he kissed her damp thong. He kissed it again and was rewarded by a subconscious shiver. Fuck, she was assistant! A sense of excitement struck him as he realized that he was trapped beneath a sleeping woman.

James laughed into her bottom, unsure what to do. He loved the thought that she was sleeping on top of him, but she would be embarrassed as hell when she women in the morning. Plus, the cuffs stopped him masturbating and he was frantic to go again. The chances of jacking off while Belinda was sitting on the box were zero. Tightly closed and double locked high security cuffs, to which the only key was of reach in Belinda’s bra.


James slept well but woke with his mouth pared and his body aching. Unable to see or hear, he had no idea what time it was. Any notion of an internal body clock evictly didn’t apply with Belinda sitting on his face.

He craned his head back and pushed his tongue against the wet strip of black silk that ran between Belinda’s legs. He couldn’t properly reach but maybe he could ignite something.


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