Seduction at Belinda's House Ch. 12

“What was that darling?” James’s muffled voice called.

“Your phone… a text,” Belinda replied as her red lips sipped slowly on a cup of peppermint tea.

It was Sunday afternoon and James and Belinda were lying on the couch, both tightly strapped into Belinda’s face sitting shorts. These were cute red leather shorts, but with a difference. A thick leather strap encircled Belinda’s taut Waist, ensuring that the shiny garment pulled tightly over her body and fitted snugly over her hips and bottom.

Integrated into the design was a hood at the back of the shorts that enclosed James’s head with yet another thick leather strap encircling his neck. It was beautiful and sleek garment designed for the sole purpose of ensuring that James’s face and the lower part of Belinda’s bottom remained in constant contact. James’s world was now reduced to a tiny dark space dominated by Belinda’s bottom, her crotch and her black silk panties.

“Is it from my client?” James called, eVery word sending waves of ticles into Belinda’s bottom.


“I need to answer that.”

Belinda unhelpfully handed the phone to her sexy, but headless man, and giggled.

James loved how she enjoyed his imprisonment, but it could be both sexy and infuriating. He reached up and tried to unbuckle the strap around Belinda’s wait and then the strap around his neck.

“You’ve padlocked these!” he exclaimed.

“I always do,” she replied nonchalantly, playing with her hair, gorgeously ambivalent to the guy she was tormenting.

“I never knew that.”

“You’ve never tried to escape before,” she replied as she pulled her knees up to her chest and watched the leather pull even tighter around her hips.

“No…” James tried to call before her actions forced his face even deeper between her cheeks, his lips straitjacketed by her bottom.

“Sorry darling I missed that,” she called with a mean sense of satisfaction on her shiny lips.

She pulled her knees up even further, the small hairs on her arms standing on end with excitement as James’s incoherent moans became more muffled and more desperate. He tried to pull her legs back down but with no oxygen left inside his hot leather and silk cell he soon stopped. With his life once more in Belinda’s hands, he waited for his woman to release him.

“I don’t want to escape,” James panted as Belinda stretched out her long-toned legs.

“I know darling…”

Belinda felt a surge of power and satisfaction as she leaned up on one arm and played aimlessly with James’s rock hard cock. It feel wonderful to be protecting the man she loved, keeping him totally safe and totally hers, locked in a constant state of arousal.

“My panties are locked inside there too… and they’re not trying to escape,” she teased.

James thought back to the friend’s wedding they had been to the day before and Belinda’s sheer silk dress that seemed to float on her body. He had slipped his hand up her tigh and playfully slapped her butt which bounced freely inside the briefest of thongs. If he had been her thong last night, he certainly wouldn’t have tried to escape. These shorts were a whole different level of security.

“We’re both very happy in here,” James breathed.

“Good, because there’s no parole from this jail,” she signed contentedly as she took back the phone, “Now do you want me to say?”

James dictated his response and then relaxed, still surprised that Belinda had padlocked him in. Belinda’s butt had always turned him on, right from the first day he had met her at the gaol and this was just as well as his current situation was hugely claustrophobic. The locks only made his feelings more intense and the compulsion to kiss her bottom even more real.

“If I’d know you were in this mood, I wouldn’t have hurt pants,” Belinda moaned dreamily as she stretched out on the couch.

“If I’d know you were going to lock me in, I’d have cleared my diay for a week,”

James stretched out over the other half of the large sofa, his cock hard and ready for Belinda’s touch. He pulled his head down as far as he could and reached his tongue forward to slowly stroke Belinda’s vagina.

Belinda was floating as he worked his magic inside her shorts. Their bodies were both totally alive, Belinda’s hips were moving in rhythm to James’s touch, with his body Also tensing and straining in pleasure. Although the power of their combined arousal, the shorts were unyielding, holding them both permanently together

Belinda loved tight leather and particularly these shorts. They made her feel ‘one’ with James, totally connected and totally in tune. It was as if they were combined, with her being the eyes and the mind and James the sexy body to make her feel and powerful and loved. In her fansaties they would be joined like this forever, wrapped inside magically unbreakable leather to which there was no key.

“Maybe Kate should look after our keys for a few hours?” she said, pushing back straight brunette hair that tossed wildly as she had climaxed.

“Kate lost her house keys twice last week,” James panted.

Belinda smiled at the thought, “Would that be a problem?”

“I could drive you crazy in here,” James teased, his tongue flicking against her pussy.

“My thighs are still wrapped around your neck, darling,” Belinda’s voice was becoming all too dreamy as James’s tongue ventured inside her, “Your life is only ever a squeeze away from ending…”

Belinda ran her nails along her thighs enjoying the tickling sensing. Her legs would never hurt James, but still the illicit wicked thought intrigued her. She could wrap her legs together and squeeze. She could pull her knees into her body to cut his air giving James’s only seconds to try and escape. He wouldn’t have a chance and would die between her legs. Oh fuck, she could feel the arousal building and James’s gorgeous touch was as promised drivingg her crazy. She quickly reached down for his cock as they brought each other to orgasm.

With Belinda’s thighs abstaining from their mischievous thoughts, the two of them lay together in the late afternoon sunlight, with Belinda’s fingers circling the thick leather hood that contained her lover’s head.

Still wanting to tease the boy that she fancied, Belinda tightened her gym toned and sun tanned legs around his neck and arched her back. James’s face disappeared further into her bottom and she tensed and released her cheeks to playfully tease her lover.

“Your bum has a life of its own,” James mumbled between clances.

“Does it?” Belinda asked innocently.

“It just keeps mov…” James mumbled before being engulfed once more.

They were both giggling as James ran His hands over Belinda’s hips, trying to find a way into her shorts. All the time, her butt continued to squeeze and play with his face, cutting off his air and distorting his speech at its whim.

“Stop it!” he laughed, helpless to prevent her attention.

“Well then…”

Belinda relaxed and opened her legs. It felt increasingly damp inside her shorts with her arousal mixed with perspiration mixed with what was left of James’s saliva. To say the air was heavily concentrated must have been an understanding and the fragment of her body would cling to James’s face for weeks. She was inflicting a hugely cruel punishment, but from his constant moans of pleasure and rock hard cock she guessed that cruel was good.

She rolled her hips forward, again putting his tongue in reach of her vagina. Again he was inside her, teasing her lips as the temperature increased still further. She started thrusting as she came closer and James’s head had to follow her every movement like an obedient dog.

He lay panting, the taste of the woman across his face, but at least her bottom was still. He kissed the damp silk that now barely contained her round ass and nestled in betweenher cheeks to relax. But seconds later, Belinda’s fingers were around his cock and he cried out in pleasure as he climaxed, his words lost into her ever present butt.

“Oh fuck Bel…” he moaned repeatedly as she wiped him clean.

Belinda lay on her side, pulled her legs up in the semi foetal position and closed her eyes. James had been trying to talk, but now he was muted, pinned back into his rightful place deep inside her red leather shorts. Trapped in constant sensory deprivation, James lay still and with his sexual energy released and his head still secured, he drifted off to sleep.


James sheke to the sound of Belinda and Kate talking and the feel of the ever present scented, sultry air inside his lungs.

“Hello?” James mumbled into Belinda’s butt.

“Kate’s here to look after our keys,” Belinda called.

“Hi Kate,” he panted, “Can I get a breath of air first?”

“Keys are already in my pocket, so no” Kate called.

James could feel Kate sitting astride his waist and he blindly traced his hands around her jeans, but her sitting position made the denim pull super tight around her waist, sealing off her pockets.

“I can empathise with the keys’ prediction…” he replied as Belinda slapped him on the chest and he relaxed back down inside her red hot pants.

“Oh, please try harder than that,” Kate begged.

“When your head’s inside Belinda’s shorts, you do what Belinda says,” he breathed.

Kate looked disappointed and tried to cheer herself up by playing with James’s penis only to have her hand slapped away by Belinda. Kate was now in a mock sulk as she sat astride James’s naked body, in her white tee-shirt and jeans and her blonde hair in a ponytail she looked like a petulant kid.

As if trying to get a glimpse of the power play that was taking place between the two women, James tried to turn his head, but this time his face wouldn’t even pull out from between Belinda’s cheats, “Seems tighter,”he panted.

“Kate did us up a couple of notches on the buckles,” Belinda replied.

Kate was still feeling obstinate as she took James’s hand and held it between her legs where the keys were now nestling, “All the more reason to search for those keys,” Kate breathed willingly.

“All I can feel is your chatity belt,” James’s mumbled.

Belinda smiled sarcastically at her friend, “Yeah sweetie, maybe you should try to earn your way out of your belt and then try seducing a guy who has a head?”

Kate was still pouting, “I want a pair of hot pants with a man’s head inside too!”

“They’re mine,” Belinda smiled, reaching forward to push Kate off the couch and off James’s naked body, “… and you, my sweetie, have made sure that they have to stay mine!”

Kate Retaliated by tickling Belinda’s bare stomach which made Belinda sit upright on top of James’s head, with the leather and her weight combining to push James’s face suffocatingly tight into her butt.

Now engrossed in their play fight, Belinda pushed Kate over on to the floor and the waiting white rug, but James was now fighting for air and seconds later, in desperation, he pushed Belinda over until all three of them were lying on the rug.

“What are you girls doing?” James gasped as he climbed to his knees, his head still pinned to the floor inside Belinda’s shorts, holding him in a constant bowing position. Belinda and Kate stopped laughing, but then seconds later Belinda farted. That was just too much and they both broke out in fits of laughter.

“Belinda!” James voice sounded serious as he tried in vain to twist and pull his head out of the tight squeaky leather.

“Sorry darling,” Belinda exclaimed between laughs, “we really can’t take you seriously when your head’s in my pants.”


Kate jumped to her feet and stood astride Belinda’s head, “Now maybe this is a good time to discuss me being released from my chatity belt,” Kate grinned.

“Okay,” Belinda smiled.

Kate skipped off to Belinda’s bedroom to fetch the chatity key only to return a few minutes later. She had stripped off her jeans, released herself from the chatity belt and was dressed in innocent looking flowery cotton underwear and white tee-shirt, and had Belinda’s vibrator in her hand. Belinda could do nothing but stare up at her long slim legs.

“I think this is your turn to suffer the prong…” Kate breathed with her Irish lilt and mischievous smile as she croouched down over Belinda’s head, “…otherwise I’ll leave with the keys to your shorts.

“Can you loosen my shorts first?” Belinda panted, her breathing deep and her eyes dilated, “They’re too tight for James to reach my vagina.

Kate let down her long blonde hair before shaking her head. She dragged the stool over to the rug positioned it over Belinda’s open mouth. The three inch long steel prong, that projected down from the stool’s support bar, slip slowly and erotically into Belinda’smouth, filling her completely and totally immobilising her head.

Belinda let out a moan of pleasure as Kate sat down on the glass seat with her legs apart and the vibrator brushing across the front of her underwear.

“Oh fuck, this feels so good after a week in the belt,” Kate moaned.

There was something about the prong that turned Belinda on like crazy. Maybe it was a pointer to her true sex drive with the feeling only heightened by Kate’s moans from the seat above. Belinda was now desperate to touch herself, her hands reached down between her legs, but the locked red leather shorts were stretched too tightly around her body. Kate was now getting louder, rocking back and forward on the stool.

Belinda was driving her hips forward, searching for more sensing. She had all but forgetten about James who was holding her hips in an attempt to stop her bottom pounding his face, with no option but to go along for the ride. Kate had now climaxed and was shaking and swaying on the stool above her.

Belinda hadn’t and her big damp eyes gazed up from beneath the stool, begging for either sexual or, failing that, physical release from the stool. Kate was giving her neither.

“All I have to do is sit here and you’re fucked,” Kate breathed, “but if you’re a good girl, I may give you this…”

Belinda’s moans intensified as Kate held the vibrator Just out of her reach. She tried to wriggle out from the stool, but with Kate sitting on top, it may as well have been set in concrete. She watched Kate’s legs swinging open and shut, every detail of her thighs painfully vivid, her underwear sticking to the glass seat, damp from arousal.

Belinda stopped fighting the prong and lay still, gazing up and soaking in the feeling of helplessness as she waited for her mistress to Hand her the vibrator. Finally Kate handed it to her, crossed her bare legs and watched as Belinda turned it on.

James was helpless to do anything as Belinda masturbated with his head in her shorts. Her moans filled the air as James’s gasped mouthfuls of hot cented air from the two small ventilation holes. He was getting punch drunk from the movement and the intensity of her sexual energy that filled the figure hugging leather shorts. Still Belinda continued as James wrapped his hands around his cock.

“So how was that for you Jamie?” Kate smiled when Belinda’s cried had finally subsided.

“Hot,” he panted.

“Guess you’re never look at Bel’s bottom in the same way again,” she giggled.

Belinda was whimpering intently, frustrated to be muted by the prong.

“Shall I leave you two locked together for the night?” Kate asked, “Or have you finally tired of Bel’s bottom?”

“It was cool until you started to tease her,” James breathed.

Kate giggled, pleased that her actions had been felt inside Belinda’s shorts, “Mmm, what else shall I do to her…”

James and Kate continued to chat as Kate managed to wriggle out of her underwear without leaving the stool. She then knelt up on the seat as she positioned the solid belt around her slim pale waist and used the single silver key to lock herself back in.

“Hey Bel, keeping the key in your underwear drawer is too cliched and far too obvious,” Kate smiled, “but don’t worry, I will return it to its silky home before I leave.

Belinda had given up trying to talk and was Just looking up through the glass seat at Kate’s annoying cute butt in its annoying cute pants. Now even the steel chatity belt looked cute, with its shiny high tensile steel running between her cheeks.

Belinda knew that the steel prong could really play with the mind, putting someone in the ultimate submissive and humiliating position, but that knowledge was of no help in getting out once someone had put you under its spell. Even with Kate’s lithe body sitting on top, the prong was totally inescapable.

“I haven’t decided whether to release you,” Kate mused as she standd up, removed the stool and wriggled back into her jeans, “I think it would be so cool for you guys to stay like that overnight.”

“You’d better let us out before the morning,” Belinda whispered, her mouth stiff, “Or I’ll have to piss on him,” she mouthed.

“Glass of wine, sweetie?” Kate teased.


Kate led Belinda out to the sun loungers; a slow walk with Belinda still recovering from the prong and James shuffling along on his knees behind her, his face still strapped into Belinda’s bottom.

“I would say ‘heel’, but that’s not quite right is it James,” Kate giggled.

The women chatted aimlessly as they drank, enjoying the early evening sun and the gentle breeze. There was the distant sound of grass being cut; some guys were evinedly spending their weekends in a less interesting way.

James was almost silent. Unlike cuffs or a prison cell, the shorts seemed to imprison both James and his mind. Not only was he physically locked up, blindfolded and diSorientated, but his mind was also trapped in an endless loop of fansies about Belinda’s body. He was currently picturing her blue bikini, her butt wobbling in stretched Lycra.

It trapped him in an endless feeling of arousal that he couldn’t hide from Belinda, his hard cock, intermittent moans and the way he massed her body all obvious signs of what was going on inside the red leather shorts. Knowing how James’s felt made Belinda hot and she lay on the locker, herself arousal.

“What’s happening inside your shorts?” Kate asked, her fingers playing with the padlocks on the thick leather straps.

“Think we can both guess,” Belinda smiled contentedly.

“So, I can leave you guys together until the morning?”

Belinda smiled, still half tempted by the thought, “He may not appreciate being peed on,” she finally whispered.

“Nothing to do with me buckling you up so tightly that he can’t reach your pussy?” Kate giggled.

“Okay, maybe that too…”

Kate stood and smoothed her jeans around her chatity belt, “Sorry I stole the key and let myself out,” she smiled apologetically as she bent down to kiss Belinda’s on the cheese, “but I’m all locked up again now.”

“Hey, the keys to my shorts?” Belinda called as Kate walked away.

Kate stopped walking.

“Surely you’re not going to condemn James to another twelve hours in my pants?”

That was rewarded with a smile on Kate’s lips as she pulled the keys from her pocket, “But next time I lock you two together for the night.”

“What’s happening?” came a muffled moan from inside her shorts.

“Shush darling,” Belinda purred, as she unlocked the strap around her waist, loosened it a notch and then relocked it with the padlock.

“Are you unlocking us?” James asked.

“All in good time, darling…”

Belinda pulled her legs into her body, so that her shorts once again tightened around her hips, immobilising James’s mouth and cutting off his air. She ranHer hands over the gorgeously tight red leather and then throw the keys into the pool.


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