Belinda returned to the locke to find Kate making coffee. She seemed happy and excited and eager to please her host. Not surprisingly Kate hadn’t released James from the padlocked box with the keys still lying on the coffee table
“So Bel…,” Kate announced, “I’ve come to ask your permission to be let out of chatity… just for tonight.” She fidgeted excitedly.
“That man again?”
Kate nodded, standing up straight, her back arched and eyes closed with her short pink dress quivering on her electrified body. Belinda gently brushed her blonde hair back over her shoulders and ran her inspecting fingertips around Kate’s breasts and down to her legs. She lifted the sheer silent material of Kate’s dress to reveal the tight shiny chatity belt that encircled her otherwise naked female body.
“That belt is so made for you,” Belinda breathed, aroused as always by the sight of her chatised friend.
“I know… I love it, but…”
“… but it’s a bummer for yoursex life,” Belinda smiled, finishing her sentence.
She placed her hands on Kate’s bare butt and stepped forward, gently pulling the steel belt up against her own body. Kate gasped in excitement.
“So, sex on your third date?” Belinda questioned.
“No! Of course not… but he’ll feel the belt when we kiss.”
Kate was already breathless as she gazed into Belinda big brown eyes. She loved being under Belinda’s control, especially when that means surrendering her vagina to her gorgeously dominating friend.
“Please Bel… I can’t get it off without you.”
Belinda let out an involuntary laugh as she flicked back her thick brown hair, “Yeah, I know. It’s locked?”
“Could I have the key?”
Kate jiggled from foot to foot as she looked pleadingly into her friend’s eyes. Although she was becoming to be released, Belinda’s approval was more important than just the key.
Belinda knelt down on the hard floorboards and lifted the soft flowing material ofher friend’s dress. With her lips tantalisingly close to Kate’s slim pale inner thighs, she checked how the belt was sitting on Kate’s hips and how tightly the steel was pressing between her cheeks. She deliberately let the dress drop back down enclosing her head inside the blonde woman’s dress. Now with privacy assured, she kissed the inside of Kate’s thigh.
“You’re beautiful,” Belinda breathed, her lips Now pressing on the steel belt.
“You bitch, Bel… with you down there I want out even more!”
“Wouldn’t that be nice,” Belinda teased, her kiss leaving lipstick on the front of the belt.
“Oh please!” Kate cried, “This thing’s had me trapped for long enough!”
“Try to get out,” Belinda teased as she pulled her head clear of Kate’s dress.
Kate stared at her friend in frustration before lifting up the hem of her pink dress, tucking her fingertips into the steel waistband and pulling. She hoped from foot to foot, balancing on her high heels, as she performing a strange little dance. Belinda’s had her hand to her mouth, but her eyes gave away her obvious amusement.
Kate stopped, straightened her dress and defiantly flicked back her loose blonde hair. She then watched transfixed as Belinda placed a single key on to the lid of James’s box.
With wide blue eyes, Kate skipped across the room, but Belinda had already sat down on top of the key and slowly crossed her legs. Kate stopped dead and just stared at Belinda, “My key!”
“How can I trust you not to sleep with him?” Belinda asked.
“Oh let me out… please let me out!” Kate begged, dropping to her knees and kissing Belinda’s bare legs.
“Bring the key,” Belinda finally announced as she stood up and led the way to the spa bedroom.
It Only took seconds for Kate to slide out of her sheer dress and unclip her white lacy bra. Then naked, but for the steel, she lay down expectedly on the bed.
Belinda kicked off her heels and knelt astride Kate’s head as she leaned forward to examine the belt.
Belinda’s dress was now hanging teasingly around Kate’s trembling face, tickling her as Belinda moved. Kate was so distracted reaching up and placing kisses on Belinda’s butt that at first she didn’t realize that she had been unlocked. Although seconds later she was shrieking as Belinda kissed her newly exposed clip, Belinda’s tongue playing with her two labia piercings.
“Shush… or I’ll sit on you,” Belinda warned, but then changed her mind and instantly sat back on her haunches anyway.
Kate moaned mutely into Belinda’s bottom as she thrust her hips upwards to the hope of reconnecting with Belinda’s lips.
Belinda sat back more heavily, her curves resting down and obliterating Kate’s face. There was no way that Kate could be breathing down there, but still the blonde seemed more focused on oral stimulation than on her own survival. Belinda lifted her dress, inspected her victim head that had been squashed deep into the soft mattress, and waited for the inevitable panic. Seconds later Kate was flailing around on the bed.
Belinda waited and then lean forward and ran her tongue across Kate’s vagina. Had she not been tethered by the head, the blonde would have fallen off the bed.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck…” Kate panted repeated as Belinda finally let her breathe
“James is locked up tight in the box for the night,” Belinda breathed, “but this must stay our secret,” she pursued as she rested her panties gently down on to Kate’s lips and lowered her own lips back on to Kate’s vagina.
“Maybe we should leave James locked in his box forever,” Kate moaned.
Her body seemed electrified as she strained and stretched beneath Belinda, licking, touching and blowing warm air against her body. Belinda pushed down further, Kate’s tongue now inside her, as she tightened her legs around her friend’s head.
Kate was easy to bring to orgasm, her body getting its first sexual sensingfor almost a week. Kate climaxed in shrinks of pleasure, relaxed and lay helpfully pinned beneath her friend as she waited for them to go again.
“Do you really think we should leave James locked up forever?” Belinda asked, peppering the inside of her friend’s smooth pale thighs with kisses.
“Yeah it would be so sexy,” Kate cried.
Belinda watched her friend’s body thrush and heaven between her. Would this cute woman really condemn James to such a cruel life? Surely that was just her horny mind talking.
Belinda sat back down on Kate’s face with Kate’s nose now pushing her panties deep between her cheeks. With Kate’s eyes blinded and only the bare minimum of air filtering into Kate crushed mouth, she tucked her calves under Kate’s head. With Belinda’s tights Almost touching her calves, she crossed her ankles, closed her thighs and locked everything in place.
“Any last thoughts about James before I crush you to death?” Belinda breathed as she enjoyed free reign between Kate’s open legs.
“What are you doing?” Kate mumbled, unable to see or move between Belinda’s legs.
“Just playing with your piercings, sweetie.”
Kate relaxed and enjoyed the sensing of being pinned down, unable to prevent her friend’s teasing touch. Suddenly she tried to escape and was met with an instant tightening of Belinda’s abductor muscles.
“You’re going nowhere girl,” Belinda breathed.
Kate drifted off into another fantasy as Belinda brought her to orgasm yet again. Even when Belinda did release her, Kate lay motionless with a dazed grin as Belinda stood up and readjusted her lingerie and dress.
“You’ve padlocked me!” Kate squealed, pulling at the small padlock that was now threaded through both of her labia piercings, “Oh my god!”
“Now you can kiss your man,” Belinda breathed, “but no more…”
“You’ve padlock my fucking vagina closed!” Kate repeated, her lips starting to curl and her eyes starting to dilate.
“You’ve padlock my fucking vagina closed!” Kate repeated, her lips starting to curl and her eyes starting to dilate.
Kate was mesmerized as she played with the padlock, exploring how it pushed through her piercings, easy her fingers around the lock and into her pussy, “It’s beautiful, I love it,” she trembled.
“And misbehave and I’ll use it to chain you to the wall,” Belinda smiled slyly, “That should stop you.”
Still naked, Kate was now kneeing on the bed, giggling and nodding her head.
“You’re kidding me. You want to be chained up by your piercing?” Belinda excerpted, throwing Kate a pair of own underwear, “Okay… but you need to help me with something first.”
Belinda put her finger to her lips as she led Kate into her bedroom and silently opened the wardrobe. Inside the locked safe Belinda’s daughter was still moaning and understanding with pleasure, gentle cries echoing out of the steel box.
“You’ve locked Sophie in there?” Kate whispered in surprise, “She’s your daughter!”
“Long story… what should I do?”
“Let her out!”
“Don’t think she want me too,” Belinda whispered, her nails playing nervously against her teeth as her mind pondered the best option.
Suddenly the cries stopped, “Mum is that you?” Sophie called nervously.
Belinda shook her head and pointed at Kate.
“Soph, it’s me, Kate… think we need to let you out.”
“Oh,” Sophie sounded disappointed. It had been such a long and beautiful sexual high that the young woman was in no rush to be let out. She couldn’t see her new lingerie inside the dark box, but she could feel the silk stretching around her stimulated body and wherever she touched herself, she just felt alive.
“Soph, I just need to find the keys to these padlocks,” Kate called.
‘Oh please say mum has gone out with them,’ Sophie whispered to herself. Maybe she’s lost them? Maybe mum and Kate would keep her locked inside for the night. Kate was still in a crazy fantasy when the heavy steel door swung open a few seconds later.
She looked at Kate coyly, a woman she had always looked up to, particularly now as she stood in front of the door, legs apart in a gorgeous cool pink dress.
“Love that dress,” was all Sophie could mutter, barely daring to make eye contact.
“Thank you… and, wow, what are you wearing?” Kate exclaimed in shock as she took in Sophie’s provocative lingerie, wrapped around a slimmer version of her mother.
“Oh yeah… sorry,” Sophie replied.
“Don’t be… it’s obviously working for you, sweetie.”
With one hand covering her silk clad crotch, Sophie was about to step out of the heavy steel safe when Kate started to close the close the door on her.
“What are you doing Kate?”
The women looked at each other through the small opening between the door and the frame. Sophie felt mortified that Kate had seen her tarty outfit and heard her cries and wanted to run to her room to hide.
“The feeling can be even stronger when you’re a reluctant prisoner,” Kate teased as she closed the heavy steel door and slide across the bolts across.
“Let me out,” Sophie begged, rubbing her body against the steel.
Kate waited for Sophie’s cries to return.
“Can you lock the padlocks as well,” Sophie called breathlessly.
“Already have,” Kate smiled as she left with the keys.
Kate slinked back to the locke with a sly smile on her face and sat down on James’s box. She pulled up her dress and slide her hand inside her underwear to reveal the padlock that was now rubbing and tugging teasingly against her vagina.
She held the small lock for a few seconds before letting the black panties snap back closed around her. She smoothed her dress back over her thighs and buried her hands into her lap.
“Bel, this might be a problem,” she whispered, her tongue pushed nervously against her cheek.
“Distracting you?” Belinda smiled.
“It keeps moving…”
Belinda walked over in her heels with her hips swaying and her short dress riding up at each turn. She pointed to the floor in front of the box and watched as Kate slipped off the wooden lid and knelt down.
“This should stop it moving,” Belinda breathed as she reached inside Kate’s underwear and slipped a second padlock through the lock that already secured Kate’s labia piercings. With Kate looking on with a sense of wonder, Belinda eased her forward and slipped the padlock through a ring on the side of the box and snapped it shut, padlocking Kate to the box.
As always, James was listened intently from inside the box. He knew that Kate had been locked to his box and then felt someone sit on his lid. It had to be Belinda. Kate was giggling, as if teasing someone, and then silence. At that point Belinda started to moan, almost too quietly to hear.
“Bel?” he called, aroused, but also jealous that Belinda was making her cute cries and moans without him.
He heard shuffling above him and then his only slither of light disappear as someone sat onthe small metal grille on the lid of the box. Everything was now pitch black and silent and he knew he was on a countdown to suffocation if she didn’t move.
Now that he was in complete sensing isolation the jealously became even more consuming. What were the women doing up there? Fuck, he loved being locked in the box when Belinda was teasing him, playing with him, but now it was as if she had forgotten him.
This was so frustrating. The keys to his box were on the coffee table and either of them could release him in seconds, but he knew they wouldn’t. He could try asking, but he knew what they would say. Sweet and kind word, but a total and utter refusal to release him would make him feel even more trapped.
He would soon fall back into subspace and love being their prisoner, but right then, with paranoia running wild, he wanted to know what Belinda was doing without him.
Several hours later, Belinda showed Kate to the door and then meandered back to theblinde. Kate had released Sophie from the safe, almost an afterthought with Kate about to leave with the keys. Belinda sat down by the box, her legs elegantly folded to her side. She flicked back her hair, leaned against the box and looked down through the small grille in the lid.
“Hi darling,” she purred, “enjoying subspace?”
James lay on the bottom of the box, gazing up at her, “What’s have happened out there in the real world,” he breathed, “Where I can’t go.”
“Hey, you’re not the only prisoner in the world,” she replied, deliberately blowing warm air through the grille.
“Yeah, guess we all look longingly through our cell bars… you look so beautiful.”
This was the signal for Belinda to stand up and unzip and step out of her dress. She ran her hands over her satin lingerie, gliding lovingly over her own bottom and slowly around to her damp crotch. Why did complete power over James feel so sexy?
“Would you like to see my new skirt,” she asked seductively as her hips continued to twist and turn in an attempt to disperse the ever present sexual tension.
She slinked off to their bedroom and beamed at herself in the mirror as she turned from side to side, inspecting her new leather skirt. It fitted beautifully around her waist and emphasized her curves with the leather pulling and wrinkling as it clinked down to her mid thigh. With the tight black leather zipped up to the top, it hugged her so tightly that it felt almost as grogeous as James’s strong arms. A taut enclosing feeling that created a tantalising heat trapped inside.
She had never thought of herself as sexy before she met James. Attractive ‘yes’, that was more of an objective measure, but sexy ‘no’. She had needed James to convince her of that.
Wearing just the skirt and a black lace bra she returned to the locke and slinked slowly up to the box.
“Wow,” James exclaimed, his eyes craning through the grille, “That is gorgeous!”
James’s nakedd body clambered around to get the best view possible as Belinda sat on the lid, swivelled her legs around and then stood up on the box.
“Oh and you’re naked underneath,” James surprised wildly.
“Well I am alone in the house…” she smiled coyly.
“What about me?”
Belinda stepped forward with one foot either side of the grille and wriggled her hips from side to side. She could feel her but wobbling as she moved. James looked up in complete exasperation. He could see everything, including her naked shabby vagina bobbing above him, as it taunting him with the helplessness of his situation.
“Fuck, I so want you Bel!”
Belinda finished the private dance and then sat back down on the grille, swinging her bare feet against the side of the box.
“I can smell the leather,” James breathed, his nose pushed up against the grille.
“Mmm… just imagine how airt this seal will be.”
With her skirt preventing any sound from entering the box and tTherefore making conversation all but impossible, Belinda stood up and sat back down on the floor with the skirt creaking and stretching around her. She leaned against the side of the box and gazed in, the keys dangling from her finger.
“You know there’s dust on the box’s padlocks,” she smiled.
“You know one day I’ll probably lose these keys altogether… weren’t they in that drawer Somewhere? … not sure… doesn’t really matter…” Belinda voice meandered with a teasingly smile on her painted lips, “Oh weren’t they in the pocket of my old painting clothes… I don’t do much painting…”
“You think you can keep your hands off me for that long,” James replied dreamily.
“We’ll see…”
“I really want out tonight,” he breathed.
Their eyes were Now only inches apart as they watched each other’s tiniest expressions, silence other than for Belinda’s jingling keys.
“Go on, beg,” she whispered, “beg for your freedom.”
“Oh fuck, you have to let me out Bel… at least just to make love…”
Belinda’s features seemed almost doll like through the grille. Her big shiny eyes and perfect glinting lips, “It’s like your mind is here, but your body isn’t,” Belinda breathed out, “I can dance naked all weekend and you can do nothing about it. So do I need to wear panties? I don’t think so.”
“Fucking box,” James panted.
He wanted to kick out at the box, but he knew that he was too close to an orgasm and any reminder of his captivity would push him over the edge.
“And I’m keeping you in there forever,” Belinda whispered as if sharing a secret.
“Even that thought sounds fucking greous…”
“So if you want me now,” Breathed trembled, “imagine how you’ll feel in five or ten year’s time, after watching me constantly through this grille.”
They gazed into each other’s eyes as best as they could through the heavy grille, both on the edge.
“If you could experience the feeling my skirtYou might be worried,” Belinda quivered, standing up and massaging her body through the tight leather and then sitting back down on the smooth wooden lid, her bottom covering all but a slipper of the grille.
James strained to see past Belinda’s bottom, now dominating everything at such close quarters. He wanted to see her face, her dilated brown eyes and curtain of long brown hair. Belinda could almost feel his loving gaze and opened her thighs and shifted from cheese to cheese as the feeling grow.
“How can your eyes have such an effect through the grille and through my skirt,” she moaned, tensing and releasing her bottom.
“I could do so much without this fucking grille.”
“Just as well you’re locked inside then…”
“You could let me out?” James panted, one hand on his cock, the other pawing at the grille.
“I thought I had your permission to keep you locked up for as long as it turns me on?
“Of course you do darling.”
“Thank you,” Belinda brEathed as she threaded the vibrator up inside her tight skirt, with its head having to squeeze between her bare thighs and finally nestling up against her bare crotch.
“I want to be in there with it,” James begged.
“I’m sure your mind is in there… deep inside my pants…”
Belinda’s words were lost in a flurry of cries as she wriggled around on the lid, willing for the ultimate orgasm. Even Without physical contact, James matched her timing and cried out in ecstasy beneath her.
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