Seduction at Belinda's House Ch. 08

James slept well inside the box, but I love early and spend the next hour peering through the small, four inch square opening in the front of his locked cell. He could see out to the locke and the kitchen beyond, all lit by the early morning sun and all totally out of reach. He couldn’t do anything until Belinda got up, but that was just the way it was when she locked him in a small box and went to sleep with the keys.

Alone in their queen sized bed, Belinda was waking up slowly, still groggy from the alcohol and the excitement of the night before. It was nice knowing that James would be waiting for her, he always woke up early, and the thought of him waiting patiently, like an obedient dog, made her smile as she rolled over and drifted back to sleep.


“Morning darling,” James called excitedly as Belinda padded in the locke. She was wearing a short black lace nightie and her hair was unbrushed and covered her sleepy eyes. She wobbled up to the box and collapsed onto the neary coffee table.

“Hi,” she replied in her husky sleepy voice.

“Hi… Sleep well?” James asked.

Belinda smiled and nodded as she climbed, baby giraffe like, on to her feet.

“You still have the keys?” James asked hopefully.

Belinda looked confused for a brief moment before touching the back of her panties and then nodded as a gentle clatter of steel on steel sounded from between her legs.

The sight of Belinda in her lingerie and the sound of the keys were too much for James and he moved his face from small hole and pushed his forearm through instead. With his bicep wedged in the tight opening, he blindly reached around, trying to cares her body, only to fall agonising short of where Belinda was standing. He brought his arm back in, and once again looked at Belinda’s sleepy smiling brown eyes.

“What was that?” she asked with her husky voice.

“You’re making the outside world look very inviting…”

“What part of being ‘my prisoner’ don’t you understand?”

“What part of psychological torture and the Geneva Convention don’t you understand?”

Belinda’s smouldering eyes were enjoying themselves; blinking, fluttering and betraying her rousing emotions. She turned around slowly, the morning sunlight playing on her tanned, flushed skin encased in shiny pale pink underwear.

“I control everything about you… including whether you live or die… remember that…”

She walked towards him, the keys still jingling inside her underwear and her eyes still smouldering. James’s heart was pounding as he looked up at her.

“First I’m going to take a bath…” she breathed, “then we can play.”

“I’ve been waiting ages already, darling,” he moaned.

“I assume I’m worth waiting for?” she teased.

Belinda closed and locked the hole and then glided her silk underwear down her legs and placed them carefully on the small grille, which was James’s only source of ventilation. She then croouched down and collected up the two warm padlock keys that had spent the night between her legs, and throw them casually over to the sofa


Sophie waited for the bathroom door to close before creeping into the lounge. She looked almost as hung over as her mum, her long chestnut hair unbrushed and wearing only a short white silk kimono style robe. Silently, flicked her mum’s used underwear away, lifted her robe and sat down on the ventilation grille, the cold steel mesh pushing into her naked bottom.

“Belinda?” James called.

“No, it’s me,” Sophie trembled.

James looked up to through the only part of the grille that wasn’t covered by the twenty year olds bottom, up between Sophie’s thighs and bare shaken pussy to her smiling face, blurred by the thick grille and the streaming sunlight. Seconds later and even that was gone as she wrapped her robe tightly around her body.

“Not now Sophie,” James called.

“Mum will be in the bath for ages… you can breathe in my cent instead.

Sophie had always idolised James and looked for every opportunity to get close to him and the compromising photos she had of him between her legs meant that he could never say no.

“Isn’t this how it works,” Sophie breathed gazing down between her legs, “you breathe in my cent while in captivity and then you fall for me?”

“You suffocate me if you sit there too long, is how it works,” James breathed.

Sophie giggled and moved forward to cover up more of the small grille. Suddenly her big eyes opened wider as she saw her mum’s vibrator lying next the box. She grabbed it, switched it on and touched herself between her legs.

“Oh…oh…oh…” she cried out.

“Shush!” James begged as she forced him to listen and breathe in her arousal.

With a nervous grin, Sophie returned the vibrator, stood up and tightly tied and double knotted the robe around her slim body. She used her fingertips to slide her mum’s pants back over the grille.

“Thank you darling,” she called down, imitating her mother.

She then tiptoed away only, stopping only to pick up two keys that she found lying on the sofa.


“Sophie, did you see some keys lying around?” Belinda called to her daughter who was now sitting at the breakfast bar dressed in old jeans and te shirt.

“Why?” Sophie asked with a smile as she jumped up and went over to sit on the box, her slim body bouncing excitedly on the lid.

“You know then?” Belinda asked with a sight.

“Yeah, but I think it’s so cool!”

Their games hadn’t been the best kept secret, particularly with James’s office being inside an old prison cell.

“Okay sweetie, can I have the keys please?”

Sophie jumped up again and ran giggling upstairs and into James and Belinda’s bedroom. Belinda followed to find her daughter standing next to the steel cupboard that was hidden inside the wardrobe.

There seemed to be a strange symmetry with mother and daughterhter watching each other, both in white te shirts and jeans, both with an evidence fascination with bondage.

“Mum…” Sophie trembled nervously, “If I give you the keys will you lock me in here?”

“These are games for James and I,” Belinda replied.

“I really want to try!”

Belinda was unsure what to do. She loved the thrill of locking up and being locked up, but somehow This wasn’t a game her daughter should be playing.

“Please… otherwise I’ll only have to ask some guy to do it,” Sophie continued.

They shared a smile, both knowing how easily the daughter could manipulating her mum.

“Ok, I’ll lock you in.”

Sophie was fidgeting like crazy as she stood in the tiny steel locker and dug into her jeans and handed her mum the keys for James’s box.

“I come back and let you out in half an hour… OK?”

Belinda gently closed the heavy steel door and almost reluctantly slide across the two bolts to lock her daughter inside. In a strangeway it felt comfortable to know where her daughter was and that she couldn’t possibly get into any trouble.

“Can you lock it with the padlocks mum,” Sophie called out.

Belinda surprised and even though she knew it made no difference, she locked the two bolts in place with high security padlocks. She pulled out the keys that now held her daughter captive and pushed them into her back pocket.

“Are you okay in there Sophie?” she called.

“Am I locked in?” Sophie voice was trembling.

“All locked in and I have the only keys to let you out.”

“Please can you make it an hour mum?”

“You sure you don’t want me to check on you before that?”

“I won’t be a real prisoner if you do.”

“Oh you’re a prisoner sweetie,” Belinda called, “Just try and get out of there.”

Belinda watched as her daughter pushed against the door, the heavy bolts not even moving, “You’ll have to try harder than that Soph,” she called, as she slowly closed the wardrobe door./p>


Belinda spent the next hour sitting on James’s box with James trying to reassure her that she had done the right thing and that there was nothing wrong with Sophie wanting to explore.

“I love having you as my prisoner,” Belinda surprised, twisting and wrinkling her tight jeans as she looked at James through the open hole, “but I’m now holding my daughter prisoner… Your keys and her keys are in the same pocket!”


Belinda returned to the bedroom exactly an hour later to hear gently moans of pleasure coming from the steel safe. As she got closer she realized that Sophie was masturbating, rubbing and pushing herself against the locked steel door. Belinda could so easily relate to the fansies that her daughter was feeling, but yet it felt wrong that she was there to witness the young woman’s arousal. Finally the cries of pleasure reduced to breathless exhaustion.

“Your hour is up sweetie,” Belinda called as she unlocked the padlocks.

She waitedfor a few more moments to let Sophie redress before pulling back the bolts and releasing the young woman who stood very quickly with a dazed smile on her face.

“One more hour mum… please?”

Belinda was in two minds; she loved to see her daughter so happy and excited, but it wrong that she should be masturbating alone in a locked steel box. She needed to find the right guy, but Sophie eyes were now pleading to be locked back inside.

After a moment’s thought, Belinda pulled a pair of hinged handcuffs from a drawer and gestured for her daughter to turn around.

“Oh my god, cuffs?” Sophie panted.

“I’m going to lock your wrists together.”

Sophie nodded, her hands already behind her back.

“They feel okay?” Belinda checked.

Sophie nodded again.

“Don’t fight these as they’ll hurt you,” Belinda warned.

Sophie nodded eagerly.

“Seriously sweetie… getting out of them without these keys is impossible.”


“They’re meanthings… they’ll cut your wrists and still be just as permanently locked around you.”

“I understand mum!”

“Okay… now I’ll unlock you when I get back from the shops… may be a little more than an hour.”

“Padlocks again?” Sophie breathed, all wide eyes and wild hair.

“Yes sweetie, all padlocks locked and all keys with me. You won’t be getting out.”

“Oh god…”

“And the handscuffs will stop you touching yourself,” Belinda warned.

Sophie’s aroused eyes just stared back.

“Now, you sure? There’s no going back once I lock you in.”

“Please mum.”

“Okay then, your imprisonment starts now sweetie,” Belinda whispered as she closed the door and slide across the bolts.


Belinda returned to the locke and sat on James’s box.

“I’ve locked her back in the safe, this time in handcuffs,” she told.

“What? More keys, not less?” James replied.

“Oh no, that’s not good, is it,” Belinda moaned, “Even worse… I quitelike her in there!”

“That’s just a natural urge to look after her,” James replied.

“I hope so,” Belinda laughed, “and not a kinky fascination with locking up my own daughter.”

“Is is making you hot?” James teased.

“Oh stop it! I don’t know!”

James reached a hand through the hole and reassuringly patted Belinda’s thigh. He then stretched further trying to reach the pocket of her jeans.

“You can always let me out,” James called, “Can’t really help you while I’m locked in this box.”

“Nice try darling,” Belinda smiled, “I prefer you as my prisoner. You’re always here, always desperate to please… and you love it,” she giggled as she pushed his arm back inside, closed his window and walked away.


Belinda was still doubting herself and continuously touching her butt as she walked to the shops, tracing the keys through the warm denim. She had locked her own daughter in a safe! Sophie was now an adult, but she was still her daughter and Belinda wanted more than anything for her to go out and live her life. Not much chance of that happening while her mum had locked her up.

The more she thought about Sophie, the more aroused she became. Maybe this was just her having empathy with her daughter, she knew Sophie was as aroused as hell inside the steel safe, but what if it wasn’t? Maybe she should have released James as he was clouding her emotions. What if she was just a regular sadistic bitch? Come be part of my life and be locked up in a box.

Belinda returned home and quickly mounted the stairs to her bedroom.

“Sophie, are you okay in there?” she called anxiously

“Mum…” Sophie called back, her voice wavevering with emotion.

“You enjoying it in there?”


Belinda’s heart leap as she recognized her own love of tying up and being tied up coming through in her daughter’s voice.

“Want me to unlock you?” Belinda called.

“Umm… don’t know?”

“Or shall I leave you locked up until tomorrow?” Belinda teased. Her voice was breathy and her body was starting to get aroused.

“Umm… what… tomorrow?”

“Sorry, I’m teasing you sweetie,” Belinda laughed.

“Oh, okay,” Sophie was trembling.

“Want me to let you out?” Belinda repeated.

“Umm… okay…”

Belinda pressed her body against the door, trying to share her daughter’s emotions. She pictured her inside, the aroused fans running through her maybe not so innocent mind, the gorgeous feeling of being held and being safe and being totally under someone else’s control. No doubt the handcuffs were driving her to distraction, unable to touch herself.

Belinda decided to take Sophie to the next level.

“Well I’m not going to let you out.”

“What? Mum?” Sophie cried, unable to hide her simulateneous fear, excitement and pleasure.

“And you insisted on the padlocks sweetie… so now no one else can free you.”

“Oh fuck…” Sophie breathed.

Belinda listened in amazing fascination as Sophie’s moans of pleasure echoed out of the tiny vent.

“I’ll be back to check on you soon sweetie,” Belinda pursued as she walked back down to the locke.


Belinda’s back and forth and worry over Sophie means that she hadn’t had time to tease James, to striptease or masturbate in front of him, making for a slow morning for the man locked up inside the box. Belinda was now walking around the blind tidying up from the night before.

James was watching her longingly. Whether he was on a subspace high or frustrated and bored, he was still helpfully trapped in his inescapable prison and would stay there until Belinda chose to release him.

“Let me take you to lunch,” he called.

“Thought you said I could keep you in there all weekend?”Belinda Sighed.

“Just lunch…”

With her weekend not going to plan, Belinda pulled two keys from the very bottom of her pocket and dropped them into James’s waiting hand befor walking back upstairs to unlock her daughter.


James had dreamt of being given the keys and within less than minute he did something that he otherwise couldn’t do in a thousand years; escape out of the box. He quickly showed and dressed in tight white shirt and jeans and drove Belinda to her favourite upmarket restaurant.

Belinda was sitting opposite him in a new dress that he had just bought her. Flowing, yet fitting blue material, with lace woven in to give a stylist, but strangely revealing look. It was mid thigh length when standing, but the soft material rode up on her legs when she sat down and James smiled as he watched her try to cover herself.

The dress and the restaurant worked and Belinda felt wonderful by the time they returned home almost two hours later. James could always do that to her. As they walked in, Kate was sitting waiting for them in the locke.

“I’m seeing that guy again tonight,” Kate buzzed, jumping up to hug them.

James flicked on the coffee machine and pulled out three mugs.

“Hey!” Belinda exclaimed, her hands on the hips, blowing away a stray strand of hair that rested against her mouth.

“Already?” James asked.

“Now!” Belinda shouted and then spoilt the look with a smile.

James kissed Belinda’s lips as he walked over to the open box and stripped off his shirt and jeans. Kate was watching intently. He lay down inside the box and looked out at the two women in short summer dresses that were approaching him. He was seconds away from losing his freedom. They closed the lid and James lay there listening as they locked the padlocks in place.

“I feel like a magician with two beautiful assistants,” he called.

“Will take more than magic to get out of there darling,” Belinda replied, closing the hole in his face.

It was only Saturday afternoon and it would probably be almost two days before she let him out. Wow, suddenly the world seemed a long way away.

He started to play with Belinda’s used clothing that lined the box as he listened to the two women sitting above him. Pale pink underwear with intricate lace, he pictured Belinda wearing them. Her new jeans, they looked so good on her. Yep that was a nice ensemble. He pulled the lingerie over his head and then positioned his head inside her jeans. This would be perfect for the afternoon. He touched his cock and quietly brought himself to orgasm.


“Mum?” Sophie called as she walked into the blinde, “Oh hi Kate.”

“Yes sweetheart?”

“Can you help me with something?”

Belinda could tell from her daughter’s edge what was coming next and not wanting to share their secret with Kate quite yet, followed her daughter upstairs.

“Can I try like this mum?” Sophie asked as she quickly stripped down to startlingly sexy black and lace teddy lingerie.

“Oh Soph, this isn’t really a game to play with me.”

Sophie’s eyes looked pained and embarrassed.

“But you do look cute,” her mum smiled kindly.

The thought of Sophie out in the real world with that underwear was scary and somehow made Belinda’s decision easier. Belinda took her daughter’s hand and led her over to the steel cupboard come safe.

“Will half an hour do?” Belinda asked.

“Make it a secret?”

“Okay sweetie… sweet dream.”

Belinda locked the safe and then sat on the bed. Sophie’s cries of pleasure were strangely alluring and Belinda lay back and waited, using her fingertips to bring goose bumps to her body.

“Mum? Are you still there?” Sophie called.

“Yes sweetheart, you okay.”

“Don’t let me out.”

Belinda pushed the keys into the front of her underwear and massed them into herself through the sheer silk material.

“Don’t worry… the keys have more important things to do than unlock your locks sweetie,” she breathed as she lay back and dreamed.


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