It had been an amazing night as Belinda had brought James out of subspace in her own unique and sex filled way. It was now Monday morning and James was still handcuffed to the wrong iron frame of their elegant queen sized bed. Belinda had already shown and was squeezed into her blue jeans, her pale purple satin underwear slowly disappearing inside its tight denim cell.
“What a weekend,” James smiled, his body still floating with the memory.
Belinda untangled her long damp hair from the white te shirt that she’d just pulled over her head and smiled back strictly, “I know,” she beamed.
“I should in the US for meetings,” James continued, rattling his handscuffs.
“I don’t want to let you go,” Belinda smiled coyly.
She sat on the bed and played with his erect cock.
“That’s nice, but it doesn’t get me out of these cuffs…”
No reply from the girl with the key.
“What if I promise to go back in the box on Friday…”
Belinda peered through her long dark hair and smiled suggestedly as she dug the handcuff from her pocket and dropped it on James’s naked chest.
“You never make it easy for me,” James whispered as they kissed.
“Would be even harder if the key was still in my pocket, darling,” she called as she walked off leaving James’s contorting body fighting to reach the key.
It was now Thursday night and James couldn’t sleep. Belinda had reminded him that she would be locking him back in the box, however her explanation as to when and for how long was lost in unintelligible moans as they brought each other to orgasm.
James’s impending incarceration was dominating his thoughts as he gently untangled himself from Belinda’s embrace, removing her arm from his chest and her tigh from across his Waist. It was as if she unconsciously wanted to restrain him as she slept.
He walked down to the locke and over to the trunk. He wanted to climb inside and relive some of the thrill,but as always it was locked with the two large padlocks to which only Belinda had the keys. He pointed his phone through the four inch square hole to light up the dark interior. It brought back memories of being trapped inside and looking out helpfully on the world.
He knelt down and placed his face against the thick wooden lid. Belinda had spent hours sitting on here while exacting her complete control over him. Would she feed him, would she release him, would she leave him inside forever, his future totally dependent on her dreams and fansies. No wonder the wood was smooth, hours of Belinda’s shorts rubbing against it, her hips driven back and forth by her libido.
James returned to their bedroom and to Belinda’s uncovered sleeping body, naked but for black satin panties. He ran his lips up her leg and then buried His mouth into her satin butt, breathed in and kissed. He knew that this memory would stay with him and torque him once she had locked him away in the box. He straddled the sleeping woman’s body, ran his fingers through her hair and gently kissed her cheek. He smiled to himself; if his kisses didn’t wake her now, what chance did he have of waking her once she had him locked in the box?
There was a sense of anticipation in the air as they ate breakfast on Friday morning. Neither James nor Belinda had bothered to get dress and were sitting on stools at the kitchen bench in black boxes and pale blue panties.
“Where are the keys for the box?” James asked, breaking the silence.
Belinda smiled and fluttered her eyeshes.
“Not really an answer…”
“Does it matter? You won’t be getting them.”
“Might be useful to know if you choose never to let me out.”
“Wouldn’t that be cruel,” she smiled from behind her coffee cup.
“Mmm… scarily it’s in your power to do that.”
“I know…”
With her fluttering eyeshes now irresistible, James took her trembling hand and led her to the large whItem rug in front of the box. She fell to her knees and then the ground as James lay down on top of her, his strong body holding her helplessly in place. She put her hands above her head and waited for James to pin them to the floor.
“These might be my last hours of freedom,” James breathed, “And my last chance to hold you… Everything feels different inside there.”
“Don’t you trust me to let you out?” Belinda’s eyes had gone dreamy again.
“Not sure,” he replied, struggling her hair.
“Scary then,” she giggled.
“Not really, cos I’m happy for you to keep me locked up forever.”
“Oh darling, you shouldn’t have said that!”
They were now close to orgasm with their teases and taunts overcome by moans. Minutes later it was over and James lay looking down at her, knowing that soon his life would be totally dependent on whatever crazy fans was running around this girl’s head.
Belinda climbed to her feet, pulled her panties back on and stood withone foot either side of his head, leaving James gazing up at the damp blue underwear stretching between her legs.
“Are the keys in there?” he asked.
“Can I check?”
Belinda skipped away and returned with the keys.
“So they do exist!” James exclaimed.
“Not in your world, darling.”
Belinda crouched provocatively close to James’s head and quickly unlocked the padlocks.
“I spent hours trying to break them open…”James started.
Belinda simply bent her legs further, dropping her bottom down on to James’s face, muffling the rest of his words between her cheeks.
“So which way do you want to lie,” she asked casually, “I know you can’t turn around in there.”
“It’s not until tonight,” he mumbled.
“Planning ahead… now get in.”
“Last time I lay this way,” James said as he climbed inside.
Belinda looked on gleefully; James having fallen for what she hoped was a gorgeously teasing trap. She lowere the lid and quickly sat on it.
“Sorry darling, we’ve started…”
Belinda sat motionless on the lid that now seemed to tremble beneath her, nervously waiting to see how James would react. His mind would be desperately trying to catch up. She watched his arm reach out and explore the two unlocked padlock hasps. His hand was caresing her leg, not angrily, but lovingly and as if his life depended on her enjoying his touch.
“You ready for me to lock you in?” Belinda breathed.
James was panting, adrenaline already pumping through is body as he stroked Belinda between her legs. With James ‘s fingers still arousing her, Belinda reached down and slipped the first padlock in place and then swung around, bouncing on bare feet as she locked the second padlock through the second hasp.
Belinda drew back the curtains, letting the morning sunlight stream into the lounge. She placed her cup of coffee on the lid and sat down next to it. She crossed her legs and picked up her phone.
“It’s going to be sunny today,” she said without looking up, “I might see if Kate wants to go out for lunch…”
“Guess I won’t be coming,” James replied, still buzzing from his earlier than planned incarceration.
“Guess not,” she smiled, looking down at her long tanned legs resting on the beautifully poisoned wood.
James peered out of his tiny hole, watching Belinda’s reflection in the carefully placed mirror. She crossed her legs, sipped her coffee and sent contentedly in the way she always did with her morning coffee.
“You’re painfully beautiful,” he moaned.
Belinda’s face lit up immediately.
“The box is doing its thing then?”
“From in here you’re my Goddess… even more than usual. You look so beautiful… and so free.”
Belinda giggled like a school girl and sat up straight as if trying to exert more weight on the lid. This was so much fun, almost physical torture, but the nice kind.
“Gorgeousoutfit,” he told.
“You can have it if you want,” she giggled, standing up, whipping her used underwear down her legs and straight into the box, “In fact…”
She jumped off the box and ran to the bathroom and dragged back the washing basket, “Very behind on the washing,” she smiled self consciously as she fed a week’s worth of her dirty clothes into the box, “Sealed in for freshness,” she giggled as she closed and locked the hole.
James buried his face into her clothes and breathed in through his nose, her cent getting stronger and stronger.
“Nice in there?” Belinda called.
“Oh fuck yeah…”
Belinda then placed her phone next to the small metal grille positioned at one end of the lid. The grille was designed to let in just enough air to keep the prisoner alive and it was also the only way to communicate inside the otherwise sound proofed cell.
“I’ve recorded a few messages from me,” she called, “which will now play on an eternal loop… which you can’t stop,” Belinda was trembling, “My prisoner, breathing my scent and listening to my voice …”
Even with the box closed up she could sense James’s aroused and heightened mood.
“And remember this weekend I’m playing the role of your sadistic lover,” she breathed, “I’m not going to let you out.”
Now trembling, Belinda pressed ‘play’ and quickly slipped away before she blushed at her own voice.
James buried his face into Belinda’s clothes, breathed in and tried to imagine that she was inside with him. He listened to her recorded voice echo around the box, her teasing words slowly giving way to her building orgasm. Her loud cries of pleasure were bouncing wildly around inside the box. Now her breathing was slowing and her teasing started again with Belinda describing what she would be doing while he was her locked away prisoner.
James started to masturbate, but was too keyed up to last more than a few seconds. It felt amazing, but just as he was coming down, Belinda’s voice was climaxing again on the looped recording.
“Fuck,” he panted with his head now inside two pairs of Belinda’s jeans and countless panties. Still he could hear her voice and he grabbed his sore cock, desperate to go again.
James was now frantic, his body totally spent and yet Belinda’s voice kept climaxing, drowning out any other thoughts with her cries of pleasure. His hands were over his ears and still he could hear her telling him that this was permanent and that she would keep him imprisoned in the box for the rest of his life.
“Fuck, no!” he cried as his aching cock stiffened again, his hands clawing at the small grille desperate for a way to stop the constant sound of his lover climaxing.
Suddenly the recording stopped as Belinda’s shadow fell across the grille.
“Oh darling are you okay?” she asked.
“Too fucking sexy…” he cried
“I know… psychological torture.”
“Almost had to ask you to let me out,” James laughed.
“Well that’s not going to happen darling,” Belinda replied seriously, opening the hole and standing facing him in a tight white top, designer jeans and ankle high brown boots; legs apart and her hands thrust into her back pockets. Her hair was brushed and hanging down and her eyes and lips extended with makeup. She felt powerful and sexy, almost surprising herself with her sadistic fansies.
“How does it feel?” James whispered.
“Gorgeous,” she replied, a tremor in her voice.
“Me too…”
With the check in over, Belinda snapped back into character, buzzing as she turned to give James yet another perspective on her new jeans, her legs spread and her breathing slow.
“You know you’re fucked James,” she breathed, “I’m so never letting you out.”
“Love the jeans,” he replied, ignoring her provocative taunt.
She smiled at the compliment as she bobbed down to close the window.
“Belinda?” James quickly called.
Sheraised her eyesbrows expectedly, one hand on the cover.
“Enjoy lunch.”
She smiled before slamming the steel cover in his face.
Although there was no one to watch, she rolled her hips like a model as walked away, the hopeless clattering from inside the box getting more distant by the step.
Being locked in the box was almost irrelevant now that Belinda had taken control of his mind. She was literally all he could think about, which made him aroused and therefore made rational thought even more impossible. In this state he could barely remember his name.
Belinda returned two hours later, her hair ruffled and her body warm from the sun. She tiptoed into the blinde and sat down carefully on the box.
“Belinda?” James called from inside.
“How’d know I was here?”
“You’ve taken away all my senses,” James breathed, pushing his lips up against the inside of the lid where he guessed Belinda was sitting, “So you returning and sitting on my boxis huge.”
“So it should be,” Belinda grinned with a wonderful feeling of importance.
James was still focused on the viruses that her jeans were inflicting on the lid and the occasional knock of her boots against the front of the box.
“What are you doing up there?” he breathed.
“Sitting on you…”
“Yeah, but what else?”
Belinda smiled, but didn’t answer as James fired more questions about her lunch, the restaurant even what type of chair she had sat on.
“You’re not usually this interested in my lunches with Kate,” she replied.
“Nothing else to do in here, but dream about the woman who locked me in and may one day let me out,” he paused as he tried to make sense of his feelings, “I’ve spent the morning picturing you in the restaurant, your body, your laugh, your smile… and where the keys might be hiding… Trying to guess what you’d be thinking and when you might return.”
“Oh my god,” Belinda exclaimed, a little taken aback by James’s honesty, “That’s so gorgeous!”
Belinda slipped off the lid and popped open the hole, “I brought you some lunch,” she offered as she handed James a small doggy bag and then looked away shyly as she played aimlessly with one of the padlocks, “Lucky for you I wasn’t too hungry.”
“You were a little hungry,” James replied as he looked at the meagre leftovers.
Belinda beamed, she loved his cute defiance, and snapped her beautifully manicured fingers and retrieved the small paper box. She then unbuttoned her jeans and slide down her underwear. She opened the box and sat down on the remain of her lunch, the lasagne immediately crushing beneath her naked bottom, forced it up between her cheeks and between her legs.
“Now what you doing?” James asked innocently.
Belinda was sliding from side to side on James’s lunch, the pasta, tomatoes and cheered smelled across her bare skin.
“I may have sat on the leftovers, darling” she called.
James lay on hisback laughing and looking up at the locked lid above him, imagining the scene taking place above him.
“I’m sure it’ll taste fine.”
“Yeah… not so sure,” Belinda laughed, picking bits of pasta from between her cheeks.
James watched her bare legs twist from side to side as she did her best to retrieve his lunch. Moments later, her embarrassed eyes appeared at the box.
“It’s squashed,” she smiled apologetically.
“Well you sat on it,” James pointed out.
“Yeah… kind of.”
Belinda passed the flattened food in the flattened box in through the hole and James started to eat it with his fingers. They watched each other’s eyes intently as James ate the sad remnants of Belinda’s lunch. Belinda’s eyes were getting wider as her lover lay imprisoned in her box, gratefully eating the food that she had crushed beneath her.
“You like it?” she asked.
“Of course… can’t you tell I’ve fallen under your spell,” James replied.
“There may be a little more stuck between my cheats,” Belinda giggled, “… if you’re hungry.”
James lay helplessly inside the padlocked box as Belinda showed and dressed in orange cotton shorts and white te shirt. When she returned, she walked bare foot up to the box and sat down on the lid, next to the small steel grille. With the hole closed, the grille was James’s only source of air.
Breathing deeply, and with her fresh pair of underwear already damp, Belinda lifted, moved to the side and sat down right on top of the grille. She tensed and released her cheats to explore the feel of the thick, close centred bars beneath her.
“I’m sitting on your grille,” Belinda breathed.
“Orange is the new black,” James called, having seen his tiny glimmer of light disappear beneath a pair of short orange shorts.
“You’re completely sealed in there now…”
“What?” he called back, her voice unable to penetrate the insulated box.
“You’re sealed,” she shouted, “Get ready to beg for air.”
James lifted his head against the underside of the heavy grilled mesh. There was now no light at all, with Belinda’s bottom completely engaging the grille and blocking all light and all oxygen. There was barely room for a fingerprint between the narrow centred mesh, meaning that Belinda’s shorts were so close and yet so hopelessly out of reach. They could so easily stay there all day, depriving him of air until he blacked out.
He lay down, only inches beneath her, staring up into the darkness, smiling and wondering how long she would leave him. Just above, Belinda was smiling as she read her book. The afternoon breeze was rustling her hair and her body for once was still as it continued its teasingly cruel torture
An hour later Belinda stopped reading, propped her book Between her bare legs and listened to the quiet afternoon sounds of birds and the breeze and not much else. Having the power of life or death over her lover was a beautiful and surreal feeling. She wanted to take him to the edge of ecstasy, but would need to read his signs to ensure she didn’t go too far.
“Kate’s coming here tomorrow,” Belinda called.
“Cool,” James panted, his throat dry from breathing thin air.
“How’s the sultry world beneath me?” Belinda asked, checking the seal of her shorts around the grille, only to find that the afternoon sun had made her thighs tacky, sticking to the box.
“Getting harder to breathe…”
Belinda waited, listening to the increasing clattering as the poor man beneath her tried to find a better position from which to breathe.
“Is there oxygen in farts?” he breathed.
“Don’t think so…”
“Don’t fart then.”
“Okay, I won’t.”
“Not much air…” he panted his voice even more hoarse.
The power made her tingle, but it was his total trust that was driving her aroused emotions. He wasn’t even begging her cute orange shorts for mercy.
She slide backwards and opened her legs to reveal a small portion of the grille between her thighs. James dilated eyes appeared and his mouth pushed up against the underside of the grille, gasping for breath. It took several moments for him to smile and lie back, gazing up through the grille.
“You must wear those shorts more,” he smiled through exhausted eyes.
“Mmm… I wonder what they’ll remind you of.”
Suddenly it went dark as Belinda slid back over the grille.
“Oh fuck!” he half laughed, half cried.
“Thought you like these shorts,” Belinda called.
James rolled on to his front and laughed out loud in aroused frustration as he heard the vibrator start up above him. The horny girl was going to bring herself to orgasm before she let him breathe. That thought was all too cruel and sexy and within minutes he had also climaxed.
He lay spent on the bottom of the box, gasping for air until the shorts finally slip backward again and her thighs opened.
“That was incredible,” Jamess gasped, grinning uncontrollable.
“Glad you liked it,” Belinda beamed as she jumped up and walked away.
Belinda had given James some food and water, and a bottle and bag so he could go to the toilet, but otherwise she had left him alone that afternoon as she tidied the house and relaxed with her book.
James couldn’t see her, she had closed his little window on the world, but still she felt as if he was with her. His mind certainly was. Every time she moved, every pose, every smile she tried to make as sexy and alluring as possible. She was now lying on the sofa in pale pink silk lingerie, touching and playing with herself as she read.
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