The room seemed very quiet and empty once Belinda had walked away. She had left the small hatch open, giving James a four inch by four inch view out of the trunk, but even that only seemed to add to her cruelty. He focused on Belinda’s clothes that she had stood over a neary chair, one of the many stripes that she treated him to yesterday. Pale silk blouse, grey skirt, stockings and white lace underwear were all lying just out of his reach.
Damn, now he was transfixed with Belinda’s body again.
James climbed into an almost kneeing position and forced his back up against the lid. Again and again he thrust upwards hoping for the slightest crack or creaking from the solid timber. Nothing moved. He did the same against the sides and end of the box, but couldn’t make any progress against its thick hardwood encircled by steel.
He reached through the small hole and ran his fingers over the first of the two padlocks. Belinda had chosen them because they were large and shiny and silky smooth when they locked. Being maximum security was just an unfortunate coincidence.
Belinda and Kate returned two hours later and Belinda immediately bobbed down to peer into the box.
“James you look exhausted!” she cried, his adoring eyes covered with perspiration.
“Trying to get out,” he panted, “…this fucking box…”
Belinda shook her head slowly, suddenly in two minds, her hand hovering over her pocket which contained the keys.
“Just wanted to see your face when I escaped,” he smiled focusedly, “And maybe give you a hug.”
“Oh darling, can you wait until tomorrow?” Belinda asked, reaching into the box to hold his hand.
Just seeing Belinda, her beautiful smile and sexy as hell body, was enough to tell James that he wanted to stay locked up, stay as her belonging for the whole weekend.
“Please don’t let me out,” he breathed.
They held hands for a few minutes before Belinda reluctantly slinked away to take a shower ready for her afternoon shift at the gaol.
“Look after him Katie,” she called.
Kate immediately crouched down by the box and stared in through the hole, bouncing on her haunches as she ran her hands up the inside of her thighs. Her blonde hair had been cut and styled and she wore a tight pink tee shirt that showed off her modest breasts and short denim short which made her look younger than usual.
“Locked up all weekend… that’s so cool!” she exceled.
“And a little frustrating?”
“Well those short don’t help…”
Kate giggled, delighted with the compliment, and bounced closer to the hole. She could only see his eyes, but they looked dark, aroused and desperate. Kneeling on the wooden floor, she rolled her hips from side to side and thrust her hips forward as she imagined James being even closer than he was.
“That’s cruel,” he panted.
“Yeah, but while these padlocks are locked… you know…”
James laughhed in frustration, pleased to have some company after a lonely morning, and pushed his face as close as possible to the hole, “Don’t stop Katie.”
She had his full attention. This was wonderful.
“I’m out here and you’re in there,” she bubbled, her toned leg muscles rocking her from side to side, “I can do anything… and you?”
Kate pushed her hands up inside her tee shirt and within seconds her white bra was exposed. Her modest breast and slim body covered in goose bumps. Having given him a tempting glimpse, she dropped her hands down into her shorts, but as usual her fingers were kept at bay by the tight and gripping chatity belt.
Instead, she ran her hands up her legs and around her hips, closed her eyes and breathed as if she was about to make love, “It’s my friend now,” she smiled meekly.
“You make a cute couple,” James smiled.
Kate was almost purring as she crept closer, her shorts closing off his hole, before bouncing up and sitting on James’s box, her bare legs in front of the hole and her shorts rubbing noisily against the wooden lid.
“What’s it like to be in there?” she asked, now jiggling on the lid, trying to send vibrations into the dark confines of the belt.
James moaned, his erect cock now aching from overuse.
“You know I can close you up at any point,” she trembling, her butt now bouncing on the lid desperate for some kind of sexual feeling.
Fucking belt! She felt maidenly frustrated and closed and locked the hole in the box out of spite, sliding the small bolt across to secure the cover in place.
“No!” James cried from the dark cell beneath her, his fingers now pushing against the steel plate, “Please Kate?” he begged.
“I’ve taken everything from you,” she trembled, urging some feeling to permeate into the belt, “Just a small bolt… I could slide it back so easily.”
The noise of Kate’s shorts rubbing against the lid of the box was now all consuming, “Please Kate,” he begged.
“Tell me how beautiful I am…”
“You look fucking cute in those shorts,” James started.
“I’m kissing the lid right under where you’re sitting.”
“Mmm… think I can feel it,” Kate giggled.
“Well I’m worshiping you in my mind,” James moaned, his head spinning from too much arousal and not enough air, “Not much else I can do.”
Kate was now shaking, her legs bouncing on the balls of her bare feet. This was so much fun. James was usually cool and controlled around her, but the box had institutionalised him and turned him into a desperate man who would worship any girl that sat on his lid.
“Girls are free… you’re not,” Kate panted as she used her words and the frantic touch of her fingers on the locked chattity belt, trying to bring Some sexual pleasure.
Kate’s moans were building, but the chatity belt gave the flustered blonde only a milk sense of pleasure. Realising that she was defeated, she looked down and realized that James was madly tapping against the inside of the locked cover.
“Please Katie… I can’t see or hear anything with this closed.”
With the sound of heels clipping from the kitchen, Kate quickly opened the cover just s Belinda walked back in with two cups of coffee.
Belinda had shown and was now wearing a fitted cream blouse and a figure hugging shiny black knee length shirt. Her hair was in a French braid and a small key pendent hung above her breasts. She swivelled on her black heels and elegantly sat down next to Kate on the box.
“You look beautiful,” James called, trying to be part of the conversation.
“Thank you darling,” Belinda replied as she casually closed the hole.
“No!” James cried.
The girls stopped and look at each other and had to hold her hand against her mouth to muffle her uncontrollable giggling.
“Just girl talk up here,” Belinda called.
The women sat together listening to the knocking and increasingly pitiful begging coming from beneath them. James was such a gorgeous, strong and successful guy and yet in the box, they had seemed stripped him of all of that.
“I think I’ve taken his body and his mind,” Belinda hummed as she stroked the thick wooden lid,
“I like just sitting here,” Kate trembled.
Belinda played with two keys, moving them from hand to hand and then placing them carefully in her lap. Kate watched spellbound.
“Maybe you can help me,” Belinda breathed, tucking one key into her own bra and handing the other to Kate who immediately hugged it to her chest
The box shuddered again as James made another attempt to escape.
“You OK darling?” Belinda called.
“Yeah,” James panted incoherently, between moans of pleasure.
Kate was now using the key to stimulate her erect nipples through her tight pink te shirt, “Can I keep it?” she asked.
Belinda stood up, smoothed her skirt and then pulled Kate to her feet and started to unbutton her denim shorts. She pulled the warm denim down over the wide eyed blonde’s hips and massaged Kate’s butt as she inspected the chatity belt. Kate’s gorgeous figure and a butt that left men staring, made the belt seems even crueller; all of that cuteness and no way to use it.
“Oh fuck… am I being unlocked!” Kate was now fidgeting from foot to foot.
Belinda took the only key in the world that would open Kate belt, pushed it into the keyhole and turned. Kate cried out excitedly, but Belinda slapped her hands away before she could touch herself.
“Behave… if you want to own one of James’s keys,” Belinda warned.
Kate nodded eagerly and watched as Belinda presided the key from Kate’s fist and attached it to a small ring inside the front of Kate’s chatity belt. Kate was again trembling as Belinda relocked the chatity belt around her waist, with one of the two keys required to release James now locked inside.
“Oh my god, I can feel it!”
“Good,” Belinda replied, “He can’t sweet talk his way into an early release now…”
Kate was pushing the front of the belt against vagina, enjoying the touch of the key between her legs. Belinda watched with a sense of goal at the effort Kate was expending for such little reward. Amazingly, though, Kate seemed on a high as she pulled her tiny shorts back over her hips, the short shorts covering the chatity belt, but leaving part of her bottom exposed. She sat down on the box, a big grin on her face.
“Feel free to use my chatity belt as a place to lock up any possessions that must never see the light of day… such as keys… or James’s lips…” she giggled breathlessly.
Belinda raised her eyesbrows and gently pushed Kate’s hair back over her shoulders, “You’re still locked out of your own pussy, sweetie.”
“Well James won’t be making love either until I say.”
“He’ll have to break into my shorts before he breaks out of his box,” Kate breathed triumphantly, grinning through dilated eyes and shifting forward and back on the wooden lid enjoying the gentle sensing of the keys against her vagina.
James lay helpfully beneath them in his dark, sound proof prison, trying to follow their conversation, pairing the occasional word and laughter with the shuffling and scraping sounds of shorts and skirts on the wooden lid of his cell. He was sure that they were talking About him, laughing at his hopeless prediction. Maybe that was a good thing, though, if the alternative was that they had forgotten him and were just using him as a convenient seat.
Crazy thoughts were running through his aroused mind. If Belinda didn’t want him in the conversation she could just close his hole. It was scarily easy. If Belinda decided she didn’t want him at all, she could simply leave him inside to die. No one would ever hear his cries for help. She wouldn’t do that, would she? He could hear her laughing above him and his cock reacted as itAlways did. Fuck, he was running out of tissues.
Belinda left for work at the gaol leaving James in the dark until she return late on Saturday afternoon. Although being away for almost four hours she had thought of little else but James and her underwear had paid the price inside her overly warm skirt. She ran to the box, croouched down on her haunches and flicked open the hatch.
“Hello in there darling,” Belinda smiled a little condescendingly.
James blinked away the afternoon sunlight and starred open mouthed at Belinda as she unbuttoned her blouse. Her warm blouse dropped to the floor as she started to unzip her skirt.
“Fuck,” James gasped, “Maybe not the weekend to choose to be locked in this box!”
“You didn’t choose it,” she replied, her nipples erect, “I did.”
With the shutters closed and the mood lighting on, Belinda unhooked her bra and slipped into a black lace negligee that was so sheer that the silent material of her black panties wasclearly visible beneath. The negligee pulled a little tight around her chest and the back of her panties were pulling up between her cheeks, but it didn’t matter, this was for James, not just for her. She unplatted her hair and brushed out the curls as she used her phone to remotely play music through the house.
Belinda felt so sexy and so at ease with her body that her fingers could so easily have ventured down in her underwear and taken her anywhere. More important was the effect this would be having on James. She knew that this would play with the mind of her gorgeous man, building her power and her mystique such that he would always love her and never be able to leave. He certainly couldn’t leave right now. She smiled.
She knew that James’s body was aroused, his breathing was deep, His extra sexy eyes dilated. This is when he would wrap his arms around her and she would jump up and wrap her legs around him. Not today though. She could see his dilemma. He wanted to reach through the hole and try to touch her, but he also wanted to watch her and the cruel box wouldn’t let him do both.
“I need you darling!” he cried.
She Shook her head, “You’re my captive until tomorrow night.”
“What do I have to do to get the keys?” James panted.
“Sorry darling… even your charm and my observation with you won’t get you out this time… I’ve given one of the keys to Kate.”
‘Fuck, I ‘m in here for good…” he moaned.
“Don’t worry, she won’t lose it,” Belinda smiled.
“But no way into your pants tonight…”
“You can look at them,” Belinda replied wide eyed and hot.
“Come here,” James trembled as he clattered inside the box and pushed his hand through the hole.
Belinda slinked forward and dropped to her knees with James’s fingers tracing up her tighs to find the black silk that sat happily on her hips.
“What’s it feel like to be free?” he moaned.
Belinda didn’t answer as seconds later his finger pushed inside her lingerie and circled the lips of her vagina. Belinda cried out as she climaxed.
James pulled his hand back in and lay on his back inside the box. He saw Belinda’s lubricant covered hand reach in through the hole and touch his cock. It took only seconds for him to ejaculate, his limbs failing against the solid timber, his mind deliciously spinning.
He heard Belinda’s weight setting on the lid.
“Can I live victimly through you?” he panted.
“Of course,” she called, “Wanna victimly do the ironing for me?”
Belinda slipped on some heels before setting up the ironing board in front of the box and pulling the first clothes from a huge pile of laundry. She could feel the negligee sway and her pants pulled side to side as she moved with the music.
“I can’t watch your butt as you iron,” James while.
“Don’t look then darling…”
“You know I have to!”
Belinda was grinning like a teenager as she listened to the signs and moans from behind her, which soon culminated in cries of uncontrollable pleasure.
James knocked his head against the box, but he didn’t care, as Belinda’s round bottom continued to torque him.
“Darling, please shut me in,” he cried as his cock hardened again. He had nothing left to give.
“You sure?” she asked, spinning around, “I won’t open it until the morning.”
James nodded and seconds later the steel cover banged shut in his face. He lay still and focused only on the Belinda heels as they clipped around above him.
It was Sunday, just passed eight in the evening, and Belinda was finally ready. She had prepared dinner, spent almost two hours in the bathroom, most of it in a hot bath, waxed her legs and had dressed in her silvery grey strapless dress. It was the same that she’d Worn when she’d locked the padlocks over forty eight hours earlier. James had seen none of this as she had closed his tiny window on the world over twelve hours earlier.
James was totally dependent on her for everything and Belinda had been feeling particularly cruel that morning. She had given him bread and water, literally, a bag and a bottle for his waste and a wet soapy flannel to wash. That had been his entire contact with the outside world. Shortly after that she had closed him up and hadn’t even spoken to him, leaving all of his calls and messages of love unanswered.
He was Surely disorientated, but she guessed from his moans and cries of undying love for her that he was in some pleasant subspace. His cute cries had been when she had sat on his box that morning and masturbated, his moans almost matching hers despite the thick steel and timber between them.
She now had both of the keys required to release him, Kate’s key having been retrieved after what must have been a fitful night inside the frustrated blonde’s chatity belt.
Belinda was nervous, two days was a long time to inflict such a cruel punishment on the man she loverved. Silently she sat on the box, crossed her legs and smoothed out the silvery material that ran from her hips to her knees. She was biting her nails as she traced her fingers around the grain of the thick wooden lid.
“Darling?” she whispered, louder and louder until he heard her.
There was painful clattering from beneath her.
“It’s time to release you…”
“Oh yeah!” his voice was shaking.
“I’ve changed my mind. I’m leaving you for another week.”
James cried out and thrashed against the box, stopping only when he climaxed, crying out into the solid wood. Fuck, she was going to keep him in here forever. This must have been Belinda’s plan from the start and he had totally fallen for her trap, but he could live in the box if that what Belinda wanted, couldn’t he?
“Goodnight darling,” she teased, her aroused body emrithing around above him.
James’s mind was so consumed by images of Belinda, her voice, her body and her scent,that at first he didn’t notice that she had opened the box.
“You okay?” she asked, kissing him on the cheek.
“You let me out?” James panted, now on his knees with wild hair and bewildered eyes.
“Did you think I’d leave you locked up forever?”
Belinda sat on the rim of the box and stroked James’s hair as he buried his face into her dress. He tried to standing up, but she held his head against her lap for fear that his trembling body would collapse.
“Relax darling,” she breathed, his face now lost in the folds of her dress, “We need to bring you down from your subspace high.”
She needed to look after him, which ironically means that after she would have to chain him to the bed before she made love to him and he would have to remain under her lock and key until at least the morning.
His gorgeous brown eyes were filled with lust and aboration as they peered up from her lap. Her big brown eyes gazed back down in seeming amazement at what her body and controlling mind had done.
“Come,” she whispered as she pulled him to his feet and led him away to their bedroom.
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