Seduction at Belinda's House Ch. 02

Belinda eventually returned and released James from the cell. James had told her about his encounter with Sophie, but had left out the part about Sophie blackmailing him into kissing her feet and more. While Belinda had always tried to be discrete and hide their bondage games from her daughter, in some ways it was a relief that she could be more open and it also provided an example to Sophie that men didn’t always have to be in control.

James had tried his best to avoid being alone with Sophie, but a few days later she had joined him in the lounge. Bare foot and wearing blue jeans and a tight white tee shirt, she sat down on the arm of the sofa watching him. Fidgeting constantly, touching her hair, rubbing her jeans and pressing against her tee-shirt.

“Make me a coffee, will you?” Sophie called.

It was a perfectly reasonable request, yet James was sure that she means it in an unreasonable way.

“I thought you wanted to please me?” she smiled sweetly.

“Isaid I’d ‘look after’ you, not necessarily ‘please’ you,” James replied, standing up and walking over to the coffee machine.

She smiled kindly as he handed her the coffee, the confidence in her eyes giving away how much she enjoyed controlling him. He looked as sexy as ever in tan chinos and untucked white cotton shirt with the usual two buttons undone, and unbrushed dark hair over one day stubble.

She was now imagined him down on all fours, her bare feet resting on his back. She was miles away and had to quickly refocus her big brown eyes to watch his butt as he walked away.

“Kiss my feet?” she called hopefully.

“It doesn’t work that way Sophie,” James smiled back.

She looked disappointed and pulled her feet back in against the arm of the sofa.

“Just once?” she ventured, “Can’t hurt?”

Still unsure if and how Sophie would blackmail him, James walked back and pulled her feet making her fall backwards on to the soft sofa. She looked up, expectingto be told off, but instead watched as James cupped both of her feet in his strong hands and kissed them gently.

“Oh my God!” she breathed.

“Now haven’t you got study to do?” James smiled as he stood up.

The coffee had hyperped her up more than usual and she was nervously biting her lip as she retrieved a pair of hinged handscuffs that she had somehow managed to squeeze into the tight front pocket of her jeans, “Now put these on!”

“Sophie,” James replied slowly, his voice making it clear that he didn’t want to be back under this girl’s lock and key.

“Photos… you between my legs?” she buzzed.

“I know, but power must never be abused,” James replied.

“Just on special occasions? Please?”

James surprised as he looked at her, “OK, just kept your jeans on.”

Sophie giggled with excitement as she ratcheted the cuffs around his wrists and then lay back against the arm of the sofa, her bare feet resting on the expensive cream material.

Jamespicked up Sophie’s empty plate and carried it over to the kitchen and started to clear up. Everything was ten times harder in the tightly locked rigid cuffs, but he guessed Sophie would be enjoying watching him struggle.

He returned and flopped down on the sofa opposite Sophie, “Can’t do much with these on,” he said dejectedly.

“I know,” she buzzed.

“Keys?” he asked, using his chained hands to beckon for the two small keys that were dangling from Sophie’s fingers.

Suddenly she giggled, rolled on to her side and stuffed the keys inside the back of her jeans and down inside her underwear and positioned them between her cheeks.

“Sure you want me to leave my jeans on now?” Sophie giggled.

She rolled over on to her front, her focus on James’s sexy eyes that for once seemed lost. She reached for his hand and placed it on a patch of tight denim that had been wound pale from use. She felt his fingers run across her butt, encircling the outline of the keys and massaging her for a tantalising moment.

“You can take whatever you want,” she breathed, reaching up and touching his chinos that bulged from his erection.

“You win,” he smiled, slapping her playfully on the butt.

He sat back down. There was no way he was going to undress Belinda’s daughter and therefore the keys may as well have been locked in a bank vault. Either way they were out of his reach.

He shook his head and smiled, “What did we say about abusing power?”

“Only on special occasions?” she giggled.

Sophie watched him, enjoying the look of helpfully in his eyes as she turned over and sat back on the sofa with the keys to his handscuffs now pinned beneath her. She continued to sip her coffee, glancing at James discretely over the rim of her mug.

“I’m sorry. I’ll retrieve the keys in private,” she said.

“Thank you.”

“But to make sure you don’t see me undress, perhaps you should wait in the box?”

“Oh fuck,” James surprised, “You know about that?”

Behind one of the wardrobe doors in James and Belinda’s bedroom was a steel strong box that was really more like a safe. Seven feet high and two feet square with an inch thick door at the front that locked with two heavy bolts. Belinda loved to lock James inside while she took her long baths, a precursor to their nights of love making.

Sophie had already bounded up the stairs and was unlocking the large padlocks as James walked in.

“I’ve so wanted to try this!” Sophie exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“How do you even know about this?” James asked, trying to ignore the girl’s obvious excitement as her pert breasts Shook in her tight white te shirt, and her tight blue jeans wriggled as she moved.

James kicked off his shoes and stepped inside. He had been in the steel box many times before and was used to the sound of the bolts sliding home and the dull sound of the padlocks being slide through the bolts, but this time it wouldn’t be Belinda on the other side of the door.

Sophie’s only aim was to get James locked inside before he changed his mind and so quickly heaved the steel door closed, banging it against the inside of its welded frame.

“Wait, wait,” James called as he pushed forward, the heavy door slowly moving with his force.

“What?” Sophie asked, “Now go back in.”

She pushed her slim hips against the steel door and edged it back into place. James let the door close, but then with the fear and excitement of being locked in an enclosed space whirling through his mind, pushed against the door again.

“Look Sophie…” he spoke calmly as he tried to out push the woman on the other side of the door, “Oh fuck!” then cried as he realized that she’d already engaged the first bolt.

“No, no…” his voice drifted off as he heard the girl slide the second bolt into place. ‘Not the padlocks?’ he whispered to himself, but seconds later he heard the unmistakable rattle of steelagainst steel as Sophie padlocked him in.

His breathe seemed loud into the confines of the steel safe and he stopped for a few seconds as he tried to listen for any sounds from the outside world.

“Sophie, please look after the keys,” he panted, his heart racing with adrenaline.

“Guess you want me to take my jeans off, yes?” Sophie called.

“In your own time,” he replied, breathing warm air against the cold steel door.

“Of course you already know something about my pants,” Sophie replied slowly.

“And that’s why I’m in this fucking safe,” James moaned as he tried to ignore his hard cock and the constant images of Sophie’s panties that were running through his mind. Fuck, he could hear Sophie leaning against the box, sights of pleasure building by the second.

“Maybe you should let me out?” James called, worried that he would climax himself.

“I think we both know the answer to that…”

Sophie stared at her reflection in the large mirror;her white te shirt felt tighter than ever, wrinkled as it stretched around her breasts and her blue jeans felt confidently hot. She released her hair and flicked back and forth until it hung down evenly over both shoulders. She twisted her hips, put one tigh in front of the other and smiled flirtatiously into the mirror.

Pretending she was doing a striptease, she eased her tee shirt over her head and unhooked her white bra. She unbuttoned her jeans, but her lightheaded took over and she stumbled as she tried to slide out of the tight denim.

“You okay?” James called from inside the steel safe.

Finally free of the troublesome jeans, she climbed back to her feet and crept up to the box, naked other than for pale blue panties, “Fine,” she breathed.

“That’s good. If anything happens to you I’m fucked,” James panted, his arousal sucking oxygen from the enclosed space.

Sophie was now trembling as she ran her hands over her breasts and down between her legs, goose bumps following her touch. Her neighborly painted nails penetrated her underwear and pushed them down to her knees at which point the handcuff keys dropped from their warm blue home and on to the floor.

“Good news James, I have your keys.”

“You mean you’re naked,” James replied louder than he intended.

“Naked girl this side of the door,” Sophie was now breathing heavily, “Want me to unlock it?”

James was pacing and banging against the inside of the safe as he tried to disperse the unwanted feeling that any guy would have had, “Leave it locked until you’re dressed,” he trembled.

She knew he would say that, but she was still disappointed and turned to the mirror to view her body from all angles. She could barely control her frustration; she would have loved to Surrender her virginity to someone so strong and sexy, but then his loyalty to her mum made him all the more attractive.

“I’m taking a bath,” she announced as she collected up the handcuff and safe keys and tiptoed to the bathroom.


Sophie lay in the full, almost overflowing bath, with candlelight flickering around the darkened room. The keys were somewhere in the warm water, but like her naked body, they were hidden from view by the bubbles. Her long hair was up in a bun, although strands had escaped and were hanging down in the water.

She was only daydreaming about once thing. Maybe ancient Egyptian Princesses got off on the same thing, power and control over others. If she had been a Princess, she would certainly have locked up the sexiest men in her deepest dungeon, just because she could. She turned on the hot tape with her foot and drifted off again.


‘Fuck,’ Sophie cried as she heard her mother return. Belinda was already walking up the stairs and calling her name.

“Hi Soph,” she smiled as she poked her head around the bathroom door, “James in?”

“Gone out,” Sophie lied, knowing for certain that he hadn’t.

Belinda smiledand walked to her bedroom. She kicked off her heals and walked on stocking feet over to her wardrobe. She pulled open the door to reveal both the metal safe and her sports clothes. She rattled the padlocks; maybe she could talk James into spending some time in there later.

With her morning shift over, she unbuttoned her white blouse and unzipped and wriggled out of her knee length tan skirt. Still standing outside the locked box, she started to ease down her thin denier stockings.

James stood motionless, barely daring to breath as Belinda undressed and then redressed in her white running top, grey yoga pants and pink runners. She tied back her hair and closed the wardrobe door.

Five minutes later, James felt the change of pressure as the wardrobe door opened again, “Fuck, that was close,” Sophie exclaimed.

“I know, let me out of here!” James was now almost clawing against the inside of the door.

“Sorry I’m still naked.”

“Put something on!” James wasstarting to get frantic.

Again there was silence from outside as James waited anxiously for Sophie to release him. When she did, she was wearing a short lacy black negligee, which pulled tightly around her top, extenuating her modest breasts, but did little to hide either her breasts or brief black panties.

“You call that dressed?”

“I let you out, didn’t I?”Sophie breathed isolatedly, “I can lock you back inside just as easily.”She started to push the door.

“No!” James stepped out of the safe before the brunette followed up on her promise and then rattled his manacled hands, “Where’s the key for these?”

“No until you kiss me here,” Sophie breathed, pointing to her tanned inner thigh.


“Then explain to my mother why her daughter has trapped you in those handscuffs.”

“Okay, but we must be quick.”

James knelt down to kiss the girl’s thigh and was greeted with her usual cry of pleasure. He looked up at her and she looked down at him.

“Keep going…”

James worked his way up, switching from thigh to thigh, until he reached her black silk underwear. The moment he kissed that, Sophie burst into life, grabbing his head and working her vagina against his face. She tried to strip off her lingerie, but James pulled her hand away. Still she thrust into him, feeling his lips through the sheer material, until she climaxed and lent forward, pinning James’s head between her hips and the safe.

“So wonderful,” she panted, looking down with a big smile.

“Please give me the key,” James begged through sore lips.

Sophie slipped her fingers into her damp panties and slowly pulled out the handcuff keys.

“Your reward,” she purred, as she dropped them into James’s shackled hands, kissed him on the lips and left.


It was only early afternoon when Belinda returned from her run, but James already had a glass of whiskey in his hand.

“One of those afternoons?” Belinda smiled asshe sat down next to him at the breakfast bar.

“Yep,” James replied, taking her hand and leading her off to their bedroom.

James was always desperate to make love to Belinda, even more so given the torment he had taken from her daughter that morning. He had already slipped off her top and bra, and was caresing her spandex covered butt.

“Hey I need to wash,” she shrieked.

“I’ll come with you.”

Belinda took his wrist and playfully bent it up behind his back, “No darling, you wait here.”

James looked on in disbelief as Belinda unlock the steel box and with his wrist still bent up behind his back, pushed him inside.

“Enjoy the respite darling, because I’m going to fuck you all night,” Belinda whispered before slamming the door on him.

Once both bolts were padlocked, Belinda peeled off her yoga pants and underwear and stood completely naked against the steel door, knowing that her scent would start to permeate through the tiny cracks betweenthe door and the frame.

“Hi darling,” she breathed, “I’m completely naked. Wanna play?”

“Fuck you Bel!”

She smiled and listened as James’s strong body tried to break out of the steel safe.

Belinda was now breathing against the door, moaning slowly as she touched herself. She could hear James doing the same, panting, their lips and bodies pushing either side of the impenetrable door.

Suddenly James cried out loud as he climaxed, crying and moaning inside his little steel box. Belinda was also close which means that she was at her sadistic best.

“Sounds as though you don’t need me darling?” she called.

“Quick shower?” he begged.

“Long, long bath.”

James was dizzy and disorientated and he slumped down as far as the narrow box would allow. For the second time in one day, he waited patiently for the woman to take her bath.


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