When Michael approached the glass doors of the restaurant, he hesitated. Was he really going to walk in and, for the first time after 6 months of online chatting, meet mistress Julia?
She had been very warm and friendly, answering all of his questions, introducing him to her world and praising him for being so open to explore his submissive desires. At first he had been just curious. Reading through stories and watching Many vids. He started to wonder, why would you be attracted to a dominant woman? Why ever act as submissive as some of the men in the stories?
But soon, he started to get a feel for the scene and discovered how aroused he could get, from just a few words, by a beautiful women, at the right tone of voice. By then, he had discovered some forums, where he started to ask his questions. Most of the time it just resulted in short answers, or general remarks. But when he asked, how he could best start to explore what it could bring for him, he got a very friendly reply from Mistress Julia.
“Hi, I saw your question on this forum. Your request is very lovely and it sounds like you’re curious about what is going on in this scene. I’d be happy to introduce you a bit more and help answer your questions. Just open a private chat with me and share what is on your mind. Kiss, Julia”
Shortly after that, they were engaged in long chat conversations, which were mostly informative and at moments really fun. He learned that Julia was a very experienced mistress. Part of her life was dedicated to being a professional mistress and outside that it was her lifestyle to be a dominant woman. She was really interested in how Michael felt about exploring his feelings and explained him the thrill of playing the submissive role.
“Every man has a natural desire to be taken care for. Do you have those moments where you just want to relax and be released from any responsibility?”
“Haha, everyday! In my job, I need to tell people all the timeWhat to do. It would be great to just be on the other side of things!”
“And are you ever having an opportunity to just do that?”
“No, not really.”
“It is really liberating to just step out of your normal ways! Have you ever explored what your biggest desires are?”
“I didn’t do some self-analysis on that, if that is what you mean?”
“If I, for example would like to make you do something, should I explain you my request and convince you how nice it will be for you to do it? Or would you be more interested if I provide you with a reward?”
“I don’t know about that at all. It sounds like you’ve really thought this through!”
“Let’s try a naughty request! If you tell me the color of your underwear, I will tell you mine!”
“Aha, that’s what you mean! I guess today it is dark blue.”
“Mine is red. Ha, I like this! Would you like another one? Maybe less naughty, so you’ll get to understand.”
“I think that will be fun!”
“Do you have enought space around you? And is the floor not too slippery?”
“No, I’m ok, I’m in the attic and it is quit spatial over here.”
“I have a yoga exercise I really like to do, but it is a bit awkward. I’ll guide you through it, if you practice it with me now!”
“Let me close the door, so I won’t be disturbed.”
“You’d better do and then just sit on the floor.”
Julia guided him through the exercise. It took multiple steps to arrive to the final pose and with each of the steps he needed to stay still for 30 seconds before moving to the next one. Michael was doing his best to take the positions and experience his muscles stretch and tension in different ways.
At the end of the exercise, he went back to his chair, behind his laptop and felt his muscles itch.
“You are really very flexible! This is not an exercise for beginners and you worked with me to the very end! You didn’t struggle to bend over fully! And you were able to touch your toes. That requires you to spread your legs really far apart! That is very good!”
It had put a large smile on Michael’s face, due to all the compliments Julia gave to him. He had really enjoyed the contact with Julia. She was always very interested in him, which made him feel very comfortable with her.
The doors slide open automatically and he started to walk into the hotel lobby. In the middle of the lobby was a small counter. A young waitress approached the counter and said: “Welcome to our hotel, how can I help you?”
“I reserved a table for two,” said Michael, “in the back corner of the lounge.”
Julia had suggested the hotel restaurant and had provided the specific description of the table she preferred. Apparently the description was clear, as the waitress replied: “Very fine, please follow me.” She turned around and started to walk across the lobby. Michael had to rush a little to keep up with her pace. At the end of the lobby she turned right. Michael followed her into the large dining area. As she walked straight on, Michael noticed her slim figure. Her white blouse fitted perfectly around her waist and her tight black skirt showed off just a hint of lace at the top of her stockings.
When she reached the other site of the dining room she opened a door and let Michael pass into the locke. The locke provided a nice view unto the hotel’s terrace and garden. As it was winter time the doors to the terrace were closed. Other than the dining area, the locke was very spacious, allowing the tables to be placed far apart. Only a few of the tables were occupied, which made the table in the back corner of the locke a nice and private spot. The lights were dimmed and the walls and ceiling were painted a very stylish combination of dark blue and black. It all gave the locke a very intimate atmosphere.
“My name is Marissa, I will be Your waitress for tonight. I will take your coat.” She reached for his shoulders and slid off his coat. As she placed it aroundund her left forearm, she used her right arm to pull back the chair facing the corner and said with a friendly smile: “Be seated.”
As Michael placed himself on the chair, he noticed her soft perfume and couldn’t help to smile. “I see you are already getting more relaxed. It is off course very exciting to be here for the first time. Can I serve you a drink to comfort you further?” Before Michael could reply, she continued: ” I can surely recommend the white wine. It is very fruit and a great appealer to an exciting evening.”
Michael only nodded his head, to confirm he would take the white wine. “Very well, good choice.” Marissa said, “I’ll be back in a minute.”
At another occasion Julia had asked him if he could do a small favor. She was considering to replace her car and she had seen a nice car in a showroom.
“I don’t understand cars and I already twice bought a car that was not really ok. Could you check out the car, if it is any good for me?”
“Yeah, why not, can you share a link?”
“This garage is not so modern, they don’t have a website. I can share the address, than you could have a look and go for a test drive?”
“If it really helps you, I will think about it”
“They open tomorrow morning at 8:00h. They are expecting you then.”
He had put his alarm a little bit more early and drive to the garage. There was a man behind the counter, who was rather large and muscular. He looked him straight in the eye when he walked in.
“Are you here for the test-drive?”
“Yes, it’s for a friend of mine.”
“She told me. Just provide me your drivers-license, as a deposit for taking the car for a drive.”
Michael drove a short round with the car. It was a rather expensive convertible and drive really easy. As Michael didn’t hear any strange noises, he figured the car was just fine. When he returned to the garage, he went into the small office and handed back the keys, mentioning:
“It’s all fine. I willinform her that it is fine to purchase it.”
The man replied simply: “Yes, I know you will.”
Michael paused, as he expected him to return his driver’s license.
“Anything else?”
“Could you return my driver’s license?”
“Oh, yes, that’s still over here”
The man reached down under the counter and took his drivers-license from, what seemed to be a copying machine. When he later that day told Julia the car was all fine, she was really delighted.
“I’m so happy that you did this. Did you meet Robert? He is a though one to handle, but really useful in providing cars.”
“Uh, yes, I guess so. I didn’t ask him for his name.”
“Great, very well, you did that just right!”
As the chatting with Julia became a Regular habit, over time, he had started to wonder how it would be to meet her. Two weeks ago he had asked her about it.
“It is always possible, but as I’m a professional, that would really take you into a next level. I don’t take just anyone, so you would have to prepare.”
He hadn’t expect a firm answer like that, but after all, she is a mistress and he did want to explore his submissive desires. Therefor he replied:
“I really love our contact so far and you helped me a lot. I’m really looking forward to a next level!”
A couple of minutes passed, before Michael saw Julia’s reply appear:
“Very well then, there is a couple of things that I require you to do. If you finalize those, I will share when we meet.”
Julia had required him to follow, what she called her 12 day preparation scheme. Every day he had to send her a chat message at 7:00h to inform her he would start his exercise. She had shared a link to a 20 minute morning workout, he had to do every morning.
“You need to be in a good shape to enter the next level.” After the workout at 7:30h sharp she would share her request for the day. The first requests were really personal. He had to share his top 3 erotic dreams. Also, she asked what kind of lingerie he liked most on a woman. Than the requests became more executive. He had already shared that he did shake most of his hair down there. But she demanded him to remove it all and be very precise about it.
Then to finalize the preparations she send a longer request, which was more like an instruction:
“To become a true submissive, you must learn to understand your position. I will comfort you, so you can fully trust me. You won’t have to make decisions yourselves, I will guide you through the journey, until you are worthy to become my slave. I’m really looking forward to it and I feel you are progressing already nicely. Today it is time for you to show that you will always obey me. Therefor I require you to do the following.”
“I want you to buy me a present. It is this perfume that I really like. It’s called ‘sense of spirits’. The 100ml bottle will do just fine. And in addition, I have a more naughty request. As you will buy the perfumeat the pharmacy, you also have to buy condoms! Not just any kind, I need you to buy the custom sized, ultra-thin version. It needs to be bought at the same shop as the perfume. Can you do that?”
Michael figured it couldn’t be too hard to buy perfume and condoms. Only the brand of the perfume was unfamiliar to him and he had never heard of custom sized condoms. He answered: “Yes, mistress, I will collect those as you instructed.” Julia answered: “I know you will.”
Michael searched online for the perfume, but at first he didn’t succeed to find any. Only then, it seemed there was one specific pharmacy that appeared to sell this particular brand. Michael was happy, that he found at least one shop and he checked, if they also sold condoms, which they off course did. He didn’t find Any reference to ‘custom sized’ condoms, so he figured that he would have to find out in the shop.
He drove his car to the shop. As he entered it was a very brightly lid, not too large shop. Thee was a young girl behind the counter, but he thought it would be quicker to find the perfume himself. The cabinets showing the perfume appeared to have many brands. Michael searched the rows of bottles, but couldn’t find the right one. “Are you searching for something specific?” said the young girl, while walking towards him. “Eh, I’m searching for a specific perfume. It was mentioned on your website.” The girl now stood next to him. “It is called ‘sense of spirits’”. “Oh, yes,” the girl replied, ” That is a very specific choice and a very promising one. You have good taste!” She walked passed Michael and reached for the upper shelve, where she collected a large giftbox. “I only have the exclusive edition, 100ml bottle.” “That will do just fine” Michael said.
“You must be a generous man. Do you want to give anything else with the perfume?” the girl showed a lovely smile and looked him straight in his eyes. Michael was a bit distracted, but then he remembered: “Yes, I need condoms too.” The girl laughed: “Oh, yes, after the perfume you might need those!” Michael felt ashamed about him bluntly stating that request. “You don’t need to blush, this is a pharmacy, we help our clients in all requests. ” said the girl, while she started to walk to the back end of the shop. “Come over here, I can show you all the types. And you’d better not buy the standard ones. They are always so sticky, they don’t glide in so easily.” Michael was really astonished with these remarks, he never talked about subjects like these, especially not with girls and this girl sounded really experienced. “Do you need a specific type?” asked the girl when Michael arrived at the shelve. “Eh, I don’t see them. And I didn’t see them on your website either,” Michael stuttered, “but, I was asked to collect ‘custom sized, ultra-thin’”. “O, off course, you won’t find those on the shelves. I will prepare those specifically for you.” replied the girl. “Specifically for me? What do you mean. Do I need totry and fit them?” “Haha” the girl laughed again, “No, no, that won’t be necessary! You can just tell me your size. How many inches are you? When fully erect off course!” Michael was too shocked to answer. He really didn’t know what to think or how to react. “O, sorry, did I act too frank? It is ok” said the girl with a soft voice, while she put her hand on his arm. “Most boys have measured themselves. Some boys even compare together. But that is off course not something that everybody does.” “Let me see your hand.” The girl grabbed Michaels hand with her one hand, and took a small linear from her pocket, with her other hand. “You see, the width of your hand is almost 4 inches. I guess, that gives you a reference! Is it bigger? Maybe even twice as big?” “It is all ok. I think you’re a kind man and I just want to provide you with the best fit.” She went on to measure the length of his thumb and index finger. Then she putted the linear back in her pocket, while she stroke Michaels arm to comfortable him.
Michael came slowly at ease: “Thank you, that’s kind and helpful. I guess I’m just embarrassed now.” “There is really no need for that. So, what size do you want me to make?” “I guess 7 inches will do.” Michael replied. “Very well, And I also need the width. So, if you put your index finger on your thumb, would you still fit within?” “Eh, Actually, yes, with a little room.” Michael replied. “Nice, then give me a moment.” The girl noted the measures down and walked through a door in the back of the shop. Within a minute she returned, holding a small box. “Those will serve you perfectly. And they are ultra thin as you requested. Now, walk with me to the counter.”
When she arrived at the counter, she collected both the perfume and the condoms into a small bag. She handed them to Michael. Michael managed to thank her for helping him out, while he paid. The girl said: “No problem. By the way, my name is Linda, so next time you can just ask for me and you don’tneed to explain again.” “O, thank you, that is very welcome,” Michael replied. Linda smiled and said: “Bye, bye, see you soon!”
When Michael returned home, he felt confused, but also satisfied that he managed to fulfill mistress Julia’s request. He decided to tell her right away. She responded within half-an-hour, sharing that she was very happy that Michael had executed her requests so swift. She also mentioned, that he showed to be able to obey to her wishes and that with that, she had by now all the information on Michael that she needed. She closed out, remarking that she would send instructions for their meeting very soon.
That night Michael received a mail, with extended instructions for their first get together: Reserve a table at the restaurant, in the back corner of the lounge, arrive on time, bring your wallet, don’t plan for other activities that evening and the next day. Julia also explained that to her it was a first introduction meeting, which is always for free. The purpose is to experience, if they will have the same nice chemistry in real life as they had online. It will also serve to confirm Michaels desires to serve mistress Julia. At the end of this first meeting Michael is to decide if he is fully comfortable to agree to serve mistress Julia and to meet again for a second meeting. This evening will grant Michael enough time to make the right decision. Julia concluded the mail in a lovely way: “I really appreciate our contact to this point. I also look forward to meeting you in person. I know it will be an exciting choice for you! But, I actually also know, that we will fit perfectly and you will agree to proceed to serve me. Looking forward to cuddle you, your mistress Julia”
“Hi, here is your white wine.”, said Marissa, as she returned back to his table. Your date has just arrived, I will pick her up from the lobby just now. Marissa headed for the door on the other site of the lounge. Michael started to feel really nervous. Was he actually going forward with this? But the door already opened and mistress Julia entered the lounge.
She was very neatly dressed. Nothing outrages. She was wearing high, black leather boots and a tight fitting skirt with a high waist and all down to her knees. On top, a long stylish coat, with a well-fitting blouse, which emphasized her slim taille and showed a small bit of cleavage, just enough to ignite his imagination. Her long blond hair was neatly stacked. All in all her look was conservative, but very attractive.
Julia’s bright blue eyes looked straight in his. “Hi”, she said with a warm voice, “I’m so delighted to finally meet!”. She putted a hand on both of his hips and gave him two kisses to the cheeses. “Yes, I’m also very delighted”, said Michael somewhat shaky.
“Marissa, take my coat.” Marissa promptly reached for Julia’s shoulders, unid her coat and took it to the back. “O, sit down, it must be a bit strange to be here and meet in real life.” said Julia, while she put herself on the seat opposite to Michael. “Yes, it is”, said Michael. “I understand”, said Julia, “I’m very aware that this is a very exciting step for you. But we have a lovely evening ahead and I’m all yours to answer your questions and talk about desires.”
Julia was talking to him with a very warm, comforting voice. Michael started to relax a bit. He didn’t quit Know where to start the conversation, so he just replied: “I’m happy I choose to come over here. And I did all my preparations.” “I’m also happy you are here and off course you did your preparations.” said Julia “Let me share what we will do this evening, so you are aware and can just enjoy.” “O, yes please, I’m curious to know” replied Michael.
“I’ve asked Marissa to serve us my favorite 3 course dinner. It will give us plenty of time to talk and look back at our online adventures so far!” “As this is our introduction, I’m fully for free to you. But, I won’t mind off course if you act as a gentleleman and pay for the dinner. I guess you brought your credit card, is it?” Michael laughed a bit, “Ha-ha, yes, that was off course part of my preparations. And I really like the restaurant over here, so it is my pleasure!”
“Good, don’t worry about that, Marissa will fully serve us.”
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