Waking Up is Hard to Do

It was his raging hard-on that brought Tom to consciousness, even though his sore head was a close second. Neither of which was unusual after a night out, particularly one with as much alcohol as last night. It had been his friends birthday do, not that one needed an excuse to go out on a Friday in Shanghai, though even given his lack of success with the French girls present and the long working week his hard on felt particularly acute this morning.

In fact it wasn’t until he tried to reach down to pump out some relief that he found his hands were stuck above his head and refused to come down. He opened his eyes to the tree-parsed sunbeams of his lane apartment, starting only when he saw her at the foot of his bed, feet betraying him in tandem while secured to the bedframe.

Mary-Ann, as that was the English name she used, sat at the foot of his bed. He dimly recalled her calls from last night while checking his phone in the bathroom, her number muted. He’d fooled aroundwith her a bit for a few months but two weeks ago decided he was bored – he’d pack work in in China in a few years and go marry some nice, suitable Western chick, so why not play the field while here.

But now she was in his apartment, his hands and feet were secured firmly to the bedframe, and the grin she was giving him was like a predator eyeing up a nice meal.

“Mary-Ann? What’s going on? What are you doing here?” And then, “Sorry I missed your call” feebly, worrying at the dynamic this was taking on.

“Oh, you recognize me” she giggled, mouth flashing in the cute grin he remembered but with a devilish undertone. “I thought I might have to remind you with this” she continued, rising and shrugging off the long coat of his she was wearing, and his cock surged anew – her body, always sexy, was accentuated with shapely, satin lingerie. Her petite frame served only to highlight her breasts, sizeable and full but not exaggerated, and her long, alabaster legs leading to a hear-shaped butt, the panties dipping slightly at the front to tantalise with the prospect of that soft, wet treasure within.

Drinking in the sight, Tom remained speechless, his cock scanning under the covers, even as he knew this was unnatural. He’d been horny before, and this was a sight that would stir the most cold-blooded of males, but even given that his current reaction was overpowering. Despite the weirdness and Underlying tension to the situation, all he could focus on was the raw sexuality of the moment.

Maryann stood smiling, basking in his reaction, before kneeing down and pulling the covers off his bed, giggling again as his cock sprung into view. “It seems he remembers me too” she cooed, and then slowly ran her fingernails up his legs while keeping his eyes locked, the sensing driving out all other thought even as his brain Very tried to call for reason, a call abandoned in a groan as her nails reached his scrotum and lightly stroked his balls, loadedwith a week of cum, and a stifled pant as her other hand reached around the base of his penis. He remained transfixed on her eyes, her breasts, her whole body, as she bent forward and enveloped the tip of his impressive cock in her mouth, the bulbous head almost obscenely pressing against her tiny lips. Reflexively he tried to push deeper, further, as he gently bobbed her head, and he felt an incredibly powerful orgasm welling up after only a few seconds as his eyes rolled back in his head – until abruptly the sensing stopped.

Groaning in frustration, Tom heard her giggle again, and reopened his eyes to see her snapping off her bra. “Delicious, but I don’t want to waste a single drop – I want to feel it all inside me” she purred, her eyes twinkling with malice, as she pulled her near-naked body up his, breasts tracing across his chest to inflame Her further, until her almond-shaped eyes sat only centimetres from his, her legs straddling his trapped body. It wasn’t until he felt the warm, moist opening to her tight soft opening on the tip of his cock that his brain kicked into gear.

“MarAnn, in my wallet, there’s a con-“

“Shhhh,” as a finger pressed to his lips and her hips rolled back, gently causing his dick to nudge further into her, “we don’t need that. Especially not with all these hormones courts through your body overnight, bringing all your hot little sperms to attention.” And with that, even as Tom’s mind raced, she pushed herself a little further down, the feeling of half his head in her enough to cause him to moan again as she continued. “After today, you won’t need to go out anymore. We will have a nice family on the way, and I can enjoy this biiig cock every day.”

Tom’s mind fight to work out what she was saying even as his hips tried to rock further inside her. He was over twice her size, his muscled body toned from swimming, but the bonds on his arms and legs were secure and his sexual drive – hormones! what the hell? – was making it hard to think. Only the reality that his parents religious nature would lock him out of any inheritance – and possibly even this job his father had arranged – forced him into the present. He’d always been extra careful with protection for this reason, and now a weeks worth of pent-up load was primed and ready underneath a sexy Asian nymph bent on entrapping him under her spell.

“Maryann … stop! Stop it!” he forced out, as his cock twitched under her now gently undulating hips. “We can’t!” he forced out again, noting with mounting panic how his pleasures only caused her smile to deepen and eyes to sparkle mischievously as she bent forward, turning her face in towards his ear – another of his weak spots. “Of course we can,” she whispered in a flurry of warm, moist breath that made him screw his eyes shut and force his body from pounding up into her, “and our babies will be beautiful. So just relax, Tom, and let me feel you give yourself to me.”

Tom’s cock was nowStraining and it took all his effort to keep himself from shooting off. He shut his eyes and tried not to concentrate on how good her nipples felt as they brushed his chest, how hot it was hearing her groan and scar, the feel of her feet brushing the inside of his legs as she rocked back, her every movement tantalising with a feminine softness that invited his taut body to unload.

Maryann kept going, though she could sense that she was nearing her goal. As he struggled to hold back from his edge she began to slow down gradually, slowing the build-up to what now seemed like an inevitable release. Gently, slowly, she teased him towards his edge, enjoying the tingle of her pussy at the sight of his eyes tightly pushed together and body taut with exercise.

Tom felt like his heart was going to burst as she gradually slowed, stopping with him right on the edge. For a few seconds he lay there, engorged cock pulsing, mind unable to focus on anything else. All was still. He felt nails slowly run over his swollen balls, causing him to squirm again. Then nothing. He risked opening his eyes and found them staring into hers, fixed on him from above the bed. She smiled, and for a second he forgot his prediction: she looked gorgeous, light patterning off her sleep, glistening form. Then, with a grin and heaven of her bosom, he was brought back as he saw what was coming.

“Maryann, I-“

“Come for me” she whispered, and squeezed her pussy on his cock as she began a series of long, slow slides up and down.

It was too much. The second he felt her vice-like cunt slide up his cock he felt his orgasm began to build together with a long, slow growl that became a scream as he felt the cum surge up from within him and exploit into her, heard her gasps and yelps of pleasure, felt himself go light-headed and see stars, hanging there for what felt like aeons.

And as his body collapsed, spent, onto the bed, the last thing he heard before blacking out was “I thnk we’ll call him Thomas, after you.”


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