Secret Voyeur Ch. 01

I was desperately tired after a long day of work, then four more hours of classes. It would help if I did not have such a bad case of insomnia, and could actually rest after these long days.

On my drive home I slid in my tranquility cd, in hopes to relax enough to crash when I finally get home. Yawning loudly, I pulled up into the drive, then into the garage. I unpacked my gear and books; then made sure Everything was in its place, OCD!

I remembered I had almost a full bottle of port chilled, and how tasty a glass sounded. One glass would not hurt before bed, and would most likely help me sleep. I have the weekend off so I can sleep in and all weekend if I want to.

So off to bed I go? Ok, so I saw my nice, hot, inviting, hot tub on the back deck as I was heading to bed and the thoughts of sleep… well they went out the window. There were no lights on in any of the homes around me, it was pitch black. I do not have a decent sized privacy fence; which reminds me I swait have a new one built, I will call about that tomorrow or the day after.

Off came my clothes, and yeah feeling a little guilty about it because I just tossed them down as I walked to my hot tub. I can pick them up later… maybe. I sat on the side of the hot tub and let my hair down from the chignon I had it up in. I love the feeling of my hair gliding over my back, so I can never resist to shake my head slightly to just feel my hair ticket me.

It was time for the business woman and professional student to receive into the corners of my mind and the carefree woman to come out and play? Nope, I wish, no one to play with so I was just carefree and relaxed.

Sometimes I daydream about being watched when I have my late night hot tub excursions, but with this neighborhood of elderly, ha! I ran my fingertips in the bubble water, to test the heat. It was hot and ready to slip into. I swayed my legs from the deck into the hot tub and slinked down with ease as a feline does.Mmmmm the hot water felt so exhilarating, and the bubbles massed my tensions away nicely.

Being so relaxed I began to fantasize about having another in the hot tub with me. It had been far too long since I had a lover, just seemed like there was never anytime to go out and mingle or date these days with work and school.

I let my hands cares my bare breasts, then softly massage them. A couple of harder tweaks on my nipples, no one was around so I was careless with my small moans that escape my lips. In my own little world I was ignorant of my surroundings.

I am not sure how long I was enjoying my hot tub before I heard a muffled clanging sound. I was looking around frantically, I just knew someone was in their back yard, I heard something! I may daydream about being watched but truth be told I was scared to death of being caught, at least by the neighbors I have. I had already gotten glances and looks from them being the only young person here, and not married; whoch Mrs. Franklin always brings up when we see each other.

Then I saw a glint out of the corner of my eye, it was in the backyard of the empty house next to me. I turned slightly to peer through the fence into the next yard and saw a man carrying what looked to be chain from the shed. He walked to the picnic table and was attaching the chain to it. How strange this was, why on earth would he chain down a picnic table, especially in this neighborhood; we have never had a problem with any crimes, and he was the last house on the road; only neighbor he had was myself.

Someone must have moved in and I did not notice? I was not home too often during the week and I do get home rather late. No one mentioned anything to me about a new family moving in, surely Mrs. Franklin would know.

“Oh my gods” I whispered as I finally saw what he was doing! There was a woman on the picnic table, and she was nude. Why wasn’t she screaming out for help? I thought to myself. I was so scared and felt even more vulnerable being in the hot tub… naked.

I was frozen, unable to move; I tried to remain quiet, least he see me and come to chain me to my tree. This man is crazy, he lit candles all around the woman on the picnic table. I could see her tossing her head side to side and emrithing in her chains. I think she was gagged and blindfolded. “Oh my gods, I am living next door to a kidnapper and possible rapist.” I gasped, rather loudly I think because he turned and looked in my direction. I do not think he saw me though because he continued what he was originally doing.

There is a poor helpless woman in the yard next to me about to be rapid or tortured and I slunk down in my hot tub like a coward unable to move just to call for help. I felt so scared and inferior for the first time in my life, I was horrified and I could not take my gaze off of him.

What an asshole! He began to whisper in her ear and kiss her like a lover does. How humiliating, the poor thing! Humiliating I thought, but she was wiggling seductively, is she mad?

My curiosity peeked then and I watched them closer. He picked up one of the candles and drizzled wax over her breasts; she was gagged and even from yards away I heard her cry out. He did not stop there, he continued to drizzle hot wax all over this woman! “I have to go and call for help!” I stuttered out. But I was Still immobile, frozen, glued to my hot tub. I just sat there and continued to watch. I guess once he had his fill of playing with wax he started pinching and smacking her.

To my own horror I found myself becoming excited by watching this twisted man. Oh gods above help me, what in Hades is wrong with me? I think the woman was enjoying the tortures he administratored to her. A woman does not move her body in that fashion unless she is enjoying it. I suppose my new neighbor is not a kidnapping rapist, thank the gods above! Or am I wrong?

Damn it, I do not like being in this helpless posittion. Or do I? I continued to watch them and I felt something stir inside of me. I do not understand why I am enjoying this so, this is completely wrong. I am thinking about doing the same thing to this woman, one who I have never met, nor do I even know what she looks like. Dear gods have you cursed me? I have always done what I was to do and then some. I am going psycho!

He mounted that woman and had sex with her harder than I ever thought possible. He eventually released her from the chains, gag, and blindfold; it was like releasing a wild woman! She thrust him on his back on the picnic table and rode him like she was in a rodeo (I would have given her first place for sure)! I am so ashamed for watching them, and even more so ashamed that I indulged myself so frantically while doing so. The man I Thought to be so terrible, morbid, and horrific turns out to be very erotic and sexually stimulating to me.

Oh Zeus help me for I think I have spied on a Sex God………!

Itseemed as if I was out there for hours watching the fiasco next door. I waited even longer after they affectedly walked into their house. I either had a spiked glass of port or I just watched my new neighbors have some kinky sex.

I feel so dirty knowing I watched them the entire time. Yet again I feel as if I became more alive at the end. I almost did not want them to stop so I could continue to watch. What in Hades is wrong with me. This is not normal!! I always thought I have had some good sex but damn, I have never had anything as exciting as what I watched. When did they move in? Who are they? And more interestingly, what are they?

I wonder how it feels to have that done and to do such to someone else. Gods help me I am going insane, that is just not moral. She was so lovely understanding Underneath everything he did to her. And her reactions to him are so erotic; although what he did looked very painful, but it must not have been for her to like it? Am I now attracted to women as well as men? So many questions going on through my head, I feel dizzy.

Finally I emerged from my hot tub and turned everything off. I opened my water proof, make shift close on the deck and pulled out a robe. I have a lock stock and barrel of towel robes I keep in it, just for instances as this. I wrapped myself up in my robe and gathered up my scattered clothes.

After dropping my clothes in the laundry hamper I made my way upstairs to my bed. My bed usually is warm and inviting. I look forward to crashing down on my king sized beg, over filled with a ton of pillows, and enjoy snuggling in.

Being alone usually does not both me but tonight, it does. I left lonelier then I have in a long time, and the desire to have someone over flowed my emotions. Mixed with my lonely Feeling- my mind raced back to what I watched tonight. As if my insomnia is not bad enough I think watching my neighbors and pondering on it made it worse.

Eventually I fell asleep,What time I do not know. I slept although it was a restless sleep.


The next day (actually later that day) I awoke to the sun shinning down on my face and my cat Hera licking my nose. I was extremely grocgy from lack of good sleep, I guess my large glass of port did not work this time. I petted Hera for a few minutes and whispered soft coo’s to her before literally rolling out of the bed. I grabbed my black silk robe, which is always on the foot post of my bed, yawned and stretched like my Hera does, as I slipped into my robe. Looking over my shoulder I called out to her to follow me, I swear sometimes I think I was a cat in a past life.

Once Hera and I were downstairs and in the kitchen, Our normal routine commenced. She hoped up on the counter by the can opener and rubbed herself all over my arm as I opened her favorite can of Tuna and Gravy Friskies. Hera is a princess, her food bowl even says so. I kissed Hera on the top of her head, as I always do before I make my mint tea and toast with strawberry jelly. Hera and I were enjoying a peaceful breakfast when my doorbell rang. Looking at the clock, it was not breakfast we were having but a midday brunch since it was 3pm.

I know my hair was tussled about since it was unbrushed, but the elderly folk around here are half blind so they would think it was a new style. Half laughing to myself thinking about which married lady was coming to visit this time I went and opened the door.

To my astonishment when I opened the door it was not Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Oliver, or even the Widow Smith; this was a woman my age, and oh so drop dead gorgeous! She was about my height at 5′ 8″, legs that went on forever like mine, even her hair was brunette like mine and just as long, if it were not for her having blue eyes instead of green like mine, I would have sworn I was looking in the mirror! I suppose I had a look of awe on my face because she asked if I was all right. I shook myself out of it and finally spoke to her, asking if I could help her. She smiled so sexy I thought my legs were going to give out on me. And again thoughts crossed my mind which never have before. For Gods sake I was undressing her in my minds eye while she stood in my doorway. I need to set an appointment with my shrink!

She introduced herself as Aria, my new next door neighbor. That was it, my legs did go weak and I had to hold onto the door so I did not fall to the floor. This is the woman I watched last night! This cannot be happening, I felt my face burn so I knew I was blushing, and I prayed to the gods above she did not notice or see me out as the spying neighbor.

A moment or two I snapped out of whatever I was slipping into and gave her my apologies for my appearance and asked her if she would like to come in, but secretly hoped she would decline.

The gods have cursed me! She accepted my invitation and walked in with such a flow as I have never seen. Closing the door I watched her, well not all of her, I watched her ass swway from side to side as she made her way over to my chain lounge. She sprayed herself out on it and compiled me on how lovely my den is, and how much she loves chain blindes.

I have never felt so stupid as I did while she was in my house chit chatting with me. Does she know I spied on them last night? Does she Know I liked it and find her attractive? This cannot be happening to me! I was fine with the way my life was going, and even fine with the insomnia I suffer from. I was content living here alone with Hera although Mrs. Franklin always lectured me on finding a man to marry.

Oh gods, did I mention she was wearing a knee high candy apple red skirt with a red and black pin striped halter top to match? A.D.D. Here! She crossed her legs, and not in a very lady like fashion; I saw everything that was underneath her skirt, and what was not- like panties, she was not wearing any.

I know she noticed my mouth gain as I stared at her. She giggled softly and continued to rant about her previous home and how the neighborhood was not for them since it was filled with children and they are the silent, wild, party type of people. I wanted to scream out “Did you not notice the quiet retired old folks all around us? It is boring here!” But I refrained myself and held my composure as much as I could sit there talking with her in nothing but a silk black robe myself.

I learned that she too, was not married but had been with her Master, whose name is Eros, for eight years. Ok what in Hades does she mean Master? I do not think she means the sort of Master you have when you take karate. Eros? That is the name of the Greek God of love. I am going insane!

I am studying the Greek Pantheon, made a joke about a sex god living next door to me last night, and now his name is Eros to top it all off. Again, Aria must have seen a look of awe-screw me on my face beave yet again she asked if I was all right. I passed it off as to not getting enough sleep, hence still in my robe with unbrushed hair. She began to tell me how well she sleeps at night, just like a baby due to all of the sex she and her Master have she told me with the brightest of smiles.

To make things worse, as she is telling me all of her personal business she is caresing her chest provocatively. If I Did not know any better I would say she was flirting with me. No. No that is ridiculous.

Aria must have talked to me for about an hour (although I did not hear most of what she said, I could not take my eyes off of her beautiful body she kept exposed to me the entire damned time she was in my house) when she said it was time to go.

I thanked her for visiting and welcomed her to the neighborhood as I walked her to the door. As I was closing the door behind her she spoke again, saying she almost forgot but her Master has extended a dinner invite to me for tonightat 8pm.

Gods above I should have been a blond, I stuttered and asked her what she said; she repeated herself with that same sexy smile she has been giving me the whole time. Am I a fool? I accepted the dining invitation and waved her off. I wanted to slam the door in frustration, and did so in my head.

Dinner is four hours away and I am exhausted with so much to do as is now. I went about and did What needed to be done around the house with breaks here and there to play with Hera when she would get under my feet purring and carrying on for attention. Poor thing, I am not home enough to love on her as she needs and deserves.


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