Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 36

Chapter 47

Alex dropped her keys on the table by the door and checked her stack of mail. Nothing important, so she dumped the envelopes in the trash can next to the table.

“Hey!” she called out as she looked into the living room, she heard the bumble of bodies from the back of the apartment. She smiled and shook her head. Ooops.

She made her way to her bedroom and pushed the door open, her eyes furrowed at the scene. She walked in and turned in a full three hundred and sixty degree circle. Her entire room was now in neighborly taped boxes. Her bed stripped of its sheets. There were things that didn’t belong to her taking up corners now.

“Hey you,” Lena said from behind her.

“What the hell is this?” Alex asked. She was a bit shocked and angry that her room was packed.

“Well, I figured since you were getting married now, I could pack up your room,” Lena said cautiously, hearing the anger in her friend’s voice.

“We had talked aboutit,” Alex agreed. “But…”


“Sorry,” Alex said laughing at herself, realizing she was over reacting. “It just took me a second to process it!” She turned around and hugged Lena who smiled.

“Now,” Alex said stepping back putting her scowl back on. “Do you want to explain that?” She asked sharply, pointing to the set of golf clubs in the corner.

“Yeah,” Lena smiled. “About those, they kinda belong to my new roommate.”

“You’ve already rented my room?” Alex gasped.

“Not exactly rented,” Lena hedged, embarrassed. Just then Mike came up behind Lena and Alex burst into laughter as all the pieces fell into place.

“Humprf,” Alex said to him with a broad smile. “I see.”

“Hey Miss Lasko,” Mike said sheepishly.

“Miss Lasko?” Alex grew. “You are stealing my roommate, putting your shit in my room, and it is still Miss Lasko?” She railed at him.

“Sorry Alex,” he corrected. “I’m going to make coffee, want some?” Alex nodded and he kwassed Lena’s head and went away sheepishly.

“I see how it is,” Alex said moving close to her friend. “You like your rooms with a side of penis now, huh?”

“Worked for you, didn’t it?” Lena pointed out.

“I’m calling slut,” Alex teased as she crossed her arms across her chest.

“I’m calling kinky as fuck slut,” Lena shot back mimicking her Stance.


“Uh, hell yeah!” Lena laughed taking Alex in her arms. “At least Mike has a good sense of adventure! Not as adventurous as your Gavin, but a hell of a lot better than my last clown!”

“Don’t tell me, I don’t want to know your dirty little secrets,” Alex said shaking her head. “So, he is moving in?”

“He has been living here for over a month now,” Lena admitted.

“Get the fuck out of here? How did I miss that?” Alex asked her.

“Probably because of all the wedding shit!” Lena told her with a snort.

“God! Don’t bring up the wedding!” Alex grew.

“Now what?”

“She wants a full orchestra!” Alex said of Madelyn’s elaborate plans.

“What happened to the DJ?” Lena gasped.

“Yeah, you figure that out let me know!” Alex laughed as they walked towards the kitchen where Mike was making coffee.

“Oh man, what does Gavin say about that?” Lena asked as they sat down.

“He’s gone to calling me Faust,” Alex laughed with a shake of her head.

“He did warn you that you were making a deal with the devil,” Lena reminded.

Alex dropped her head to the table and shook it.

“Is it too late to elope?” Alex asked.

“You are talking about a lady who knows the head of the Armed Services Committee, and the director of the CIA…do you think there is anywhere you can go where she won’t find you?” Mike laughed.

“Nobody asked you,” Alex laughed with her head still down. “Room thief.”

“Just saying,” Mike said as he set her coffee down near her.


“There you are,” Madelyn called out as Alex crossed the foyer. Alex froze in mid-step.

“Charles! Save me!” Alex began the man as he stood by the door he just let her in.

Charles smiled and prepared to tip toe away.

“Traitor!” Alex laughed at his response.

Since the wedding plans began, the two of them had been earning rebukes from Madelyn for their constant poking at her for the elaborate plans and the sudden changes of ideas. The two of They had been joking behind Madelyn’s back about being a taskmaster and would lean in to whisper a joke, when Madelyn wasn’t looking of course.

“You, my lady, are on your own!” he said from the doorway to the Library. “She has brow beat me enough today!”

“I can see I’m going to have to really turn on my bitch,” Madelyn warned them. Charles smiled at Alex, then left her there. Alone.

“Now,” Madelyn began when Alex finally turned to her. “I have someone for you to meet.”

Alex rolled her eyes as she followed Madelyn back into the sitting room she just came out of,dragging her feet as she went causing Madelyn to turn and glower at her. Alex giggled when she did.

“Trying my patience today?” Madelyn asked her.

“Me?” Alex asked in a laugh. “Nawww!” Alex drawn.

“I’m not above putting you over my knee young lady!” Madelyn threatened.

“Yes ma’am,” Alex nodded.

Walking into the sitting room she found an elegant woman in her mid-seventies sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in her hand. The woman was beautiful and graceful. She stood as Madelyn brought Alex to her.

“Alex,” Madelyn smiled. “This is Carolina Herrera. Carolina, this is Alexandria Lasko.” Alex gently took the elegant woman’s hand and shook it.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” the woman said to Alex. “Madelyn has been raving about you all morning!”

“Don’t believe all she tells you, she is blinded by her love for me,” Alex smiled, trying to tamp down what was surely high praise from Madelyn.

“Absolutely gorgeous!” the woman said to Madelyn. She then turned her eyes back to Alex.

“Have we met before?” Alex asked her. “It seems like I have seen you before.”

Madelyn laughed then covered her smile with her hand.

“I would hope you would know this woman!” Madelyn chuckled, shaking her head. “Carolina is the preminent designer of women’s clothes.”

“She has dressed women from the likes Jackie Onassis to First Lady Michelle Obama!” Madelyn said with a shake of her head at Alex’s naiveté. “Now, she is going to add you to that list.”

“What?” Alex asked as Carolina began to walk around Alex measuring her up with her eyes. “What are you doing Madelyn?”

“We seem to be at odds over your dress,” Madelyn said watching her friend look Alex over.

“I know,” Alex said shifting her eyes from Madelyn to the world famous designer who was now touching her and picturing something in her mind.

“Well, I’ve asked Carolina to come and help us, she is going to design you a dress,” Madelynshrugged.

Alex put her face in her hands and let out a short scream of frustration. Her wedding to the man of her dreams went from a simple vineyard wedding, to a subtle backyard marriage to what has now turned into a wedding fit for royals! Full orchestra? Catered meal for over 300? Now a world famous designer to custom make a dress for her? Holy shit!

“Real lady like,” Madelyn scolded.

“Trust me,” Carolina smiled. “I deal with temperamental super models all the time! I can deal with a little fit now and then!”

“Madelyn!” Alex complained. “This is too much!”

Madelyn said nothing, instead she began drilling holes into Alex with her eyes.

“Gavin is going to kill me,” Alex grumbled as she dropped her head, recognizing that look after weeks of getting it. It means there would be no arguing her way out.

“Better,” Madelyn smiled as she realized Alex had just accepted her fate. “But stop slouching so Carolina gets the full and accurate picture.”

Alex lifted her head and looked at the fashion designer who smiled sympathetically at her.

“She is absolutely gorgeous,” Carolina said to Madelyn. “I hope you aren’t shy!” She smiled as she turned her eyes back to Alex.

“What?” Alex sent after she lifted her head disappointedly. She looked to her left to see a man get up with a camera. She shook her head. “Really?”

“It’s either him or come to New York so you can stand in my office while I design your dress,” Carolina said firmly.

Alex closed her eyes, now she could see why Carolina and Madelyn were friends. Same temperature. Forceful and demanding. Obviously traits needed to become powerful women of status.

“Take a few of her like this and a few of her in just her Undergarments,” Carolina told the photographer.

“What?” Alex asked again, her face draining of color as she heard the statement.

“I have to know your whole body,” Carolina told her. “If I’m going to put you in one of my dresses,I need to know every nuance, every curve and every deliciously beautiful angle.”

“But you want me to stand in my underwear?” Alex gasped looking at the strange man with the camera. “With a total stranger?”

“Yes,” both Madelyn and Carolina said at once, showing there would be no denial of the demand. Alex looked to the ceiling and blew out a nervous breath. There was no way she could just take off her clothes! She looked to both Madelyn and Carolina, both had the same determined look.

“Well,” Alex said shaking her head. “This won’t be awkward!” Alex said with a huff as she pulled on the back of her dress opening it to let it fall into a punch around her ankles.

“Absolutely stunning!” Carolina raved. “I could put you on a catwalk anywhere in the world and you would hold your own!” The woman said with a broad smile as she drank Alex in.

“Oh God!” Alex said to the ceiling as she stood there in her lacy garments. She was glad she put underwear on this morningwith her garters and stockings, otherwise this would have been really revealing!

“Do you plan on wearing something as elegant and sexy on your wedding day?” Carolina asked coming to inspect her sexy underwear. Alex just nodded as her face flushed a deeper crisis in embarrassment with every click of the shutter on the camera.

“I will design something special then, to go under your dress,” Carolina smiled as she brushed Alex’s skin and stepped away. “Anytime you need a job, let me know, I would love to draw you in my designs!”

Carolina spent the next forty five minutes directing Alex into several positions as the photographer took pictures from every angle imagineable. After the initial embarrassment of standing in her underwear in front of total strangers, one of whom was a man, Alex began to enjoy the attention being doubled on her. The gushing praise the two women would rave with as they discussed her while she stood there. They sipped their tea and discussed variousideas of design they could put Alex in.

Carolina would come to her from time to time and mention something to Madelyn who looked and nodded as she watched Alex pose and move about under Carolina’s direction.

After the photo session, Madelyn showed the fashion designer out and came back with a triumphant smile. Alex was laying on the couch, her feet up on the cushions her face buried under a pillow in humiliation as she thought fully about what she had just endured.

“I can’t believe I just took my clothes off in front of perfect strangers!” Alex while.

“You were absolutely stunning,” Madelyn assured her. “You heard Carolina, she could put you on a catwalk anywhere in the world!”

“How much did that little session cost you?” Alex asked lifting her head from beneath the pillow.

“Carolina and I are good friends, so I got the discounted rate!” Madelyn assured her.

“Yeah, but I bet that is still more than the average person makes in a year!” Alex guessed.

“For certain,” Madelyn smiled. “But I’m not your average person!” Madelyn said proudly as she left Alex to wallow in her embarrassment.

“That ain’t no shit!” Alex said shaking her head as she buried it back under the pillow.


“How did the day go at Madelyn’s” Gavin asked with a wicked and telling grin.

Alex let her fork fall to the table with a growl.

“That well?” Gavin teased.

“That woman is impossible!” Alex grew. “Sir.”

“I warned you,” Gavin chuckled as he sipped his wine. “My beautiful Faust.”

“You could have given me that warning before I made the deal!” Alex said picking up her fork angrily.

“You know, something I assume are common sense,” Gavin continued to tease. “Like poking a big bear with a stick…do I need to tell you not to do that?” he laughed as his phone rang.

“There are days you can be so charming,” Alex smiled at him falsely. “Today isn’t one of them!”

“Yes Maddy,” Gavin laughed into the phone as his eyes sparkled at her in laughter. “No, she is still angry.”

He looked to Alex who was shaking her head and having a conversations with herself silently. Her lips moving, but no sound coming out. It appeared she was arguing with her invisible shoulder angel/devil combo, as she turned her head to talk to one silently, then the other with a sarcastic shake of her head.

“Really?” Gavin’s change in tone caused her to snap her head up and look at him. “Tell that photographer I would like copies of those!”

“Gavin! Don’t you dare!” Alex threatened as he got up and walked away from the table. “You don’t need pictures you have the real thing!”

Gavin laughed all the way to the office.

“Asshole!” Alex gasped softly from the table.

“Asshole…Sir! That will be twenty!” Gavin called out from the office. This caused Alex to laugh as she didn’t expect him to hear her.


Alex laid on the bed, her body naked, her face down onthe soft sheets. Her hands bound together and tied to the headboard. Her legs spread and tied individually to the side posts of the footboard.

Gavin ran his lips gently over her skin, causing a cascading wave of goose bumps to radiate from his lips across her accepting flesh. She shivered when the pleasure bumps hit the edges of her body.

His hot, soft tongue eased out of his mouth and followed her spine lower. Starting from her should blades, down. His magical hands gently running his fingertips over her hot skin. He had already made her cum multiple times, her body hot from her throes of orgasms. Now he slowed the pace down. From her rocking elongation of bliss to a slow tango of pleasurable kisses from his skilled lips.

Her hips raised when he hit her waistline, her firm ass lifting off the mattress to invite him in. He smiled when she did this. Knowing she was wanting to please him in every facet of their lives. Gently tempting him with a most delicious treatment. How does he explain to her that she has accomplished pleasure him without even getting undressed?

His trailing hands gently took a half moon each and eased her apart. Her delta of pleasure revealing all to him. His tongue continued to taste her flesh. To taste her perfume, her sweat. Her. He revealed in its entirety as it saturated his tongue.

His tongue found her slightly divided anus, and he ran his tongue around it. The rippled edges smoothing out as he pulled her cheeks further apart to allow himself access into her most taboo receptions. She gasped as he tongued her there. Her hands pulling on the restraints as her pleasure took over her body.

Pulling his tongue from her caused her to whimper slightly. He allowed his hands to release her cheeks and his finger tips to follow the mid line of her ass down and under her, his fingers gently brushing the lips of her glorious sex causing her to jolt with convulsions as the sensitivity of them were already heightened from herrepeated orgasms.

He laid on his stomach, flat, in between her legs. His hands slowly sliding up her legs, across her waxed sex and cupping her hips from underneath. He sat there admiring the view, her completely hairless sex in front of him. Her lips engaged with blood, her holes slightly open, inviting whatever invasion he had in mind. Her sex glistening with her cum.

She waited with her eyes closed, feeling his hot breath on her most sensitive and most private of areas. Her legs began to tremble in anticipation, her breathing quickly as only Gavin could make her do.

He started by barely touching her with his tongue, the very tip on the very edges of her, causing her to gasp as her whole body began to match her legs. The shaking of excitement causing her to smile. God this man know what the fuck he was doing! He He knew just how to touch her, just how to kiss her. He knew things that even she didn’t know about her own pleasure until he showed her. He was an vitalityclopedia of knowledge on how to please a woman!

After a few moments of gently touching her outer sex, he pulled hard on her hips and drive his face forward burying his tongue in her, his nose pressing against her anus to double the feelings. It wasn’t intentional, his nose, it just seemed to be right where her taboo was when he buried his tongue deep within her. Yet another sign from God himself, that this man, was made just for her she assumed.

He ravaged her, leaving no recess unplundered by this tongue. Her cum gushing out of her to show him just how satisfied she was. Her body releasing its pleasure for him to lap up before diving into her ass. His tongue reaching deep within her as she pressed back into his face, pulling his tongue deeper, but she wanted him even deeper!

Back and forth he went, from her sex to her ass, then back Again. Bringing her orally to Nirvana time and time again. She stopped counting the number of orgasms altogether, she didn’t care. Now it was only about losing each other in their pleasure.

He began to trail his tongue back up, leaving her sex moving up her body slowly, with one last dive into her tight anus before swirling it around to leave to follow the split in her magnificent ass.

Back across the small of her back, up her spine, returning from where he came. Only this time, he let his cock fall in between them, his large head slipping easily into her wet and sticky sex. With one firm thrust he buried himself deep within her.

“Fuck yes!” she gasped as he filled her. “That’s what I need Sir!”

He said nothing as he used his lips and teeth to nibble on her delicious flesh. He could eat her in every way imagine right now. She always brought this out of him. This desire to possess her wholly. To swallow her completely. Body, mind and soul.

His hand firmly pulled her head to the side to reveal half her beauty. Her profile. He suckled on her ear, his hot, heavy breath filling it with his passion. It caused her to convulse as yet another orgasm washed from her. Her mouth opening and hanging ajar as her orgasm controlled her body muscles.

Her face reddening beautifully as he watched her for a moment as her orgasm ebbed. He took the opportunity to cover her mouth with his and his tongue to dance with hers. As his fingers wrapped tightly in her auburn locks to keep her from moving away, like she would if she could.

She screamed happily into his mouth as she came hard, the sloshing of her sex telling them both she had squirted. She never used to do that, she remembered. Only with him did she find that not only was she capable of such a powerful orgasm, but it had become the norm. He had told her it was because she was finally at ease with her lover, no holding back, no reservations. Completely submitted to her pleasure.

He then hooked his arms under her and cupped her shoulders from underneath. He pulled her down and shoved his hips up, driving his rock hard cock deep within her over and over. His groin slapping her cheeks slowly at first, but powerfully. The sound of their skin striking making them both smile. Gradually he increased his speed. Faster and faster, stronger and stronger.

Her body rocking back as best she could, driving back into him, meeting his every thrust. Gaining speed when he did. Soon it was like a jackhammer pounding into her, the only time she didn’t thrust back was when her orgasm locked her into a fit of strained, paralyzed muscles, only released when her cum washed out around him. She then would fall right back into rhythm with him, like she had never missed a beat.


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