Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 32

Chapter 38

Alex awoke the next morning and turned over. She wasn’t surprised when Gavin wasn’t there. Still, it would have been nice she decided. She attempted to get up and found that her body didn’t want to. It was angry after all the hard work done yesterday. The pounding and bouncing in the trucks over what they called roads around here. The carrying of boxes into the store room. Standing on her feet for hours both in the store room, and in the hospital afterwards.

Her calves hurt and cramped during the night from dehydration, something Gavin warned her about. The cramping reminded her of her mural for the Expo, the nights of cramps in her legs that keep her from sleeping. She found a bottle of water on the table next to the bed and drank from it thirstily, but the damage was done as her calves hurt, as did her feet!

Sliding her legs out she winced as she put her feet to the floor, her calves warning her with their twitching she had better takeit easy at first, or she would pay dearly. She stretched her back as she stood, her bones popping as she did. The popping one right after another, seemingly never ending. Each a painful but sweet feeling, the pain of the pop. The sweetness of the relief afterwards.

“Holy shit!” she gasped as she stretched her hands above her head. She then bent at the waist and let her body hang as she stretched out. The muscles in her back groaning as they stretched, as did her hamstrings on the back of her legs.

“Wow!” his voice made her eyes open as she looked between her legs and smiled at him. “It sounded like you were popping popcorn in here!” Gavin teased at the noise her body was making.

She stood and turned to him, he gently took her into his arms and kissed her.

“I’m sore,” she admitted with a smile.

“I’m with you,” he agreed with a firm nod. “Pavy needs us, we got a new batch of refundes about an hour ago.” She nodded and began to put her hair back up in the pony tail as she trailed behind him from the tent.

She followed him into the hospital and now there were over 80 people waiting. She frowned. This was too much. How can the rest of the world sit idly by and do nothing?

These people were getting pummeled with sadness and doom. Pain and death, and she knew that there were people in the United States that were more worried that their basketball team just lost their best player to a twisted ankle.

Really? People are dying here and they think their basketball team is killing them? Come here, your perspective on life changes the moment you look into one of these people’s faces. The moment you see the devastation. The moment you see the sadness, the total loss on the faces of the people that came into this tent. Gavin walked to an elderly man who had that look of utter desolation on his face.

Gavin began treating the man’s wounds as Alex assisted. She struggled at first, her fatigue keeping her memory from being used eff. Soon her brain caught up and they were flowing seamlessly together.

They moved from patient to patient. Alex trying her best to keep the sadness emanating from the wounded from infected her. She tried to smile reassuringly at them when they looked to her. A smile of comfort. She hoped it was getting through.

“Alex,” Pavy interrupted hours later. “I want you to start giving the kids inoculations.”

“I can’t do that!” Alex protested. “I’m not a doctor or a nurse!”

“Do you think these people care?” Pavy smiled with a slight shake of his head to answer for her. “Look, Gavin will show you where to inject, it really is no big deal. Just do what you’ve been doing. You are very calming, so just continue to do that. These people need that more than all the medicine we can provide. Your smile lets them know the worst is behind them.”

Alex looked to Gavin who turned at her.

“You’ll be just fine,” Gavin assured her with a quick kiss.

Gavin took her over to a corner of the tent. A small table had been set up for kids to sit on allowing her to inject them. Emem came over and he would assist her, as he had been doing since they arrived.

Gavin assured her that he would be a few feet away if she needed him and that was comforting. Gavin injected the first couple of kids. Alex was surprised when they were so brave, they didn’t cry out a great deal. Then again, most of them were numb from their panicked retreat from where they called home. After getting shot at, or watching family members get slaughtered or maimed in front of you, what’s a small need?

Yes they cried but they didn’t have the response she thought they would have. They didn’t have all the appreciation she had witnessed with Nora a few years back when she went with Livy to get her inoculations for pre-school.

Gavin then stood neary as Alex delivered her first inoculation. Her hand shook the entire time and the kid cried out and looked to her, the child’s eyes spoke of betrayal but she made up for it with a sucker. Once the sweet treat hit the tongue on the child, the expression changed. It went from betrayal to that of awe. The pain melting away along with the sucker.

After Gavin watched for a few kids and Alex had no problem he slipped away without her knowledge. When she looked up after a few minutes she noticed he was working on his own patients while she treated the kids. All enjoyed her candy. All enjoyed her reassuring smile, her reassuring voice as she whispered to them they were going to be alright.

First in English, which they didn’t understand the words, but they understand the tone. Then Emem taught her the words in their native tongue and dialect. She began to speak only in their Swahili, asking them to be still, then comforting them after the sharp pain of the injection.

Mothers would look upon her and smile at her gentleness. More than one took her hand and thanked her with a kiss there. She rememberbered Pavy saying that was a compliment. High prayer.

The look on the mother’s face told her he wasn’t lying. They looked to her like she was saving their child’s life. But she was only giving them a shot. Then she remembered. In America, we take our inoculations for granted.

In this war torn corner of Hell, they may hear of people getting the lifesaving shots but not have access to them. Now They were watching their own child get the shots that would save their lives from some diseases that were prevalent there. Previous but preventable, with the proper inoculations. It was as if Alex was saving their lives with magic.

Alex knew these kids had enough things here trying to kill them, they shouldn’t have to worry about diseases that the rest of the world had eradicated through systematic immunizations not available to them.

“They may have never had one,” Emem pointed out after she marveled one child looking at her as if she was some sort of angel after tasting thesweet treat she gave them with her megawatt smile.

“A sucker?” Alex asked him as she stared at the small girl while struggling her face lovingly. He nodded. That blew her away. No candy? How spoiled she was living in America. There were a lot of things she was encountering here that made her appreciate what she had in America. There were a lot of things she took for granted there that she would not now. Not after seeing what the rest of the world was dealing with.

Simple things, like roads. Paved roads to be specific. The fact that there were plenty of medicines available. Plenty of doctors, doctors you didn’t have to walk a day to get to. Public transportation. She thought of the food she wasted, people here would go all day without eating. Candy? Would she ever look at a simple sucker again without thinking of the look Each child gave her when they tasted the colorful treatment?

As they went, Emem would prepare the needses, Alex would prepare the child then inoculate them. The child would cry, then Alex would produce a colorful piece of candy, the crying would soften. Then when the sweet taste of the treat hit, the crying would stop all together. On and on it went. Child after child. Hour after hour. Shot after shot. Sucker after sucker. Smile after gentle smile.

By the time she realized it, night had fallen and the tent was empty. Gavin and Pavy sat on a table just off to the side and watched her work. She didn’t know how long they were watching her but when she turned the two men smiled to one another.

“Well Gavin,” Pavy exhausted deeply. “I don’t know about you, but your little angel there could give me a shot any day!”

“She is quite fantastic, isn’t she?” Gavin smiled as he hoped off the table.

“Can I have a sucker?” Pavy asked her as he followed Gavin off the table.

“Sure,” Alex shrugged. She picked up a needle and held it up. Pavy stopped his advance on her.

“What’s with the needle?” he asked her.

“That’sthe cost,” she told him with a firm voice. “One shot, one sucker.”

“I don’t need an inoculation!” he told her.

“Then you don’t need a sucker!” she laughed. She rolled her eyes then tossed him one as he pouted.

“Thanks,” he said popping the sucker in his mouth. “You were a big help today!”

“Yeah,” Alex rolled her eyes. “Kids now know I’m mean and cause pain!”

“No,” Pavy argued. “Now the people of this country know you care about them enough to protect their kids when nobody else will!”

This caused her to suck in a breath and it became trapped within her, not allowing her to let it escape from her lips as she thought about that statement fully.

Entering the tent again they shuffled their exhausted feet as Gavin made sure the tent was Securely closed to keep the insects on the outside. In their short time here they had encountered insects that bit and stung that were the size of small birds it seemed. Like they were from some cheesy B-horror flick.To avoid those same monsters from getting into the tent while they slept, he made sure the tent was properly closed.

“Get undressed,” he said firmly. She smiled wickedly as she took her clothes off. He watched her with a soft smile.

“In bed,” he ordered. She compiled, slowly entering on all fours, leaving her backside towards him, causing him to groan in approval. “Be nice, or I won’t be.”

“Yes Sir,” she said over her shoulder at him.

“On your stomach,” he said pulling a chair close. She laid flat. He began to massage her sore muscles causing her to gasp. His fingers kneeing away the knots her body had accumulated over the past days.

“How many people do you think you worked on today?” she asked him dreamly as he worked her exhausted muscles.

“I have no idea,” he smiled. “Hundreds, like maybe two or three hundred.”

“Wow,” she whispered as she cooed when he hit a sore spot and he stayed there until he worked it away.

“I know,” he said moving on. “I would be happy if it wasn’t for the reason they were coming to us!”

“I know,” Alex frowned. “The horror in their eyes!” Gavin nodded as he worked her legs causing her to moan slightly as he worked her.

“You were absolutely fantastic today,” he told her. She looked back at him.

“Thank you,” she smiled. “You were an excellent teacher!”

“No,” he shook his head. “You have the inherent ability to help people. I know because you helped me and I was beyond help!”

“You are beyond description, words from poets could not encapsulate you,” he said as his fingers brushed against her sex causing her to hold her breath.

She was exhausted but his mere touch set her ablaze instantly. She hadn’t thought about sex, her fatigue weighing on her. When he said to get undressed her first thought was she was too tired. But his hands on her energized her. It was like they were able to find a hidden power source within her and now her sexual motor had a full charge.

He continued to work her sore muscles and soon her body was relaxed. It was still slightly sore but he managed to take her pain lever from an 8 to a 2 in the hour he massed her. She didn’t realize it was an hour until she looked up at the clock.

“Sir?” she whispered.


“May I return the favor?” she asked turning over.

“It isn’t necessary,” he assured her.

“You are necessary,” she said firmly moving into the submission position on the bed. Her soft breasts lightly illuminated in the lantern light. The soft shadows of her body falling about her exactly. Her mere positioning causing the desire for her to engulf him in flames of love and lust.

“So your needs are very necessary to me,” she said moving back so he could sit on the bed. He stood and began to pull at the buttons on his shirt, she lifted onto her knees and pushed away his hands as they attempted to unbutton the soft Columbia shirt he was wearing. The soft silenty feel of the matopial felt good on her fingers.

She found her fingers sore from all the injections today. He recognized it immediately and stopped her fingers after she pushed his shirt off of him and onto the floor. She looked up at him, his eyes locked onto her hands as he began to massage them. Her palms first, then outward to the tips of her fingers. He took another 30 minutes to massage just her hands. He had her digits sing his prayers before he was done.

She then went back to work on him, unbuttoning his shorts and giving them a gentle tug to pull them from his waist. His underwear was next, a soft tug as his boxer briefs hung to his semi hard manhood. That pleased her, she made him hard just by letting him massage her. It showed he loved touching her as much as she loved having him touch her…still. After more than a year, their touching one another still excited them.

Alex had expected some falloff, some diminishing of their desire for one another. She figured that afterer the newness of their relationship had faded they would not be as eager. That had proven to be false. Unlike her other relationships, this fire never seemed to ebb. It skeked anytime he was near, it smoldered when he wasn’t, but it wasn’t far off from exploding into a raging inferno.

She let her fingers run down the shake of his cock, her fingers brushing hot shake lightly. She leaned forward but he stopped her with his hands on her shoulders.

“Don’t,” he warned softly. “I have not been able to freshen up today.” She looked up at him, her hand still gripping his shake as it pulsed in her hand.

“I’m all sweaty,” he explained.

“I don’t care,” she told him. “I want your taste. Yours. Your sweat. Your scent. You!” She lowered her mouth to his cock when he let go of her Shoulders.

His musky, sweaty smell filled her nose. It wasn’t his cologne, which had long since faded. It wasn’t his body wash, as he hadn’t had time to bathe in two days. It was him. His sweat taste filled her mouth. It was different in taste than him normally. Back home she would taste his soap, his cologne and then him. Now it was just him! She revealed in that. Gavin au natural!

She took him deeply, his cock hardening while in her mouth. She just held it with her lips at the base, her tongue supporting it from underneath. The head at the back of her tongue. It’s heavy feeling holding her tongue down. Her hands gripping his ass, pulling him into her mouth as far as she could take him.

She let one hand gently cup his heavy balls while she held him in her mouth. Neither moving. They were connected, his sex to her mouth. Her other hand then traveled from his ass, up his chiseled body. Her fingers walking up his chest to his mouth and he captured it in his mouth and he held it prisoner, much like she was doing is manhood.

“Reluctantly,” she whispered as she released his cock. “But I want to take care of your muscles.”

“Well,” he grinned as he opened his eyes. “You had the muscle I was concerned about!”

She moved back and he turned and sat down, his back nestled softly against her warm body. Her nipples hard, poking him in the back, he could feel the rubbery rock hard feel as she rubbed them gently up and down his shoulder blades while she moved her hands over his shoulders and massed his chest from behind. Relishing the feel of their skin on skin contact.

Her fingers moving up and over his neck to his temples. Massaging there then working slowly down. Her thumbs on the back of his neck, pushing his skin from the spine outward to his outer neck. Then moving lower before repeating. Then lower. Repeat. Lower. Repeat.

Her hands griping his shoulders next, massaging firmly as she moved towards his outer arm. Then back across the upper Shoulders her hands went. Slowly. Meticulously. Matching the attention he had just shown her.

He leaned forward, allowing her to use the heel of her hand to press on him in her massage. Her lips moving in as well while she did, running her lips across his body while her hands worked him. Now she could continue to taste him, the only taste she could not live without.

She felt his hand snake back between her knees on the bed, his palm up as his fingers found her wet sex. The tips of his magnificently talented fingers gently sending bolts of energy though her clip as he massaged it. His fingers never fully dipping into her, more just rubbing the outer lips, maybe drifting in just enough to push her lips outward.

The sound of which filled their ears as her wetness was audible under his touch. She gasped while she gently bit into his tasty flesh, drawing a smile from his mouth. She nibbled on his earlobe as he fingered her there in the submission position, straddling him from behind.

Her hand slipped around his midsection and took hold of his cock from behind with a firm grip. She began to stroke him with the same speed in which he was working her. Slowly at first, but as her body responded he sped up and she matched his speed with her hand. Her grip tightening as she pulled on him.

When her body stiffened from her orgasm she bit into his shoulder harder, while her hand choked his cock. She frozen but he continued to make her body respond to his hands like a maronette master. His gentle touches making her body twitch and move like she was on strings.

When her body descended from its heavenly perch, with her cum leaking from her body she began to stroke him again. He turned slightly and pulled her around him to sit in his lap. He slip into her instantly, her hot, wet sex gobbling up his cock greedily.

She wrapped her legs around his back as her hands wrapped around his head, her fingers filling with his hair while her mouth took his ear back into her lips. Her sex warmly gripping his hot shaft within her, causing her body to twitch as he filled her.

His hands cupped her ass, one hand per firm chef, holding her tightly to his body at first, enjoying the lava like feel of her sex. It was hot, wet and sticky, like the air of the land that surrounded them. But where that heat was displeasing, her heat was highly pleasurable, setting him on fire from his shake out. He just held her there, his lips nipping at her nipples. Causing them to harden even more as blood rushed to the sensitive tips.

After a few moments, which seemed like heavenly hours to her. He began to use his grip to lift and pull her to him. His cock gently moving in and out of her. The feel of his steely hardness spreading her lips, causing her to leak out around the edges when she came again. This time forcing her to toss her head back and letting the moan escape her lips because she didn’t want to contain it any longer. She didn’t care who heard her in her pleasure rapture. Let whoever heard know that she was being pleased by a man who knew how to please!

The quickness of his lifting and pulling, along with thefact he was squeezing her cheeks in his hand harder let her know he was building.

“Oh Sir,” she gasped in his ear with heavy breath. Her lips never leaving his lobe. “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” Each demand spurring him along, making his body work as she felt his hips rock into her now because his hands alone weren’t pulling hard enough or fast enough. His hips wanted to play too. Drawing each other’s bodies into one another with a soft clap, clap, clap. A gentle applause for their lovemaking.


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