Chapter 26*
Alex awoke in the morning, face down in the bed, completely naked with the sheet barely covering her, which was exactly the way she was when she fell asleep. During his pampering, the aftercare the other kittens called it, she fell asleep on him, due to her exhaust. They had fucked for hours, in just about every position she could imagine. Her on top, him on top, from the side, from behind. It seemed as if they were making up for all the lost time from her illness, and her temperature tantrum.
She had tried to keep track of the number of orgasms, but she lost count because of the way he took her. Sending her into a mind scrambling orgasms that left her barely able to move afterward, leaving her laying there unable to do anything but enjoy herself while he continued on without her participation, for a short time as she recovered.
She lifted her head and turned it to look at his side of the bed. That is when she noticed the covers in completete disarray. The sheets bound up and tossed about, the mattress showing, as the fitted sheet was pulled off during their rowdy, leg shaking, sex. There were absolutely no pillows on the bed, they were tossed somewhere in the room she was sure, but where exactly she had no idea.
She tried to push herself up, but failed. Her arms exhausted as were her legs. Her stomach felt like she had been through some sort of intense sit up regimen, like one suited for Navy SEALS or perhaps professional boxes. Her whole body ached, but in such a deliciously pleasing way she didn’t care if it ever went away.
She lay there, her smile coat her face. Yeah, this is what being royally fucked felt like, she smiled to herself. She could still feel him all over her, his hands, around her throat, pulling her hair or pinching her nipples.
His face, his beard stubble rubbing raw the back of her neck and her back, as he devoured any and all available skin. She could feel his face on her sex,From where he buried his tongue until she coated his face multiple times with her cum.
She could feel his magnificent cock in her pussy that was pounded gloriously until she could no longer do or say anything but moan in approval. She would definitely feel him all day there.
She could also feel him in her throat, which swallowed him as best she could, as he gruffly fucked her mouth making her gasp when he would pull out at the last second before she passed out.
Every inch of her body had some sort of memory of him. Glorious memory after glorious memory! God she needed to fight with him on occasion just so they could make up! She giggled, no, no more fighting if she could help it. She would try to be the submissive she had declared herself to be.
She would try to be the submissive the kittens had described. She knew it would be a long journey, but one she was determined to make. It all started with the first step, the step she finally made last night. Not the verbal commitment to Gavin. That was step two, step one was accepting that this is what she wanted. Perhaps even what she needed.
Motion from the corner of her eye caused her to lift her head. She smiled as Gavin looked at her from the doorway. Leaning there, his secret smile of admission coating his face, his eyes twinkling in satisfaction.
“Wow,” he smiled. “You look spectacular there like that!”
“Like what, Sir? Fucked beyond words?” She looked over at him and smiled broadly but he didn’t return her smile.
“What?” she asked him, when he didn’t return the smile.
“What?” he asked back. A smile ticking at the corners of his mouth, as he realized he had been caught by her.
“You made this face,” she told him.
“I did?” he grinned coming to her and laying down next to her in his expensive suit, not caring if he wrinkled it.
“Please Sir,” she said turning on her side with a great deal of effort. “Communication.”
He nodded with an appreciationive grin.
“Why do you describe our sessions as ‘fucking’?” he asked her, pushing her tangled hair from her face. “Now granted last night I guess that was the best way to describe it, but it seems you always use that term.”
“What else would I call it?” She asked him. “What do you call it?”
“Well,” Gavin shrugged. “I would call it lovemaking, or sex, or a physical/emotional connection,” he said softly as he looked at her deeply.
“Do you think I am fucking you?” he asked her. Alex shrugged as she stroked the side of his face. Touching his skin made her insides dance with pleasure.
“Fucking sounds so impersonal, so emotional. Yes, there are times that we fuck, as that is what we need from time to time. But, other than last night,” he turned at her with his mischievous smile. “I haven’t fucked you for some time.” She stared into his eyes for a few moments.
“I’m not fucking you, I’m exploring an emotional, sexual experience with you. It’s something Ihave learned since you have come into my life. I was just fucking before, but now, I’m in the lifestyle with you. You can’t have the true trust without the emotional attachment.”
“If we are just fucking, then I do need to end this, because I haven’t looked at it like I was fucking you for some time. I fucked Elizabeth, I fucked Regina, and others before them, but I’m not fucking you. I’m having an emotional connection with you that I didn’t have with either of them. Mostly because I was afraid, partly because of an oath I made to myself. I’ve given up that fear and let you in. I willing to break that oath, for you. Not because I want a sub, but because I want to share my life with someone who gives me purpose. “
“I want you to be that person. To do so, I’m willing to let you be who you are, but you have to give me something in return. And that’s to let me be who I am. And what I am, is a man who is willing to risk everything for the woman he loves.”
“Does that make sense?” he asked her.
“I was afraid to call it anything else, for fear of you throwing up a wall,” she admitted, the tears of tenderness forming at the edges of her eyes.
“Well, that time has passed,” he smiled. “So for clarification,” he grinned as he wiggled his eyes at her. “I fucked the shit out of you last night!” She laughed as he pulled her into his arms.
“Thank you Sir,” she smiled into his chest.
“For what?”
“For being the greatest thing that has ever happened to me!” she said stretching out and kissing his lips. “For breaking that oath! I know how difficult that must have been for you, I know sometimes people say things like that, for their own purposes, but I know, you mean it!”
Alex showed slowly, letting the water mass her tight muscles. Hell yeah, he had fucked the shit out of her! Her body telling her so with every stiff joint and tight muscle. She found a couple of small bruises where his hand had gripped her firmly, on her hip bone, and on her thigh. She giggled as she shut the water off. Badges of being a good girl she decided. She dressed and found him cinching up his tie.
“Got a call,” he frowned.
“Ok,” she nodded. “Is it alright if I go over to Lena’s? Some last minute Christmas shopping?”
He frowned.
“Look,” he surprised. “I don’t want you to change who you are. You never asked permission before.”
“I know,” she nodded. “But I want to now.”
He walked closer to her.
“I don’t want you broken,” he said firmly. “I love you the way you are.”
“You like it when I back talk you?” she asked with a smile.
“Well,” he tilted her head up, smiling as he looked down at her in thought. “You stand your ground when it is important to you, do you understand me?”
“Yes Sir,” she whispered seeing the intensity in his eyes.
“Are you leaving now?” he asked her as she bit her lip, trying to keep the lustful thoughts running through her head from keeping himfrom his call.
“Yes Sir,” she smiled.
“I’ll walk you out, I want to show you something that I’m sure will start a fight, but I don’t give a shit,” he said firmly, getting her coat and holding it so she could slip her arms in.
“I’m not fighting with you any Sir,” she said firmly as she slide her arms into her jacket.
“We’ll see about that,” he smiled as he nibbled on her ear, wrapping his arms around her body trapping her hands against her as he held her from behind.
They walked down to the elevator hand in hand. She kept stealing glances at him wondering what he had up his sleepe.
“Hey Mike,” Gavin said with a head nod as they exited the elevator on the ground floor.
“Car Dr. Steward?” He asked as he picked up the phone.
“Yes, please,” Gavin smiled.
Standing outside, the sunshone on her face and forced her eyes closed. The bright light warmed her face despite the sharp chill in the air. The car pulling up in front of them causedher to lower her face from the sun and open her eyes.
The car that sat there wasn’t his black Aston Martin. This was a pearl white Mercedes convertible. The car hop nodded at her with a smile and disappeared. It appeared both Mike and the car hop were purely to the knowledge of the new car. A short time later Gavin’s familiar Aston pulled up behind the Mercedes.
Alex stared at it for a moment. She was battletling the emotion. Part was stunned at the beautiful car. Part was angry that he bought her a car after telling her she could buy her own, and part was hoping, by some miracle, the car belonged to someone else so they could avoid this fight!
“Wow,” he nodded obviously with a smile, he was looking at the car with her, watching her from the corner of his eye. “I expected the riot act.”
“No, Sir,” she said dropping her head. That means it was definitely her car, and nobody else would be coming out to claim it. “I told you, I don’t want to fight with you.”
“Hmm,” he smiled. “I appreciate that. I really do.”
“You had to pick a Mercedes?” she asked, the disbelief filling her voice, tinged with the anger she was battleling.
“That’s better,” he smiled. “More of the Alex I love.”
“I’m not arguing, Sir,” she prefaced her next statement. “But I thought we agreed I could buy my next car, as Elizabeth had done.”
“Right,” he nodded. “We agreed on that, but that was before your car broke down and forced you to walk home in sub-zero temps giving you pneumonia. Forcing me to lose my God damned mind and forcing me to examine what I was doing as your Dom.”
“Yes Sir,” she frowned. She couldn’t even think of how much this luxurious car cost him. It was more than she deserved, more than she would want. Every fiber of her being told her to throw one of her temperature tantrums. She closed her eyes and fight that urge.
“Now,” he smiled. “Take a deep breath.” She followed his command.
“This is not your car,” he told hertaking her hand. She looked up at him. “This is a lease car, you have it for the next two years, which should be ample time to save up enough money to buy whatever car you want.” He turned her taking her hands in his and holding them behind her back, as he pressed his body into hers and looked down at her with his smile.
“I am a man of my words,” he reminded her as she smiled up at him. “I agreed you could buy your next car as you feel that is important to you, so that makes it important to me. But…,” he closed his eyes. “I have to be who I am, just as you have to be who you are. And who I am, is a man who provides for the woman he loves.”
“I love you,” he said firmly opening his eyes to lose himself in her soft blue eyes. “But you have to let me show you, Because it’s who I am and what I do. Just like your stubborn streak is who you are, your pride is who you are. Your hard working nature and your love filled heart, are who you are. I won’t let you stop being that person, but you can’t let me stop being the man I am. A man who loves you and wants to show you more than in words. I’m not a poet. I don’t do words. I am a doctor, and I do action.”
“Are you saying you don’t want a Dom/sub relationship?” she asked him listening to what he was saying.
“No, I’m saying I want an Angelo/Maria relationship,” he smiled. “I want the Dom/sub to meld into something more. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday. I want to be Angelo and Maria.”
He left her standing there, her feet frozen in the snow but not because of the inclement weather but because she was frozen by his words.
“Not a poet my ass!” she gasped as she watched him walk to the driver’s side of her new car. “That was the most poetic, powerful thing you could ever say to me!”
She ran around the car and jumped into his arms and kissed him deeply not caring who saw, or who might disappear. She wouldn’t have cared if her mother was there with her entire bible study group. This man loved her and she was determined to show him how much she loved him in return!
Letting her down easy he stroked her face.
“See you tonight,” he smiled as he opened her door. “Oh, and by the way, no you cannot change the gift you bought me, now that you don’t need to save for a car right away! I forbid it!”
“Yes Sir,” she smiled devilishly. Dismissing the new idea of emptying her savings account to spoil him like he was doing to her. She eased into the soft leather of the Mercedes. “I will not buy you anything else, but the one gift I have already bought you.”
“Perhaps I should use this new found desire of yours, to not fight with me, and tell you to take the gift you have back?” he asked her, lifting his eyesbrows in a small hope she would agree. He knew better, but thought, what was the harm in trying?
“I wouldn’t advise it,” she smiled. “You just told me you wanted me to be me.”
“I do want you to be you,” he nodded. “That is the woman Ifell in love with. Be careful, the roads are slick. Any problems, take it to Curt, he is to do all the maintenance during the lease time”
“Thank you for this spectacular car, Sir,” she said pulling on his tie to bring him down so she could kiss his lips. “We will have to take it out and break it in properly!” She slowly let his tie go and he turned up at her.
Pulling up in front of her old apartment she looked at all the other cars parked in the street. Her shiny white Mercedes stood out like a sore thumb amongst all the inexpensive, and reasonable cars. Some were like her old Rabbit, more than twenty years old. This was a neighborhood of blue collar workers and students. To have the luxury car there made her uncomfortable. She just didn’t believe she was a Mercedes girl! Evidently her Dom thought otherwise.
Pushing open the door to her old apartment she could smell the distinct odor of burnt breakfast. She shook her head, the girl just was never going to learnn!
“Hey!” Alex called out. Instead of calling out, Lena came to her in a rush.
“How did everything go?” Lena asked searching for an indication of the news on Alex’s face.
“I have, without a doubt, the greatest man on the planet!” Alex smiled. This caused Lena to engulf Alex in her arms and squeeze her happy.
“I’m so happy for you!” Lena said from within the embrace. “Are you still in the Dom/sub thing?”
“Very much so,” she smiled. “It’s really rather liberating, this lifestyle.”
“I’m so happy!” Lena said again bouncing on her toes to prove it.
“Me too!” Alex said taking her back into her arms.
“Did you give Mike this number?” Lena asked pulling back as the thought popped into her mind.
“I did,” Alex grinned. “Did he call?”
“Yes!” Lena gasped. “We are going out tomorrow night!”
“Awesome!” Alex exclaimed.
“I know!” Lena agreed.
“I hope he can cook,” Alex smiled pretending to sniff the air around them, a dig at the acrid smell of smoke still lingering in the air.
“Knock it off! You deserted me for Dr. Stud!” Lena reminded with a soft push. “With your track record I wasn’t expecting to have to learn to cook for another ten years before you even found a man!” She teased ruthlessly, pulling up Alex’s dating track record. “I was thinking you were going to become one of those cat ladies with like twenty random cats!”
“Oww!” Alex laughed. “Well, now I know how you really feel!”
“So did you fuck and make up?” Lena asked with a wiggle of her eyesbrows.
“For hours!” Alex laughed with a blush.
“You bitch,” Lena grew. “And you won’t share?”
Alex shook her head.
“He said the big three last night,” Alex smiled proudly referring to Gavin’s declaration. “I about melted into a puddle!”
“Oh my God!” Lena gasped. “You got through!”
“It was the most fantastic thing I have ever heard, like angels themselves whispering!” Alex admitted. “C’mon, I have somehing to show you, we’ll do some shopping to find you a dress that will knock Mike on his ass, and get a bite of food that hasn’t been burnt!”
Lena stood on the stop to the apartment building staring at the car in utter disbelief.
“I know, right?” Alex said with a smile and a shake of her head.
“Oh my God girl! How well do you fuck?” Lena gasped.
“Evidently like a Mercedes!” Alex laughed with a sheepish grin and a slight blush at her own bravado.
“You bitch!” Lena laughed.
Pulling up under the awning of the restaurant, the girls hoped out of the car. Tipping the valet and waiting for the ticket she found Elizabeth coming out of the restaurant.
“Alexandria!” Elizabeth called out when she saw her. It was sort of happy and sort of alarmed. She tilted her face away but it was too late. Alex had seen the bruise. Alex took hold of Elizabeth’s chin and turned it back so she could see it.
“Just a little rough play,” Elizabeth smiled. “You know how it is, its ok!”
“Yeah,” Alex said firmly not letting go of Elizabeth’s chin. “I know exactly how it is, but you’re wrong, it is most definitely not ok!” She said angrily releasing her chin.
“Not your concern,” Elizabeth warned her. Alex nodded but didn’t agree. “Is that your car?” Elizabeth asked her. Alex turned and looked at it before turning her eyes back.
“Yes,” Alex nodded, she was judging Elizabeth’s eyes. There was a jealous tint in them. “Gavin got it for me.”
“Wow,” Elizabeth said softly. “Lucky you.”
Every syllable she said made Alex uncomfortable.
“It’s not technically mine,” Alex told her. “It’s a lease, I told him I wanted to buy my own car, so This was a compromise, of sorts.”
“Gavin? Compromise?” Elizabeth asked staring at the car in a growing unhealthy jealousy.
“Of sorts,” Alex reminded. “Elizabeth this is my best friend, Lena Osweiler.” Alex said introducing them. “Lena, this is Elizabeth, the beautiful ladywho brought me into the life.”
The ladies shook hands and Elizabeth nodded in appreciation the acknowledgement Alex made.
“Senator Danita Housley’s new personal assistant?” Elizabeth asked, her eyes moving from jealousy to a rage.
“Yes,” Lena confirmed slowly seeing the change. “Dr. Steward put in a good word for me.”
“Really?” Elizabeth asked coolly. Alex watched her carefully, Elizabeth’s temperature was spiking like yesterday in the apartment.
“What’s wrong,” Alex asked her taking Elizabeth’s angry and vengeful eyes from her best friend.
“Nothing,” Elizabeth said with a deep exhaust. “Royce was supposed to be recommending me for that job as well.”
“Oh,” Alex said, her mind scrambling at what Elizabeth was feeling right now. It appeared the Mercedes triggered a jealous spike and now Gavin had used his connections to get her best friend a job Elizabeth was trying for, which wasn’t going to help her demeanor.
“Well,” Elizabeth smiled, regrouping as the two women in front of her were watching her carefully. “If I don’t see you before, Merry Christmas!” Elizabeth said as her car was brought around. She tried to sound pleasant but the pain and disappointment came out with her salutation.
“Yes,” Alex said as Elizabeth hugged her, it wasn’t a warm embrace, more of a quick hug before she left them.
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