Chapter 20*
Gavin and Alex strolled into the large house. Alex again was awed at the size of the home in the country. It seemed that Gavin knew a lot of rich people. She knew he took care of the elite in society, so money was everywhere, but it still didn’t stop her from dropping her jaw in disbelief as she saw some of the finer things in life. The cars, the dresses, the jewelry, the massive homes and lavish estates.
Gavin had been distant all day, she knew he would be. As much as he tried to insulate himself, he was still hurt. She had tried to keep him up. Tried to keep him from thinking about Elizabeth. She succeeded for the most part and hoped the party continued to be a nice distraction from her and his anger.
Alex’s body was all a tingle as she looked around. She wondered what she was going to see here. Would it be like last time? Would she be in awe? Would she be shocked? She couldn’t wait for what the world was going to show her today!
“Gavin!” a woman called out drawing her attention.
It wasn’t Madelyn, this woman was younger and taller and that was compounded by her leather boots that went up to mid-thigh. This woman screamed Dominatrix! Her leather corset covered her fit body, but it barely contained her ample chest. Her black hair streaked with highlights of red that matched, not only her nail poison, but her lipstick and the strings of her lace up corset. She was a symphony of coordinated attention to detail.
“Alysia,” Gavin smiled as she made her way over to them. He leaned over to Alex and whispered in her ear with a crooked grin. “Whatever happens, do not leave me alone with this bitch.” Alex turned to him but his smile told her that he was joking.
“Don’t be calling me a bitch!” Alysia told him as she got There.
“Me?” Gavin scoffed, pretending to be offended at the insinuation with a hand to his chest completing the dramatic denial. “I would do nothing of the sort! You know I adore you!”
“Not enough to stay my sub!” Alysia told him while she kissed him on the cheek. Alex was suddenly floored. In all the things she had hoped to learn tonight, that was not one of them. This is the woman who’d had Gavin for a sub? Holy Shit!
“Not out of your lack of trying,” Gavin nodded.
“God you look delicious,” Alysia said drinking him in. She faked a shiver of enjoyment as she looked at him from head to toe. At least Alex thought it was fake. An instant spike of jealousy hit her.
Alysia looked to Alex and her smile broadened as she looked Alex over much the same way she had just done Gavin. Alex’s anger left her, as the woman in front of her ticked her eyebrow up as she seemed to find Alex very pleasanting.
“This must be Alexandria!” the woman smiled. “Your new pet.”
“Yes on Alexandria,” Gavin told her. “No on the pet. She is now mine. I have claimed her fully.”
“Two?” Alysia gasped snapping her head to him in disbelief. “Gavin violating anabsolute? No fucking way! No chance. No how!”
“Elizabeth has moved on,” Gavin told her sharply, warning her with his tone that this conversation should end. This caused Alysia to cock her head. She read him perfectly. She could see the anger and disappointment.
“Her loss,” the woman said finally with a shrug and twisted lips. “She didn’t deserve you anyway.” Gavin didn’t reply. Alysia turned to Alex. She took hold of Alex’s chin gently with a finger and thumb, tilting her head from side to side. Inspecting her.
Alex allowed it, as did Gavin. Alysia didn’t ask permission as Madelyn had that first time. This woman just did it, showing she was used to doing what she wanted, when she wanted. Alysia ran her finger down her neck to Alex’s exposed chest. The red dress Alex wore left her rather open on top. Her breasts held high by the push-up bra she wore.
“And you dressed her in my favorite color!” Alysia gasped as her finger brashly dipped inside Alex’s dress, brushing one of her nipples. Alex didn’t know what to do. At the first party no one touched her. At this one, this Mistress was boldly touching her, and Gavin was allowing it.
“Purely unintentional,” Gavin told her as he watched Alysia. “But hey, I don’t mind pushing your buttons.”
“Fuck you,” Alysia gasped not taking her eyes off Alex as she retired in the feel of Alex’s flesh. She was picturing the pleasure Gavin was attaining from this sub.
“You can now take your hand off my sub,” Gavin smiled falsely.
“Oh,” Alysia laughed, pulling her hand back. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself!”
“Try,” Gavin said flatly.
Alysia went to Gavin and ran her finger down his cheek.
“God I’d love to fuck you again,” Alysia claimed boldly, uncaring about Alex’s feelings. Alex was done, she was ready to claw the woman’s eyes out. She just now got claimed by Gavin fully! Now this bitch was being so bold as to try and claim him as well.
“No chance,” Gavin said firmly.”I have Alexandria and she is all I need.”
“For a year,” Alysia pointed out with a shake of her head and a roll of her eyes. Alex’s breath caught in her throat. It seemed everyone knew about Gavin and his length of ownership. “Then…,”
“Yeah, this one is not like the others,” Gavin interrupted.
“Really?” Alysia smiled stepping back finally from her close proximity to Gavin. “Madelyn said she was phenomenon. Has this sub finally succeeded where the rest of us failed?”
Gavin rolled his eyes and looked around the busy party. Avoiding her eye contact for a few moments. He brought his eyes back to Alysia. The Mistress never took her eyes off him. She never blinked as she read him like a poker player staring down a bluff.
“Wow,” Alysia whispered as she studied him. “She must be phenomenon. To have you thinking those thoughts alone is miraculous.”
“Alysia,” Gavin warned his voice tight with anger.
“Ok,” Alysia smiled without him finishing. “So the snooty bitch is gone and Alexandria has done the impossible.”
Alysia turned to Alex.
“Welcome Beautiful,” Alysia said to Alex for her first words to her.
“Thank you, Mistress,” Alex said with a formal nod of her head, lowering her eyes.
“I thought she was a novel?” Alysia asked Gavin.
“Almost a month in,” Gavin said proudly.
“You must be a fantastic teacher!” she marveled at the submissive behavior this one was displaying.
“Alexandria is the fantastic one,” Gavin bragged. “I’m merely introducing her to the life, she is the one grabbing it by the horns and forcing it to her will.”
“A Dom in the making?” Alysia asked, her smile now approving.
“She is a Switch,” Gavin admitted to her. “She won’t embrace the Dom side as she feels that it would cause a problems with me.”
“So she has figured you out,” Alysia said with a cocked eyebrow.
“She has to accept who she is, like I did,” Gavin shrugged.
“That my dear,” Alysia smiled. “Is the beauty of being a Switch, she can have both.”
“I’m not a sub,” Gavin told her. “You know that.”
“You were a magnificent sub,” Alysia told him sting his cheek lovingly in remembranance of his servitude, albeit a brief one. “Did he tell you he was once a sub? This magnificent Dom…was once collared?” She asked Alex.
“Yes Mistress,” Alex told her with her eyes down. “He told me he tried it, but it wasn’t for him.”
“My biggest disappointment,” Alysia frowned. “I had him, but couldn’t fully claim him. I envy you.”
“Your loss…is my gain,” Alex said with a smile. “With all due respect, Mistress.”
“Yes,” Alysia smiled admiring the sub in front of her. It was a smile of acknowledgement of a worthy adversary.
“Well, I must attend to my guests, as much as I would rather be here with the two of you. Could I interest you in playing for us?” Alysia asked Gavin. “It would make it a party to remember!”
“Perhaps,” Gavin said slowly, lookg at Alex who held her breath in disbelief.
Alex wanted to look at him, wanted to read him. But she didn’t dare. Things she could get away with when they were alone, were not a good idea at a party full of Doms. But she wondered if he was serious? Would he use her in front of all? Her body reacted favorably at the thought. Gavin working her body with all eyes on them? Her body heated up, her pulse raced with the ideas of the things Gavin would do to her.
Alysia walked away and Gavin led Alex to the bar and picked up two glasses of champione. Alex looked to him for explanation as he handed her a glass.
“I can see that would please you,” Gavin smiled as he waved with his chin as his name was called out from another party goer.
“Only if it pleases you,” she said to him never taking her eyes off him.
“I won’t be the one naked in front of everybody,” Gavin pointed out with a giggle behind his glass of champione.
“What would you have me do?” she asked. Theexcitement creeping up in her voice. She thought of the jealousy that would rage in the kittens in the room with Gavin showing them what he could do. With the powerful orgasm he could evoke from her so easily. It may be petty, but she would love to rub it in, the things he could do!
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I like to go with what strikes me at the moment. What desire I have at the time. I fulfill it. I’m not much on planning things out.”
“As you wish,” Alex smiled. “I am your sub, I bow to your desires.”
“God that makes my dick hard, the way you say that,” he smiled kissing her lips.
“God you make me wet, with the way you kiss me Sir,” she smiled in return.
Gavin walked around with Alex at this party. Unlike the last where she was escorted by Madelyn. Gavin held her fingers lightly in his as they maneuvered through the crowd. The soft murmur of people looking at them as they went by. Alex heard her name with a jealous bark once or twice. This made her smile each and every time. She would reach up from time to time to ensure her collar was properly set and in view.
Going up the stairs to the second floor they found a woman, naked, and bound to the banner. Her chain like collar tight against her throat, gently digging into her skin. The metal left red, raw marks on her throat.
Alex looked on astonished. The rope that held the woman to the banner was looped through Steel bolts in leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles, then wrapped around the banner itself. Her mouth was gaged by what looked like a thick rectangular piece of black rubber.
Her teeth digging into it as she watched people walk by her. Some never bothered to look at her, dismissing her immediately. Some stopped and ran their fingers over her. It was the nipple clamps drew Alex’s attention. On the end of each one, was a chain that connected the two clams and where silver weights hung low in the middle that caused constant pressure on them. Pullingher nipples taut and downward.
Gavin saw Alex looking as they approached so he stopped in front of the bound woman. He pulled Alex up next to him and the woman at the banner bowed her head.
“What is this all about?” Alex asked him in a whisper. Gavin studied the girl for a moment.
“I’m guessing she was naughty,” Gavin shrugged. “It’s not often that a collared sub is left out like this unless it is some sort of punishment.” Alex nodded as she watched the woman.
“Am I correct?” Gavin asked her. The woman nodded slowly.
“I wonder, what did she do?” Alex continued to whisper as others were walking by.
“Shall I take the bit out and we can ask?” Gavin chuckled with a shrug. He loved Alex’s inquisitiveness.
“Can we?” Alex asked him with a crinkled nose and an embarrassed smile.
“She is out here in the open,” Gavin frowned showing his disproval of such a punishment. “It usually means she can be dealt with however one pleases.”
“I see thatdoes not please you,” Alex said turning her eyes back to the sub.
“A consequence should be firm. It should also have a definitive beginning and a definitive end. It should also only come from the Dom themselves. This is lazy. This is disrespectful,” Gavin said firmly with a deep exhaust.
He looked to Alex and shrugged.
“Like I said,” Gavin said turning his eyes back to the sub. “Each Dom is different. Not necessarily bad or good. But it depends on the sub. How they respond to such things as this.” He looked at Alex and chuckled.
“Something tells me this would not make you behave. I’m guessing I would have my hands full once I released you and then I would have to consequence you a second time for my failure to correct you properly,” he sighed.
“I don’t know how I would respond to this,” Alex admitted. “I guess it would depend on what happened to me while I was tied here.”
“Therein lies the problem,” Gavin frowned. “Her master is downstairs, not up here with her. How does he know what she is having to endure? She is protected, for sure, as no one would go too far with her, but where is he? Not here. That would be unacceptable to me.”
Alex looked at the chain with the clamps and the weights.
“Do you think it would be alright if I touch her Sir?” Alex asked him, completely enthralled by the way her nipples looked in the clamps.
“Of course,” Gavin encouraged. “Be careful with the clamps,” he said looking close. “They aren’t properly on.”
“Yes sir,” Alex smiled as she touched the woman’s breast gently. The woman shivered at the light touch. “Is this like the wax?” She asked him noticing her response.
“Similar,” Gavin nodded. “Subtle pain that brings sensitivity.”
Alex watched the woman react to her soft fingers on her breasts. The woman’s eyes were very approving of her soft touch. The way Alex’s fingers moved in circles around her nipple. Gavin watched her with a smile of pleasure as he looked on her as she experienced something new firsthand.
Alex ran her finger lightly around the nipple at first, then touched the end of it. Each touch bringing a shiver or a moan of pleasure from the bound woman.
“I wonder,” Alex started but stopped.
“What?” Gavin asked her as his fingers joined Alex’s and they played together on the woman’s body.
“If she likes this as much as I like the wax?” Alex said running her fingers over Gavin’s as they intermingled with each other on the body of the bound sub in front of them.
“Find out,” Gavin suggested with a nod. Alex smiled broadly and looked around, like she was going to break some rule and the security would come and slap her hand away. She moved closer to the woman.
“Are you wet?” Alex asked in a whisper in the woman’s ear. Alex’s hand trembled slightly as she reached lower and cupped the woman’s sex with her hand gently. “Not wet, but definitely warm!”
“I’m guessing that may have more to do with you,” Gavin smiled as he kissed Alex on the side of her face.
“The things you say,” Alex smiled as she pulled her hand back. The woman bowed her head at Alex, in thanks, for the gentle touch.
“When are you going to admit it?” Gavin asked her shaking his head.
“When you are willing to let me,” Alex responded never taking her eyes off the girl. She knew what he means without it being said. This was about her being a switch. When would she let herself become what Gavin was so sure she wanted?
“I have told you repeatedly to accept it, so go ahead,” he said with a firm jaw.
“No,” Alex said pulling back from the girl on the banner. “I will admit it when you allow me to. When it is appropriate for me to allow myself to engage it. That is either with You allowing me to Switch on you, or when you allow me to play with another at you direction and approval. See you think I have this overwhelming urge to dominate someone. I don’t.”
“You don’t?” Gavin asked pointing toWhat she was just doing to the girl on the banner.
“No,” she said calmly but firmly, trying to keep the worry from her voice that this would blow up into an argument resulting in consequence. “I’m doing as instructed by my Dom. I’m learning. Experiencing all before I make a decision, as commanded by you.”
“Stubborn as a mule,” Gavin laughed. Alex didn’t answer. She instead, leaned in and kissed the woman on the cheek.
Moving on Gavin looked into a room where there was plenty of sex going on. Several couples, some threesomes, even a foursome of three men and a woman. Alex’s smile let Gavin know she was interested.
“A bit too public for my taste,” Gavin winked at her.
“There is a lot going on,” Alex admitted. “But it is very hot!”
“Come on,” Gavin nudged her on. “There are a lot of rooms to see, let’s see what they offer before we decide on what to watch.”
Alex moved on and she pulled Gavin closer to her. Her body was revving. Her sex warmed at the sights. It was as overwhelming as the first party. The things she was seeing. Hearing. Smelling. The scent of wax, perfume and sex filled the air. It was a cornucopia of tingling sensings.
The next room had a woman suspended from the ceiling. An elaborate system of winches and ropes holding her firmly in place.
“Holy shit!” Alex gasped.
Gavin chuckled as he led her in and Alex saw there were several people seated around the woman. Some talking to one another. Some watching with interest. Some playing with each other as they watched.
Gavin sat down in a love seat and Alex curled up next to him. She leaned her head on him and nibbled his upper arm through his sleeve. Yes she was getting excited. Not that she had to tell Gavin, but she had to do something! Her heart was beating hard in her chest. Her breathing was shallow. Her hands Shook with excitement as her senses were on overload!
A man was testing the ropes to make sure the woman was secure.
“That is Angelo,” Gavin smiled pointing out the man who was doing the checking. “A very good Dom.”
“He seems very intense,” Alex noted as the man never smiled as he moved about. His browser was pumped like he was trying to figure out a quantum physics problem. His eyes hard and focused.
“He is,” Gavin agreed. “A bit short tempered, but his subs come first.”
“A sign of a good man,” Alex teased causing Gavin to shake his head at her joke.
Alex watched Angelo work. Once he was satisfied the sub was secure he went to the side and adjusted one of the wenches. It lifted the woman’s top half up and bent her into a slight backward “C” shape. Her breasts were thrust outward, with her arms and feet behind her, stretched to their limit.
Angelo moved back to the woman and ran his hand over her skin. Starting at her neck, then moving down to her nipple. He tugged on one, pulling it taut then released it. He did the same with the other. Back and forth he went. One nipple, then the other. With a sudden flick of his wrist, he smoked one breast causing it to echo in the room from its impact.
The sub cried out slightly at the strike, but Alex could tell she was ok. She watched the Dom check on his sub much the way Gavin did with her. Constantly looking at his sub, watching her for anything more than what he was expecting. Alex could also tell this sub was experienced. She He knew what was going on. Alex admired that, a sub who could anticipate. She didn’t have the knowledge base to anticipate anything with Gavin.
Gavin looked to the side and found Alex enranced with what Angelo was doing. He smiled. Always so eager. He loved that about her. Eager to learn. Eager to please. Eager to serve.
Angelo went to the table and lit a candle. Alex’s smile grew as soon as he did so. She could anticipate her body now! Wax, something she wanted more of! She watched Angelo saunter towards the woman, never rushing. Taking his time. Alex could appreciatehow that alone would build the excitement. That waiting. Sometimes the waiting was the hardest part. The sweetest part as well.
He came to the woman and held the candle close to the woman’s breast. For a split second Alex thought he was going to burn her directly but he didn’t. He just let the heat of the candle waver out to her nipples causing the woman to drop her jaw in anticipation.