Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 03

Chapter 6

Alex awoke the next morning and it took several hazy seconds before her mind calmed enough to realize where she was. When her eyes first opened she recognized nothing and a panic washed over her. The room, the view out of the window. The bed she was in. Nothing. It all came back slowly.

The softness of the sheets had her wrapped in a safe, mind numbing cocoon. She turned from her side to her back and the feel of her legs against her sex brought everything back to stark reality. The sharp sting of her raw outer lips caused her to flinch slightly. That brought the flood of memories. The stiffness of her muscles reminded her of the powerful orgasms brought on in, what was to her, the most erotic, satisfying night in her life. That brought her secret smile out. She felt it slide across her face and she closed her eyes and luxurious in the feel. Her eyes fluttered open happy.

Looking to the nightstand there was a small bowl of ice with a water bottle in it.She smiled broader. Gavin must have looked in on her in the night as the water bottle wasn’t there when he brought her in. The ice was still there in the bowl, not melted, so it was recent. While she slept. Such tender attention to detail. She sat up and bit her lip as she eased into a seated position. Gavin’s words came back to her.

“Tomorrow, when you sit on your beautiful pussy, you will remember all of this,” Gavin whispered. “As you shift to ease the pleasureable pain from how you sit, or how your underwear touches your raw sex, you will know that you have been had. That I own you. This body. This pussy. It’s mine.”

Oh yes, she remembered every successful word! Twisting the top off the bottle she drank thirstily from it, tilting the bottle and drinking nearly half before moving it from her lips. Her throat was raw from her moans and soft screams of ecstasy from last night. She wondered what Beth’s throat felt like this morning. Was it just as raw from Gavin’s cock being there? She had thrown him expertly. Alex wondered if that was a learned trait or something Beth had naturally. Something to explore, something to strive for Alex decided.

She eased from the bed and smiled the entire time her sex drug across the soft sheets of her bed. She remembered Gavin carrying her into this room after her bath. Gently laying her in the sheets before tucking the covers around her and kissing her gently. Like a daddy tucking in his little girl. He was so gentle.

Then she remembered the way he fucked Beth. That was not gentle. A new fantasy filled her mind. To get Gavin to fuck her in the same manner. It wasn’t a new fantasy, rather a reclamation of an old one. One destroyed by an overly zerous boyfriend who knew not of what to do, or how to do it. Gavin knew. Gavin knew very well.

She found a soft, red silk robe dragged over a chair near the door and slipped it on. The luxuriously soft material rubbed across her nipples and they instantlyreacted. She was horny again. Exhausted but horny! She didn’t know if she could handle a replay of all of last night. But she would certainly take parts of it. Gavin’s lips on her sex was one. The way his tongue danced in her making her think of nothing but the receptions of the deepest pleasures he could evoke.

She found Gavin at the table on his computer. She watched him from the doorway leading into the kitchen.

“Good morning,” he said without looking up.

“Good morning,” she smiled sheepishly as she pictured his face buried in her. The way it looked when the only part of his face you could see was from the nose up as the rest was fully planted in her sex.

“How do you feel?” He grinned telling her it was a rhetorical question for sure.

“Aglow,” she responded anyway the twinkle in her eye a confirmation of her truth. He turned and faced her in the chair. “Sir.” She said quickly as she remembered after a few seconds of losing herself in his eyes.

“Better,” Gavin nodded. He watched her for a moment. “What is your question?” She shook her head that he saw her so easily. “I’m a Dom, I’m supposed to be able to read you.” Again he read her and she opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

“Alexandria,” Gavin shook his head. “I’m not one who likes to repeat myself.”

“I’m sorry, Sir,” Alex blushed. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.” She told him what he wanted to know.

“What does your mind tell you to do?” He asked her. A grin slide across her face as she lowered her head bashfully as the blood rushed to it in a heated boil. “I take it by your grin something…naughty?” She nodded.

“So eager!” he chuckled.

She nodded again as her face flushed with erotic heat at the Thoughts that flooded her head of what she wanted to do to him, what she was willing to allow him to do to her.

“Follow your instincts,” Gavin suggested, gauging her carefully as he crossed his legs. “Let’s see what your mind has told you to do.”

She went to him slowly removing her robe along the way, dropping it into a red, silky puddle. He tilted his head and smiled at her. Coming to his chair, she knelt slowly and dropped her head, before placing her palms face up on her thighs.

“God damn,” Gavin whispered. “That was the most beautiful thing you could give me this morning!” He marveled at the way she had taken to her role so quickly. It usually took weeks for some subs to know what pleased their Dom. This one seemed to be tailor made just for him. And she was eager to learn more.

“Thank you, Sir,” she said softly while her mind danced with glee to have pleased him.

“Are you hungry?” Gavin asked her. She nodded. Gavin took her chin and tilted it up. She was looking into his eyes When he planted a gentle kiss on her lips. “You have pleased me a great deal. Both last night, and now this morning!”

“I have done nothing,” Alex said to him lost in the chocolate of his eyes.

“Oh, how very wrong you are!” Gavin whispered as his finger traced her jaw line.

“You have submitted yourself to me,” he told her brushing his thumb across her lips slowly. “The greatest gift a person can give.”

She could see the turmoil building in his eyes.

“Something troubles you? Sir?” Alex asked.

“How very perceptive you are!” Gavin smiled ruefully. He Also admitted her ability to read him. Something Elizabeth could never do. This one had a little Dom in her. The question was, to nurse that side or to quash it to make her a full sub. A decision to be made by her next lover he decided.

Gavin got up and retrieved her robe and held it for her to slip back on. She was very disappointed to cover herself. She enjoyed the liberating feel of being naked in front of him. Something she hadn’t thought she would like until today. He smiled from behind.

“For now,” he whispered. She nodded and took his hand to help her up. “But for the moment, let me take care of you.”

“Yes Sir,” she smiled taking the pulled out chair. She sat gingerly and he nibbled the back of her neck sending waves of pimply flesh across her body.

“How is my pussy this morning?” he whispered against her neck, sending his hot breath across her skin.

“Pleasured completely,” she whispered back.

“We haven’t even begun!” she looked back at him with her own secret smile. “Consider all of last night, foreplay.”

“Holy shit,” she whispered before she could stop the words. He kissed her lips from the side.

Dishing up breakfast he placed it down in front of her and the smell rose to her nose and made her hunger more. She took a hungry bite as he watched her from his seat. She hadn’t realized she was this hungry before the food was placed before her. The only hunger she had concerned herself before was the one to devour him.

“Are you having second thoughts?” She asked him, in between bites as he watched her ear. She could see him thinking thoughts that clouded his eyes. She was desperately hoping that was not the case and he would still show her the world in which he and Beth lived in.

“I never have second thoughts,” he assured her as he watched her, his fingers forming a steal in front of his face while he gaged her. Dissected her. Fucked her in his head.

“There is no time for them,” he told as he pushed the idea of ​​taking her to the bedroom for his own meal from his head.

She nodded and smiled as she watched his secret smile come out as he closed his eyes. Obviously he was thinking his own thoughts of navigation. She was very happy about that!

“No, I am greatly pleased that Elizabeth has pushed me beyond my boundaries,” Gavin smiled taking a strawberry and leaning towards her with it outstretched. She nibbled on it seductively.

“The problem I have,” Gavin smiled as he watched her lips suckle on the strawberry in his hand. “Well, other than the thoughts you are now eliciting…,” he turned.

“I’m just taking what you are offering me, Sir,” she smiled as she licked her lips slowly with her tongue to wipe the juice from the strawberry off, causing him to raise his eyesbrows and let his own naughty smile slip back across his face.

“Something tells me you are going to be a great deal of pressure,” Gavin surprised.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she smiled while ducking her head.

“Don’t be,” he whispered as he studied her lips. “Pressure makes us better. Pressure makes us stronger. Pressure brings out our true selves. Some false under it, some excel. I excel!”

He shook his head to take the keep the thoughts he was thinking from dictating his behavior.

“Where is Beth?” Alex asked when he sat back frowning when the moment was broken by his will.

“She is at a conference in Los Angeles,” Gavin frowned. “Which leads me to my problem.” He turned his seat to face her.

“You see, up until last night I had been monogamous,” Gavin told her. “I have only had one sub at a time.”

“You have never had a threesome?” Alex asked surprised that he hadn’t.

“Yes, I have had a threesome,” Gavin giggled. “A threesome is not two subs.”

“I don’t understand,” Alex shrugged.

“I believe a Dom can only truly own one sub,” he explained. “Only one deserves his or her utmost attention.” Alex nodded and fight the frown that tugged at her lips.

“Relax,” he said rubbing his fingers across her knuckles. “I promised you four days, and four days is exactly what you will get. Alexandria makes no mistake, I am a man of my words. I mean every one of them when I say them. Therefore, each one I say is carefully measured. So I need you to pay particular attention to what I say when I speak. I don’t like repeating myself and I don’t say things I don’t mean.”

“Yes Sir,” she smiled.

“I’m going to show you the pleasures, the wonderful world I am a part of,” Gavin said intensely. “But to do so…,”

“Please,” Alex pressed him when he stopped. Pushing him gently.

“To do so will violence a great deal of my absolutes,” he finished.

“I didn’t know that this would both you so much,” Alex said apologetically looking at her plate. She didn’t want to push him into something that made him uncomfortable.

“I am very loyal,” Gavin told her. “I have never fucked anyone since I have been with Elizabeth. I don’t fuck other subs.”

“Ever?” Alex frowned. She wanted Gavin to fuck her like Beth last night.

“Ever,” he said firmly. Alex was crestfallen. The images of Gavin’s strong hands on her while he thrust into her started to flyter away. His hands. She wanted his magnificent hands on her hips as he pulled her back into him from behind. Or his hands in her hair as they took fistfuls as he pounded her with his cock, or better yet, his hands around his throat like last night!

“You have never done what you did to me with anyone else than Beth?” Alex asked.

“Yes,” he smiled. “I play with othersubs. That is what I did with you last night. I played. But I don’t fuck them. See the difference?” She nodded. So he could play with them he just wouldn’t use that magnificent cock with anyone else than Beth.

“And her name is Elizabeth,” he corrected firmly.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” Alex smiled. “Elizabeth.”

“Now to make sure you understand me completely,” Gavin said firmly. “I have been a part of this life for some years now. I have fucked many women. I have owned several subs and fucked each and every one of them. But only one at a time.”

“I see,” Alex frowned. She could see the turmoil Gavin was having easily in his eyes.

“Stand up,” Gavin grew suddenly. His demeanor changing in an instant. She looked to him and hesitated. “Right fucking now…that’s the way I say please.” She stood immediately unsure of where the rage that filled his eyes came from so suddenly.

“Turn around,” he commanded as he stood pushing the chair he was sitting in back with his legs. She did so immediately. “Put your palms on the chair seat.” She compiled immediately her legs shaking slightly in the fear that pumped through her veins. She felt the soft robe lifted from her backside. The first stroke caused her to yelp out in unsuspected pain.

“That is for hesitating,” he grew. Then struck the other chef with a stroke. “That is for not addressing me properly!” She squeaked on the second strike.

“I’m sorry, Sir!” She whimpered as a wave of excited prickly heat washed over her unexpectedly. How in the fuck did that excited her so easily?

“I know I told you I would not strike you until you decided,” Gavin said calmly as he rubbed the reddening skin of her backside. “But I only have three days left to show you everything and I won’t spend any more time correcting you on the simplest of things I have repeatedly said you should do!”

“Yes, Sir!” She said, her voice shaking with both shock and excitement. His fingers moved to the heavenlyspace between her legs and he found her wet, which surprised her. “Thank you, Sir, for your guidance and your patience!”

Once the surprise wore off, she realized he hadn’t hit her very hard. She had birthday spankings that were with more force. She realized even in an anger he was controlled. His power controlled. He kept her safety in mind.

“So eager,” Gavin whispered as he slipped a gentle finger into her. She gasped with painful pleasure which caused her to shudder in remembrand of the previous night’s pleasure.

He returned to his seat and she remained prone to him. She looked back at him over her shoulder and watched him place his finger in his mouth drawing her taste from it.

“Return to your breakfast,” he commanded. She immediately sat and enjoyed every prickly painful sensing, the residual of his spanking.

She ate silently and attempted to control the smile tugging at her lips.

“It’s ok,” he smiled at her from behind his juice. “You can enjoy it, if that is truly what you feel.”

“Yes, Sir,” she smiled.

“Did you enjoy it?” Gavin asked her with an upturn of an eyebrow.

“No,” she whispered. “And very much YES!”

“Welcome to our world,” Gavin chuckled. “I can’t wait to show it all to you!”

“Thank you, Sir,” Alex smiled. The three little words tumbled from her lips easily.

She was dressing in the guest room when he filled the door dressed in an expensive suit. She looked up and saw him there watching her. She instantly hit her knees in the submissive pose.

“I have to go on a call,” Gavin frowned as he surveyed her eagerness, upset that he had to leave her. “We will discuss our situation later.”

“Yes Sir,” she said with her eyes on the floor.

“Clear your weekend,” he told her turning with a disappointed exhale that caused her to grin. “You are at my command for the next three days and I want no interference. Not from your job, not from friends, not from family. You are minefor the next three days and I will have you unequivocally.”

“Absolutely, Sir,” she smiled.

“Lock the door on your way out,” he smiled at her. “Keep your phone with you.”

“Yes, Sir,” she nodded.

Walking into her shared apartment she could smell the burnt scent of breakfast her room had made. She shook her head. Her room wasn’t much of a cook and with her spending the night with Gavin and Beth she couldn’t cook for her room as she normally did. She stopped and dropped her head.

“It’s Elizabeth,” Alex whispered to herself in the entry way in reprimand. “You are Alexandria, she is Elizabeth and he…he is Sir!” Alex smiled when she said his title. Like the name itself would bring her pleasure and it did.

“Hey!” Lena said When she saw her in the doorway to the kitchen. “Late night?” Lena snickered in tease as Alex smiled.

“Yes,” Alex said accepting the teasing. “How long did the smoke detector go off this time?” she asked her room with an arched browser in retort.

“I think that damn thing doesn’t like me!” Lena smiled as she sat down with her overdone, rubbery eggs and burnt toast.

Alex shook her head and walked in and picked up her plate just before she was about to dig in. Alex scraped the plate into the trash and brought out fresh eggs. Ducking her head in the friedge she pulled out onions, green peppers and mushrooms. She cut them up quickly putting them into a pan to cook.

“So are you going to tell me?” Lena asked as she picked up her coffee cup to look at her roommate while she worked on her new breakfast.

“Tell you what?” Alex smiled not turning to her as she gently stirred the sizzling veggies while she whipped the eggs into a froth.

“Where you were and who you were with?” Lena grew in disbelief at the coyness.

“You don’t know him,” Alex shrugged.

“Am I going to meet him?” her roommate asked, her interest now piqued that Alex had a man she didn’t know about.

“I don’t know,” Alex shrugged again as she poured the beaten eggs into the pan with the veggies and bits of ham before moving to the toaster to drop in fresh toast.

“What do you mean ‘I don’t know’?” the anger caused the words to be sharp.

“It’s not like that,” Alex shook her head.

“Did you fuck?” Lena asked boldly. “Cause you needed fucked, grumpy puss!”

“No, I Did not get fucked,” Alex smiled her little smile as she placed the plate of western omelet scramble in front of her room.

“What’s that little smile for then?” Lena asked narrowing her eyes and grabbing her by the wrist.

“What little smile?” Alex asked innocently.

“That ‘I am just recently from an orgasm’ smile?” Lena raised her eyes as she said this, daring Alex to attempt to lie to her.

“I didn’t say I didn’t have an orgasm, I just didn’t get fucked,” Alex shrugged pulling her wrist free as the toaster popped up.

She sat down at the table and kept her secret smile on causeing her roomie to shake her head in contempt at the friend that had shared all…until today.

“You’re not eating?” Lena asked noting that there was no plate in front of Alex.

“I’ve eaten already,” Alex smiled looking at her sipping from her own cup of coffee.

“Sorry you had to cook two breakfasts then,” Lena frowned as she dug into her food.

“I didn’t,” Alex laughed. “He made breakfast for me!”

“Bullshit,” Lena barked.

Alex shrugged with her little secret smile and a gentle glance away.

“That smile is killing me!” Lena warned.

“Soon,” Alex assured. “When I fully know what the deal is.”

“What,” Lena furrowed her browser. Normally all men were discussed in detail. There weren’t many as Alex was very picky after some bad experiences, but even a date that led nowhere was discussed thoroughly immediately afterward. This was the first time Alex had rattled of details and that had her worried. “Is he married?”

“No,” Alex Shook her headwith a roll of her eyes. “I just won’t know for sure until Sunday what my deal is.”

“What your deal is?” Lena repeated as she didn’t like the sound of it.

Alex Shook her head.

“Can I have a name for this mystery man?” Lena asked, pouting that her once open room was now being secretive.


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