There was going to be a party. Sean invited several friends and business associates. He told us to be prepared for twenty guests. Jillian and I cleaned and cooked for days. Well, ok, Jillian did most of the cleaning. Since I am an excellent cook, the kitchen was my domain. And I loved it. Of course, Sean insisted Jillian and I remain naked at all times. Which is just as well; after you become accustomed to being nude, it no longer matters.
Something else was afoot, though Jillian and I weren’t told what it was. Sean actually seemed nervous. Something I had never seen in him before.
“Karen, you’re sure you don’t need help with the food.”
“No, sir, everything is under control. I could, however, use some help the night of the party. Preparing the serving trays and with clean up.”
“I’ll have Luis available for you to use as you will. Just tell him what to do.”
“Thank you, Master.” Luis was technically the gardener but could be called upon for odd jobs. He and I got along just fine; although there did seem to be some friction between him and Jillian.
The evening of the party went smoothly. Jillian and I did all the serving, in the nude, of course. There were couples and the occasional single person. One man in particular caught my eye and tried to smile at me, but I was conscious of being near my master and didn’t smile back. Just then Sean looked up and said, “Robert, may I have a word with you?” And they disappeared into the shadows.
The dinner went well. The food was excellent and served in a timely manner. Luis was a big help. Afterwards, Sean called me aside and spoke in a low tone.
“Karen, I’m taking an extended business trip. My services are needed elsewhere and you will stay with Mr. Burke.” At that moment, Mr. Burke appeared at my side. He was the same man who smiled at me earlier. This time I returned the smile, though some puzzled. I was still naked, of course. However he escorted me to his car out on thedrive. As we pulled away from my master’s house, I was feeling very confused and bewildered. This all happened so quickly.
Mr. Burke patted my hand comfortablely. “Don’t worry, my dear. I am looking forward to making your stay with me as pleasant as possible.” Not quite knowing what to say, I stayed quiet. He lifted my chin with his index finger and looked into my eyes.
“My dear, You have no reason to fear me. I am fond of Sean and will care for you tenderly.” I just looked at him and said, “Thank you, sir.” We rode the rest off the way in companionable silence. I was no longer fearful, yet still somewhat bereft by this sudden change.
We rode through a gate, down a tree-lined drive. “Sean told me you were quite docile and biddable. All I ask of you is that you don’t try to leave or run away. As long as you remain submissive, we will have no problems at all, understanding?”
“Yes, sir. I understand.”
He escorted me through the front doors into the house, up thestairs and down an upstairs hallway. We entered a comfortable looking sitting room, where he shut the door behind him, turned to me and pulled me into his arms. Holding me close, he tipped my head up to face him as he lowered his and we engaged in a fabulous kiss.
Oh, I’ve always been a sucker for a man who could melt me with one kiss. I felt totally and completely safe with him. And then he said, “I don’t know about you, but I am very tired. Do you have any objects to sleeping in my bed, my dear?”
“Not at all, sir. I would love it!” I spied the bathroom through an open door and while I made use of it, Mr. Burke undressed, pulled back the covers and got into bed, turning out the light.
I lay in bed next to him. He pulled me into his arms so my head lay on his chest, his arms around me protectedly. Within no time we were both sound wait.
I awoke to the sun streaming through the window. I was however, alone. Not sure what to do, I showed and dried my hair.Quite accustomed to being naked, it didn’t bother me a bit to continue to be so. In the sitting room was an insulated pot of coffee, rolls and fruit on a tray. I poured myself a cup and began munching on a sweet roll when I noticed a note in bold, black handwriting.
“My dear Karen, on your first few days, I will ask you to stay in this suite of rooms during the day until you become accustomed to being here. Please just pass your time relaxing, reading or napping. I will return before dinner.”
So far this was like heaven. After working hard at Sean’s it was a foreign concept to me to have absolutely nothing to do but relax.
I read the same bestseller Mr. Burke appeared to be currently reading. I napped; I sat in a comfortable win-back chair staring at the beautiful view from the large window. This was a classified country setting. I neither heard nor saw another person all day.
The shadows on the lawn were lengthening late in the day when the door opened and a matronly woman appeared saying, “Mr. Burke requests your presence at dinner. Follow me please.” She led me through the house and down the stairs to a lovely dining room.
“Karen! Please join me for dinner, won’t you, my dear? Oh, and this is Martha, my housekeeper. I know you two will get along famously.”
“I’m sure we will. Thank you Martha.” I smiled at her, and she nodded and left the room. Mr. Burke began putting food on my plate.
“And how was your day, my darling? Are you comfortable? Do you need anything?”
“No, sir, I’m very comfortable and there is nothing I need. I’m not accustomed to relaxing so much, though. Usually I’m quite busy all day.”
“Nonsense. Everything is taken care of here. I I want you to be at ease and worry free when I come home to you in the evenings.”
I smiled, “Oh, I see. You have a stressful job and wish me to not be stressed.”
“Exactly. I don’t want to tell you anything about my day or rehash anything I’ve lived through.I just want you to be comfortable and worry free so you can ease my troubles away when I’m home.”
“Well, that will be no problem, sir. Right now I’m relaxed enough for the both of us.”
“Then my plan is working, “he smiled and stood; our meal was finished. He approached me and held out his hand. “Would you care for a walk?”
“That would be nice.” He Draped a cloak over my shoulders and escorted me out the door. What lovely grounds and what a paradise to suddenly find myself in.
“I’ve been debating whether or not to allow you to wear clothes. I think I will ask you to remain naked at all times while in the house, and just provide you with a dress or two in case you need to go somewhere. One rule I will insist on, however, is that you never come outside unless I am accompanying you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir, I will never leave the house unless I am with you and have your permission.”
“You may keep this cloak for when we walk in the evenings. I hopethat will be satisfied. I must admit, I love looking at your naked body whenever I please at home. You have a lovely shape and the most beautiful breasts I think I’ve ever seen.”
“Thank you very much, sir. You’ve been so kind to me.”
“You are my guest and I want you to be happy here.”
“Well, so far, I absolutely love it here.” At that moment, we were under the trees and for some reason, both stopped walking. He turned to me. I had the cloak around me, but it wasn’t fastened or anything, His arms were inside, reaching around my nude body, and pulled me into his arms. We kissed and his hands were cupped underneath my breasts. Sometimes he squeezed them a little too hard, but that is something I rather enjoy.
In one swift movement, the cloak was off my shoulders and on the ground. He lowered me to the ground, still kissing and his hands were massaging my pussy. Oh, this was lovely. He was proving to be a tender and considerate lover. He unzipped his trousers whoile somehow still massaging my pussy. His fingers were struggling in and out and around the lips. Oh, this was lovely. We were still kissing as I suddenly felt his cock pushing into me. “OH.” I couldn’t help it, I’m usually a very quiet lover, but he was larger than I’d expected.
“You like that, huh?”
“Yes, Master, very much.”
“Even though I consider you My guest I love it when you call me Sir and Master.” His strokes were coming harder and faster until he was quite literally pounding into my pussy fiercely and I loved every minute of it. The moonlight was streaming through the branches of the trees; I was lying in Mr. Burke’s arms, totally contented.
“Are you happy, my dear?”
“I always thought happiness was just an illusion. Something People look for all their lives but never really have for their own. But right now, I can honestly say I am very happy. Thank you, sir.”
He helped me up, smiled and said, “I should get you back to the house before you get too chilled.” Well, being chilled was the last thing on my mind right now, but I stood as he dragged the cloak back around my shoulders and led me back to the house.
In the next few weeks, I was given permission to venture through the house more and more. I was still not allowed to leave the house when Mr. Burke wasn’t with me. And I could still do no work. I pressed Martha to let me help her in the kitchen to no avail. I was supposed to remain relaxed and trouble free. The one break in this month was talking to Martha.
At first she was against to talk to me much, but I soon found out she’d worked for Mr. Burke’s parents and had, in fact, been his nanny when he was very young. When they passed on and Mr. Burke came back from his travels to live here, she just more or less was included as part of the house. And suddenly it came to me why this house seemed so strange.
There was absolutely nothing here to let the outside world in. No computer, no television, nor radio, nor telephone. No newspapers, magazines, nothing that would let anyone in the house know there was a world going on around us.
Oh, he had books, but they were carefully selected fiction bestsellers, or classic novels. I loved reading, and that didn’t both me at all. While relaxing and turning into a cat, I did read. And as I thought about it, it was rather comfortable to not know what was going on in the world. Now, I could retire to my room and think about this for the rest of the day.
Besides read, all I did was sit or lie and stare out a window or nap or think. It was really amazing how quickly I came to take this way of life for granted. Mr. Burke wanted tender lovemaking some nights, but not every night.
Most evenings after dinner, we would come upstairs to our sitting room, and I would sit up on one end of the sofa while he lay on the couch with his head in the crook of my arm; nestled into my chest, his mouth firmly latched onto one of my breasts. He just loved to lie there and suckle, pulling the nipple firmly and sometimes painfully into his mouth with a strong sucking. His other hand would squeeze and knee my other breast. My breasts have always loved attention.
I didn’t mind this at all. This was the most disappoint I was allowed to feel, and as he did off, sleeping peacefully as I sat up, cradling the top part of his body on my lap. I would stroke the side of his head from front to back. Mindlessly struggling his head while he pulled strongly at my breast, suckling to his heart’s content. By now I was quite used to sit for long periods of time absolutely relaxed and giving him the soil and comfort he so desperately seemed to need.
Part 2
Jillian had become increasingly disobedient at home. She had made a pact with Sean, her husband that he would protect and Cherish her and more particularly he would give her what she needed sexually. What that consisted of was the satisfying of her need to be dominated and disciplined.
She didn’t know why she had stepped out of line. Perhaps she was jealous of Sean’s attention to Karen. Perhaps Sean had been too lenient. The breaking point came the night of the big party, when Sean caught her sucking their gardener’s the kitchen. The marriage was open but there were rules. Jillian broke them and perhaps deep within her she wanted to be shown the error of her ways.
Jillian was shipped off in handscuffs to the exclusive ‘health club’ Sean had chosen for her. She sat in the taxi with her hands pinioned behind her. The restraints cut into her wrists.
Her fare was pre-paid and she was met at the front door of the large Victorian brick institution by a young woman in a school uniform. She had no luckgage. All her needs would be met as she was retrained. And she would Still naked.
She was led to a small cell. It contained a toilet and a metal cot. No pillow, no sheets, no blanket. The door linked behind her and the woman left herThere. She stood in the center of this, well; it couldn’t even be referred to as a room. The tears came then, as she sat on the cot, her wrists still fastened behind her. There was nothing else to do. After a time, she lay on the cot, naked and uncovered, and eventually slept well enough.
The next thing she knew, it was morning. The woman was standing next to her. Jillian stood up, and without speaking the young woman took her elbow and escorted her to what could only be described as an antechamber of a headmaster’s study.
The door was opened and Jillian was escorted in and sat upon a straight backed wooden chair. A tall handsome man in a black academic cape starred across a desk at her.
“You have been a bold young woman.” His deep baritone bit into her.
“Yes, sir, I have been careless and disobedient.”
“Did I give you permission to speak? No wonder you have been sent to us.”
From nowhere two young women in the same uniforms she had seen upon her arrivalcame and lifted her out of the chair. She was pushed forward across the Headmaster’s desk. Her legs were spread.
One young woman reached up under her own short pleated skirt and pulled her panties down. They were skimpy white cotton affairs. These she scrunched onto a ball and placed in Jillian’s mouth as a gag. Jillian’s breasts were pressed against the cold poisoned timber surface of the desk.
The Headmaster spoke. “Jillian, your master has sent me a long list of your misdemeanors. I don’t know how he could have tolerated such boldness. Prepare for your initial punishment.”
A hand lightly touched her buttocks. Her cheeks were the same alabaster as the rest of her. Soon they would glow.
The riding crop was laid on the desk in front of her eyes. He sins were enumerated to her culminating in the wanton sucking of a gardener’s cock.
The crop was removed from her field of vision and the next thing she felt was the sing as it crossed her rear. By the tenth blow she was sobbing, her chest heaving. She had been told to expect 20 lashes. She wondered how she would cope. She wanted to pass out, scream and cum all at once. There was no relief for her bottom. She orgasmed at blow number 18; the 19th hit her with such force she failed and didn’t feel the 20th.
Her limp frame was carried from the office to her cell. She awoke naked and face down on her cot. A young woman was rubbing oils into her bottom. The panties that had gagged her were beside her on the pillow.
“You failed and didn’t feel the entire punishment, so you must expect a further punishment as soon as you are able. My name is Susan and I shall be your mentor while you remain here. However, you have no choice about the demands that I or any of your superiors here will make upon Your body. Do you understand?
Jillian nodded.
“I have a name; in future use it!”
“Yes Susan, I understand.”
“Now Jillian from this moment forth you must earn each of yourprivileges. In an hour you will be conducted on a tour of the school. You will be naked and led on a leash. Everyone who sees you will see the marks of disobedience on your bottom. If you so much as flinch from your exposure you will be bound and paddled. Do you understand?
“Yes Susan, I understand.”
“I am topless as a mark of my rank of mentor; I have yet to attain the rank of mistress so you call me by name. Any of the people you meet who are wearing the full school uniform you will call ‘master’ or ‘mistress’ and at all times the headmaster is referred to as ‘Headmaster’. Do you understand?”
“Yes Susan I understand”
Susan left but before doing so secured Jillian’s handcuffs to her bed. An hour later her cell door was opened and Susan fastened a collar and lean to her neck. Her hands were still in handscuffs behind her back. She was ordered to stand and follow Susan.
Men and women in various states of dress were everywhere to be seen. Jillian knew better than to make eye contact. From time to time a master or mistress would inspect her, sometimes intimately. She passed her ordeal with flying colors and that evening was rewarded by being allowed to bathe and wash her mentor before licking her pussy. Jillian was returned to her cell and her cuffs attached to her cot.
At five the next morning she was awakened and taken for what would be her ritual for the duration of her stay. Twenty spanks from a paddle would be her call to attention each morning. She would then be made to sit in a straight backed chair for breakfast with the other ‘pupils’. The dining hall was co-ed but there was no contact even eye contact allowed.
On her second morning she received her regular twenty paddles and then went for special punishment for her spontaneous orgasm and failing before the Headmaster.
She was put Before the Dean of Discipline, a tall handsome man with an austere manner. Her sentence was twenty further strokes with the crop. She was instructed to knee across an old leather benchmark. It was cold against her nipples and she shivered. A mentor ensured her knees were apart and her sex visible from behind. Her hands were manacled into cuffs at the end of the benchmark. Jillian felt strangely comfortable.
The crop ran gently across her shoulder and took a slow teasing run down her spine. It traced the cleft of her rear and down along her dampening sex lips. The soft leather tip touched her clip. She told.
“There will be none of that,” scolded the Dean. “Twenty -one strokes for you.”
Jillian bit her lip. The crop withdraw and she felt the first singing lash on her already warmed cheeses. She endured all twenty one, her tears blinding her, breathing in sobs.
She heard him leave. Jillian was unfettered and told to stand. She was led the long way back to Susan’s bedroom. Her mentor inspected her bottom and told her that she hoped that she had learned her lesson.
Jillian acknowledged respecttfully that she had.
“Thank you Susan.”
“Now tidy my room, I must go and submit to my Master’s desires.”
Two hours later Susan returned. Jillian was still dusting and poisoning. Susan went to her bed. Flicked up her little skirt and bent over. Her Panties were torn remnants and there were cane marks on her exposed flesh. What looked like cum was on and around her pussy lips.
Susan called Jillian to cut away her panties and wash her clean with a soft clothes. When this task was completed Jillian was ordered to apply a soothing balm to her raised and singing flesh.
For performing her duties correctly Jillian was allowed to masturbate that evening before being femaleged to the foot of Susan’s bed.
Every morning she was presented for her spanking. Jillian had not had another spanking orgasm since the unfortunate display upon her arrival. It was a supreme act of self discussion for she loved to have her bare bottom reddened.
By day ten Jillian was allowed to sleep permanently at the bottom of Susan’s bed. She was unbound only to service Susan’s needs.
At the end of the third week Jillian stood naked in the Headmaster’s office, hands cuffed behind her back.
“Jillian, you seem to be a much reformed young woman. Susan has reported on your progress and I am pleased. Today I have decided that you will be granted sexual gratification. I shall select the person to be with you. You may speak”
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