Sculpting Mei-Lien Ch. 10

Mei-Lien’s new lingerie continued to be a source of mutual enjoyment for several weeks. As time passed, she learned to tolerate the constriction her corset imposed on her torso, and she often wore it when we went out to shop or dine. She also became more accustomed to her crotch strap, although it presented more of a challenge. Having her buttock forced to remain spread was one thing, but she never overcame her vulnerability to the insidious stimulation which its various attachments applied to her both her nether orifices.

Exciting as she found them, the novelty of these toys inevitably began to diminish, and her appetite for new experiences led her to investigate other possibilities. While surfing the web, she came upon a video which made a deep impression on her. The video showed a voluptuous woman restrained so that her curvaceous body was on display while it was receiving electrical stimulation from strategically placed electrons. Her restraints were designed to prevent her from escaping but to leave her body ample freedom to communicate its response to the stimulation it was receiving. Controlling the strength and target of the stimulation was a female technician who was concerned that her victim experience the maximum effect of the devices attached to her body but oblivious to the torment which she was inflicting. According to Mei-Lien, it was possible to monitor what portion of the subject was being stimulated by looking for the muscle groups which were obviously contracting under her increasing sweaty skin. Further, in spite of the anguished expression on her face and the obvious disappointment she was experiencing, it was clear to Mei-Lien that the subject was a willing victim who had submitted herself to the ordeal and that the restraints were only necessary to make sure that she not spoil her own experience for lack of resolution.

Mei-Lien was obviously fascinated by the scene she had witnessed, and I suspected that she had related it to me becausese she was wondering if it was a scene in which she herself might want to play the principal role. However, as I had learned, Mei-Lien was disinclined to act in haste and preferred to wait until she had thoroughly considered all the ramifications of any decision. Thus, I was not surprised that she returned to subject several times before she admitted that she had been contemplating a possibility of subjecting herself to a similar ordeal. Nor was I surprised that, when she finally did admit to her fantasy, she had already worked out how she was going to realize it and made arrangements to do so.

“`As you know, I am very curious about the experience which is depicted in the video which I have been telling you about, and, as you have probably guessed, I have been wondering whether I want to have that experience. Last week, I decided that I did, and I have now found a place which can provide it. The place is an electronics studio which specializes in the removal of body hair and muscle toning via electronic stimulation. The owners and most of their clientele are Asian, and their attitude towards the use of mechanical and electronic devices to produce and enhance sexual excitement is not tainted by Western scruples about such matters. In particular, the proprietors were neither shocked by nor average to my proposal that they use their equipment and skills to reproduce the conditions recorded in the video. In fact, I had the sense that mine was not the first request of this sort they had and that they were confident about their ability to give me satisfaction. However, they warned me that it might take as much as an hour before they had brought me to the physical and mental state which I am seeking, and that once I had agreed to placing my body in their hands there would be no turning back. For this reason, they suggested that I consider carefully before committing myself to what could be a harrowing experience, albeit one which had the potential to introduce meto a new world in which I would have an entirely new relationship to my own body. Thinking that their advice was well founded, I thanked them and told them that I would let them know when I had made my decision. That was a couple of days ago, and I have thought about little else since. I have returned to the website several times in order to watch the video again. Each time I have been filled with a conflicting emotions as I watched the woman’s body understand in her bonds. The sight is strangely beautiful, and I am sure that part of her excitement derives from knowing that her lascivious connections are being witnessed by the technical and recorded for posterity. As you have often said, I am something of an exhibitionist, but it was terrifying for me to imagine myself in her place. Even so, after each viewing of the video, I am sexually aroused and realize that I crave the state of total abandon which she has achieved. Since, on the one hand, exhibitionism is an integral part of the experimentrience, and, on the other hand, I have no intention of allowing my performance to be put on video, I have come to the conclusion that my decision depends on your willingness to be my audience. I cannot guarantee you the aesthetic quality which I know you admire, but I can assure you a magnificent display of hedonistic carnality. If you agree to join me, I will make an appointment for next Saturday morning.”

I had anticipated that Mei-Lien would eventually want to satisfy her curiosity, but I had not thought that I would play so pivotal role in her final decision. Not having seen the video which inspired her, I could not tell whether I would share her enthusiasm about reproducing the scene it depicted. In the past, it had been I who suggested the ideas which became a part of our repertoire. Now I she was asking me to not only sign onto one of her ideas but to also take responsibility for the decision to try it. Thus, I refused to accept her proposal until I clarified my position.

“Mei-Lien, it is obvious to me that you have given a lot of thought to this matter, and I am not going to stand in your way. Nonetheless, I want to be sure that you fully understand my reservations. In our previous experiments, I have taken full responsibility. When we went to the fitness center and lingerie store, I played the role of your guardian. Admittedly, there have been times when I allowed others to violent your modesty and take considerable liberties with your body. However, I never relinquished the right to intervene. What you are asking now is that I be an accomplishice in a situation which requires both of us to abandon our right to interfere. Indeed, from your description, it is clear that relinquishment of control is an essential component of the experience and that neither you nor I should have The authority to determine either the severity of or call a halt to the torment to which you are being subjected. I am confident that you will receive no permanent physicalHarm, but the possible psychological consequences of your experience are a different matter, one for which only you should take responsibility. Thus, although I readily admit that I would enjoy being your audience, I refuse to be more than a passive participant in your decision to accept your role in this experiment.”

Intelligent and honest girl that she is, Mei-Lien had no trouble Comprehensive and accepting my position. Smiling, she teased me about my reservations and said that she, not I, should determine what she did with her body. Before leaving my apartment, she told me that I should be ready to accompany her to an appointment which she would make for 10:00AM on Saturday.

Punctual as always, Mei-Lien turned up at 10AM the following Saturday. From the moment that she arrived, it was obvious that she was doing her best to mask her fear. Without removing her coat, she grabbed my arm and escorted me to the waiting taxi in which she had come. Having been told earlier wherere we were headed, the driver left the curb as soon as we closed the door. Throughout the trip, Mei-Lien clung to my arm like a scared child, but she did not say a word. I suspected that she maintained her silence because her voice would reveal her ambivalence about what lay ahead for her when we reached our destination, and I remained silent out of respect for the courage she was showing in spite of that ambivalence.

By the time that the taxi stopped and I had paid the fare, Mei-Lien appeared to have replaced some of her bravado and, without further ado, escorted me to the entrance of the studio in which her education would take on a new dimension. Once inside, we were immediately greeted by a petite young Japanese woman wearing a white smock. Wasting no time, she detached Mei-Lien from my arm and showed us into the room where Mei-Lien would spent the next hour having at the mercy of electrones attached to her naked body. At first sight, the room resembled a doctor’s office. AtIts center, under a pair of bright spot lights, was a steel table. Had it not been for a struggle rectangular contraction rising on either side to a height of about three feet above its surface, one might have mistaken it for a conventional examination table. Next to the table, there was a trolley on which sat several pieces of sophisticated looking electronic equipment. Even though we both knew to what purpose the table and equipment were to be put, there was nothing particularly omino about the room or its contents.

After giving us time to account ourselves to our surroundings, the technical indicated a chair in which she wanted me to sit and extremely began removing Mei-Lien’s clothes. In contrast to the intimacy of the act she was performing, there was nothing intimate about the way that she performed it. Everything she did was done with a studied, clinical detachment. She carefully folded and placed on a chair each article of clothes which we removed. Once Mei-Lienstood naked before her, she spent several minutes studying the body which would be under her control. After viewing Mei-Lien from the front and rear, she used her hands to palpate various portions Mei-Lien’s anatomy. Although she never said a word, I could see that she was pleased by much of what she found. In particular, she spent quite a lot of time assessing Mei-Lien’s breasts and even smiled when she saw how responsive their nipples are. Lower down, she pressed her hand against Mei-Lien’s abdomen and seemed to appreciate its rounded yet firm contours. When she had finished her initial appraisal, she took Mei-Lien by the hand and led her to a door behind which was a bathroom, complete with tub, sink, and toilet. As I learned from Mei-Lien later, after she closed the door behind them she prepared Mei-Lien’s body, preparations which included a thorough enema and the removal of some body hair in the victory of her crotch.

When Mei-Lien emerged from the bathroom, the technical had her climb onto the central placed table and knee on the well cushioned pad which covered its surface. Once Mei-Lien had found her bearings and had assumed a stable position, the technician fastened padded wrist cuffs to Mei-Lien’s arms and then secured Mei-Liens wrists to the steel rectangle so that her arms were bent and her hands were held at the same height as her head. Watching Mei-Lien’s reaction, I could see that her body was trembling and that she was having to exercise enormous self-restraint to not protest. However, the technician appeared to be completely inured to the distress she was causing her subject, and no sooner had she secured Mei-Lien’s arms than she turned her attention to Mei-Lien’s legs. Using two bands on each leg, one on the thigh just above the knee and the other on the ankle, she pulled Mei-Lien lower legs towards the sides of the table and attached the bands to trestles, thereby preventing Mei-Lien from bringing her legs together and making sure that bothher vulva and rear would remain available.

To my surprise, once she was satisfied with Mei-Lien’s bonds, the technician stepped away from the table and bowed to both her captive and me before departing. However, after a minute or two, she reappeared accompanied by a handsome young man who introduced himself as Dr. Tanaka and explained that, as both the technician’s supervisor and the resident medical expert, it was he who would orchestrate Mei-Lien’s session.

“To begin with, I must examine the Mei-Lien to make sure that she will suffer no physical harm. The treatment for which she has asked will make considerable demands on her stamina, and I want to be sure that she is sufficiently fit to undergo without danger the stress which this regimen will impose on her body.”

There was something surreal about Dr. Tanaka’s examination of his captive patient. Stethoscope in hand, he began by listening to her heart and lungs, taking her pulse, and checking her blood pressure.Those preliminaries complete, he turned next to the condition of her muscles: running his hands along her biceps and inner thighs, probing her abdominal muscles, and finally squeezing the cheats of her buttock. From my perspective, there was hardly any difference between his examination of Mei-Lien and that of a veterinarian checking out the condition of a horse prior to a race.

“I am pleased to report that Mei-Lien is in excellent condition and that stress poses no danger to her health. Her pulse and blood pressure are elevated, but that is understandable under the circumstances. As for her muscles, they are strong and well toned so that they can end long periods of intense contraction. Thus, I see no reason for us not to proceed. Because this is her first experience with electrical stimulation, I think it would be best to introduce her to it in stages. For this reason, I will begin by avoiding her erogenous zones and will concentrate on her abdominal region.”

Turningto the trolley, Dr. Tanaka unwrapped what looked at first like a square adheren bandage. However, on closer inspection, it became clear that this was no ordinary bandage. Instead of gauze, at the center of the adheren side was a thin piece of metal, and on the outer side was a small electronic connector. Leaning forward, he carefully positioned the bandage about three inches below Mei-Lien’s left breast before pressing the Adhesive into her flesh. After testing to make sure that the first one would adhere, he installed seven more, until he had a total of eight symmetrically placed bandages running down Mei-Lien’s torso, four on each side, starting just below her ribcage and running along converging paths over her lower belly to the fringe of her public hair. Returning to the trolley, he fetched a bundle of electric cables which were attached at one end to a control panel. At the other end of each cable was a plug which he inserted into the waiting connectors attached to Mei-Lien.

With everything in place, Dr. Tanaka took up a position at the control panel. Resembling a sound engineer recording a symphony, he switched on the device whose cables he had connected to Mei-Lien. Mei-Lien’s response was instantaneous. Every the muscle on the right side of her abdomen contracted and remained tight as a drum until Tanaka turned a dial which transferred the current to the electrons on her left side and The muscles there went into spasm. At first the enormity of her abdominal contractions seemed to preclude any other muscle activity, and so, aside from the rhythmic contractions of her tummy, Mei-Lien remained frozen in place. Only after Tanaka had put her through her paces a couple of times did other parts of her body began to move. Throwing back her head, she screamed and fought her bonds as her abdomen was forced into Another round of contracts. Her exertions combined with the heat from the spot lights above soon produced a layer of sweat which began as a thinfilm but quickly accumulated into large drops that rained from her face, armpits, and breasts.

Apparently satisfied that he had produced the desired effect, Tanaka announced that he would put the machine on automatic pilot while he attended to other matters. During his absence, his assistant stood impassively next to Mei-Lien’s emrithing body. Although her main concern seemed to be that there be no break in Mei-Lien’s torque, she did show some interest in the connections wrapping the body before her. From time to time she would place a hand on the rock hard plane of Mei-Lien’s belly, but the only time that she experienced any sympathy was when she wiped the sweat off Mei-Lien’s browser and brushed aside the hair which clung to Mei-Lien’s face. Otherwise, she simply stood with her arms folded awaiting the return of her supervisor.

By the time that Dr. Tanaka came back, Mei-Lien was so exhausted that she was no longer fighting her captivity and had become resigned to the incessant contractions which her stomach muscles being were forced to make. In fact, even those contracts had become less contorted, and what had been spastic convulsions had become nearly rhythmic waves which passed from one side of her belly to the other as different groups of muscles were called on. Noting these changes, Tanaka decided that it was time to move on.

“I am very pleased how quickly you have learned to accommodate electric stimulation. It may be inappropriate for me to say, but it is a privilege to have a client whose body responses as well as yours. Were you here to tone your stomach muscles, I would leave you as you are until your abdominal muscles had reached a state of such exhaust they no longer responded to the current. However, that is not the purpose of your visit, and I want to make sure that you are able to fully appreciate some of the more explicitly sexual applications of electricity. Because it is less physically, if not mentally, less taxing, I am now goingto introduce your breasts to electricity.”

As soon as Dr. Tanaka switched off the current, Mei-Lien slumped forward over her ben legs, dangling from her wrist cuffs. Understanding her need to recover her strength, Tanaka allowed her to rest in that position while he attached a new set of connectors to the sides of her breasts and in the halls of her armits. His work was hampered by the thick layer of sweat which he encountered, but, undeterred, he wiped her skin dry before applying each bandage, thereby making certain that they would stay where he put them. When he had two connectors on the side of each breast and one in each armpit and had inserted plugs into them, he gently lifted Mei-Lien’s head so that he could have access to her nipples. Warning her to stay absolutely still, he produced a pad in which was embedded a small need. After locating the tiny hole in the tip of Mei-Lien’s right nipple, he gently but firmly pressed on the needle until its point penetrated nearly a quarter into the stalk. Excruciating as I imagined this impalement must be for her, I was amazed that Mei-Lien gave no sign that it had caused her particular pain. Before repeating the same operation on her left nipple, Tanaka secured the first needle with several strips of adherensive which were attached to the pad holding it. Initially I had wondered how he intended to connect the needses to the control panel, but I soon realized that Mei-Lien’s nipples were about to become the benefit of an ingenious and novel application of WiFi technology.

Back at the control panel, Tanaka twirled several dials before switching on the current to Mei-Lien’s breasts. By comparison to her reaction when her stomach was the target, Mei-Lien’s response was muted. Arching her back so that her breasts were thrust into prominence and tipping back her head so that her hair fell in a straight line down her back towards her buttock, she emitted a moan which could be only interpreted as an expressionion of pleasure.

“`I have set the current to her breasts and armpits at a level which will cause a pleasant tingling sensing. As yet I have not sent a signal to the needs in her nipples. Before doing so, I want her achieve a state of sensitive comfort, but one which is accompanied by frustration about its inadequacy. When she has reached that state, I will activate the needses. The needses will cause her an erotically charged mixture of pleasure and milk pain, but even that will be insufficient to provide her the sexual release which she craves. On the other hand, it will prepare her to accept the method by which she will ultimately satisfy her craving.”


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