My first pussy was my aunt’s.

This is the story of how as a nineteen year old young man, i lost my virginity to my aunt. Every summer during my student days, i used to visit my grand parents’ hometown and this continued right upto the time i started working. My mothers’ brother, that is my uncle, also lived in the same town as my grandparents and it was customary for me to always stay there as well, in his house, for a week or two in addition to my grandparents’ house.

One summer it happened that my uncle, who was launching a new business venture had to take an extended business trip visiting various cities in india to work with his suppliers and customers. His 25 year old wife of two years, that is my aunt, requested that i stay in their house during that time because she wasn’t comfortable staying by herself for the first time ever. Besides, they didn’t have kids then and she felt she could use some company.

Now my aunt was quite a sexy woman. She was tall, at 5’7” one of the tallest indian women i have seen, dusky in complexion and voluptuously built with ample bus and hips. I had already fantasized about her regularly and the possibility of enjoying her company without my uncle around fascinated me. I didn’t necessarily have any designs on her. I was after all a young virgin and though i was a strapping, good looking and strongly built lad at that time, i had little experience with women. So i agreed to her request and landed up at her home a little before uncle left on his trip.

The first day was quite uneventful. My aunt, who i shall refer to hereafter as priya, and i went for a walk in the evening then watched tv during dinner and then i went to bed in the front hall of the small one bedroom house. The night wasn’t as uneventful though. More than one problem kept me awake. For one, there were the annoying mosquitos buzzing around my head and looking for an opportunity to suck my blood and then there was my own constant erection, becoming for release. TheThought of my sexy aunt alone in bed in the room just beyond the closed door between us was enough to trigger dreamy fans and i let those fans drive my hand as it stroked my cock repeatedly into one climax after another. I must have perhaps slept three hours at the most, that too early in the morning.

After my morning coffee, priya asked me:

“so, did you get a good sleep deepak?”

“uuummm not really aunty…” I hesitated. What and how do i tell her?

“why? What happened?” She was generally concerned.

“well, that front room is infected with mosquitoes aunty”.

“oh you poor dear! I didn’t realize that. There are after all no wire meshes on the windows. I suppose those nasty things got you? Was it very bad?”

“well, not too bad” i replied bravely. “but i suppose i have gotten myself bruised a bit.” I tried to laugh it off.

“here, let me take a look. I have some soothing ointment you know. It can reallyhelp.”

“no, its OK aunty.”

“come on, tell me. Where did you get bitten?”

“well, mostly my arms and chest…” i replied hesitantly.

“don’t worry. Take off that shirt and let me get the ointment.” She said in a very matter of fact way.

I hesitated. I’ll admit i feel a little shy to take off my shirt in front of her. I feel a little self-conscious but looking back at the incident today i realize it was not because i felt different about my body. On the contrary, my uneasiness was because i knew i was rather well built – after all i had been working out with weights since i’d turned sixteen. I must say that my biceps and chest were the envy of my friends. Anyway, i slipped my shirt off whilst waiting for priya to find the ointment.

When she returned with it, i was standing in her bedroom only in my shorts and she excaimed as soon as she saw the red mosquito bite marks:

“ahhh… you poor thing! I see those cruel bites. Here, sit down on the bed.”

I sat myself as asked and she bent a little, peering closely at the marks on my neck and shoulders. When she ran her fingers over the bumps on my skin, i feel a little jolt of electricity in my spine. She seemed to taking a long time observing and studying the bite marks.

‘mm… looks like these were big mosquitoes too…” she offered an explanation.

Somehow i could sense a slight tension in her too. Her body being so close to mine was doing me no good and i started getting hard in my shorts. I did my best to oriented my thoughts to something neutral but her natural womanly smell and the feel of her delicate hands on my body were having a powerful effect on me.

She dabbed a lot of the ointment on her fingers and started to apply it over my bruises, making slow circles with her fingers.

“this should make it heal quicker deepak…”

“thanks aunty”. “its starting to feel better already.”

Priya remained silent. She seemed lost inSome distant thought as she continued almost mechanically applying the ointment to both my shoulders and upper arms where she could find the marks of insect bites. Then abruptly she asked me, without looking at me:

“do you work out deepak?”.

“yes aunty, why?”

“you’re quite….how do i put it?…muscular…” she said in a soft voice.

“i have been lifting weights aunty”.

“nice…very nice…”. “i am sure there are many girls after you, aren’t they?” She teased me, laughing now.

“no girl has told me anything aunty” i was being honest and i dare say i blushed at her compliment.

“girls wont say anything deepak.” She giggled again. “there…”. “that should do it. Anywhere else you need the ointment?”.

“no i am fine aunty” i said anxiously, desperate to escape the tension of finding myself so close to the object of my fansies.

When i reached for my shirt, priya quickly added:

“don’t wear the shirt. It’ll disturb the ointment.” And smiled at me. “and anyway it is the peak of summer here. I suspect you will be more comfortable without it.”

I listened to her. But i began to suspect that my being without a shirt was as much fun for her as it was relieve for me. At that point the pressure cooker in the kitchen sounded its alarm. Lunch was done and priya anxious off to the kitchen to turn it off.

We then had lunch, with small talk whilst making short work of the delicious sambhaar, potato curry and rice. My stomach well filled i excused myself and told priya that i would like to take a short nap. I was off to my nose in the front room where thankfully the mosquitos were absent, as they normally only turn up at dusk.

I had hardly napped a half hour when priya woke me up with a gentle shake of my shoulder.

“hey deepak, sorry. But i really need a fvour. Can you help?”

“of course auntie, what do you want me to do?”

“you know this wedding i have to go to on Friday” priya continued. “i have a lovely new sari for it and need to get the tailor ramu to stitch a blouse for it.”

“sure auntie. I can go and drop it off for you right away.”

“wait…” priya dragged on “there is something else i need you for before that.” “you see ramu needs measurements for the blouse.”

“ok, so do you want to go with me then?” I guessed she wanted me to drive her there on uncle’s motorcycle.

“hhhmmmm…”. “its like this deepak. You see, your uncle takes my measurements and give it to ramu. And now, he is not here and i forget to ask him to do it before he left.”

It was starting to dawn on me now, what she really wanted me to do.

“so, first, take my measurements with this inch tape and then take the blouse bit with the measures to ramu please?” She smiled sweetly at me. Never before in my life has sleep dissolved so swiftly into mere vapour. I was on my feet in a trice, obediently following priya’s swinging ass to her bedroom.

“okay, here is the blouse bit.” She tossed an obviously expensive, bright orange silk cloth on the bed, “and here is the inch tape,” which she now handed to me.

Holding the inch tape, i stood there like an idiot, not knowing what to do. Realizing my plight, she laughed merrily and said “oh i realise you don’t know what to do. Don’t worry, its easy, i’ll tell you what to do.”

Saying so she turned her back to me, stood in front of me, dropped the pallu of her sari with a casual motion and said “now put one end of the tape on one shoulder’s edge and measure the distance to the other shoulder edge.”

“16 inches” i murmered, as i did as asked. She promptly noted it down on a slip of paper she had in her hand. My eyes however were transfixed on the sensitive view of her back, her wide shoulders narrowing to a slightly thick wait, yet the love handles on the sides of her waist just above her sari line made my eyes pop and hands itch. My mind was racing, wondering just whatat she looked like in front.

“ok, now measure the distance from the edge of the supposedr to the start of the neckline. Its enough if you do one side.”

Again i did it and this time, my fingers brushed her bare skin, exciting me even more. I held my breath in suspension, pondering what she would need next.

I worked on the sleepe length next and that was easy enough. Then she turned to her side, and spoke to me “deepak, now you need to measure the distance from my arm pit to the bottom of the blouse line.” And she lifted her arm, sending a waft of all-woman sweaty cent straight to my nostrils. Reeling under the incredibly sexy smell of her armpit i compiled, with trembling fingers.

“ok, only one more measurement.” She smiled and turned to face me.

“now place the tape on my back, pull it across to the front and measure me around my ….” And she paused, not knowing what to say.

“your breasts?”

“yes. Measure me around my breasts.” She laughed nervously.

To this day, i don’t know how i managed to control my excitement and suppress the violent shaking of my hands. I had never been this close to a grown woman’s breasts before, even if they were safely housed in a snug bloom and bra, whose strap i had already spied while measuring her shoulder. But the memory of the struggle remains fresh in my mind. I brought the tape around her chest and rather modestly guided it above her luscious melons, near the point where her cleavage began. She chided me.

“come on deepak. You need to measure around the middle” and she gently pushed my hands down to the dead center of her cleavage.

When the softness of her flesh came in contact with my hands, i feel my will weaken. I came dangerously close to grabbing those beautiful globes and crushing them with my palms. I drew in my breath, and observed she did the same (but for different reasons of course), then said a prayer and read off the measurement.

“42 inches.”

I didn’t feel like taking my hand away. I think priya realized that. She stayed right there, as did i, both of us for what seemed like an eternity. She was looking closely into my face, but i was too nervous to look into her eyes. I feared that the raw lust in mine will be revealed. Then she gently touched my hands and moved them away almost reluctantly. In good time too i might add, for at that instant, the doorbell rang its scrill cruel voice piercing the silence. The milkman bellowed “ma’am milk!!!”

As i trotted off to the tailor’s store, carrying the measurements and the blouse bit with me, i bet i looked like a cheshire cat, smiling to myself in a silly way.

I was still living in the past whilst having dinner that night with priya. She didn’t miss my apparent absent-mindedness and asked me if i was alright to which i replied that yes, i certainly was. But in reality the afternoon’s experience of having been so close to touching her breasts was the one thing that occurred my mind constantly.

When it was time to retire to bed that night, priya asked me to sleep in her bedroom.

“deepak, you had better sleep on the bed, i’ll take the floor.”

“no aunty, its OK really…”

“no deepak, we don’t want you getting bitten by mosquitos again. Cant have you falling sick now can we?”

I had no argument to offer against that logic.

“but i’ll take the floor aunty…”

“no deepak. I insist. In any case, i can use the hard floor against my back once in a while” and she laughed.

That night i did not have trouble falling asleep, though i did stay awake for sometimes hoping she would come into the bedroom. She sent me off to bed first and stayed up to do some stuff and until i fell asleep, she did not get to bed.

Some hours later however i had a most pleasant dream. I felt like i was in the middle of a bevy of beautiful young women who were all somehow trying to touch me but couldn’t because i was, well, basically not there in flesh and blood. Except, what was bizarre was that i was definitely experiencing their touching. I felt their soft hands slide on my chest, down to my abdomen and then felt myself being pushed onto a chair with one of the lovely girls seating herself on my lap.

That pressure on my thighs was what woke me up and in a moment i realized why i was having the dream i was. Priya was on the bed right next to me, her hand was on my abdomen and she’d thrown one of her legs on top of mine as i lay flat on my back. Confused, i tried to get up quickly, only to feel her push me firmly onto my back and rise above to face me.

“sssshhhhhh” she signed with a finger on her lips.

“aunty… what is…” i had no words to express my foggy thoughts, if there were any even present in my head then.

“deepak…” priya spoke softly and slowly “i want you.”

Then she added “and i know you want me too. Don’t try to deny that.”

Damn, the woman was perceptive. I wasn’t going to deny it but for the life of me i didn’t know exactly what she had in mind.

“this will be our secret deepak. Your uncle is gone for the next two weeks, and i am realizing that i don’t like it when i am alone in my bed.”

Priya did not wait for any response from me and it was clear she wasn’t expecting one, for she simply leaned over me and kissed me squarely on my mouth.

At first she kissed me softly and until she presed open my lips with her tongue, i really didn’t know how to respond. That intimate yet silent act proved to be the last straw on the camel’s back. That was when i began to get into the act myself. First i wrapped my arms around her, brought her on top of me and kissed her back intensely. Our tongues were engaged in a duel as if for supremacy. Hearing her moan in response i received more encouragement and started to run my hands over her back. At first i took in the smooth softness of her skin below the blouse, the same love handles i had admired earlier in the day greeting me. But upon going lower, i realized that her juicy ass was far softer and plumper and very soon i was sinking my fingers into comfortable flesh, making her moan in more excitement.

It took me a little while to realize that my dream was over and this was in fact really, well, real. It was only then that i could focus on the actual details of the pleasure i was feeling. For instance, i realized that she wasn’t wearing a bra. I could tell because her nipples were poking right onto my chest. We were kissing continuously, she gyrating on top of me and feverishly running her hands over me.

Finally she spoke.

“don’t worry deepak. I’ll teach you.” She whispered.

This time i was glad she was perceptive.

She slipped off of me, lay on her back and opened her arms to me, welcome me. I moved into her open arms and heard her first instruction.

“kiss me deepak. Kiss me wherever you want…”

I went for her lips again and we shared another deep long kiss before she broke it off and slightly added “that is always great deepak, but try other places too…”

She guided my head to her neck and i tasted her salty skin. It did feel good too, but more importantly she seemed to like it more. She witnessed and held me tighter. When i let my lips wander aimlessly to her throat she rewarded me with another clearly appreciated sight.

Emboldened, i reached for the hooks of her blouse, looking up into her eyes. They remained shut but she nodded her head and whispered yes, and allowed me to fumble a bit eventually letting the bloom fall to either side of two magnificent breasts that heaven and fell violently. My eyes remained locked on those absolutely gorgeous globes, drinking in their incredible beauty. No man could help noticing priya’s chest but Even in my most vivid imagination, i had not thought it would be this beautiful. Carefully i took one breast in my palm and felt its fleshy wholesomeness. It was heavy as well as volumeous. I stroked my thumb over the tough looking black nipple at the peak and priya arched her back.

“kiss it now.”

Only too happy to comply, with a pounding heart, i encircled a nipple within my lips. There was that characteristic saltiness of skin again but along with it the hard knob of her nipple was a lovely contrast to all the softness i was enjoying elsewhere.

By this time, my hardon had become impossible to keep in check. I had shamelessly allowed myself to peek out of my shorts, my cock long having won the battle with my underwear. She felt it too, and slide a hand right between us to reach for it. When she grasped it, i felt a sudden jolt of pleasure that caught me off guard. This pleasure only increased, as if that were even possible, when she began to pump the exposed portion of my cock.

“mmmm…. I knew it.”

“knew what?” I still retained some of my senses to latch onto that communt.

“you are big. Let me see the rest of you.” She pushed me onto my knees and decidedly unbuttoned by shorts, pulling it down my thighs before i could say anything.

When freed from the confines of all the clothes my cock leaves up and dangled in front, which made priya giggle again delightfully before she clutched at it with both hands.

“wow… this is going to be a lot of fun” she was unmistakeably pleased.

She pumped me slowly while watching my face in the dim night light and then tightened her grip thankfully as i was starting to get a little too excited by her touch.

“watch out. There is more. Not now.”

I went back to massaging her breasts. Then instinctively i went lower, to her wait, tracing the flowing curves lazily.

“you like what you see?” She seemed to tease me.


“you are in for a treat tonight young man.”

“more than what i am already having?”

“oh plenty more, believe me” she laughedgaily.

She made short work of her sari and inskirt, then without any ceremony whatsoever, yanked off her panty as well.

“there. Now i am naked as well. All this is for you”.

Looking down in the semi darkness of the bedroom, i spied a patch of dark public hair on the lowest part of her abdomen, but her pussy was otherwise bald and glistened just a bit.

“touch me and find out what a woman’s pussy feels like deepak.”

I responded by stroking the long dark furrow i saw between her legs with my middle finger.

“mmm… you are a natural… good, my job will be easier.”

Dispite her encouraging words i didn’t have the fearest idea how to go about working on her pussy. But luckyly for me she enjoyed the fleeting touches until i bumped into her clip by accident. Seeing her wince and clutch the bedsheets, i realized i should concentrate on that northern zone of the landscape and for that i was handsomely repaired by priya’s fingers in my hair and sightof approval.

“now kiss me there.”

The first time i nestled between her thighs, face close to her cunt, her scent confused me. It was only later that i realized that that was the scent of womanly arousal, something i should be always watching for eagerly, before fucking. Gingerly i stuck my tongue out and licked her pussy lips. Priya held my head in position for a brief while and then guided me above to where her clip was. I followed my instincts as i licked the hard knot of flesh much to priya’s utter delight. She had started to understand very noticeably and her breathing had turned quite ragged. Nervous that i was doing something wrong, i raised my head to judge the situation only to have her hiss at me.

“get back. Don’t stop now!” And she pulled me right back where she wanted me.

I experimented freely. I tried licking around and then right on top. I licked fast and then slow. Whatever I tried seemed to be working very well for priya suddenly took me by complet surprise by clamping her thighs firmly over the face. As she extremely thrust her pelvis straight into my face, i momentarily lost my breath. My fear that i had done something terribly wrong quickly gave way to pride when i felt her arms pull me up level with her face.

“god, that was bloody good. Now, fuck me.”

It happened simply and easily. My dick was already stone hard and aching for relief. Priya guided me into her cunt and instructed me.

“go slow. Only slow. You’ll feel like going faster but try and resist that as far as possible.”

And so i began to fuck her. The first time i was in her cunt, i felt like heaven had just formed all around my dick. It was incredibly pleasurable. She felt snug, warm and so easy to stroke in and out of. Just like she said, i was straining really hard to keep my strokes slow. The extreme sensings i was enjoying were screaming inside my brain to fuck the woman hard and fast, but i fought it as far as possible.

“good deepak… you’re doing well. I like your patience… just a little more…”

Priya raised her thighs and wrapped them around me, locking me to herself. Looking into her face and feeling her breasts flatten against my chest, at that instant i realized what an exhileratingly powerful feeling the act of fucking a woman could give me.

I kissed her and she responded with equal fertilizer.

“ok, let yourself go now.” Now that sounded like music to my ears.

For the next couple of minutes, it seemed the world was going to end. The bed rattled and shook, priya grunted loudly and raked her finger nails on my back savagely as i humped and thrust away to my heart’s content, driving myself deep into her. When the moment arrived, i saw a million stars exploiting simultaneously behind my tightly closed eye lids and my balls seemed to find a life i wasn’t aware they possessed. They simply took over my life at that point. All the feeling of power that i had realized just a few minutes before seemed to vanish in a wisp of smoke as i whimpered and gave in to the intensity and energetic release that they decided to have. I seemed to cum forever. Minutes later, i lay slumped on priya, still reeling from the force of that orgasm and feel her stroke my head.

“very nice deepak. Not at all bad for a first time. I sure am looking forward to the next two weeks.”

I couldn’t respond. She had taken control of my mouth again with hers.


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