As my cock and her pussy continued to burn and pain out of our just completed violent fucking session, i asked her to bring some ice. She brought some ice cubes and two plates. Both of us sat on the floor facing each other closely keeping our legs wide apart showing our respective sex organizations to each other. She suggested she would apply ice on my cock and i should apply ice on her pussy. I liked the idea. Keeping a plate each beneath in front of us, we began to apply ice on each other.
“aaahhhh….” Both of us moaned out of the soothing effect of ice. She jumped joyfully when I tried to insert a small piece of the ice into her pussy. In retaliation, she too tried to penetrate the orifice on my cock with an ice piece. Both of us were enjoying our play.
While i watched her merrily, she took the plate from under my cock containing the water melted from the ice during application on my penis and drank it greedily as if it was nectar. Reciprocally, i too drank the water from the plate collected from the ice applied on her pussy.
Later, we lay side by side on the bed hugging each other and taking rest. I looked at the wall-clock which showed twelve past midnight. I asked her: “darling, do you want more fucking sessions or should i go to my flat now…”
She closed my mouth with her hand instantly and said: “no mahesh, you are not going; you will spend the whole night fucking me. I will not leave you. Any way, my hubby would be reaching tomorrow afternoon. We won’t get another golden opportunity like this.
This is my honeymoon night. You know, i was a married virgin for all these years. It would not be an examination if i said you broke my hymen today. I want you to fuck me till morning and leave me bleeding to die”.
I was confident i have deposited as much semen inside her womb enough to make her pregnant and deliver a dozen babies in one shot. When i said so, she laughed at the top of her voice. She said: “i wish and pray so, mahesh. I want to become the mother of your child. I smiled and said: “may all your cherished dreams come true”.
After half an hour, she showed signs of desire for the next session. It was then i felt my urinary bladder was full. I told her i would come back soon after urination. As i nearly entered their common latrine, i found her just behind me.
She pulled me out and dragged me to her bathroom. We went in. She sat on her knees in front of me. Later, both of us washed off our faces and rest of our bodies with water and mopped with a towel. I was turning to come back to the bedroom when she hugged me tightly from behind with her left hand. She brought her free right hand to my front and caught my penis.
Keeping her boobs tightly pressed to my back, she began to move her buttocks and rub her pussy over my asses. I allowed her to have her pleasure. We moved to the room inch by inch as we could not take long strides while she continued to rub her pussy on my asses.
I asked if she minded to switch off the air-conditioner and fan for sometimes. She replied: “surely i don’t mind. But why, mahesh”? I did not answer. I got up and switched off both the fan and air-conditioner. I went to other rooms searching for an armless chair.
I got one and brought it to the bedroom. She was watching me curiously. Then i took her to the bed and made her lay on her front across the bed. I went to her buttocks now. Bending over her body, i separated her big, fleshy yet shaped asses and found her anus.
Bringing my mouth in between her asses, i extended my tongue into the valley between her mountains of asses. My tongue touched her anal hole and began to rub it continuously. “hhhhaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” she released a wild hiss in extreme pleasures.
“oh lovely mahesh, it is a wonderful idea. Your licking my anus is giving me equal pleasures as you licked my pussy” she screamed. In the mad orgy, she raised her buttocks arching her body very high to encourage my licking further.
I continued to give her the pleasures for some more time as i had no intention to shoot my tongue into her rectum. It was inconceivable, but after two minutes suddenly she attained a sort of orgasm as i found she discharged some juices from her pussy wetting the bed.
Following this, she made her body flat and lay on the bed over the wetness. I lovingly slapped her buttocks. She lay like that for a few minutes. With the fan and air-conditioner switched off, the temperature inside the room was mounting up. We began to perspire heavily.
Both of us got up. First i sat on the chair and asked her to suck my cock to erect it again. She sat on the floor in front of me and began to suck it more gladly for her own pleasures than to oblige me. While she sucked, i keep my hands on her head caresing her tempers.
The coolness it the atmosphere had vanished totally and temperature increasedinside the room. Then i asked her if she would do something i told her to do. She smiled and said: “why are you asking me so, mahesh? Why don’t you order me?
I am pleased to do anything and everything for you” i said: “sharmila, i am curious to see how you masturbated and fucked yourself with a fountain-pen. Will you give a demonstration?” She laughed loudly. “ohhh…do you want to see that? You are very naughty, mahesh.
Okay. I shall show it for you” as she went to bring the fountain-pen, i came to the bed and sat on it. She came and sat in front of me. She separate her legs and tighs widely showing her pussy to me. I suppressed a sudden urge to grab her and thrust my cock into her pussy.
She bent her head forward to see her big pussy. Then while she separated the pussy lips with her left hand, she slowly inserted the back of the fountain-pen into her tunnel. I was watching merrily. She shot it inside up to the cap of the pen.
Then she brought it outand thrust it again repeatedly. She looked up at my face and giggled. “this way i fuck myself” she said. As she continued with her masturbation once i caught hold of her hand, brought it along with the pen to my mouth.
I took the portion of the pen that went inside her pussy into my mouth and licked it. That pleased her very much. She said: “oh mahesh, you are very loving, indeed”. Then she said: “mahesh, i have shown you how i masturbated.
Now, you give me a demonstration how you do it whenever you become hot”. She quickly added: “but darling, when you ejaculate, i want to have all your cum sprayed and spilled on my face and body. Okay?”
I smiled and replied OK. I sat on the edge of the bed and she took her position sitting on the floor between my legs. I covered my cock with my palm and fingers and began to rub it up and down repeatedly.
When i did it, i was watching her pussy and boobs and imagined i was fucking her. As i was not fucking in reality butmasturbating only, there was no need for me to delay ejaculation. Within two minutes, i felt i was about to climax.
So i told her so. She urged me to spurt my cum on her face and body. So, i tightly held the tip of my cock with two fingers to prevent the cum from flowing out. I brought my cock over her face and made shaking movements releasing my grip on its orifice.
My thick cum splashed all over her face and mouth. Some liquid fell on her neck and boobs also. She remained motionless. The cum on her face began to flow down in channels and fell on to her bosom. She was enjoying it very much while i watched her.
I said: “sharmila, this cum goes wasted unnecessarily. Instead, i must have deposited it inside your pussy to increase the chances of your becoming pregnant”. She said with a little alarm in her voice: “oh yes, mahesh, you are right. Okay, will you bring a big soon from the dining table?”
I brought one spoon and gave it to her. I watched her curiouslyas she collected the big drops of my cum on her body in the spoon. Then she lay on the bed on her back with a pillow under her buttocks.
She separated her thighs and said to me: “darling, pour this cum into my pussy as much as possible”. It made me really laugh. I said: “sharmila, this won’t work”. Still, yielding to her persistence, i separate her pussy lips, widened her hole with my fingers and poured the cum into her tunnel. Only a little of the cum percolated inside, rest spilled to outside her pussy. She lay like that for another five minutes to allow her body absorbb my cum.
Then, she sat up. She took the spoon and licked. I watched her swallow whatever remnant of cum was left on the soon. She consumed it as if it was a very costly medicine. As she did so, her attention shifted to my sagging cock now.
She took it inside her mouth and began to suck it. She swallowed whatever cum drops was left on my cock. Then she licked my whole cock with her tongue and made it dry and clean. We lay on bed side by saying again for fifteen minutes.
Suddenly, without provocation, she sprang on me like a wild tigress bringing her body on top of me. Though she could not get my cock inside her pussy, she thrust her pussy and rubbed it on my cock savagely for several minutes. This made my cock erect again.
I rolled over and came out of the bed. I went back to the armless chair and sat on it. I asked her to sit on my las. She sat on my tights with her legs hanging at either side over my legs and chair.
This brought close contacts of our nude bodies with her pussy at level with my erect cock. We hugged each other, engaged in wild kisses and smoothes. We struggled and vied with each other to suck each other’s lips and tongue.
While doing so, she was keeping her big boobs tightly pressed to my chest. Due to our love struggles and rising temperature, our bodies began to perspire heavily. I saw a trickle of sweat running between her breasts. I licked and swallow it madly.
Then i began to squeeze her big boobs. As her boobs have been fully drenched with the sweat, often my hands slipped from the grips. Both of us enjoyed and she appreciated my idea. As we got sufficiently aroused, i asked her to insert my cock into her pussy.
She adjusted her sitting position a little, caught hold my cock with her right hand and guided into her cave. With a little pull and push, my cock fully went inside her. Now, i asked her to dominate and pilot the fucking.
She merrily jumped and bounced on me sending my cock in and out of her. Each time, she stood up with support of her legs on the floor and dropped her body to glide my elevated cock into her pussy.
In the downward heaven, she rammed her boobs hard on my chest pressing her lips on mine in a crashing kiss. “mahesh…oh… You are marvelous. Your idea is splendid and superb. You know, in this position, your cock is smoking my uteterus.
I want to fuck like this throughout the night” she yelled. I allowed her to fuck in her own way and enjoy. But after five minutes, she got up. She took a few steps backward and lay sprayed on the floor on her back.
I watched her swway and swing her body, legs and hands left and right on the floor. The way she crept and wriggled her entire body looked like a long snake struggle to crawl and move on a slippery floor.
She reminded me of a cabaret dancer i saw in a film trying to seduce the spectators. Sometimes, she arched her body thrusting the boobs and pussy alternatively to height as much as possible.
Watching her movements, i felt a heavy gush of blood into my cock. I caught my cock in my right hand and approached her. I began to hit her face, boobs and pussy with my cock as if it was a short thick stick.
Both of us were enjoying immense pleasure out of this play.
I knew excessive sexual urge and lust have made her mad and blind. I tried to mount on her and penetrate her throbbing pussy with my cock. I was still struggling in my attempt to penetrate her when she made a curious turn of play.
As my cock went half inside her, she shook her buttocks making my cock slipping out of her tunnel. She stood up and began to retreat backward still facing me. I tried to grab her but she managed to evade me laughingly.
She looked as if she was trying to save herself from my attempt to stall her with a dagger. I too stood up and advanced towards her. She reached the corner of the walls preventing further retreats.
As i reached her, she separate her legs and thighs showing her pussy in a croouching manner. I thrust and guided my cock into her in a massive heave with my pelvic and she also helped me. I caught hold of her hands and pinned to the walls as if she was crucified.
Then i began to make my brutal stabs with my cock deep into her pussy. “ooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” she hisssed. “mahesh darling, you are killing me stabbing this way, haaa…what a pleasure i am getting, go on fucking me like this, i am getting heavenly pleasures….” She screamed.
I was also enjoying myself fucking her in the standing position. Though it was a little uncomfortable as my cock slipped out of her juicy pussy often, yet i managed to shoot it inside her every time.
She turned her head sideways repeatedly with her long tempers swaying according to her head movements. Still pinning her hands to the walls, often i sucked her boobs alternatively between my fucking.
As our fucking in this position continued for nearly five minutes, suddenly she released a thunderous yell. Soon, she heaved heavily and fell on my body like a fallen tree-trunk, obviously reaching climax.
I found her totally exhausted by our wild lovemaking in the standing position. Both of us had nearly bathed in the sweat running down making several channels all over our bodies. Then she opened her eyes with an effort and began to walk in a limping way.
This made my still erect cock slip out of her pussy. Then suddenly she ran to her drawing room where the air-conditioner was still working. I was amused to see her run in nude with her big boobs bouncing, swaying and dancing all along.
I watched her collapse to the double-seat sofa on her back. I had not reached orgasm yet. So, i ran after her to the sofa. She could hardly open her eyes when i separated her legs and tighs. With some difficulty,
I managed to insert my cock into her pussy again and began to fuck her vigorously. There was no response from her as she lay totally exhausted. I rammed her pussy with my cock for nearly two minutes. Then i reached climax and offloaded my whole cock milk deep inside her.
I lay on her body for sometimes allowing my cock-milk to be absorbed inside her tunnel. Though I stood up after five minutes, she still lay on the sofa with her eyes closed. I decided to give her some rest and to allow myself too.
Later, still in her slumber, i saw her turn her body showing her back to me now. I treated my eyes with the beautiful sight of her nude back with her big, fleshy yet shaped buttocks and waxed legs. The dividing line between her asses made tickling and titillations in my mind.
I went near her and sat on the floor. I brought my mouth on her buttocks and began to lick. Slowly i separated her asses and ran my tongue through the dividing line. “hhugghhh…” She made a grinding moan, still in sleep. I continued to lick her ass for another three minutes.
Then i had another idea. I went to her bathroom, smeared my middle finger on right hand with lot of soap. I came back to her and sat in the same position. I separate her asses widely and found her anus. Slowly i thrust my finger lubricated with soap into her anal hole.
“hhhuuuhhhhh” she moaned and grew again. I could not guess if she was getting pleasure or pain. But i did not care either. With one great push, i inserted three-fourth of my finger into her anus. Then i started finger-fucking her anus.
Suddenly she opened her eyes, turned her head to look at me. “hey darling, i am getting equal pleasures while you fuck my anus”. I laughed and said: “sharmila, it is not my cock but my finger now fucking your anus. Do you want me to do it with my cock?”
She giggled and said: “darling, i would love to get my anus fucked by your cock. But no, don’t do that. Because i don’t want to waste a single drop of your cum unnecessarily. My pussy needs it. Because i want to become pregnant. Go on finger-fucking my anus”.
So, i went on with it as she wanted. I think i fucked her anus with my finger for nearly four minutes. She moaned continuously. Suddenly she rolled and turned to face me. My finger slipped out of her anus now.
I was astonished to see the renewed hunger for sex now burning in her eyes now. I was equally surprised, if not shocked, to see her sheddingsubservice and submissiveness suddenly and ordering me in a struggle voice tantamount to barking:
“mahesh…you stirred up my passwords again. Fuck me now….fuck me more hard and brutally now…just now…rip my pussy open, tear off every tissue inside my vagina, make it bleed like a canal, fill my pussy with so much of your cock-milk so that it comes out through my mouth and anus, make me pregnant of eleven babies to form a cricket team….fuck me….fuck me brutally like a wicked bastard….what are you waiting for?…come, jump on me…fuck me soon….”
Frankly speaking, I could never imagine she will have so much of lust and sexual urge still left in her or for that matter enough strength to sustain another assault from me. I ran to her bed room and switched on the fan and air-conditioner again.
I came back to her. I found her breathing heavily with her big bosom heaving up and down. She looked at my nude body and cockin such a hot hungry way that she would burn my body to ashes. I admit i had never found any lady in such a ravaging way before.
My mind automatically accepted an untold challenge to overpower this hungry tigress to fuck her life out of her body through her pussy. I went behind her and grabbed her body tightly with my hands. I was alarmed to feel her body temperature as if she had high fever.
She tried to shake me off to bring her front to me. I nearly lifted her off the ground. In the same action, i thrust my hot erect cock in between her asses. I made small steps towards the bedroom almost carrying her. With each step, i thrust my cock on to her anus.
She moaned fiercely shaking and swinging her head sideways. My face was covered with her long tempers making me nearly blind. When we reached inside the room, she tried to let off my clutches by struggle and bending her body forward.
This position made her boobs hanging. I released the grip around her body and caught hold of her hanging boobs. Now i squeezed them simultaneously pulling them in a stretching manner the way a milkman takes milk out of the breasts on the udder of a buffalo.
She cried in pleasures and excitement. I moved her to fall on the writing table with her face and upper body resting on the table. I made her stand on the floor like the figure 7. I separated her legs and tighs as wide as possible.
I sat on my knees on the floor between her legs. I brought out my tongue and licked her pussy. I felt her pussy extremely hot. I found her juices almost dripping to the floor. I sucked and swallowed her honey for sometimes.
She began to shake her body, sometimes hitting my mouth with her pussy. I stood up and placed myself behind her. I made her bend further so that her pussy became more visible and thrust backward. I shot my cock into her tunnel which went in smoothly without any hindrance.
Once i accomplished my penetration, i brought my hands underHer arms, circled them around her body and cupped her hanging boobs. Then i began my real assault of fucking in doggy style. My hands were busy squeezing her boobs in the same stretching manner as if i wanted to pluck out her boobs from her chest. Often i crushed her nipples savagely tweaking between my fingers. I accelerated further gaining momentum with my cock sending it deep inside and out in rapid succession.
When i thrust forward, i croouched my body fully as if to send my entire body inside her. I feel as if my cock was on fire. With repeated thrusts, i felt great pain in my penis. Still i did not slow down, rather increased my speed and force.
She turned her face upward gasping for breath in between moans. With each of my thrust, she heaved with ‘huhh, huhhh, huhhh, huhhhh..’ in extended rhythmic sounds. Once, she looked at me over her shoulder.
She slipped her modesty and yelled: “oh my bloody lover, you are tearing my pussy now, i think it is bleeding profusely, i am sure you are not a man, but a beast. A real beast with enormous strength! No man can fuck like this.
Are you fucking with your cock or stalling my pussy with a dagger? Okay, you please yourself. Go on fucking me…don’t stop, kill me, i want to die tonight, kill me fucking this way. Haahh.. I feel my pussy is inside an electric oxygen. It is burning inside.
My boobs are aching than i can bear. Are these your hands or vices you use to crush my boobs?” Frankly, i did not both to see if i caused any bleeding injury to her pussy or boobs. Rather, i stepped up further. My objective was to see she attains orgasm first.
Surprisingly, it was taking more time than i thought compared with our earlier fucking sessions. Then, i released my one hand from her boob. I grabbed her loose hairs together and pulled at backward. My idea was not to hurt her but to give her sadistic pleasures too.
She felt excruciating pain when i pulled her hairs bringing her head backward. As if riding a horse, i went on fucking her pussy still holding hairs with one hand and squeezing one boob with my other hand. She cried more in pleasures than in pain.
I must admit that was the most brutal way i fucked any lady. Then i had another idea. I released my right hand from her boob and shot its middle finger into her anus. She moaned fiercely in pleasures. As if prodding a riding horse with a stick, i fucked her anus with my finger, at the same time fucked her pussy with my cock pulling her hairs with my other hand. It was a little difficult and uncomfortable for me, but yet i managed doing all these at the same time.
This was too much for her. She was gasping heavily now for breath in between deep moans, hisses and shrinks. “oh mahesh, you are wonderful, the best in the world. You are certainly the uncrowned master of all fucking kings.
I am the most fortunate lady in this world as i got the real pleasures of fucking from you. Yet, i am the most unfortunately lady in this world as i did not get you as my real own husband” she thundered.
Once, i had to release my hand from her hairs to close her mouth to prevent her shrink shouting in extreme pleasures, or it would have been easily heard by someone walking along the road far outside.
I was just wondering how long i had to fuck her when she suddenly released a scrill as if out of an electric hotter and collapsed to the table. Soon, i released by deep-breathing technique. Within next minute, i too attained orgasm pumping my entire milk into her tunnel.
I bent forward and lay on her back now. Though i remained like that for a couple of minutes, i felt my cock milk oozing out of her tunnel as we were in a standing position. I brought her limp body to the bed and spread on it lengthwise.
I knew for sure she will not ask nor can sustain any more fucking. So, i decided for the after-play. I mounted on her body in opposite direction. Supporting my body weight on my elbows and knees, i inserted my cock into her mouth and asked her to suck it.
Simultaneously, i mouthed her pussy. As i licked and sucked her pussy full of her juices mixed with my own cock-milk, she began sucking my cock, surprisingly still in her slumber. After five minutes, i got up. I turned her body to her side.
I lay beside her still in opposite direction. I raised my one leg, brought it over her head with my cock rubbing her mouth and face. In the same way, i raised her one leg and brought my face close to her pussy. I don’t know when we slipped into deep sleep.
When the call bell rang persistently, both of us woke with a start. We were alarmed to note the wall-clock showed the time five minutes to six in the morning. Both of us felt our bodies pain heavily as if crushed under a road-roller out of the violent lovemaking sessions although the night. Suddenly, she relaxed and also asked me to relax. She told it was her milk man. She put on a night dress and went to the door. By the time she came back collecting the milk, i dressed too. We stood staring at each other unable to utter a single word.
I extended my hands and she came running to me in a tight embrace and deep passwordate kiss. It was time for me to go. Out of password and love, i did a mistake at that time. I lifted her nightie up to her navel. Then i slid my hands into it and caught hold of her boobs with my hands.
I squeezed them for a little time. Then my right hand slipped into her pussy and began to rub it madly. She released a soft moan and said: “mahesh, you are making me hot again. Can we have one more round?”
I realized my mistake and released my hands quickly and said: “no, darling. It would be very dangerous”. She understand the situation. Hugging and kissing me tightly, she said: “oh, mahesh, i have no words to express my deep thanks to you for all the heavenly pleasures you gave me last night. I reiterate, it was myfirst night, my bridal night and my first honeymoon night. You tore my hymen and made me a lady from a virgin. Now, i can proclaim from the top of the world that i have experienced all sexual pleasures.
I am totally satisfied and happy. In fact, you made me so. How i wish you were my real husband! If so, i could have felt and experienced the warmth of your love every moment of my life in loving togetherness. I am indebted to you for my life.”
I said: “sharmila, that makes two of us. In fact you echoed my sentiments too”. She went on: “mahesh, if you too really wish so, i am prepared to divide my hubby and marry you. Please don’t think i am crazy and selfish. I won’t ask you to ditch your wife.
You can have two wives. Don’t you think it would be possible?” I smiled at her: “no sharpila, that won’t work out. It is as if we wish all the sand dunes in rajasthan deserts turn to gold!” She did not say anything. With another password kiss, i waved at her in agesture of goodbye.
I came out of her house and moved to mine. I looked over my shoulders to see her still watching me. I saw her eyes were happy. I knew it was a most painful separation, though to a distance only a few feet way, but a separation indeed!
Okay friends; let me close this lengthy but real story by telling you the epidemic. Her hubby reached back in the evening. He had completed his work much quicker than he thought. Both sharpila and i could not believe our luck to have had enjoyed sex the previous night itself!
I had asked her to engage in sex with her hubby at least for 2-3 nights which she did. My idea was if she became pregnant which she must, by all means, out of mating with me, at least her hubby won’t have any doubt in his mind and he would believe she was carrying his own baby.
After reaching, he did not go on tour for another three weeks. But exactly sixteen days after our mating, she told me sadly she menstruated again. Two dayslater, in an evening at my house, during a friendly talk over tea, her husband told all the real facts and truth.
He said medical tests on her clearly showed she was having blocked fallopian tubes which prevented meeting of sperm with the ovum and therefore pregnancy. He was planning to take her to a reported hospital in the winter for a surgery to rectify and correct her problems and the doctors have assured pregnancy. Should i need to tell you more?
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