Waiting for Mistress

Rose pushed their self closer to me, she was still wet with sweat from their 10km run to the overlook. Their touch on my testicles was soothing and I saw highly at the contrast from the touch of Mistress’ switch.

“Poodle sweetie, I am not like Robin. I am not going to risk Mummy’s displeasure,” I heard Rose says, wondering as always at 26 years-olds Rose and Robin calling Mistress “Mummy”. With a slight turn of my head, I could see them on their knees just behind me. Slowly messaging my testicles and their other hand now caresing my panties. “You have a very cute bottom Poodle, I have always thought so, but Mummy has always said she is the only one that gets to play with you.”

I moved the little bit my prediction allowed eliciting a gasp from Robin. I can only imagine what she was feeling with my caged penis pushed into her panty stuffed vagina.

I whimpered a little as the cares of my testicles stopped. I saw Rose come to the knee in front of Robin taking her head in both hands. “I am sorry to see you like this Robin, but we know you only have yourself to blowme.” Their hand moved to her white sports bra and began to cares her left breast. I could just see them begin to gently roll the hardened nipple through the sports bra. Robin seemed to relax just a little from this.

I watched Rose lift their red sports bra over their lovely small perky breasts. Revealing large pink nipples centered on small pink areolae. “Make sure I want to keep giving you some attention Robin,” she said while pushing their left nipple towards Robin’s mouth. Rose’s head tilted back and their smile deepened as their nipple was eagerly sucked by Robin.

My penis was burning at its cage. Especially, as I could feel Robin’s heat and wetness surrounding it as her excitement increased. I could not help but make what little movement I could trying to feel more fully the sensings that had been denied me so long.

Rose smiled at me and returned to their position at my hips. Rubbing their hands along my panties and around my hips. “So tempting Poodle,” she said giving my hips a little push causing Robin to groan as I was thrust just a little deeper and likely poking her labia with the lock and post that attached the cage to the ring. I felt a finger teasing the waistband of my panties at the cleft of my bottom, clearly considering the opportunity. I felt another hand reach beneath me and brush past my testicles and from the sight Robin made there was no doubt her cliporis was getting some attention.

I could hear Rose muttering to them self that “Mummy left clear instruction about what is allowed.” I felt the hand push a little deeper into my panties and a little louder “Mummy will never know.” In a clear voice Rose said to me “Whatever happens here will be our secret right Poodle? Mummy will believe you but not Robin if I deny. You promise not to tell?” I nodded vigorously and pushed my bottom towards her hand, slightly movinginside Robin but the intent was clear.

A finger began to slide up and down the crack of my ass stopping now and then and pushing just a little on my anus. Suddenly that stopped and Rose stepped into view. “There is a price for everything isn’t there Poodle,” they said. I watched them bending over to untie shoes and remove socks. Red shorts were pushed down revealing matching red brief panties. Rose stepped over Robin, straddling her right before my face. “You like those don’t you Poodle?” she said as they moved their panties closer to my nose and mouth. “You know what to do Poodle,” they said.

I began to lick, long slow licks as I felt them hardening and watched a bulge grow in the panties before me. They turned around and I licked their thighs just where the panties ended tasting the saltiness of the sweat dried skin. Facing me again I saw fingers playing with their panties’ waistband as I licked the now obviously wet cotton and began to taste a slight saltiness.

Their panties were pushed down revealing their hard penis. The tip of it was pushed to just within my reach and I began to lick and was just able to get the tip into my mouth. I could taste the precum beginning to leak out. Rose then stepped away and moved behind me again. They lowered my panties and began to move their wet cock around my anus. I pushed towards them and slowly I could feel their cock begin to push past any resistance.

Slowly their penis was pushed into me. Gently to its full depth I felt myself pushed towards Robin who groaned as my caged penis was pushed deeper into her. Rose took my hips and slowly began to fuck my ass. I felt their breasts and with their hard nipples against my back three seemed to become one when Rose symbolically joined our prediction by bringing their hands around me to grap Robin’s hips.

I could feel Rose’s intensity building as the strokes became longer and fuller. Groans becoming louder and more urgent as they pulled free and hot seedwas spilled across my back one, two, three and finally for a fourth time.

Rose moved back to my side a bit wobbly legged, patting my ass as they passed. “Well Robin, let me see if I can buy your silence,” she said and I again felt their hands brush past my testicles and begin to play stroke Robin’s cliporis. Robin’s deepening and accelerating breathing told me exactly what was going on. Eventually a loud sight was released and her shoulders slackened the little they could.

Rose smiled up at me and said “Poodle I am generally sorry but Mummy will know if I give you any release when she finally decides to either milk you or give you an actual orgasm and I know you will tell her the truth. So all you get is what leaves no evidence. When you get release it will be that much sweeter though,” they said as they gave me a kiss on the cheek and then a playful tussle of my hair.

Looking at their watch Rose said that Mummy would be arrived in about ten minutes so they releasedthe various ropes and began to put them away.

Straightening their clothes as Robin and I undid the last few knots of our prediction. Robin picked up my ruined shirt and kindly cleaned off my back…I guess it is hard not to be tender towards someone you just spent the 45+minutes bound too…feeling their emotions through the contact of the skin.

We packed the various items back into the Camelback, including Robin and my ruined shorts and my ruined shirt. The three us got on our knees and sat on heels and placed our hands behind our necks. Rose in shorts and sports bra, Robin in sports bra and her blue panties and myself down to my panties.

As we settled into position, Mistress came onto the plateau with the five other members of her running club a short distance behind.

“Hello luvs,” she said as she stopped before us. The other members of the club spread around beginning to stretch and drink water. “I can see from Robin and Rose faces that they managed a bit oftension release and Poodle looks as tense and frustrated as ever. So it seems instructions were well followed,” she said.

She approached me, pushing the right trainer slightly forward and I leaned forward and kissed it. She did the same with the left and then put her hand under chin and brought me to standing with a gently lift. Robin followed the same ritual and then Rose. As Rose came to standing before Mistress a frown played momentarily on Mistress’s face.

“Here Poodle,” she said, pointing the ground in front of her. I left the others and approached Mistress. “Downward dog now!” she commanded, so I placed myself in the desired position. I felt my panties being lowered and my anus probed just a little. She looked directly at Rose and said “Why is Poodle’s anus sticky?” She then Proceeded to pull my ruined shirt from the Camelback and quickly found the evidence she sought.

“Well, it is clear Robin had no part in this,” she said.

‘Rose, back on your knees andface to the ground. Robin in front of Poodle and hold his wrists!” she said as she found a stouter switch than the one she used earlier. She began to cares my bottom with the switch that was far closer to a cane this time. Tapping my testicles experimentally a few times. ” Ten strokes from each of us,” she said and I felt the first stroke across my bottom.

Mistress kept her strokes to a sharp sting but I knew that was temporary and that the club was experienced enough to know that each set would only increase in strength.

“Count Poodle!” she ordered. I felt the next strokes began and I began to count. By stroke 20 a gasp was following each stroke. The next 10 were harder again and the grunts were beginning before each count. By 40 the tears were streaming down my face.

At 50 Robin began to massage my wrists with her forefingers, giving me what little support she could to endure the next ten. At 51 the first scream came before the count and and each of the next 9 brought a scream.

“Robin, help Poodle as you have been and Rose get over here she said.” Rose quickly compiled knowing that they had crossed the line. Robin was gently massaging my bottom that would be a mass of black and blue by evening as Mistress lifted Rose’s bra in front of me.

Mistress teased her nipples till they were rock hard and then summoned another runner over. The runner’s bra was lifted and Mistress removed the clamps that adorned the nipples. A sharp gasp as each clamp was removed and then I almost gasped as I saw a little milk escape the nipples.

Mistress allowed the runner to replace her bra and then attached the clamps to Rose’s nipples.

“Robin, give Poodle the care he needs to gather himself and then catch up to us.” With that, she smoked Rose’s bottom and said “I hope You can stay ahead of me and set a proper pace or I think you get the message.” Rose wasted no time in beginning down the trail as the other’s quickly followed Mistress.


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