The stout cords bind your wrists and ankles to the legs of the round dining table, leaving you shivering in a mix of excitement and fear, not quite remembering how you got here, but remembering Him. The one who always ties you here. You can just see over the edge of the table, but can’t see behind you as the touch of cold steel presses against the small of your back. You take a short gasp as the knife slides Your blouse all the way up to your neck, leaving you shivering from the sudden cool air now. You feel it again as he slits down from your waist, cutting your skirt off of you for the sheer desire to do so. He could have just unzipped it. or moved it, but this is his will pushed onto you.
You squirm against your bonds, panty covered pussy rubbing against the edge of the table as you gasp softly, breasts aching, skin tingling. You almost jump out of your skin as the tip of the knife traces its way down your spine, marking his name on your skin; just enough to leave a little red reminder for you that you’re his possession. The strong hand grabs the back of your neck and presses you down as he cuts your pretty white lace bra free, teasing you because he can. The heavy weight of the knife rests against your shoulder blades.
“I suggest you not drop that…you don’t want me to find someplace more…enveloping to keep it, do you?”
You gasp, feeling Your sweet honey soak your panties and drip down your tighs, “No, Master…I’ll be good.”
His hand pins your head down by the neck and his other, pulls your panties down your hips, ripping them when they will not go lower on your pinned legs. You take a sharp breath as he pushes into you, the feeling new every time he does it, stuffing into your sodden hole. He takes you without a care; using you like the toy he has turned you into these many months, grunting at the tight heat you give him.
“I missed this…”
His hand slips around your neck to your throat and he squeezes your air away ashe takes you, your body shuddering under his as your orgasms start to hit you, crashing from one to the next, gasping to try and take a breath to cry out, but denied by his will. You continue to struggle for any breath, any relief as he slips out of you, your hips betraying your burning need and lust. His hand slips away long enough for you to take a breath and lose it in a long wanton moan when he shoves his dripping cock into your ass, taking it slow but continuously.
You start speaking, begging, not in control of yourself anymore, begging him to take you harder, to fuck you until you can’t stand it, to make you his thing, his object, his needy slave,
“You are my slave…”
His hand jerks your hair and pulls your head back, and then other hand going to his knife and you feel the cold blade under your chin
“Mine to do as I wish…do you deny it?”
Your breath catches hard in your throat and you tremble, terrified but still moving your hips, needing him somuch that you can’t help it, even now.
“Master…please Master…”
“Please what?”
You close your eyes and shudder as another powerful orgasm take you,
“You’re going to hear a scream as he exploits into you, feeling the heat pour into you, knife on the table as his hand presses your head down again, writing along with you as he marks his girl with his seed.
Your breath comes hard and sharp, trying to catch up to your body, feeling him inside you, throbbing furiously.
He pulls slowly out of you and you can feel his cum drip down you, and you shake like a leaf, knowing how he makes you into this every time. Makes you a trembling mess begging for him to take you how he wants.
“I love you, Master…”
His hand in your hair is your only response and you smile at the soft tug on it. You close your eyes and smile, content to be his slave.
Hours later…
She shivers in the cool air, waiting for him again. Waiting for him as she always does, hoping he’ll come for her again. The pretty girl stays on her knees, frozen to the spot he has left her, black leather hood over her head and secured to the rings on her collar, sight blocked out and hearing muffled to a whisper. Perhaps he’s already here. She straightens, her body shivering and aching from his earlier visit, remembering his words, hoping he didn’t see her slouch. Time seems to melt away. Has she been here minutes or hours? Her knees ache from the cold stones and the dried cum coats her ass and thighs. Has he forgotten her? Left her to wait all night without his touch?
A soft sonorous voice speaks, “hello baby…did you miss me?”
She groans involuntarily, his voice a light in the darkness, “Daddy…yes…oh, Daddy I missed you so much…”
Something warm and soft slips into her mouth and she groans, knowing the taste and feel of His cock, sucking needilly and letting it fill her up, lips pulling and caresing the head. A soft,strong hand touches her shoulder, sending a shudder down her body, wanting to feel him these long hours, wrists still cuffed behind her, arms burning with stiffness. His hand traces the curve of her shoulder as she sucks desperately, feeling nothing but his touch, his taste filling her up. The thick cock throbs warm and hard in her mouth.
“What shall we do with you, I wonder…”
She whimpers as the meat slides out of her…a whimper that turns to a gasp as her head is pulled forward and pressed to the ground, bare ass in the air, resting on her forehead with her hands secured in metal bonds behind her back. A clicking noise tells her that He just locked her collar to a ring set in the floor, securing her here until he decides to release her. She shivers, wondering what he has decided for her tonight. The silence in her hood feels overpowering and Suddenly her thighs scream in pain as a leather strap lands high on the back of her thigh.
She screams sharply, shocked more than hurt. She trembles and starts to breathe fast. His hand cares the soft curve of her ass and along her hip and the touch calms her a little. Another blow lands on the other thigh and she jerks a little, crying out.
Another sharp blow on her thighs followed by 2 more.
She starts sobbing quietly, body tingling all over and starting to float as he beats her, taking short, moaning, gasping breaths. The room echoes with 2 sounds…the leather striding her skin and her needy, wanton moans.
“Please Daddy…please…”
The beating continues up her back, hard enough to feel it, but soft enough to promise more to come. Her body shakes, pussy dripping down her legs like a stream now. Her breath comes in ragged gasps now, whimpering her need.
“Please fuck me Daddy…I need it so much…”
Her whimpers turn into a deep aching moan at the hot flesh pushing into her dripping pussy, hands clenching together in her bonds, hips moving with him with a burning desire. Her skin feels on fire, hot and throbbing from the blows of the lash, but her pussy screams louder, stuffed full and spasming around her Master’s cock.
Her body starts to spasm hard as her first climax takes her and she starts babbling something she doesn’t even know
He laughs, knowing she’s not going to stop for a while, feeling her wet, slippery hole spasming hard around him, milking him farther into her body. She bucks and complains under him, held tight to the ring in the floor. Her screams are almost constant now as she crashes from one orgasm to the next, one on top of the next.
Suddenly he slips out of her and she takes a huge gasp of air. She whimpers hoping to feel him again, but realizes in a minute that he’s gone. She moves her knees up and straightens her back, waiting as always for his return.
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