The day was coming to an end. Darkness was beginning to cloak the city, and Aven and her master drove around to grab a bit to eat. They came to a restaurant, and went inside. Quickly they were seated. Aven’s short skirt was attracting attention from all sorts of people. She was happy though that it reached far enough down to cover the mechanics her master had stuffed into her pussy earlier. They sat at the table, and Aven lifted up a menu to view the selections. She fidgeted a few times to get the dildo to sit right, and when she feel comfortable she still.
Her master had watched the show with out her notice with an uncanny interest. He pulled the remote from his pocket as Aven scanned the menu not paying attention to him at all, and with no warning turned the vibrator to a high setting. Aven jumped, letting the menu fall into a glass of water and knocking it over.
Her master almost had to contain his laughter and Aven pulled a hand to cover face in embarrassment.He turned it to low so the smug look of pleasure could leave her face. As he did, a waiter came over to clean the water up.
“I’m so sorry,” Aven apologized to the waiter. He looked over at her, and was soon intotoxicated by the low cut of her shirt. Master caught sight of this very quickly.
“You like what you see?” Master asked the waiter.
Both Aven and the waiter seemed to snap out of a separate trace.
“Excuse me, sir?” The waiter asked.
“Your staring at my slut’s breasts, I assume you like them?” Master evaluated.
The waiter was stunned at the word slut and embarrassed at being caught.
“Sir, I’m sorry…” Master then held up his hand.
“No need to apologize. I myself like them. Would you like to touch them?” Master asked.
Aven’s eyes opened wide. What was her master doing?
“Sir?” The waiter asked.
“Don’t be afraid. She has a vibrator shoved up her pussy right now, don’t you slut?” Master said.
Aven began looking quite ashamed, and hung her head low, “Yes, Master,” Aven answered.
The waiter was almost shocked at what he was hearing. “I don’t think he believes you, slut. Show him.” Master ordered.
Aven’s eyes grew huge, in a plead for him to take it back. He simply shot back a stern look and she hiked up her skirt to reveal the protruding, and vibrating dildo.
The waiter was in shock. He looked around as if to check who was seeing this so he would no he was not insane. But everyone continued with their meals.
“What do I have to do?” the waiter asked.
“Do you have any friends here?” Master asked.
“My friends works here also.” The waiter replied.
“That works. Go tell your friend to come with us. You and him will have a night to Remember.”
The waiter left to talk to his friend. Aven turned to her master, “Please master, don’t make me do this, I’m not ready.”
“You are ready, you’re just delaying it.” Her master told her sternly.
Aven quicklyshut up and waited for the waiter to return. He did with his friend and Aven looked at them both. They were both handsome boys, but not as handsome as her master. One was a few inches shorter then the other, but both shorter then her master.
“Shall we adjourn?” Master asked.
“Yes, we are ready.” The waiter said.
They all left the restaurant. And outside Master lit a cigarette. “What are your names?” he asked the boys.
“I’m Russ,” said the waiter that had tried to clean the water, “and this is John.”
“I’m Zeke, and this is my slut, Aven, but to you she shall be every obscenity used for a woman,” Master said.
The walked over to the car. John got in the back first, and as Russ went to get in he stopped him, “Slut,” master commanded. Aven crawled inside the car and then Russ got in as well. Master went around to the front of the car to get into the driver’s seat. He settled himself down before starting the ignition. Russ and John seemed nervous, andMaster soon realized this.
“Slut, don’t you see our guests are nervous?” Master asked Aven.
“Yes, Master. What would you like me to do?” Aven asked her master.
“Gentlemen, what would you like this slut to do for you?” Master asked the boys. Each of them shrugged not sure really what to ask for. Master witnessed and then said to Aven, “Suck Russ’ dick while having John finger your ass, Slut.”
“Yes Master,” Aven compiled. Very nervously she turned to Russ and began to unzip his pants. She felt tears began to form at her eyes as she plunged her mouth over Russ’ thick hard cock. She had forgotten about her command for John. “Slut, get your ass up!” Master shouted. Aven then let a tear flow down her cheek as she positioned her ass upwards for John to invade. “And you will refer to these Gentlemen as Sir,” Master informed.
She felt Johns thumb brush over asshole. She cried at the thought of the pain to come, and soon enough she felt his thumb break through and plunge into her. She moaned loudly, and stopped sucking Russ’ cock for a second.
“Don’t be afraid to hurt her, boys. She’s just a whore. She loves to be hurt and brought to tears. Slap her if she gets out of line,” Master told them. “John, pull that dildo outta her, and hand it to me.”
John pulled the dildo out of Aven and handed it to Master. He throw it down on the car seat and Began to listen to Aven’s moans of pleasure and pain. She continued to suck Russ’ cock to the best of her ability and feel John slipping in a second then a third finger. Russ and Aven moaned due to pleasure and John enjoyed causing the pain and pleasure Aven got from his finger fucking in her ass. Never had either men thought they would enjoy such a thing.
“When do we get to fuck this slut?” John asked, Finally losing himself in the atmosphere.
“Soon enough,” Master said with a bit of a laugh, glad that the men were beginning to enjoy themselves.
They pulled into the driveway a few minutes later. Master exited and opened John’s door. John exited promptly removing his fingers from Aven’s ass. The he reached in and grabbed a handful of Aven’s hair and pulled her from the car.
“On your knees, Now.” Master ordered. Aven dropped to her knees and obediently crawled after master as he used her hair for a leash.
They entered the house, and Master let go of her hair. Instinctively Aven went into the corner, and knelt ready for her next order. John and Russ stood there, waiting for there next task. Master went into the kitchen and came back with three beers. He handed one to John and one to Russ. They cracked them open and began to drink.
“Shall we got the real fun started?” Master asked. Each of the boys nodded in excitement. “Slut,” Master called. Aven crawled back over to her master and crouched at his feet, eyes lowered to the ground. He took her collar off the table and fastened it around her neck. A simple Black leather collar, with a silver steel ring in the front. “Now, stand and strip.”
Aven felt the tears return, and hesitated on his command. Master gave her a firm slap in the face, and Aven quickly rose to her feet and pulled off her shirt and skirt. Then she removed her heels, and crouched back to the ground at her master’s feet. She was naked now, and she felt John and Russ’ eyes combine her body. She felt judged and it made her cry. “On the table slut,” Master ordered. Aven in fear of another slap crawled to the table and climbed atop. She knelt there. Back slightly arched leaving her breasts raised and pointing forward. They were becoming hard and erect in her naked state. Master then sat down on the chair and looked at his slut. He was pleased with the view, and so were John and Russ.
“Let’s begin,” Master said, smiling cruelly.
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