Wait for Me

The sun sets behind the trees as the orange reddish glow of the falling sun gives way to the blackness of the night. Headlights, down a long driveway, illuminate the windows of the front of the house sending intermittent flashes of light through the glass.

Now a key in the door. The sound of a lock unlocking. The slow creek of a tired old door echos through the house. As does his sight. Next comes the familiar thuds of items being removed from pockets and belts being shed.

You listen to the sounds, body tight with excitement as the stairs creek under his body weight. Slowly the noises bespeak his ascension where you wait. Where you wait for him.

You’ve been waiting this way for at least 45 minutes. Each passing minute bringing him closer. Each thought of him making your body ache and your sex wet. Your hands are on the bed along with your knees. Your blindfold, a self inflicted absence of sight, reaching around the back of your head where it holds up a tightly drawnblack pony tail; a handle for him to hold if he so wishes. Your bent and kneeing legs are spread as you wait. You tried to be patient but your anticipation gave way to your wetness thinking of what he would surely do to you.

Your heart thuds loudly in your chest as you hear the footsteps stop outside the door for what feels like an eternity before the slow sound of an open door. For a brief moment you worry that you haven’t prepared enough. His text had said, “Be ready.” It wasn’t a request. The moment passed and a slow smile spreads over your face as you picture him, knowing that he is staring quietly at your naked body.

The floorboards of the old house creak as he draws closer. You can’t see, but you know he is close. The air between you and him feels electric a tangible physical feeling of the attraction you both share. Another eternity passes by until something happens that cause syou to let out an involuntary gasp.

Three of his fingers, no four, lightly touch your ass and begin a slow ascent up your lower back, through the curve of your spine before coming to a rest between your shoulder blades. Although the warmth of the room you feel your nipples stiffen as if reaching, no beginning, for him to touch you. His fingers trace gently down your neck, along your ear, across your forehead and then down your nose. At your lips the linger before his hand grabs your chin and readjusts your head in the way he wants it to be. Looking straight ahead instead of down.

His fingers leave briefly before his hands make contact again, one on your stomach and one on your back, repositioning you so your back arches and your breasts are thrust forward.

You can tell he steps back, as if admiring his handiwork. Long silent seconds pass before you hear him utter his first and only word so far of the night. “Stay.”

His footsteps retreat and you begin to see with your ears as he removes his clothes and sets them in the laundry bin. The door to the bathroom opens and you hear the sound of the shower turning on. The door to the shower opening. And him showing.

You hold your position. It’s uncomfortable, but you know that’s what he wants. And you are quick to accommodate. Sir takes care of you, and you take care of him. It’s how this works.

He takes his time in the shower and you can’t help but smile. You know he’s taking his time on purpose. The sound of a video comes on in the shower and he chuckles at what he’s seen. Eventually, the shower turns off and you hear the sounds of him drying off. Then the bathroom light clicks off.

He’s back in the bedroom. His phone rings and he answers it. You strain to hear whose talking on the other end but you can’t. It’s work. He is obviously irritated by What he’s hearing but he patiently explains a procedure to a college. You listen intently, focused, almost mesmerized as he crafts his words and is particularly about how he wants things done.

Your concentration is broken and you gasp as his fingers come to rest on your throbbing wanting sex. As the gasp escapes, he stops touching, allowing you to compose yourself as he begins to touch you.

He continues talking on the phone as you feel one of his fingers slide inside of you. The finger slowly penetrates you and then retreats before slowly penetrating again.

You’re overwhelmed with his talking and the finger sliding in and out of you. You struggle to focus on one or the other or both. His finger now retreats and several of his fingers begin tracing patterns across your clip.

You can tell the phone call is wrapping up. He continues to listen as his work subordinate dictates back to him exactly what he was told to do. His fingers trace down your back now, leaving you sex wanting, and then across your side before pinching one of your nipples casually and then cupping your breast.

You wish you could see his almost certainly erect cock but you’ve blindfolded yourself and you’re sure he’sso pleased with it that he will not remove it. His hand slides back over your shoulder before sliding under your neck.

His fingers close around your throat firmly, not cutting off air, but to the point that you are very aware of his strength and what he could do to you if he added just a little more pressure.

He releases your throat and then rests his hand on your head before saying his farewell to whomever he was taking to on the phone.

There’s silence as he moves behind you and you feel the head of his cock, without warning, pushing at the opening between your legs. There is no resistance, you being as ready as you are, and it slides in.

It fills your inside as his hips come to rest against your ass. He hasn’t asked for you. He’s taken you. You belong to him. Your body designed for his pleasure.

His hands find your shoulders as he continues to thrust into you, his firm grip pulling your pussy back down on his dick every time it tries to escape its probing. Your breathing quickens as does his pace and tempo, your body naturally pushing against back wanting more of his throbbing member.

One hand pulls back on your pony tail while he other hand rests on your hip as he pulls and pushes himself in and out of you, thrusting quickly and intently. You feel your body begin to tighten as your orgasm builds.

His hands make their way to Your hips, both of them on either side now, using your body to fuck his hard dick. You feel his hands on your hips tighten their grip and you moan as the realization of what is happening triggers your own orgasm.

Your orgasm comes as his first tell tale grunt and sign of his release escape his lips. His pumping is hard and fast now as his groan gets louder and he loses himself in pleasure.

His thrusts slow and eventually he pulls out of you. You know better than to move until he says it’s ok.

You can feel his hand press a clothes against your body, soaking up the seed of his love making.

You wait in that position, body beginning to stiffen, as you hear him plop down on the bed beside you laying down. He runs his fingers over your breasts one more time before he says, “Lay with me.”

You find the blanket and sheet pulled back as you climb underneath them and lay your head on his chest. Your fingers gravitate to his chest as well and his arm wraps around you.

You can feel his breath begin to be more shallow as he nears closer and closer to sleep. The last words you hear before he drifts off is “Good girl.”

Sir has chosen to leave you in the blindfold. In the blindfold you will remain. You smile as your own breathing slows wondering what he will have in store for the two of you next.

The end.


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