Wage Slave

The events and characters depicted in this work of fiction are derived solely from the author’s imagination. Any similarity to any real persons, places, or events is purely coincidental.

Tags: Bondage, Submission, Slave, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Whore, Bitch, Lesbian

This short story is 29,433 words long.

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I don’t really remember when I started to recognize that something was going on. There were a couple of times when I was younger when I thought I’d seen something, but the memories were hazy and indistinct. It wasn’t until that one morning that I actually noticed that something strange was happening.

“Mom, what’d you do to your arm?” I asked as she flipped pancakes on a Saturday morning. Her arm had what looked like a big raw red mark on it just above her wrist.

“It’s nothing.” She shifted a bit to make it harder for me to see and adjusted her bathrobe to cover her wrist.

“Seriously, what’d you do?” Concerned that she’d hurt herself somehow, I got up from the table to stand behind her. Reaching around past her waist, I pulled her sleep up. Her arm had deep twisted grounds around it which looked exactly like someone had tied her wrists together with a rope. Tightly.

“Crista Bennel!” She slapped me with the spatula, connecting with it on the back of my hand. “Get your hands off of me! This instant!”

Surprised, I stepped back and shook my hand where she’d hit me. Seconds later my mom throw the spatula onto the floor and stalked off. By the way she was walking I could tell she was really pissed about something. Having no real clue to what I’d done wrong, I looked at my dad sitting at the table reading the morning paper.

Nothing. The paper shifted and rattled a bit as he turned the page, but that was it. Not that I’d expected anything more than that, my dad didn’t seem to care about much that went on in the house. He never had, not really. Mostly it was my mom who raised me, my dad just going to work every morning during the week and coming home in the evening to sit and watch the TV until bedtime.

He worked hard and I know that he cared about me and my mom, he just didn’t show it. Not like other people’s dads did. The way he treated me and my mom was different but I didn’t really think about it that way because it’d have like that my whole life. To me it was just the way things were. Plus he was my dad and if he was a little bit odd; so what? He was still my dad.

Picking up the spatula I gave it a quick wash in the sink then used it to finished flipping the pancakes on the griddle before they burned. Done with that I shifted until I could look in the direction my mom had gone. She was probably upstairs in her bedroom. Well, her half of the bedroom anyway. My mom and my dad didn’t share a bed, they had two separate beds they slept in.

which was odd too.

I finished making the pancakes and set the loaded serving plate onto the table in the center. Snagging a couple, and transferring them to my plate, I silently added butter and syrup, eating them while my dad keep reading his paper. My mom never came back down from upstairs. When I knocked on her door after cleaning up and doing the breakfast dishes, she didn’t answer. Concerned, I jiggled the door knob but it was locked.

“Crista, I’m busy.” The words came through the locked door after I knocked a second time.

“Can we talk?” I jiggled the door knob again. “Please?”

“Not right now.”


“Crista, I have to get ready for work.” There was a pause. “We can talk later but not right now.”

The water for the shower started running as I lifted my hand to knock again. Defeated, I Did what she wanted and left her alone.

I was in the middle of a game of Jewel Rush, with my highest score ever, when she came downstairs wearing a long sleeped blouse and a skirt. Her hair was up and she had on her favorite necklace. She always wore it to work saying that the iridescent titanium chain was better than anything else because it was feather light and unbreakable.

I thought it was clunky, since the links were the size you’d see on a dog collar and I knew she had other jewelry she could wear. It didn’t matter, she still chose that necklace for work. Which made no sense because for all its light weight and supposedly non irritating metal composition, it sometimes seemed to give her a rash.

Without even glancing my way, she grabbed her purse from the little table in the front hall where she kept it and headed out the door, digging her keys out as she went. I dropped my phone on the couch and almost ran out the door after her. I was halfway to the car when she closed and locked the doors before starting the engine. I knocked on her window but she didn’t even look at me before putting the car in gear and backing out of the driveway. Seconds later she was driving away down the street.

Totally mystified about why she was acting this way, I went back inside. My dad had moved from the kitchen table into the living room and turned on the TV while I was chasing after my mom. He ignored me when I retrieved my phone before going upstairs to my bedroom. My mom had just disssed me like I didn’t matter to her and my dad didn’t care. Worse, I didn’t know what to do about it.

I was doing my best not to cry when the phone downstairs started ringing. Knowing my dad wouldn’t answer it, I stumbled down the steps to pick up the receiver.


“Virginia, my car won’t start and Hank has already left for work. Can you give me a lift to the store?” Mrs. Darcy’s voice came through the phone, she and my mom both worked at the same Bed, Bath & Beyond and were good friends.

“Hi Mrs. Darcy, it’s Crista. Mom’s already gone.” I told her that my mom wasn’t there before an idea hit me. “I can take you if you want, I’m not doing anything rightnow.”

“Can you?” She jumped at my offer. “I’ll pay for the gas.”

“Sure. I can come get you right now if you want.”

“Crista, you’re a lifesaver. Anytime you can get here I’ll be waiting.”

Less than a minute later I was on my way out the door heading for my beat up Corolla. It wasn’t much of a car, but it was reliable. My mom had bought it for me so she wouldn’t have to worry that I’d be stranded somewhere because of a breakdown. Mrs. Darcy’s husband was a mechanic and he did the tune ups and other stuff when it needed repairs and my mom paid him for the work he did. It was a pretty cool arrangement. At least for me.

Rolling up in front of the Darcy’s place, I beeped the horn a couple of times. Immediately, Mrs. Darcy hurried out of her house and opened the car door to get in.

“Thank you Crista, I really appreciate this.” She slammed the door closed and tried to give me a twenty. “For gas.”

“Mrs. Darcy, that’s too much.” I didn’t want to take itEven though twenty bucks would go a long way and I wouldn’t have to bug my mom for money.

“Here.” She thrust it at me again. “A taxi would cost me a fortune so this is cheap in comparison.”

“You’re sure?” I put the Corolla into gear but didn’t take the cash.

“Yes.” She leaned way over and tucked the bill into my T shirt. “I’m already late for work.”

I drove straight to the store and dropped Mrs. Darcy off at the red painted curb out front. After thanking me again, she turned and went inside. Scanning the lot, I spotted an empty parking space and got there before anyone else did. Hustling into the store, I looked around trying to spot my mom. She wasn’t going to be able to run away from me again. Not here.

Mom wasn’t anywhere on the floor that I could see. I didn’t even see Mrs. Darcy. Swiftly walking the main corridor that ran around the perimeter of the store, I made my way to the back thinking that if she wasn’t out front, my mom had to be in the stockroom. Carefully I peeked in between the spring loaded double doors. Throwing a glance over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching, I slipped through the gap and ducked to one side, using the fire extinguisher mounted on the wall neary as partial cover.

Taking a second to get my breath slowed down, I looked around but didn’t see anyone. There were some weak noises coming from somewhere but I couldn’t see anything. Following the noise I worked my way past shelves filled with sheets, towels, toilet scrub brushes and soap dispensers. It was like one of those cornfield mazes back there and I had to keep changing direction all the time to get anywhere. I also couldn’t see beyond a few feet before something blocked my view. The sounds kept getting louder the closer I got until eventually I could tell that whatever was making the noise was right around the corner of several stacks of mattresses all wrapped and sealed in giant plastic bags to keep them clean.

Carefully, I shifted until I could use one eye to see past the mattresses. Nothing but some indistinct shadows on the wall. Moving around the corner of the stack, I again carefully looked around the next corner and couldn’t believe my eyes.

Mrs. Darcy was flat on her back on one of the mattresses that looked just like it was taken from the stacks I was hiding behind. Completely naked except for a pair of black nylon hose, her arms were stretched out over her head by some kind of shadele around her wrists attached to a rope tied to a bolt in the concrete wall of the building. Her legs were spread apart with the same kind of rope and shadele arrangement, one going to another bolt in the wall and the last one to an eyebolt in the leg of one of the metal shelving units. I could see that she had a wad of fabric stuffed into her mouth too. A man stood over her with his back towards me. His body was blocking whatever he was doing so I couldn’t see but whatever it was he was doing, Mrs. Darcy wasn’t struggling or trying to get away from him while he did it.


The noise I’d been hearing was coming from my left so I edged further around the mattress stack for a better look. My mom, MY MOM!, was sitting on what looked like one of those gymnastic things from school. A pommel horse I think is what they’re called but my mind was suddenly blank seeing my mom, naked with her wrists strapped to her ankles with more rope, sitting on something that was making her mistake in what looked like pain. There was a metal chain hanging from one of the ceiling beams that was attached to her necklace, choking her as she drooled past the red ball I could see in her mouth.

As I watched, she groaned and thrust her hips back as her eyes rolled up. Stiffening for a second, I could see her strain then suddenly start jerking and twitching again like she was having a seizure or something. She kept on twitching and drooled some more, the long strings of saliva running down to land on herchest and then dribble further down her stomach. As I watched, she kept on wiggling and squirming, arching her back and making incoherent noises in between gasping for air.

Mrs. Darcy’s voice joined hers before I could think of what to do. Glancing that way I could now see what the man had been doing. He’d attached what looked like a huge vibrator to her leg, the head of it jammed into her crotch, and turned it on. As I watched, Mrs. Darcy lifted her hips and moaned loud enough through the wad of fabric in her mouth that the man clamped his hand over her lips.

“Did I say you could make any noise, bitch?” He bent and hissed the question at her then slapped her across her face.

“Did I?” He asked again with another slap then grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed hard enough I knew it had to hurt.

Dispite the fact that he was causing her pain, Mrs. Darcy didn’t make a sound. Instead she tensed her stomach and pumped her hips a few times as the man continued mauling her boobs until suddenly she went completely rigid and still. She wasn’t even breathing as she tensed and rolled her eyes up, holding the pose for a long moment before collapse cautious back onto the mattress.

That lasted only for a second before she started squirming like my mom was still doing. The only difference was that she wasn’t making any noise. Which means the only sounds I could hear were her Now heavy breathing and my mom’s guttural sounds. Quietly I moved so I could see more. My mom was still riding the pommel horse, more drool running down her stomach as she mumbled and thrashed and panted trying to get enough air to breathe.

The man left Mrs. Darcy to move behind my mom, letting me see his face. It was Mr. Hammond, my mom’s boss. Lifting a whip from the floor Nearby Mr. Hammond slapped it across my mom’s butt leaving a red mark. My mom twitched then moaned again, shoving her crotch harder into the pommel horse and arching her back.

“Good girl.” He hither again with the whip in the same place. The red mark got a little redder. “You like that don’t you?”

My mom jerked her head in a nod and moaned again. A few more slapses later and Mr. Hammond put down the whip. Flipping what looked like a switch on the horse, he grab my mom’s hips and pulled her backwards on the pommel horse until she was at the end of it. Running his hands up and down her body, he pinched and tweaked and stroked her everywhere before reaching between her legs and rubbing. My mom arched her back some more and moaned again.

“Whore.” He whispered in her ear and held something up for her to see. “Dirty little slut. This is what you want, isn’t it?”

When she saw what he held up, my mom tried to shift herself further back on the pommel horse and arch her back Further but the chain to her necklace was too tight. Her face was bright red and I could see all the veins in her neck standing up. Even with being toughed by her necklace she still tried to get further back on the pommel horse.

“Uk ee.” She tried to say something but the ball in her mouth made it incomprehensible to me.

“Fuck you? Is that what you want, whore? You want me to fuck you?”

My mom tried to nod yes but the chain that was choking her prevented it.

“eee…” Gasping for breath, my mom managed to say that much. “Uk ee, a… er. ese.”

“Not yet.” With both hands he pushed whatever he’d been showing my mom between her legs. My mom’s face tensed but she held perfectly still while he did it. Done, he moved my mom forward on the horse until she was in the same spot she’d been in when I first saw her. “Let’s see how many more orgasms you can have with that up your ass. When you’re done I’ll think About letting one of the new guys have you.”

Reaching his hand toward the switch again he paused.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you, cunt? Or maybe you’d enjoy having Jurann between your tights right now. Wouldn’t you? You want him, don’t you? YouIs that what you want? You want his black cock? You want the fat old black man’s cock in your pussy? You want him to cum in you, just like a whore?”

“Ess.” My mom mumbled past the gag in her mouth. “Uk ee, a… er.”

“I’ll think about it.” He flipped the switch and a strong humming sound started up. My mom immediately arched her back and rolled her eyes up again. “If you say it that is. Tell me. Say you love black cock. Say it. Say it when you cum. Say it.”

“Ack ock.” My mom said the words, then started repeating them over and over again as she worked her hips back and forth on the pommel horse. “Ack ock! Ack ock, ack ock, ack ock!”

You’re such a whore.” He grabbed my mom’s breasts and dug his fingernails in, leaning over to whisper in her ear. “Cum. Cum now. Cum!”

On command my mom stiffened and arched as much as she could, then went back to squirming and making those noises again.

“Good girl.” Mr. Hammond slapped her breasts several times, making them as red as her butt. Moving back towards Mrs. Darcy, who was laying on the mattress breathing like she was running a marathon, he ben and turned off the vibrator. It took over a minute before she opened her eyes and looked at him, straining to tilt her hips upward at him.

“Bease.” Mrs. Darcy strained against the ropes holding her as she said the single word through the gag in her mouth. “Bease use e.”

“Tsk, tsk.” He unstrapped the vibrator, pulling it away then setting it on the floor nearby. Kneeling between her legs, he unzipped his pants. “What a cum loving little bitch you are.”

Moving to poise his body over hers, he used one hand to position his dick and slowly sank his weight onto Mrs. Darcy as her eyes opened wider the deeper he went.

“Uuuaahhh.” She groaned when he was all the way inside of her before starting to grunt underneath him as he began pumping. “Uh, uh, uh, uh…”

I looked over at my mom. She was stillriding the pommel horse as Mr. Hammond had sex with Mrs. Darcy. There were sloppy sounds as he kept pumping in and out until he thrust deep and paused for a split second. Mrs. Darcy held perfectly still as he did it before he starting pounding into her really hard. It wasn’t long before he slowed then stopped and pushed himself up before kneeling between her legs again. Grabbing the vibrator off the floor, he Refasted it to her thigh and turned it on. Immediately Mrs. Darcy arched her back and rolled her eyes up.

“Useless bitch.” Mr. Hammond stood up. “You’re not even good enough to clean up your mess afterward.”

I stuffed the heel of my hand into my mouth so I wouldn’t make any noise and, as quietly as I could, moved out of sight back around the mattress stack. Footsteps came my way so I moved further back to a gap between the stacks before pushing my way into it, the plastic making a crinkling sound that I just knew was going to give me away unless I stopped moving completely. Freezing in place while my heart hammered in fear, I could hear the footsteps heading off in a different direction. Sticking my head out from the gap I could see him head towards a small room with the universal sign for bathroom on it, his still half erect dick bobbing with every step. The door closed behind him and I could hear him turn on the faucet.

There wasn’t anything I could do for my mom or Mrs. Darcy. I didn’t know how long their boss would be gone and I needed to leave before he caught me. I didn’t even want to think of what would happen if he did. As fast as I could, without making any more noise than I could prevent, I headed back into the maze of shelves and tried to find my way out of the store room again.


There must have been a shorter way to get out of the back and into the main store. By the time I got to the swinging doors, Mr. Hammond was standing there talking to another man leaning on a broom. Moments later, he leaned the broom against the wall and they both headed towards the back, the second man tugging at his pants as he followed Mr. Hammond.

I needed to leave. I needed to get out of there before someone caught me. But, instead of doing the smart thing, I told myself I was a stupid twit and followed the two men back towards the back of the store while trying to keep my footsteps from being heard. I don’t think it would have mattered if I’d have tripped and knocked over one of the shelves, they were so focused on where they were going and what they were going to do once they got there, they probably wouldn’t have heard me anyway.

Both of them disappeared behind the mattress stack and I crept around the corner again just like I’d done the first time. The two of them walked behind my mom who had stopped making any sound at all, although she still had her eyes rolled up and more drool was making a river down her front and dripping from the bottom edge of the pommel horse.

Shutting off the switch on the side of the pommel horse, Mr. Hammond loosened the chain attached to my mom’s necklace. When the chain was loose the second man pulled her backward towards the edge of the horse. Stepping up on a small wooden box at the end of the horse, he pushed his pants down to his knees. With one hand he pulled out what had been inserted into my mom and held it up. It was a long black dildo with huge ribs spaced along its entire length. How Mr. Hammond had gotten that into my mom without her screaming was beyond me. Yet he had.


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