Voyeur Troll

They had an agreement to meet in the bar. He knew he would be waiting for her, but she didn’t know that he got there 45 minutes early because he was so excited to meet her. Finally, they would meet he thought. Would she be what he thought she would be like, how she described herself? Would this just be a rouse? Would she stand him up? What would she be thinking? How would she smell he wondered?

He looked in the long mirror hanging over the back of the bar. She approached from behind him. She had chosen the place to meet. Everything would be on her terms he knew. My God, she was more beautiful than he could have thought. She had described herself perfectly to him over the phone. She had shiny golden hair, her face was angelic (how could she unleash the demonic anger she had previously described to him?), her legs were long under the black velvet skirt and she wore criminal silettoes to match her blouse and lipstick. Her neck was long and her smile was coy and unassuming.

“I’m Gloria,” she breathed into his face. Yes, Glorious Gloria she was known as by her regulars, those who would seek out her services from the one would make them cower underneath her feet.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, I’m…,” he started to say, but he was stopped by her mid sentence.

“I know, don’t speak, I didn’t give you permission,” she ordered. “I could tell it was you by the hunt in your back, you sit like a troll,” Gloria continued.

“I’ll take a Manhattan,” the woman told the bartender who was standing to assist her with her drink order.

The troll was embarrassed because he was sure the bartender heard her call him a netherworld being. His face flushed and he rubbed his eyes in fluster. He looked up again at her and she was grinning at him with her white teeth sparking.

“Are you embarrassed I called you a troll?” Gloria asked.

The troll nodded and looked down. He was shy and didn’t know how to behave. He grabbed his beer and took a deep swig trying to cool his throat. All of a sudden he was without breath and he could feel his tongue flutter against the roof of his mouth. His lips were sealed, he was parched, he took that long drink to try to settle his nerves. The cool liquid dripped down his throat, he could feel it enter his stomach. He put the glass down on the counter and just turned to gaze at Gloria. She was still smiling.

“How are you?” she inquired.

“I’m really great, really great,” he muttered. Now that she was asking for a reply, he knew he could utter something and that’s all that came out.

“Well, I am really great as well,” exclaimed Gloria. She had sized him up. He was harmless.

“Would you like to go to my room?” I am up on the 21st floor.

“Yes, I would,” muffled the troll.

“Let’s take our drinks then and skedaddle,” demanded Gloria.

He slide off his bar stool like a warm lizard in the sun, completely mesmerized by Gloria. She led the way to the elevators and she pushed the button with her red manicured nails. Her rings reflecting in the mirrors around the elevators, he could tell she was any man’s dream. He walked sheepishly into the elevator. She stood on one side and he on the other. She watched the numbers as they were pronounced, floor by floor. Finally the doors opened on the 21st floor, neither had said any words. It seemed like eternity for the troll. Finally Gloria walked out the doors and made a sharp left and led the way down to her room. Lucky 2121 was her room. She opened the door and let him into her room and she followed.

Her room smelled of perfume, her liquor was out on the bar along with a bucket of ice. Her “toys” her laid out on one of the beds, evenly and precisely. He looked at them and then at her. She was making herself a cocktail as she had finished her Manhattan in the elevator.

“Would you like another beer?” she asked.

“Yes, please.” muttered the troll.

The refrigerator was opened and she reachesd inside for a Budwiser and tossed it to him.

“Shit” he thought, now it’s going to fizz when I open it. He muttered in his mind as he was worried about spilling the liquid on the carpet.

“Open it, it doesn’t matter if it sputters on the carpet,” Gloria pronounced, like she could read his mind at that moment.

He popped the top and it fizzed and sputtered as he had thought, and his Surprised look made Gloria laugh out loud. She was happy he was flustered she was thinking, that’s a good sign she knew.

“So, what is that you want?” Gloria inquired.

The troll looked her straight in the eye at that moment and said, “I want to sit with you, let’s just sit.”

“Okay little troll,” Gloria replied.

“Sit then,” and pointed to one of the chairs in the room and she picked up a pair of long black velvet gloves.

She pulled up another chair straight across from him and sat down. She immediately took both feet and propped them up on his leg and crossed themas if he were a stool and they belong there to rest.

“Are you comfortable, Gloria?” the troll asked quietly.

“Yes, are you?” she replied.

“Very, if you are,” he mentioned. Actually he was in heaven, her crisis heels on his spindly leg, he tried to not move lest he find the feet falling down to the side and upsetting Gloria.

“So, do you have anything you want to talk about now that we are sitting?” asked Gloria while she started putting on the gloves.

“Well, yes, I looked at your site and was wondering if you would allow me to be your subject for a short time?” he asked with hesitancy.

“Yes, we already agreed to that before, don’t you remember?” she coyly asked.

“Yes, but I wanted to make sure,” added the troll.

“Okay, troll, assume your position then,” ordered Gloria. She wasted no time. She swung her legs and pivoted in her chair and jumped up like a spring.

The troll unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to his knees. He leaned over his chair that he had been sitting in. He opened his legs to steady himself and bent over more so he was at a 90-degree angle.

Gloria went to get her small feather duster and began gently wiping it along his back and down to his buttons, down to his thighs and then back up the same way it had come down so it went back up to his shoulders. Gloria went to the other side and did the same thing, starting at the shoulders, She wiped the gentle feathers along his skin from up to down and then back up again to his shoulders. She wiped his head with the feathers and touched his ears and it ticked.

Immediately after the tickling, Gloria had in her hand her leather horse crop and slide it down his thighs down to the back of his knees. She touched the other thigh and took the crop down to his other knee. The troll was starting to relax with the sensitivity of the touch, he bent his knees in weakness. That’s when he feel the sharp sting of the crop against his buttock, it stungsharply and made him straighten his knees again. He breathed out as gasp. “Whack”, against his other ass cheek, he immediately felt Gloria’s velvet hand on his skin, pressing in where it had hit, she grinned as she saw the goosebumps raise to beat the air with their hair tips. Several more firm hits and then the troll felt something he hadn’t expected. Gloria had his balls in her hand. She was flinging the crop against his inner thigh, he could feel his penis harden with her touch, he couldn’t help it. The troll was seriously embarrassed, Gloria rolled his testicles in her hand like marbles and hit the other thigh as he felt her step to the other side of his body. She let go of his family jewels and she struck once more on the trolls inner thigh.

“How are you doing troll?” asked Gloria of the troll.

“Fine thank you. I would like more,” he stuttered.

“Good, I’ll keep going then,” pronounced Gloria.

After checking in on the troll, Gloria knew it was OK to continue on. She took her Silver handled flogger, made especially for her and drug the falls along the trolls leg from the knee to the thigh and over the bent angle of the ass and up to the shoulders. She allowed the troll to smell the elk leather as she draped the flogger over his head and down his back with a slight rhythmic movement, which would lead into the tool being carried over her shoulder and down on his in a thuddy “Foomph” sound. She turned she was directly behind him and pivoted in her crimson heels to hit the opposite shoulder, “Foomph” came down the flogger. Now to the ass and thighs, she turned to swing the elk skin to the troll’s thigh skin on one side and then the other, whap, whap, the skin was starting to turn a soft pink color, which brought a smile to Gloria’s face.

She placed her hands on these warm spots and the coolness of her velvet glove felt good to the troll, again Gloria could feel the goosebumps starting to raise up, but she left her hands on his ass cheeks to temperature the heat that had warmed the flesh.

The trolls balls Gloria could see hanging down between his thighs and so her hands went down to the tightened sac and clutched the skin that had drawn up to the body during this experience. Gloria could feel the tests move independently as her velvet hands continued to massage the rolling dice.

At that moment, the knock on the door was an unwelcome interruption to the troll…his pants were down, was Gloria going to open the door with him like this? He became flustered and red in the face and stood up from his bent position. All was amiss he thought. Why did this happen? Had she ordered room service? This was ridiculousness. The troll pulled up his pants and started to button them.

Gloria left her stated swatting position and went to the door and looked through the peephole, she jumped up in the air for joy with glee and said, “He’s here!” The troll knew nothing about what she was referring to, there wasn’t supposedto be anyone coming…in his mind.

She opened the door and a very large, weight-lifting-type person walked into the room towards the troll. The man’s eyes were downcast and he never made eye contact with Gloria. She closed the door behind him. He went to the chair and started to remove his clothes. He folded each piece neighborly on the chair he stood next to and then knelt on the floor on his knees with the soles of his feet Touching his ass, still looking down, and placed the back of his palms on top of his bent knees. He knew what to do as he was one of Gloria’s regulars.

Gloria remarked, “There, there, good subject, perfect position you take. What is it that you came here looking for?”

“To be disciplined by you, Glorious Gloria,” replied the burly dude.

“Well, I think we can accommodate this task,” whispered Gloria, “Come, take your appointed position.”

The troll keep looking at this scene as if he wasn’t in the room, as if he were peeping through the peephole into a scene that wasn’t meant to take place. It was his turn, he thought. Yes, it was his turn, to just watch now.

So, the burly man got up from his kneeing position and kept his eyes down the entire time. He went to stand by the neary wall in back of where Gloria was standing. The man raised his arms and placed them in front of him. Gloria had, at that same time, grasped some white rope that was on the neary table and wrapped it so quickly around the each wrist, one at a time, and when she was done, the man grasped the ends of the rope in his palms so it would not drop. He then turned to face the wall. The troll had not noticed this before, but there were circles sticking out from the wall. Gloria took the ends of the rope and one hand at a time put the ends of the rope through the circles and tied the rope taut. The man now had his arms up in the air so his palms could grap the rope in his palms and hold on it before it went into the circles. His nakedness was free and open to the air. His chiseled ass, wow, those were chiseled toned ass cheats, not at all like the troll’s.

So, at this moment, the troll watched the actions taking place before him. Gloria finally looked at the troll and said, “Sit down and watch, this should be fun for you.” The troll did as he was told.

Gloria then went to grab her horse crop off the bed where it had been placed after striking the troll. Gloria took it to the man and ran the leather up and down his shoulders, to the back of his spine and finally it laid still on his butt. A gentle tapping ensured on the left cheek, then the right cheek. The tapping became harder and harder and so the troll could see the skin becoming tense. The tapping quickly became swatting and then quick flicks of the horse crop came with brisk blows on each side. Gloria had previously taken off her velvet gloves while the man had disrobed and at this time, placed her bare hand on the man’s skin where it had started to become reddened. Gloria laughed, and cajoled, “your skin is warm, what do you, say to that?”

Finally the man had been asked a question and was able to speak, “may I have more?” was all standing man questioned.

“Of course you can,” stated Gloria in a laughing voice, “Let’s cool you down.”

Gloria went to the refrigerator and removed a cold pancake spatula. She brought it over the standing man. She brought the spatula up to standing man’s skin and the coldness of the metal felt good to the man. She took it away and brought it up again in a full swat against his skin. The holes in the spatula made white imprints against the redness of the man’s skin. Several times this occurred and the swiftness became more and more fierce each time the swat occurred.

Gloria placed the spatula down on the table and picked up her long black flogger. The tails were at least 18 inches long. She raised her hand behind her gripping the flogger and brought it down on the man’s shoulders, left, right, left, right many times, the rapidness of the blows made the trolls eyes widen as each time Gloria turned her burgundy heels on the carpet to coincide with the angle of the swift hit. She was dancing by herself, her feet were turning to the left, to the right, to the right, to the right, then she took 2 steps back and brought the flogger down to the man’s right side hip and as she angled just right, the tips of her heels would lift up so she could pivot on the toes of her shoes and switch angles so she could hit the left side of the ass cheek and hip and then the right side. This lasted for a good minute. Then Gloria stopped. She watched the skin turn redder and redder upon her gaze and she smiled.

“Now, do you want the real McCoy?” Gloria questioned the man.

“Yes, please, that is what I came here for,” stated the man firmly.

With this, Gloria’s burgundy heels walked over to the a black bag behind her on the floor, opened it and withdraw the shiniest, black leather whip.The braided handle was small and then the leather tapered even smaller until there was just a tiny tail of leather at the end.

Gloria took her Stance as the man braced himself against the wall. He spread his feet wider to meet the angles of his raised arms. Gloria spread her crisis heels and took the flick of the whip and met the man’s flesh on the center of his back. The whip retracted and Gloria flicked it again, this time against the man’s left Shoulder. Fine red marks were raising the skin with each landing. The shoes were now doing a different dance. Gloria had her legs together with the shoes aligned in precision twin positons next to each other as she turned to pivot on the soles of the shoes with the heels raised up in the air. She flung the whip down on the man’s right shoulder, not once, but 3 times in a row. She took a step to the right side as the man adjusted his Stance as he knew she would even out the blows and she would now strike the left shoulder, and thus she did, 3 times in a row.

As Gloria’s left hand took the tip of the whip, her blue eyes looked down at the man’s ass and aimed carefully. She took the right hand to her left side stretched the leather out straight and flung this lettering go of the tip so it hit squarely on the man’s ass cheek, hard. She returned this motion 3 times. The skin was getting red, beet red by now. By a surprise, Gloria pivoted right and flung back the leather behind her and struck the man’s right thigh, only 2 times.

By now, the skin had red lines by the plenty all over his muscular frame. Gloria was smiling and stepped up to the man and pulled on one end of the rope cuff and untied the man’s wrist from the circle link. She then reached over to the left side and again in the same manner, freed the man from his cuff. He looked down to the floor.

“You are free to speak, man,” excerpted Gloria.

“Thank you Glorious Gloria,” responded the man.

“Get dressed and leave now,” ordered Gloria.

The man went to his neighborly folded clothes and began to dress. Gloria turned to the troll and said, “You leave with him. You are free to speak.”

“Thank you Glorious Gloria,” mumbled the troll. He was disappointed. He hadn’t wanted to watch, he had wanted more of Gloria’s “touch.” “I’ll just call her again,” thought the troll.

The man and the troll watched the floor as they walked with their head’s down to the door. They walked out without saying another word.

When they got outside, the troll turned to the right, straight back to the elevators and the man turned to the left. They had said nothing to each other, yet knew they had experienced a wonderful event. The troll was mesmerized with his visions of the event and the man’s penis was beginning to get hard as he walked down the hall. He had his wishes fulfilled. He had a scene with the Glorious Gloria and he was happy.


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