Vortex of Desire Ch. 03

Dana heard her key in the lock and opened the door, fully expecting Jade to be alone, so she could chide her. Instead, she was surprised to see a handsome stranger with her friend.

“There you are! I’ve been worried sick! I – ” Dana looked up, and saw Steven with his hand lightly touching the small of Jade’s back. “Hello, who are you?” she asked Steven curiously, looking at him, then Jade, and then back at him again.

“Jade,” Steven gently prompted, his lips near her ear, his voice calm but amused. “Would you like to introduce us?”

“Yes of course! Sorry, Steven,” she apologized, laughing at her momentary delay of courtesy. “Steven, this is Dana, my roommate and occasional housemother,” she giggled. “Dana, this is Steven.”

Steven reached out and warmly shook Dana’s hand, a friendly grin on his face. ‘Acting on auto-response, Dana reciprocated, as she wasn’t quite sure what to make of him. Jade then took Steven’s hand and led him into the apartment.

“I’m sorry I made you worry, Dana,” Jade smiled apologetically, hugging her. “I would have called you last night but I was uh… occurred.”

Dana raised an eyebrow and glanced at Steven. “Uh-huh, I bet you were.”

“I would like to apologize too, Dana. I’m afraid I was partly responsible for Jade not calling you last night,” Steven said, noticing the look Dana gave him. Turning to Jade, he suggested calmly, “Maybe you should go change now, precise?”

Jade nodded, squeezed her roommate’s hand reassuringly, and then made her way to her room, leaving Steven and Dana alone.

“You guys are leaving again? Where are you taking her?” Dana asked, looking at Jade’s retreating figure, then back at Steven.

“I’m taking her out to brunch, Dana. We… ” and he placed quiet emphasis on the word ‘we’. “We haven’t eaten anything since last night and quite frankly, I’m familiarized,” Steven explained with a grin.

“I see,” Dana replied. “Huh. Well excuse me if I seem rude, Steven, butI feel as if everything is speeding by me and I’m left standing here in the dust. It’s just that my room left home last night to go to a party, and she seems to have gained a boyfriend overnight, which is so unlike her, to put it mildly.”

“Rest assured I can understand your confusion, Dana,” Steven nodded understoodly. “I guess we hit it off right off the bat. Jade is a lovely woman, and I wouldn’t let anything happen to her, not if I can help it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go see if I can help her.”

Dana shrugged. “Go ahead.” She started after him in wonder, partly understanding why her friend was drawn to him. He had a certain magnetic charm and quiet self-assurance that was very attractive, and he was so unlike the other men that Jade dated in the past. As a matter of fact, she had never seen Jade defer to a man like she did to Steven. It was very curious indeed.

Steven walked into Jade’s bedroom and closed the door. He saw her standing in front ofher wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. He came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her neck. Then, moving around her, he casually flipped through her outfits.

“Sir,” she gently protected, laughing softly.

“What, precious?” Steven asked, turning around to look at her. “I’ve been inside you… and now you object to me being inside your wardrobe?” He chuckled when he saw her blush a gorgeous shade of pink at his direct remark.

“No, of course not, Sir,” she replied. “I just wasn’t sure what to pick for the day, that’s all.”

Steven’s keen eye caught sight of an outfit he liked. It was a creamy peach colored dress made of soft, cotton-like material. He pulled it out and held it against her, and smiled when he saw that it was the perfect length for what he had in mind for her. “Wear this, little one,” he said, handing her the dress, then added, “Without underwear.”

“Sir?” Jade asked, not quite sure she heard him correctly. “Withoutunderwear?”

“Yes,” he smiled, kissing her lips. “Now change.” He sat on the edge of her bed and looked at her expected.

Jade slipped out of her red dress and underwear, then put on the peach dress. Steven noted that it fell down to the area around her mid-thigh, and she looked ravishing in it. She nervously smoothed down the dress, feeling a little vulnerable. She heard Steven chuckle. “May I ask why I’m not allowed underwear, Sir?”

“You’ll find out in a bit,” he smiled as he stood up. Taking her hand in his, he led her out of her room. “Time for brunch, pet!”

Walking out to the living room, Jade went over and gave Dana another hug before she left. “I’ll catch you later, Dana.”

“All right, sweetie. Take care and… ” Dana whispered, squeeze Jade’s hand. “Call me if you need me.”

“I will,” Jade smiled. “Thanks.”

Walking down the stairs, Steven leaned over and whispered in Jade’s ear. “I don’t think Dana likes me much.”

“Oh gives her time, Sir. She just needs to get to know you. She’s always looked out for me. She’s a very good friend, really,” Jade replied.

“I’m sure she is, precise,” he said, letting his hand wander to her fanny and giving it a quick pinch. He laughed when she let out a surprised yelp.

# # #

At the restaurant, where they sat side-by-side at a booth, they talked, shared, and got to know each other better. Steven was generally interested in whatever she had to say, and quietly kept the conversation going with his keen, perceptive questions. He found her intelligent and fascinating, and the more they talked, the more she intrigued him.

After they placed their order, while they were still talking, he reached under the table and she felt his hand moving up her dress. She tried to stop his advance by placing her hand over his and gently pushing it away.

“Sir,” she protested, nervously giggling and glancing around at the other patrons of the restaurant to see if anyone waslooking.

Casually sipping from his glass of wine he asked, “Sir what?” with a serious expression, while his other hand found its way up her skirt again.

Jade tried to pull her dress down to her knees. He noticed a blush spreading across her lovely face when he looked at her, his eyes smiling, although his expression was still serious. Still, he persisted till his fingers felt her warm, musky wetness. He heard her let out a soft gasp, and felt her quivering under his touch.

“Sir, please… ” she tried to protest again, although with much less resistance this time. “Someone might see.”

Steven set his glass down, brought his lips close to her ear and asked, “So what if they do, hmm? Is this embarrassing you? Tell me.” His thumb lightly brushed her clip, and her immediate reaction made him smile.

Lowering her head, she nodded slowly. “It is, Sir.” Another shiver ripped through her body when she felt him thumbing her clip more inevitably. “Please… oh god!” She closed her eyes, gripping the table, moaning softly. “Not here, Sir, please?”

“Why not?” came his simple question. He saw that she was blushing even more furiously now. He chuckled inside at her disappoint while his expression remained impassive.

“Because I know the people at the other table, Sir. The ones by the window,” she whispered. “Please Sir… I’ll do anything else you want. Just not here?”

Steven leaned over again, his voice soft. “Anything I want? Are you sure?” he asked, looking intently into her eyes. He saw her eager nod, and brushed her clip one last time before he withdraw his hand. “Very well then. I’ll hold you at your word. You’ll have to comply with my next request though.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she replied, grateful and relieved.

“Don’t thank me till you find out what it is, pet,” he said, his lips curled up in a soft smile. “All I ask is that you remember your promise.”

Jade looked at him, but he was giving nothing away with his expression. “I’ll remember, Sir,” she said, wondering what he had in store for her.

Just then, the waitress arrived with their food. Steven thanked her, then turned to Jade and said, “Well eat up, precise. I don’t know about you, but I’m starved,” he grinned, giving her a quick peck on her cheek before starting on his food.

# # # #

After brunch, they took a walk hand-in-hand around the area, and talked some more. Before long, they ended up in front of a cinema. Jade caught sight of one of the movie posters and commented, “Oh I’ve heard that’s a good movie!”

“Really? Let’s go watch it then,” Steven smiled, looking at his watch. “According to the time, showtime started about 10 minutes ago, but they might still be showing the previews and the commercials.” Before she could say another word, he was already at the box office purchasing their tickets. He took her hand, kissed her on her lips and led the way. “Would you like popcorn and soda?”

“OK,” she laughed, and waited while he purchased them. “This is so spur-of-the-moment, Sir!”

“Sometimes, it’s the only way to live, precise,” he chuckled, handing her the popcorn. “Come on, it’s hall number 3. This way,” he said, nodding in the general direction.

The movie hall was pitch black when they walked through the door. Standing by the side till their eyes grew accustomed to the dark, Steven spotted a place for them, took her hand, and guided her there. It was the very last row, and they sat down.

“Is this OK, precise?” he whispered.

“Yes Sir, it’s just fine,” she whispered back.

“Then move closer,” he said, as he placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. Jade happily settled next to him, breathing in and getting lost in the scent of his manly, musky Aftershave.

About half an hour into the movie, she felt Steven’s lips brush her ear. She had come to love it. It was such a sexy gesture that made her go weak in the knees and her heart beat faster.

“Precious?” she heard him whisper.

“Yes Sir?”

“Remember your promise in the restaurant?”

Jade felt his warm breath on her ear and her neck, and shivered in anticipation. “I do, Sir.”

“I want you… to make love to me… right here, right now,” he said, gently nibbling on her ear.

“Here? Now, Sir?” she asked, her eyes wide at his request.

Steven removed his arm from around her, pulled the armsrests of their seats back so they retracted, immediately making room. “Yes. Here and now.” He felt her hesitate, and asked, “Are you going back on your word, pet?”

Jade swallowed and shook her head. “No Sir. I will do as you’ve asked.”

“Good,” he said, guiding her hand to his zipper so she could feel the bulge in his pants. “I’m waiting, precise.”

Pulling his zipper down slowly, she then unbuttoned his pants, pulled down his underwear and held his rock hard shake in her hand. She looked around, but everyone else was busy watching the moviee, and they were the only ones on the last row.

“I’m not sure how to do this,” she giggled nervously. Thank goodness the movie hall was dark, so he couldn’t see how red her face was.

“Straddle me, of course, like you did this morning in the basement,” he replied, patting his lap. He moved a little to the side so her knees could rest on either side without falling through the gap in-between the seats. “Be as quiet as you can though. You wouldn’t want anyone to turn around and look now, would you?”

Shaking her head, she replied, “No Sir, I wouldn’t.” Carefully, and quietly, she straddled him. Then with one hand; she reached down to guide his shake so it was right at her entrance. Then, she did something he didn’t quite expect. She sat down on him, taking his entire length inside her in one quick move. Steven stifled a groan, feeling himself instantly buried in her warmth and wetness.

“Oh Jade…” he whispered, his breathing ragged. His hands reachd out to squeeze her breasts under her dress.

Jade moved her body close to him. He buried his face into her, feeling himself lost, spiraling down the vortex that was Jade. Still, she moved up and down his shake, long, slow, sensitive movements, pulling him deeper into her. She felt her body headed towards release, and when it did, she moved closer so that he could wrap his arms around her and feel her body shudder.

When that wave was over, she continued riding him. She felt her inhibitions melt away the more she got into it. Bending down to kiss him, she also nibbled on his ear. Steven caresed her face, loving every minute of it.

“You’re so beautiful, Jade,” he surprised, reaching down to play with her clip.

“I’m happy you think so, Sir,” she smiled, then closed her eyes as she felt another orgasm coming on.

“Let it ride, precise… that’s it,” he gently encouraged her. He felt her body quiver and shake with the intensity of her orgasm as she brought her face closer to his so they could kiss. He felt his own balls tightening, and knew it was a matter of time before he came. He moved his hips up to meet her downward thrusts, his hands firmly gripping her waist.

Jade noted the change in the way Steven breathed, and knew he was close. She gripped the back of his seat, her desire and excitement reaching their fevered pitch. Then it happened. She heard him stifle another groan, as he explored inside her. She felt him throbbing, shooting more of his seed, emptying everything he had into her aching depths.

Quietly collapse against him, she felt his arms wrapped lovingly around her body. After awhile, she slip off him and onto the seat next to him, and slowly returned back to reality. She sat up in her seat and held her knees together, blushing at what they’d just done.

“Popcorn, little one?” Steven asked, placing the bag in front of her, his tone a tad too nonchalant. His zipper was already back up, and his eyes were locked on hers. He leaned over, kissed the area on her neck behind her ear, and whispered, “You were perfect, my precious. You thrill and please me to no end. You know what else?”

“What, Sir?” she asked, his praise sending pleasure chills up and down her spine.

“I’m claiming you as my very own. You’re mine now, and anyone who touches you is answerable to me. Do you understand what I’m saying, Jade?” he asked, kissing her soft lips.

“Yes Sir,” replied Jade, snuggling close to him, her heart thumbing in her ears at what he just said. “I understand.”


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