Steven woman up early the following morning, pleasantly surprised to find Jade and him facing each other, arms and legs locked, in a very comfortable embrace. He heard her breathing softly against his chest, a slight smile touching her lips, as if she were in a happy dream. He leaned forward ever so slightly so he could kiss her forehead. She looked so sweet and innocent in the morning light, but he knew better. From the taste he had of her last night, he knew she could be a wanton hussy… his wanton hussy, if she wanted to be. Just from that little taste alone, he knew that he wanted her for himself.
Caressing her cheek tenderly, he remembered how she actually begged him to stop last night. He smiled, knowing she’d do a 180-degree turn soon enough and beg him for more. He had a feeling that she would be a delight to train, to guide with a firm yet gentle hand, to mold her to his needs.
Slowly and carefully, so as not to disturb her sleep, he untangled himself from her embrace and left the bed. He headed towards the bathroom, brushed his teeth, splashed cold water on his face, then wiped his face with a soft towel. He needed to think, and his early morning workouts were an ideal time for that. Pauling at the side of the bed, he gazed down at her sleeping form and smiled. He then made his way quietly towards the basement, which doubled as his gym and ‘Playroom’, and hoped on his treadmill to warm up.
Thoughts of Jade occurred his mind. She was beautiful, exclusive and even thinking about her stirred his growing appealite and desire for her. He remembered all too well the way she tasted, how her kisses incited his passages, and how good it felt to be inside her. God he wanted her. He couldn’t remember the last time he wanted anyone like this, but he’d be a fool to let her go.
Jade, whom he suspected had barely seen her 21st birthday, most probably inexperienced in the Dom/sub lifestyle. If so, he would have to go by instinct, play by ear, teach her his ways gradually, yet be firm, and not scare her away. He was interested in seeing how far he could push her, and the extent to which she would go to please him. He also sensed a little of the untamed in her, a quality he actually liked, so he would have to be careful not to break her spirit while bending her to his will. Yes, he smiled to himself. She would indeed present a unique challenge to him.
While Steven was in the basement working out and thinking about her, Jade woke up to find herself alone in his bed. She looked around, disoriented at first, wondering where she was. Then she remembered last night, and smiled as the memories came flooding back to her. Steven. The very thought of him sent a very pleasant shiver up and down her spine. She remembered the cascade of orgasms he so easily brought Her to, wave after pleasure wave until she thought she wouldn’t be able to take anymore. Her face flushed with the memory and she wondered what else he was capable of.
Jade throw the covers off her and swung her legs over the edge. She felt the plus bedroom carpet under her feet for the first time, since Steven had carried her from downstairs to the bedroom last night on his broad shoulders. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she looked around, unsure of what to do next. Her clothes were still downstairs, and poorly Dana, her roommate and friend, must be worried about her. She got off the bed, spotted a T-shirt of Steven’s that he’d drawn over his easy chair, so she went over and put it on. She looked around for a bedroom phone but found none. Apparently, Steven saw his bedroom as his sanctuary and didn’t like to be disturbed, especially when he was busy. She blushed at the thought, then quietly made her way downstairs, fully expecting to see him, but wasn’t quite sure how he’d react to her in the light of day.
Looking around the house, she didn’t see him, but she heard activity going on in the basement. She saw her red dress, neighbory drawn over the wicker loveseat, her evening bag lying on her dress, and her shoes on the floor. She saw the cordless phone sitting on the glass-topped wicker coffee table and dialed the number to her apartment. Dana answered on the first ring, demanded to know where she was, that she about ready to call missing persons if she hadn’t called. Jade managed to reassure her that she was safe, not to worry, and that she’d be home soon, before hanging up.
The basement door was slightly ajar, and she could still hear activity going on down there. Trembling slightly with anticipation and uncertainty, she gently pushed the door open and made her way down the stairs. Steven was working out on his rowing machine and for the longest moment, her eyes were transfixed on him. Aside from his gym shorts, he had nothing else on. She had already seen him in the nude last night, but still, she couldn’t help admiring the way his body looked in movement. He wasn’t overly muscular like a bodybuilder,but apparently he worked out often enough that he was fit and toned, and sufficiently muscular.
Steven ceased his workout on the rowing machine when he spied Jade out of the corner of his eye. Smiling broadly, he beckoned her over. “Come. Straddle my lap, Jade,” he softly said, patting his lap with his palms. His heart skipped a beat when he noticed that she was wearing his T-shirt. It was big enough that it flowed down to her mid-thigh, just coyly covering up the treasure between her legs he so hotly craved. He could see the outline of her ample breasts and nicely rounded fanny under his T-shirt that led to her shaped legs. She was built for pleasure, and he could feel his arousal betraying his outward calmness and control. She seemed so shy and vulnerable as she slowly made her way to him and sat on his lap, her feet together on the floor.
“No,” he said gently but firmly. “I said straddle my lap, Jade.” She quickly and obediently compiled, which pleased him. “Good girl,” he smiled, feeling her warm motivationalness there.
Feeling Steven’s gentle care on her face, Jade kissed the palm of his hand and whispered, “Hi. I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your T-shirt.”
“Not at all,” he murmured. “You look absolutely scrumptious in it.” His hand wandered down to her clip, and thumbed it rationally, causing delicious jolts throughout her body.
“Oh god…” she moaned, eyes closed, soft gasps of pleasure escaping her throat.
“Mmmmm you like that don’t you, little one?” he purred, sliding his middle finger inside her sweet slipness, feeling her body shiver when he did so. He stroked her for awhile but before she could satisfy peak, he withdraw his finger and thumb, leaving her adrift. She groaned, wanting more, but Steven silenced her by placing his finger on her lips. He grinned when she licked her juices off his fingers without him asking. “We need to talk, little one,” he said.
“OK,” she said, quiet and attentionive, her flushed cheats an indication of her state of arousal.
“As I mentioned last night, I would very much like to see more of you, Jade,” he began. “I would like to take you under my wing, to make you my submissive, if you agree to let me, I will love, nurse, protect and guide you. Understand it’s entirely up to you though. You’re free to say no, return to your life, and live as Though we’ve never met. On the other hand, if you feel as I do, we can carry on.”
Jade gazed into Steven’s light green eyes and saw tenderness and affect there. She bowed her head and blushed. Yes, she wanted Steven as much as he wanted her. Even his mere touch drive her wild, as evidenced just now when he was playing with her clip. She sensed a certain power about him. Not physical power, although he certainly didn’t lack it but rather, in the way his mind worked and the way he carried himself. It was a measure of self-assuredness that she found intotoxicating, a quality she could lose herself in. It thrilled her to know that he wanted her and she wanted very much to surrender herself to his will. She had never met anyone like him, and doubted she ever would again.
“I would like that, Steven,” she replied with a slight quiver in her voice. She saw that the smile on his face lit up not only his face but also his eyes. She leaned forward to embrace him when he pulled her close.
“Wonderful,” he said, breathing more easily now. “Absolutely wonderful. One thing though, little one.”
“Yes Steven?”
“You may address me as Steven when we’re among other people, but you are to refer to me as either Master or Sir when we’re alone. Understood?”
“Yes Sir.”
“And if you speak to me in anything but a respectful tone, disobey me, or misbehave, rest assured I’ll discipline you. You won’t know when, or what I’ll do, but I will act on it. Understood?”
“Yes Sir.”
Steven smiled in satisfaction. He reached under her T-shirt, and flicked her hard nipples with histhumbs. Seeing the expression of delight on her face, he kneaded her breasts, gently at first, then increased the pressure so it almost hurt, but not much. Jade meanwhile was slowly gyrating her hips, spreading her wetness all over his lap, making him hard.
Summoning all his control, he said in a firm tone, “Enough, little one. We’ll have time for that later. Head upstairs and shower. You can use Any of the towels that are folded on the rack. Look through the drawers in the bathroom, there should be a new toothbrush you can use. We’ll stop by your place, then have breakfast and spend the day together.”
Jade whimpered in protest, but saw the expression on Steven’s face and compiled. “Yes Sir,” she whispered, and made her way back upstairs.
Steven watched her leave, observing the way her luscious body looked and moved in his T-shirt. He let his breath out slowly and softly chuckled to himself. She was going to be a challenge indeed, and he looked forward to it.
OnHer way upstairs, Jade lifted her dress up from the loveseat. When she returned to the bedroom, she pulled the T-shirt off and walked towards the bathroom. She saw the fresh towels on the rack as Steven mentioned and started searching the drawers for a toothbrush. She found one and used it to brush her teeth. When she was done, she slide the shower door open, stepped in, shut it and adjusted the water temperature before Letting it hit her face. She immediately relaxed and let out a happy sight, unaware that Steven was watching her from the bathroom door.
Steven peeled off his gym shorts, slide the shower door open, got in there with her and starting kissing Jade’s neck. His arms reached around her and caressed her wet body with his hands. Hearing her moan, he took the bar of soap from her hands and applied it all over her body. He kissed and nibbled her ears and neck, while she leaned back and rubbed her body against his like a cat. His soapy hand lingered on her breasts, slid downto her flat stomach, then headed towards her little nub. A long, heavy sight escaped her lips, and he spoke in her ear, “Don’t climax until I say you can.”
Groaning, she nevertheless nodded her head in acquisitionscence. “It’s going to be difficult, Sir,” she moaned.
“Don’t,” he warned, his voice soft. “Not until I say you can, little one. Disobey me and suffer the consequences.”
“Yes Sir,” she nodded, leaning forward till both her hands were against the wall. She felt Steven’s soapy hand leaves her clip and head towards her derriere. He slide his hand down her crack while his lips lavished kisses on her shoulder and her back. Moving back to her clip, he teased and played with it, while she tried very hard not to peak.
“Very good, little one,” Steven turned her around and kissed her fully on her lips. “Now, soap me up, please. All over, and don’t miss an inch.”
“I won’t Sir.” Jade took the soap from his hands and applied it on his body, loving the feel of his bodyy under her hands. Her clip was still buzzing, and another touch might send her over the edge, but she tried not to think about it. When she was done soaping his back, Steven turned around so she could do the same to his front. Her hands worked in a circular motion, starting from his shoulders, down to his chest, and his taut stomach muscles.
Steven smiled when he noticed her pausing at his stiffness, a look of desire in her eyes. “I said every inch, little one. Don’t stop.”
“With pleasure, Sir,” she beamed, her soapy hands wrapped around his rod. She heard him moan softly at her touch, his eyes half closed. Soaping up her hands, she extended her touch to his balls, even reaching behind, all the way up his crack. Her hands returned to his stiff rod, and this time his eyes were open, watching her as she masturbated him.
“Mmmm… you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he asked, smiling when she nodded. Without warning, his fingers flew to her clip. “Keep stroke me pet, but don’t peak yourself.”
Jade groaned once again. She didn’t think she could hold back much longer. She needed release, and soon. “Please Sir… I need to cum. I really do.”
Steven kissed her neck and said in her ear. “How badly do you need it little one? Tell me.”
“Really badly. I’m almost over the edge. Please, please, please allow me, Sir,” she moaned, barely able to speak.
“Really now? And what are you willing to do if I allow you your orgasm?” Two of his fingers slide into her, stroking her slowly, as he awaited her answer.
“Oh god… anything! I’ll do anything you ask, Sir! Please, oh please…” she pleased.
Turning off the water, Steven nuzzled her neck and said, “Go dry yourself, and wait for me on the bed,” he instructed. “Don’t play with yourself.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Jade said gratefully. She grabbed a towel from the rack and dried herself. Moving from the steamy confines of the shower to the coolness of the bedroom made the skin over her already hard nipples tighter. She dried her hair with the towel as best as she could and waited for him on the bed.
Steven turned the water back on and washed away the last of the soapy residue on his skin. When he was done he turned the water off, stepped out of the shower, and grabbed his towel to dry himself off. He walked into the bedroom and saw Jade lying on the bed, looking utterly delectable. He fluffed his hair with the towel then tossed it onto the easy chair.
Sliding on the bed next to her, his lips met hers in a long, lingering kiss. Little noises escaped her throat and she wrapped her arms around his neck. His lips wandered down to her breasts, licking and sucking everywhere but her hardened nipples. It was exhaust torture and he knew it, especially from her moans.
“Are you ready, little one?” he asked, trailing little kisses all over her face.
“Yes, Sir I am,” Jade anxiously whispered.
In response, Steven raised her legs, placed them on his supposed, and entered her. A loud gasp of delight from Jade made him smile. He started with slow, rhythmic strokes and watched the expressions of pleasure flit across her face.
“Ooh yes, yes, yes…” Jade moaned as she arched her back. “Please Sir, may I?”
“Yes, sweet one, you may seek your release,” he replied, grinding into her hard. He felt her body shudder almost Immediately, the first of several orgasms. He leaned forward till her legs touched her body, and continued making love to her that way.
Another shudder rocked Jade’s body, followed closely by another, till it was apparent that she was riding the wave. Her eyes were closed, honeyed lips parted, her hands on her sides clutching the bedsheets, unaware of anything else but Steven and what he was doing to her.
Steven pulled away from her warmth and patted her fanny, his voice thick with desire. “Turn around and get on all fours, little one.”
Jade eagerly compiled. She turned around, head resting on her crossed forearms on the bed, sticking her delicious, tempting fanny up in the air. She wriggled it mischievously, making Steven chuckle. She giggled, but that giggle was quickly replaced with a loud cry, resembling a half-groan, half-whimper, when Steven slammed into her hot, waiting, wetness.
“Oh godddd,” she sobbed, her breathing ragged, her body shuddering in intense bliss, as Steven pummeled her, lifting her off the bed with each stroke. His fingers sought her little nub and played with it, and she was overwhelmed with the incredible sensings hitting her body.
Steven felt his own orgasm building, his heart pounding in his chest. He reached and held onto her shoulders, and several long, hard strokes later, he buried himself as deep as he could inside her. He stopped moving, letting out a low growl, and his throbbing manhood pumped his juices into her.
“Oh Jade…” he showed, collapse on the bed next to her. He pulled her on top of him and kissed her, long and hard. Then he gazed into her warm, chocolatey brown eyes, stroked her hair and smiled, “My precise. My very own.”
Jade snuggled on his chest and surprised, happy and satisfied. “That I am, Master.”
Absently struggling her back, Steven softly laughed.
“Why are you laughing, Sir?” Jade asked, seeing the amusement in his eyes.
“I keep wanting to take you out somewhere but we can’t seem to keep our hands off each other long enough for that to happen,” he grinned, brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear.
Jade giggled, then made a move to roll off him, but Steven held her fast.
“Don’t you dare, pretty,” he shook his head. “It’s OK. It’s an incredible start to our first day together. We still have the rest of the day ahead of us. You have a roommate, yes? Have you called her?”
“Yes I did. She said she was ready to report me missing when I called,” she giggled. “She knows I’m fine, so it’s all right.”
“I’d be happy to meet her later. Introduce us, so she can set her mind at ease,” he suggested.
Jade loved the way his voice rumbled in her ear while her head was on his chest. “It would be my pleasure, Sir.”
Steven kissed the top of her head and a restful, comfortable silence fell between them. They each thought about the day ahead, and smiled.
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