Voodoo Goddess

My old life ended, and my new life began on a Friday. After a long day at my average job in an average company with an average future, I started my trip home. I live, or rather lived, in Brookly NY. To get there from my job in lower Manhattan I had to take the subway south, but instead found myself on the train going north. I had no memory of how I had gotten there and intended to get off at the next stop, but a strong feeling came over me that it would be a very bad idea not to continue north. Several stops later I got a feeling that now was the time to get off, so I did.

I found myself on the street in a not-so-great neighborhood. Everyone around me was Black or Hispanic and as a white boy in a business suit I was totally out of place. It was starting to get dark and if anyone was ever the target for a robbery, it was I. Yet nobody even looked at me. It was as if I were invisible. I got the feeling that I should start walking and soon found myself in front of an old house. IWalked up the stairs to the door and tried the door. It was unlocked. “Come in,” a voice called. “You are expected!”

Expected? I thought. How the hell could I be expected? I didn’t expect to be there and still had no idea why I was there. I wanted to leave but felt that I really should go inside. I entered and the door closed, by itself, behind me.

It was dim inside and as my eyes gradually adjusted, I could see a woman sitting on a large highbacked chair that stood on a small platform. The woman was Black. She was large and had very darak skin. She’s a Queen sitting on a throne I thought. She radiated power and strength.

She smiled and gave me a musical laugh. Her teeth looked very white in contrast to her dark skin. She stood up and came to me, still smiling and said with a Haitian accent. “Do not be afraid. You are welcome here.”

“Uh…thanks,” I said stupidly.

Her smile grow even broader. “You are quite welcome, and I believe that soon you will be thanking me a bit more sincerely. You must be wondering why you are here.

“Yes,” I said. “I feel I should be here. Belong here, but I don’t know why.”

“You are here because I asked the Voodoo goddess of love to end me a perfect mate. A submissive white boy who believes in Black Supremacy and in his heart desires to be a Black Woman’s slave. That is you. Is it not? Be honest with yourself. Do not resort to the lies you tell others because you are ashamed of what you truly desire. There is no shame here. Only love. I want a white slave and you desire to be a white slave. If that is not true, then go and do not return. If it is true, then get down on your knees and kiss my Royal Black ass and beg encouragement in a loving and enjoyable relationship. Do not be Afraid. The voodoo goddess knows both our hearts and knows we both desire the same things. You will find that II will do nothing to you that you don’t want. Now choose!”

I looked at her. She was tall. At least 6’4. Almost a foot taller than I. She was thick. She had very large breasts and an enormous ass. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. What she had said was true. I did want to be enslaved by a Black woman. I had so many fansies about it. Drinking a Black Woman’s piss. Being feminized into being her wife. Most of all worshiping her Black ass every day. She said I’d discover we wanted the same things. Could that be true? I hoped it was because I couldn’t resist her.

I dropped to my knees and crawled behind her. I pressed my face against her ass and began kissing it through her clothes. “Please! Make me your slave.”

She dropped her pants and I saw she wasn’t wearing panties. I pushed my face into the crack of her ass and started licking up and down. When I found her most special spot I inserted my tongue and put it in as deep as I could. She wiggled her ass, then reached behind herself and pushed my face in deeper.

“Yes, my little white ass cleaner. You are now my possession, property, slave. I seal your fate with this symbolic act.” Then, she farted full onto my face. I instinctively sucked in and inhaled as much of her gas as I could. That pleased her.

“Oh yes” she moaned. “We are going to have a very long and happy life together. Now come with me to the bathroom. I need to take a piss.”


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