
Anna’s sister, Kelly, had called two weeks ago asking if Anna could help her move into a new apartment. Anna said yes, of course. Kelly being her big sister and only sibling, she wanted to help however she could. Both girls had been a little wild growing up. They got into all kinds trouble and generally drove their kind parents crazy.

Now, in her early twenties, Anna had her act together, thanks to her husband. She married Ben, ten years her senior, when she was 19. Almost everyone thought it would be a mistake. The only person who encouraged the marriage was Anna’s father. He said it would be just what Anna needed, and he was right.

Kelly, on the other hand, was still a bit of a wild child. She didn’t really get into any serious trouble, she was still just kinda flaky. Switching jobs, not paying her rent on time and getting a DUI here and there. Nonetheless, she was still the person Anna was closest to in the world, besides Ben. She would not deny Kelly’s request for help. But, she also agreed on behalf of Ben, which is where she got herself in trouble.

It wasn’t that Ben didn’t want to help. He was a good guy and was usually happy to lend a hand. But he had been working really hard the past few months. When the weekend rolled around he really just wanted to chill out. He had asked Anna to just hang low and not make any big plans for them. Anna tried, but Then someone would call asking for help, or an invitation would come in the mail, and she wouldn’t be able to say ‘no’.

Instead, she would say ‘yes’ and hope for the best, not telling Ben till the last possible moment what the plan was. He went along with it the first few times, just reiterating to his wife that he would like some down time on the weekends through the busy season. He owned a construction company and his summers were filled with jobs that he needed to get done before the first frost settled in.

However, after about the third weekend of unwanted commitments, Ben sawthat he needed to be a little more forceful with his wife. One Friday night, when they got home from watching a very long, very boring play Anna’s friend was in, he decided it was time for a little discipline. He grabbed Anna and throw her over his knee. Her naked, tender ass receiving the palm of his hand, turned him on more than he ever thought. It gave him a rush, being the one giving her the discipline she needed. Taming his wife who had grown up wild and probably would have benefited from some spankings long ago.

Anna also enjoyed this addition to their marriage. Maybe not so much when she was laying over his strong thigh, his blows singing her exposed bottom, thrusting her forward and making her cry out in pain. Although there was a certain thrill, a feeling in her belly, from being in that position. It was what happened After the spanking that she really loved. Ben would take her in his arms and comfort her. She felt so taken care of in those moments. The spanking would reieve her of whatever guilt she felt from disobeing him and leave her with a clean slate ready for his approval. He almost always made love to her after he had spanked her. Whenever she was over his knee she always thought of what came after. How the same hands that were correcting her would later make her cum.

Anna hadn’t mean for Ben to find out about helping her sister move until Saturday morning. She had planned on telling him that Kelly’s moves had cancelled and that she and Ben had to help or Kelly would be charged a huge fine for not vacating the apartment on time. Her plan was fooled when her sister called Ben on Friday asking him if he wouldn’t mind bringing his hand truck along Saturday.

Now that Ben knew the plan, Anna could feel a familiar twininge in her body. It was responding to the thought of Ben and what he might do to her now that he knew he would be spending his Saturday moving her flaky sister. She was glad her Kelly had mentioned talking to Ben when she spoke to her that afternoon. At least she had some time to get ready.

Anna spent the afternoon doing as many things that pleased Ben as possible. She cleaned the house and prepared a lovely dinner. He always loved the way they house smelled when she roasted a chicken. She hoped the smell would soothe him as he walked in the door.

She showed and blew her long hair out so her thick blond waves fell in bouncy smooth locks framing her body, landing just under her round firm breast. She worked her fancy shimmer lotion into her tight tanned skin, giving herself a golden glow. She looked at herself, undressed, in the full length mirror. She wondered if meeting her angry husband at the front door naked would get her in more or less trouble. Anna admired her tight body, running her hand, over her hard, dark nipples, down her flat stomach and then over the nice curve of her hips and rounded ass. She did have a killer body and was getting a little wet thinking about Ben coming home and taking charge of it, his hands claiming her.

Her cell phone rang, bringing her back to reality. She saw Ben’s picture pop up and her heart skipped a beat as she rushed to answer it.

“Hey Babe,” she said, trying not to let on that she knew she was in trouble.

“Hey! Just checking in about dinner. Did you make something or should I pick something up?” he asked, without a hint of anger in his voice.

Maybe he wasn’t mad about Saturday, Anna thought. “Um, I made dinner,” she said, a bit of hesitation in her voice, “I roasted a chicken and have couscous to serve with it. There’s a salad and I can open a bottle of wine,” she said, thinking they might have a quiet night after all.

“Great, I’ll be home in 15 minutes. And Anna?” he asked, not waiting for an answer, “You should be wearing the negligee.”

Anna’s body tightened, the muscles in her pelvis sending a knowing wave through her in anticipation. She could feel a tingle in her nipples and nervous excitem run through her. Before she got it together to respond, Ben had hung up.

The ‘negligee’ was a code between them. The first night Ben had ever spanked he had her put on a pink babydoll negligee afterward. Now whenever he told her to put on that negligee she knew she would be getting spanked. It was so humiliating putting it on knowing it means she would be over his knee.

She Reluctantly went over to Ben’s side of the bed. The negligee was kept in his bedside table along with some of their other ‘supplies’. Sometimes he would make her retrieve the negligee along with a paddle as he watched. Then he would make her undress and ready herself for him, finally handing him the paddle and asking for her punishment. It was so humiliating and she felt a knot in her stomach as the soft material of the negligee fell over Her body. She took one last look at herself and made her way downstairs to get dinner on the table.

Ben couldn’t wait to get inside as he pulled in the driveway, his cock already jumping at the thought of seeing his wife in that negligee. He loved the way she looked in it almost as much as he loved having her in his lap with her ass exposed. He thought of the way its thin fabric fall softly over her breasts, showing off her hard nipples. He loved that it fell just above the rounded cream where her ass met her thigh. The bottom of her ass cheeses just visible below its hem.

He opened the front door and was greeted by the sight of his wife, slightly bent over the dining room table, reaching to put a wine glass near his place setting. Her muscle legs balancing up on her toes as she leaned over the large farmhouse style table he had made for them using barnwood. Her ass peeked out below the pink negligee she had dutifully put on, as he knew she would.

He could feel his cock, now rock hard in his tight work jeans, becoming to go over and dive into her tight ass. Ben reminded himself of this weekend and how his wife had again disobeyed him, promising his hard cock full access to that ass after he had spanked it.

Anna jumped at the sound of her husband coming through the front door. She spun around, feeling a bit weak when she caught sight of his strong muscle outline. He had the rugged good looks of a man who had worked all day. The sweet smell of outside and sweat sent an intoxicating shiver through her as she walked over to greet him.

Ben took his wife in his arms, grabbing her backside as she throw her arms around his neck.

“Welcome home,” Anna said, smiling up at her husband. “I made dinner,” hoping to lessen her pending punishment as she reached up and kissed his lips.

“It smells great, I’m starving,” he said, smacking her playfully on her bare ass, “I’m thinking I will need some energy for tonight.”

Anna blushed, wishing they could just skip to the part where he takes her in his arms and finally fucks her, slowly making her cum. But, she knew it would be a long time till that happened.

“I’m gonna go wash my hands. Have dinner on the table when I get back,” he instructed her.

Anna did as she was told and brought dinner to the table. She loved their house, and admired the handmade pottery she used to set table. They had picked it out together and shipped it home from their honeymoon in Spain. She always loved using that set, bringing back her cherished memories of their first few weeks as husband and wife.

Anna felt self conscious walking around in the negligee. She kinda wished Ben would just take her over his knee now. Then she could eat dinner in her regular clothes and not think about her punishment beyond the lingering sing of her bottom.

Ben returned, running his still dampening hand through his thick black hair, slicking it back off his face in a loose tumble of waves. He was incredibly hot in a dark rugged way, she thought, admiring his muscle body. He poured them each a glass of wine and pulled out her chair, inviting her tosit.

“Thanks,” she said, as he joined her at the table.

Ben dug in, taking a large serving of the chicken, couscous and salad. He was so active, between work and his daily runs he could literally eat whatever he wanted and had no problem maintaining his tight body. Anna however wasn’t feeling very hungry. She found that the activities during their ‘sessions’ were best done on an empty stomach. She slowly sipped her wine and served herself a small plate of food.

“You’re not saying much” Ben, glancing up from his plate inquired, giving his wife a knowing glance. He love watching his wife squirm, it was such a turn on.

“Are you mad?” she asked, pushing the food around her plate with her fork.

“Mad? Yes, I guess you could say that. I bet I’ll feel better in a couple of hours though,” he said with a naughty grin, “Not sure about you, though.”

Anna squirmed in her chair, an uneasy feeling in her belly, both wanting and fearing what was coming.

“Can’t we just get it over with?” she asked, her eyes pleading with him, a slight quiver in her voice.

“No, I think I want to take my time tonight,” he said not even looking up at her.

Angry with his response, she got up, grabbed her dishes and stormed off into the kitchen, throwing her dishes into the sink. She was hoping to just make some noise and let Ben know that she was angry. She let out a gasp as her dinner plate hit the side of their copper farmhouse sink harder than she expected and shattered, the beautiful deep blue pottery now just a pile of broken glass.

Ben rushed in from the dining room to see what had happened. He assessed the situation, confirming that all the glass was confined to the sink and he didn’t have to carry his barefoot wife out of the kitchen. He gave her an angry stare, his nostrils flaring in anger. “Explain yourself,” he demanded.

“I HATE THIS! YOU’RE PURPOSELY KEEPING ME WAITING,” Anna yelled, she could feel her face turning red and tears come to her eyes, mostly because she had broken something that was so special to her. “I have been waiting for you all day. I spoke to Kelly this morning. I need you to get this over with, I can’t take it anymore,” she yelled, trying to make a point she knew was weak. They both knew she was just mad that she was in trouble and wanted to get it over with.

As soon as the words were out of her mouth she regretted them. The look on Ben’s face told her she was in more trouble than before. He quickly moved towards her and before she knew it, he had her bent over, in the middle of the kitchen with her hands on the sink for support. She could hear him unbuckle his well hurt soft leather belt. A wave of panic rushed through her, he had never used a belt before. She could hear the snap of its leather as he formed a loop in his hand. She tried to stand and apologized for her behavior, for being quick to anger and childish. But his other hand was now between her shoulder blades, holdingher in place. Her firm rounded ass fully exposed under the short negligee, its hem had now fallen around her waist.

“Get it over with like this?” Ben asked, sternly, as he brought the belt down on his wife’s ass, using the same force as he would for the paddle or his hand. He quickly realized that the flexible leather belt gave a much more intense blow than the hard paddle. Anna cried out in pain as the tender skin under the belt immediately began to turn bright red.

He had a moment of goal for his wife, bent over the sink, and gave her a moment to recover. The truth is, he usually tried to keep their ‘sessions’ on the lighter side, but she had really made him mad with her childish behavior and this first spanking of the night was going to be a real punishment.

He brought the belt down again, adjusting his force to give her a blow that had a good sting and thrust her forward but left just a nice rosy glow to her upper thigh. He was aiming lower to avoid the angry redmark on her backside.

“You are acting like a child breaking things out of anger. I expect you to control your emotions,” he said calmly and slowly, bring the belt down on his wife’s tights in between each word, dragging the sentence out.

Anna thrust forward with each blow, bringing her gaze into the sink where she was reminded of why she was getting spanked, the shattered shards of the once beautiful plate in her view. By the last blow, tears poured freely from her eyes, falling onto the shattered pieces. The belt, even with Ben’s adjusted force, had a much more intense sting than a paddle or his hand and her cries were from real pain.

Ben could tell that his wife was reaching her limit, knowing he had other things planned for her, he stopped, giving his wife the OK to stand up by bringing the negligee down over her ass. She stood up and turned to him, her face streaked with tears, and he could tell she was looking for him to comfort her as he always did after he disciplined her. Still angle with her, he wasn’t quite ready to give her what she was looking for.

“Clear the table and clean the kitchen,” was all he could bring himself to say as he turned and went upstairs.

Anna was left feeling humiliated and a little scared of how angry her husband had been. She splashed some water on her face in the sink, drying her eyes and trying to compose herself. She was fully reminded of his anger as her thighs burned as she cleared the table and put away the food. He had always comfortable her after a punishment, she always looked forward to him holding her as she calmed down, crying in his arms. She felt so lost, alone in the kitchen. Tears swelling in her eyes, she carefully picked up the remains of the beautiful plate, seeing it broken was hurting her almost as much as the belt.

Anna was finishing up, just doing a final wipe down of the counters when Ben called her into the living room. She hadn’t even noticed him come back downstairs shewas so out of sorts from his harsh punishment.

She made her way, promptly, into the living room not knowing what to expect after his behavior in the kitchen. As she entered she saw her husband standing in front of their large leather couch in front of the coffee table. The temperature had dropped outside, and Ben had turned on the gas fireplace, casting a soft glow over the rustic room.

“Come here,” he commanded, pointing to the space directly in front of him, his other hand behind his back. Anna’s nervousness grew as she wondered what he was hiding behind his back and what he had planned for her. She quickly made her way to her husband not wanting to give him any more reason to be mad. She stood so close to him, in the small space left between him and the table, she had to look straight up at him.

He stared down at her without saying a word or changing his fierce expression. She felt him push her legs apart, accessing her sex, parting her slit with his thick finger and then penetrating her, practically picking her up with the force of his thrust.

Anna was taken by surprise, falling into him, her cheek resting on his muscle chest. She needs his support both from the sudden intensity of his thrusting and the unexpected wave of pleasure deep in her pelvis.

“My original plan for tonight was to spank your ass and then spend the night making you cum,” he whispered in her ear, sending chills down her spin with the ticket of his breath on her neck. “But you made me mad and now you’re going to make me cum. If you’re good, do as you’re told, and I’m happy with your performance, I’ll let you cum later but not before you receive your second punishment,” his words falling heavy on her as he continued his deep thrusting, making her pussy wet with pleasure, “Now, take off that negligee.”

Anna did as she was told, sliding the soft negligee off over her head, leaving her standing naked in front of her husband, his finger still deep inside her. She felt so small in front of him. She could feel herself submitting to him as he worked her pussy, anxious to please him.

Ben brought his other hand from around his back and ran the head of a large rubber dildo over his wife’s hard nipples.

“Lick it,” he said, bringing the rubber cock up to her lips. She did as she was told and ran her tongue around its rubber head. She parted her lips, teasing its head, knowing that she was turning Ben on as she looked up at him, meeting his eyes with a playful look and recognizing the desire in his eyes.

“Lick it, here,” Ben demanded as he turned the hard rubber shake around. Anna noticed that the bottom of the dildo was a suction cup. She obeyed and ran her wet tongue around the base of the cock, moistening it with her spit.

“You are going to ride this cock while you suck my dick,” Ben said as he slammed the dildo down on the hard surface of the coffee table. “And when your tender, well spanked thighs hit the table, you will be reminded of why you are sucking my cock instead of getting fucked by it.”

“SIT,” he demanded, pointing to the cock as he unbuckled his jeans and took out his rock hard cock.

Anna lowered herself onto the realistic cock, circulation around it until she found her wet waiting hole. She felt the tip of the head part her soft lips, opening her up as she continued to lower herself slowly down its length. Its Shaft was long enough to fill her space, stretching her to capacity, the head hitting the deepest part of her.

She closed her eyes with pleasure, her body instinctively started to grind the fuck stick she was sitting on. The mounded base of the cock rubbing against her clip, bringing her pelvis alive with pleasure. As she started a slow, rhythmic grinding with her hips, the back of her thighs called out in pain, feeling the hard surface seal to her tender skin, making her wince with the friction, burning with a reminder of her punishment.

She looked up at Ben, theconflict showing in her eyes. So much desire from a pleasure that could only be achieved with pain.

“I know, its not easy to want something and not be able to get it. I feel that every weekend,” Ben told her, grabbing her hard nipple and rolling it between his fingers. Anna throw her head back with the strong pleasure sensing. He put his other hand on the back of Anna’s head, grabbing her hair in his fingers. He brought her head toward him, feeling the intense euphoria of her lips parting around his cock. He pushed her towards him, feeling his length enter, her tongue sliding down the most sensitive part of his throbbing head. He thrust into her, bringing his hard cock to her full capacity, the back of her throat surrounding him.


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