Author’s Note: Those who have read “Aftermath” will recognize some of the characters in this story. While by no means a sequel, this story takes place some years after Jaime and Emma’s high school experiences and introduces a new character named Millie. While this is a stand-alone story there are references back to its predecessor.
I am, in many ways like Millie although I have never done anything like what she will have done by the end of this story so please suspend reality as you read. There are activities here that no sane individual would (or should) ever do. It’s all the stuff that goes on in my head.
The glass slipped from her hand on its way from the dishwasher rack to the cupboard. It may have been that her hand was a little wet or she may have been distracted by something moving outside the kitchen window. At any rate, it fell onto the granite countertop where most of the damage was done and then to the floor where itexploded into a million shards.
Barefooted, Millie stood very still among the glass that surrounded her. The shock of the exploding glass was quickly replaced by other feelings. Fear, shame, and dread moved quickly into her head as she tiptoed away from the glass and moved to a low cupboard drawer where she would find the implementation that she needed.
In that drawer sat a large spatula for a grill that Millie didn’t own. She had seen it at a home goods store years ago and knew that she had to have it. The instrument had a long heavy-duty hard plastic handle, meant to keep one’s hands away from the heat, and led to a wide metal blade that would easily pick up a large steak.
Millie went through her usual ritual at times like this. She grabbed the spatula and her phone, then closed the shades which opened Her first-floor condo to the world. She went into her small dining room, placed the phone and the spatula gently on the table, and moved a chair out of the way. She thenThere was always a voice in Millie’s head when she did this. It was an older man’s voice and always gentle but firm. It reminded her that she had done wrong and had to be punished, that she was a very bad girl. With tears forming at the edge of her eyes, Millie pulled down her pants baring her bottom, and leaned over the table. With one hand she picked up the metal spatula and placed the blade across her bottom. She grimaced as she pulled it back and then slammed it down into the very same place. She felt the cold metal hitting her bottom leaving a sting and most likely a red marking. She continued this exercise twenty-five times making sure that she hit both butt cheats as well as the top of each leg.
With her pants still down below her knees, Millie placed the spatula back on the table before grabbing Her phone and opening an app that she had downloaded just for occasions like this. She would rather be rubbing her sore bottom but the voice told herto set the random timer app to run for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. She placed the phone face down next to the spatula and waddled to the corner where she placed her hands on her head and waited for the timer to go off.
The voice was usually quiet during corner time. It left her alone to think about what she had done wrong but she knew it would reappear with further punishment if she turned away from the corner. She had Once walked away before the alarm. Her own, rational voice said this was sickness and that she shouldn’t do it. Within moments, however, the voice had placed her back on the table for more whacks, followed by a restart of her time.
Millie’s arms and shoulders became tight during her corner time. She wanted to pull them down but knew she couldn’t so she tried to think about other things. She thought about the glass in the kitchen that would need to be picked up and about the things she should be doing right now. She was supposed to meet up with her friendd for Saturday brunch and she probably would now be late. She could leave the mess on the floor but that would probably result in the voice giving her another punishment when she returned home later in the day. She was trying to decide between cleaning or getting ready to meet her friend when her phone started beeping to let her know her punishment was over.
Millie turned from the corner and pulled up her pants. The pain from the paddling was still there but it was now barely a sing.
When she did these self-spanking sessions she was always sad because she wished that there was a way to get someone else to spank her. Self-spanking was never quite the same as a punishment from another person.
She picked up the spatula and placed it back in the drawer. Although she knew that it would make her even later, she decided she needed to clean up the broken glass.
Emma sat at a high table at their usual restaurant called The Breakfast Bar or just The Bar as it was called by people in the neighborhood. She drank coffee and watched two girls come in out of the cool fall air, look for a table, and then remove their coats allowing Emma to see more of their cute little bodies. She wondered if they were a couple and imagined them in bed together, waking, dressing, and running down to the Bar together. Millie decided that they didn’t have a lover’s look between them and her eyes went off to watch others.
Millie was always running late and Emma had known this about her ever since their days in college, not too many years ago. The two had been rooms in their first year; had been best friends ever since and had even looked for jobs in the same city so they could continue to hang out together. When they moved here they rented an apartment in a crappy part of town. It was During this time that Emma came out first to Millie and then to her friends.
While they were much alike, Emma was much more sexuallly active than Millie. After coming out to Millie, Emma went full force into hooking up with girls, often bringing strangers into their apartment. This bothered Millie. She was concerned for her friend and didn’t want to see her get hurt physically or emotionally. After they were robbed by a goth girl who disappeared in the night with both their wallets, Millie decided it was time to move.
In the end they both moved, neither liking the old apartment nor the part of the city where they lived and now with more income, the girls could each afford a small condo in a neighborhood that was created specifically for young professionals. It was a five-minute walk between their condos and this gave them the privacy that they needed while still allowing them to hang out together.
At the table, Emma continued her people-watching when the chair across from her suddenly scraped the floor as it was pulled back. She looked up to see Millie setting into the table.
“You scared me”
“You were so busy staring at that girl you didn’t see me come in,” Millie said, pointing with her eyes at a young girl sitting alone at a nearby table.
“No way!” Emma responded, “You know how I feel about redheads. “No, I was looking at her,” she continued turning her head towards another table. “Now you know she is hot hot.”
“Disagree. but the guy she is with…” Millie couldn’t finish her sentence before her friend jumped in. Emma had a bad habit of talking on and on always interrupting. Millie was used to this and let her continue.
“You are always looking at the guys. What is there in that? I will tell you there is nothing in a guy except a big dumb penis that takes over every part of him. You need to come over to my side”
The girls laughed. They had this discussion often and it always was rather silly. Emma and Millie were each very comfortable with their sexuality and fully understanding of each other. There had been a little tension when Emma firstcame out. Millie was concerned that Emma might be attracted to her. In the end, Emma’s coming out strengthened Millie’s understanding of her own sexuality.
Back at home, Millie relished in the quiet. She enjoyed the freedom of a Saturday afternoon by herself. She read for a while and then picked up her iPad and wandered around the internet. There was a song She heard recently and wanted to hear again, a video to watch, and some shopping to be done. She went through her usual sites which almost always led her to some spanking sites. That afternoon she read a couple of stories on Literotica and then moved on to some videos. A lengthy video about a girl going to some sort of government punishment center caught her attention. She had seen others like it and always was turned on by These plots.
In the video, the girl was served some papers at her home and was instructed to go to a building where a woman at a desk gave her a choice of an amazingly long prison sentence or receive 50 strokes with a stick. Of course, she chose the strapping and had to strip down there in the office. Millie had bought into the story and felt bad for the pretty blonde girl as she stood naked in front of the fully dressed secretary-type person. She felt the fear as the girl was tied down on a wooden table and the added humiliation when a well-built man came in with a long strap to deliver the punishment.
Millie always liked looking at girls’ faces during these punishments. The videographers liked showing the girls’ bottoms and always included cunt shots. She knew this turned on the many guys who were watching the videos but she got more turned on watching the faces as they moved from humiliation to pain and finally to all-out sobbing. This video was no different. By the end, the girl was screaming in pain and pulling the clasps on her wrists to get away from the horrid paddle that was attacking her.
And then the scene ended. Millie was disappointed. She wanted more. What happened to the girl after the paddling? Did she continue crying as she traveled home? Was she in pain for a long time? The videos never covered that part of the story. Millie knew why. These stories were built for guys and once they saw the naked but being slammed they were done. The guys turned off too fast. Millie wanted more.
After tiring of the videos, Millie Wandered back to the kitchen where she saw a single piece of broken glass on the floor. As she picked it up she expected to hear the voice telling her that she had done a poor job of cleaning and assigning her a punishment but the voice wasn’t there. She tossed the sharp piece of glass into the trash and a pang of sadness came over her.
Millie knew she needed more in her life. Her self punishments weren’t enough. She wanted, no she needed, someone to tie her down and give her a punishment that she deserved.
Dale and Sadie had been together for ten years. There was no anniversary because they were never married. They had often argued about an anniversary date. Was it the day they met or when they first had sex? Or maybe it was when she moved in with him that same year. Dale didn’t care but Sadie wished that there was a date that she could tie to the start of their relationship.
Their anniversary date could have been when they made “The Final Rose” their first film together. Sadie was an actress – or was trying to be one. Jobs weren’t coming to her and she was starving, living on one meal a day in a semi-finished basement room.
Dale had inherited a film studio. Living above it in a small apartment, he wrote a one-woman script that he planned to direct and produce. His eyes were set on one day winning an Oscar for best short film and he told this to Sadie, the young actress that he found to play the part in his movie.
The movie was a bust. Sadie and Dale knew as they wereMaking it that it wasn’t going to go anywhere and it never was finished. However, with their failed movie behind them, the two continued in business together. They spent their years together making adult films in his small studio. They named their studio after the unfinished movie. Final Rose Productions had no sign on the door or any sort of advertising other than some paid notices on porn sites. It was a quiet business that had been lucrative.
Sadie recruited the models and was great at it. She made them feel comfortable and especially liked working with those who were new to the industry. She helped them to understand the importance of this type of work and was great at admiring their bodies and telling them how they would one day be superstars.
She knew it was all a lie. Few porn actors would find stardom and the videos that they made would hurt them in the long run. But she didn’t care. She got her actresses and made her videos.
Dale managed the technical side of productions and also handled the advertising and website. He loved tinkering with the equipment and moving the furniture props around to get the best shots.
Over the past year, however, the finances weren’t looking good. Aging equipment, increasing actress fees along with new government regulations were taking a hit on Final Rose Productions.
Dale and Sadie knew they had to do something different. It was Dale who came up with the idea of bringing their customers in for live-action encounters. At first, they talked about giving guys the night of their life by letting them star in their own sex video but that became too much like prostitution so they made some adjustments.
The videos that had made the most money for them were spanking films. They quickly adjusted their business model to offer punishments to people who wanted to be spanked, paddled, or whipped. They tried it out with a couple of local ads under the new name, The Rose, in the city’s kink magazines and websites and soon had men (and a few women) lined up to get themselves paid.
Since most of the customers were men who wanted to be beating by a woman, Sadie found herself in the role of punishment. She loved the work. It was like she was acting again but now for an audience of one. She did everything she could to make a realistic scene for her customers.
Sadie and Dale usually met with their customers in the small room that had once been the editing studio and now had turned into a conference room. Sadie led the meetings making sure she understand the fansy that was to be enacted and making the guys feel as comfortable as possible. She also set out all the ground rules. And there was a whole list. There would be no stopping unless the agreed-upon safe word was used. The payment was upfront and would not be refunded even if the guy chickened out. And finally, there was to be no sex involved in the shoot. That last item on the list was added after some of the guys got soworked up that they went after Sadie at the end of the scene. And that was also the reason that Dale was there at the meeting and was lurking around during the scene. He was eager to let them know that he would stop any shenanigans that might occur.
Bob Buford had been one of their early customers. The first time he came in he was so nervous that Sadie thought he might pee his pants right there in the conference room. It took a lot of cajoling but Sadie finally pulled it out of him that he fantasized about a teacher paddling him in class. That was an easy one. They had a good schoolroom set and were able to pull it together quickly as he wanted to do it right away. By the time Bob and Sadie worked out all the details, Dale had the stage set for them.
They had agreed that the scene would be an over-the-pants paddling and in her best teacher voice, Sadie called Bob to the front of the room, yelled at him for not doing his homework, and told him to bend over the teacher’s desk. Sadie was smart enough to start up with a few light strokes which served to get his attention. After three light ones, she put her left hand firmly on the small of his back, touched his butt with the paddle then pulled back and gave it to him full force. She felt the pressure of him trying to push up against her hand as soon as she hit him. She heard him cry out and felt him tense as she lightly touched the paddle to another part of his butt.
She held him down and gave him six more hard swats that day and when she let him up she saw his wet eyes and the look of pain on his face. He had tried to hold in the tears but was unable to do so. Sadie wondered if she had been too hard on him. She realized that she hadn’t when he called back for another session a few weeks later.
Bob came back at least four more times and each time he wanted a little bit more. They moved to bare bottom paddling and in the most recent session, he paid extra to have the class filled with students watching his painful humiliation.
That last session took some planning. Dale was able to round up eight very pretty women who were willing to sit at desks acting like students for an hour. All eight were already at their desks and Sadie was standing at the front when Dale brought Bob in and sat him in the second row.
Once he was settled, Sadie called on him to stand. She held up what was supposed to be his paper but was just a blank sheet. “Did you copy this from another student?” she asked sternly”
Bob looked a the floor, “Yes Ma’am”
“You know the punishment for cheating. To the front of the room. Now!”
He had to squeeze between the two girls sitting in front of him as he stumbled to the front of the room. As much as he wanted the girls there, he couldn’t bring himself to look out at them. Their presence was humiliating enough.
Sadie made him face the students as she announced the sentence. “Your punishment will be 12 strokes with the paddle on your naked bottom.”
Bill grimaced. They hadn’t discussed the number of strokes or the status of his clothes this time but he felt an urge to simply obey. He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down along with his underwear. This brought on unscripted giggles from the hired audience.
Sadie didn’t warm him up this time. She went in full force from the beginning and after three strokes she felt him begin to blubber. By eight he was in full force sobbing and needed help standing when she was done.
Afterward, Sadie had him stand facing the girls with his very limp dick fully on display. She asked him to apologize to them for wasting their class time. Between sobs, he managed to get enough words out that Sadie let him pull up his pants and leave the room.
Even after the girls were paid Dale and Sadie made a good profit for their work. It was that session that made them realize that they could and should go out of their way to make fansies work for their clientele.
Millie found the ad for The Rose on a site about kink in her town. It was a bit cryptic but Millie could tell that these people would, for an unknown price, “make her fansies come true. There was a list of adventures, as the advertisement called them and the third bullet caught her eye. “Judicial Corporal Punishment,” The three words strung together gave her a chill. Her fansasies almost always involved being caught and punished for doing something bad; a light left on, a parking ticket, or even a broken glass in the kitchen. She wanted to call the number at the bottom of the screen but knew she shouldn’t. The what-if’s kept going through her mind. What if they were crazy people? What if they really hurt her? What if they filmed and blackmailed her? What if? What if? What if? She couldn’t let herself do this but she kept going back to the site.
She knew that Emma would know what to do. This wasn’t a topic that they had talked about togetther and she felt like she had to come out of the spanking closet with Emma. Emma knew her better than anyone.
The following Saturday, the two girls locked at Millie’s condo each looking at their iPads. They did this often and regularly shared funny videos or interesting events in the city. At a point when they were both quiet, Millie brought up the advertisement for The Rose and showed it to Emma.
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