Vixen Vicky

Vicky sat down at the breakfast table and opened her post. There was a bill and the usual junk mail together with a hand-addressed envelope. Inside the envelope, Vicky found a card from her boyfriend, who was out of town on business for the week. The card was curiously blank, except for a $200 gift voucher to be spent at Liks, a store which recently opened nearby. She’d heard good things about the place from a few of her friends—apparently it was a beauty parlor and lingerie shop. The sales assistance and beautyians had already gained a reputation for spicing up at least two of her friends love lives with a make-over and kinky lingerie.

“Hmmm… he’s unusually thoughtful this week,” Vicky said to herself, as she picked up the phone, “he’s also clearly wanting something special at the weekend,” she muttered. Vicky dialed the number for Liks.

“Hi, you’re through to Jane, how may I help?”

“Oh, eh, I have a gift voucher from my boyfriend that I’d like to spend. DoYou have any appointments free this week?”

“I’m sure that we can fit you in; what sort of beauty treatments are you interested in?”

“Umm…, well now, something to tease him and something for me.” Vicky looked at the list of services on the back of the gift voucher. Her long shaped legs were her best asset, and they were something which drove her boyfriend wild when she displayed them with a Short dress. “How about I go for a leg wax followed by a massage and then a goats’ milk bath?”.

“Okay, that’ll leave you with some money to spend on a new outfit as well,” replied Jane in a slightly wicked tone, “we have a slot at 2pm tomorrow, if that’s convenient?”

“Great,” excerpted Vicky “I’m looking forward to it; well the massage and bath at least!”

Vicky arrived a little early at Liks the next day and browser the lingerie section for something to wear. Some of the attire was nice, but a lot of it was rather more kinky than she was used to. She wasn’t even sure what some of the items were. Jane came over and introduced herself and discussed clothing options with Vicky. They quickly developed a rapport, and Vicky felt herself relax somewhat.

“Is there is anything you particularly fancy?” asked Jane.

“Well, I’ve been looking at the corsets over there. I’ve always liked the idea of ​​wearing one, but to be honest, I’ve always been a bit shy about trying one on. Besides, I don’t think I have the bus for it,” said Vicky.

“They are very nice, particularly that one in black—it can be pulled quite tight around the waist and would at least provide you with a more pronounced figure.”

“I’ve always wanted to look a little more feminine,” said Vicky, looking down at her flat chest, “but I always remind myself that at least I can eat pretty much what I want.”

“Well, we have some great mass gels these days which are designed to promote tissue deposit in particular areas; I’ll try some with you this afternoon if youlike?” Jane offered.

“Do they really work?” queried Vicky, “they sound a little too good to be true to be honest.”

“Wait and see,” said Jane, adding, “in any case it’s time for your wax and massage, we can try a corset on later this afternoon after we’ve pampered you a little.” Jane turned at Vicky, and directed her towards a private room with a large beautifulian’s table.

“If you could undress over there behind the screen and climb on the table I’ll prepare the wax and massage gels” said Jane, who walked off into an adjacent room.

Vicky looked at the photos of beauty treatments displayed on the far wall. Vicky was a little shocked to see one area devoted to a display of piercings; they were very pretty, but Vicky imagined the procedure would be quite painful. She remembered with envy one of her girlfriends from college describing how her piercings had transformed her sex life. Vicky had always been a little too intimidated by the concept to ask many questions, let alone request a viewing or take things any further.

Jane returned to the room and saw Vicky admiring the client photographs. “Do you like the piercings?” Jane enquired.

“Not quite sure I have the courage or pain threshold, but they do look pretty, and I’ve heard they can be quite, um, stimulating as well…” said Vicky, her voice trailing off with embarrassment.

“Well they Surely are,” said Jane, “and there is no reason you can’t have one if you want. I can talk you though the procedure during the wax and massage. Something for you next visit perhaps? Right, shall we start?”

Vicky undressed behind the screen and wrapped herself in the towel before climbing on the table. “What sort of wax do you fancy?” said Jane with a slightly devilish tone. “Can I confess you to treat your boyfriend to a Brazilian?”

“Well, I’ve never tried it before, and I suspect it’d be a little too painful for my liking” countered Vicky.

“How about if we try a little local anesthetic oil, that should reduce the pinch a little?”

“Okay, perhaps you could demonstrate its power on my thighs first though?” Vicky was use to ointments no quite achieving their desired affect; and this was one area of ​​her body she didn’t really want to put to chance.

“Right, here we go,” said Jane, as she massed the anesthetic oil into Vicky’s thighs. Vicky was quite Surprised by how well the oil worked, it gave her thigh a warm relaxed feeling, followed by almost no sensing to the touch at all. “That oil is incredibly good,” said Vicky.

“I’m glad it seems to work for you,” said Jane, “lets try waxing a little further up shall we?”. Soon Vicky’s trim pubic hair was waxed almost entirely away, leaving a small ‘landing strip’ above her pussy. She reached down to feel her bare and exposed form. She was surprised at how turned on she felt without any hair.

“Shall we try some enhancing gel on your bust?” asked Jane, “Medium, strong or max strength?”

“Well, we might as well go for max strength, I’ve not got much to start off with” said Vicky. Despite the performance of the anesthetic oil, Vicky doubted a cream could really do very much. Jane applied the gel and let it soak in. “You’ll probably feel quite numb for a while,” said Jane. “That’s quite normal, and can be a very useful side-effect”.

“Useful in what way?” asked Vicky.

“Well, it’ll enable me to pierce your nipples,” Jane replied, with a wink.

“Ehh, I’m not sure I’m quite ready for that…”

“I could see that you were very interested in the pictures of my handiwork over there; what part of the procedure concerns you? You have nipples which are just crying out for a piercing.”

Vicky felt a sudden sense of unease as Jane looked on at her naked body with a sinful glint in her eye. Vicky wanted to leave, but the numbness and lethargy in her breasts had now spread to most of her upper body and thighs. Her body didn’t seem to respond and she could hardly lift her arms or legs to move.

“Let’s give it a go shall we?” Jane remarked, as she withdraw a tray containing a new piercing needle and a large set of jewelry from a nearby cupboard. Two large nipple rings glemed under the fluorescent light. Vicky drew a sharp intake of breath in surprise at the abruptness of Jane’s approach.

“It’s a simple procedure” Jane said nonchalantly. “I think these will suit you best,” she said, holding up a pair of 1″ diameter gold rings together with a pair of large nipple shields. Vicky tried to speak, but by now the numbness had extended to her throat and no sound came out. Small tears welled up in Vicky’s eyes.

As Jane insert the need into Vicky’s left nipple, Vicky braced herself, but she felt nothing. Vicky felt a sense of relief sweep through her body and she started to pay greater attention to Jane’s activities. By now Jane had removed the needle and was threading the ring through the plastic insert which remained in her flesh.

Soon Jane was finished and stepped back to admire her efforts. Vicky’s breasts were topped with two large nipple shields, held in place by heavy gold rings. The nipples were quite stretched, and the jewelry looked far too big for Vicky’s petite figure.

“Hmm…” said Jane, “I think we need to give you a little more help with your figure.” She retrieved the max strength enhancement gel and liberally applied a second coat to Vicky’s now heavily jeweled tits. “That ought to do it,” said Jane. Vicky wasn’t really so sure, she was very alert at the situation, the gel had numbered her body; she was out of control and wanted to cry.

“Now how about something a little more kinky?” enquired Jane. All Vicky could manage in reply was a little grunt, her vocal chords overcome with fatigue. “I know dear, it’s the gel, it effects your speech somewhat,” said Jane. Vicky was now more anxious than ever, but could do little as Jane parted Vicky’s legs to inspect her freshly waxed mound. “Well, lets see, how about a couple of labia piercings and this adorable little gold ring through your hood?” said Jane, looking positively demonic. “It’s okay Vicky, I know exactly what I’m doing. It’s going to look fantastic.” By now, the second application of enhancement gel was passing through her body. Another wave of numbness overtook her and she felt warm and cosy and all of a sudden quite tired.

Vicky awoke in a what appeared to be a goats’ milk bath. Her limbs were no longer numb but remains too heavy to lift. She felt physically drained and it took all her energy to move her eyes around in their sockets. Some time passed before Jane entered the room. “Ah, your wake,” Jane exclaimed. “I’m pleased to say your afternoon here is working out very well. I’m sure you’ll be very pleased with the results.” Vicky felt sick, “who knows what this mad beautifulian has done to me,” she thought.

Jane approached the bath and drained the milk from around Vicky’s body. Vicky lookdown to see an astonishing sight. Slumped in the tub was a lithe body with simply enormous breasts. Each nipple was double pierced, once with a horizontal 1″ gold ring and a second time with vertical bar. Behind these sat a large solid disc which formed a nipple shield. Two further piercings adorned her navel. Jane peered at Vicky’s newly waxed mound from the opposite end of the bath. “Oh, Vicky,” she exclaimed, “they look wonderful. I’m sure you’ll get a great deal of pleasure from them.” Vicky was mortified. What had happened to her?

“Right well, I’ll put one more coat of enhancement gel on those beautiful breasts and I think we are about done,” said Jane. “You are going to be quite a vixen, Vicky,” she laughed. Another wave of panic overtook Vicky, but she was still too weak to move or speak. Tears streamed down her face as Jane applied another general quantity of enhancement gel to her massive breasts. “There, that should do it,” added Jane. “I’ll help you dress in a short while. Don’t be too alarmed dear, your body is simply putting all it’s effort into reshaping itself at the moment. A couple of days rest, and you’ll be right as rain.” Vicky once more drifted from consciousness as the gel took hold.

Vickie woman up face down on a mass table. She felt the weight of someone on top of her and heard the sound of cords being drawn through eyeslets of what Vicky quickly realized must be a corset pulled across her waist and chest.

“Breath out,” barked Jane, who sounded quite out of breath. Vicky did as she was told, and was punished with a sharp pull on the corset’s strings. “Again,” blurted Jane. The corset was now very restrictive and Vicky had trouble breathing. “Okay, I think that’ll do to start off with. Yes, that looks rather nice,” said Jane. She continued, “quite a transformation for one afternoon.” Vicky rotated her weak body so she was facing upwards and managed to raise her torso onto her elbows. Her huge bosom looked set to burst forthfrom the newly tightened corset. Jane helped her place her feet on the ground. Vicky glanced up to see her new form in the mirror.

She was shocked by what she saw. Here was a woman so unlike her. She had a new, tanned complexion. Her hair had been cropped short and spiky, and her ears pierced in multiple places from top to bottom. Her breasts were simply massive: they must be at least 32G in size, Each of which contained two gold piercings and a nipple shield hidden from view beneath her attire. Her corset enhanced her top-heavy figure and gave her pronounced hips. She turned around to see her bottom in the mirror. It was a little larger than she remembered, but very shapedly. “Well, I thought I’d give you a helping hand at the rear as well,” said Jane, clearly reveling in Vicky’s transformation. Vicky stared at this corseted woman, complete with stockings and high heels. She looked and felt incredibly sexy. But what would her boyfriend think of her? And what about her pierced nipples… would he think that a step too far?

Then Vicky recalled Jane’s threat of further piercings. She reached delicately between her legs and over her bare mound. Vicky tenatively extended her finger tips and found her hood and lips, still sore from receiving what appeared to be several piercings. She shuddered as one piercing made contact with her clip, and she felt a jolt of pleasure course Through her body. Clearly this piercing was going change her sex life for ever. Then Vicky notice that a light chain was attached to this latest piercing. It was threaded through four further labia piercings, two in each lip. With a numb sense of shock and horror, Vicky realized the other end of the chain was attached to a butt plug, which, at least by touch, appeared to have a small keyhole in the end.

“But… where’s the key?” blurred Vicky with a rising sense of panic.

“Safe and sound,” said Jane patting a key on her necklace. “I thought that you might enjoy a little directed pleasure before you leave.” Vicky felt between her newly pierced lips. Held behind her new gold chain was a large object. Vicky looked up once again towards Jane. “Don’t worry dear, it won’t slip out, I’ve made sure of that.” Jane lifted a small remote control device into view, “I’m the one in control now. Lie back, relax and enjoy the ride of your life. After we’ve finished you really will be a vixen, Vicky.”


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