Vixen and PussyKat Get a Pet

Charlie Daniels stood in the hot Texas air and stared at the doorbell. He still could not believe his good fortune. He and he alone of all the site members had won the content. He was going to be Vixen and PussyKat’s pet for a day.

Of course, the conversation had promised happiness for the rest of his life. But he was sure he would only get the one day with Vixen and PussyKat. Of course, one day with those two would provide him with a lifetime of happy memories. He imagined that he might have a lifetime of happiness after all. He grinned at the prospect.

Just as he reached for the doorbell, the door swung open, and there were before him, right next to each other. PussyKat’s secured boobs to be exact.

She was not wearing a shirt.

She didn’t appear to be nearly as shy as she claimed to be in her bio.

“Hi,” she said, in a slight, recently acquired Texas drawl. “You must be Charlie. Come on in. Vixen’s in the back fixing up a treat for you.”

PussyKat led Charlie to a back room. The air conditioning made the house almost cold, a refreshing change from the inferno outside.

Vixen was making final repairs on a wrist strap affixed to a leather table-like bed. She was wearing a white leather bustier and looked up at Charlie with those sultry dark eyes of hers. She was even more beautiful than in her pictures.

“Here, let me take your things for you, Charlie,” she said.

“My things?” asked Charlie. He wasn’t exactly wearing a winter coat, giving the oxygen-like conditions outside.

“You know, your clothes. Pets don’t normally wear clothes, Charlie.”

He felt PussyKat’s huge naked breasts pressing against his back as she reached around from behind him to unbuckle his belt. She definitely did not seem to be as shy as she claimed in her bio.

“And of course we shouldn’t be wearing clothes, either. Should we, Charlie?” Vixen said in that deep throat voice of hers.

“I mean after all we are animals ourselves.PussyKat’s a feline, and Vixen means a female fox. Animals don’t wear clothes, do they Charlie?” Vixen asked, as she quickly striped off her bustier and stepped out of her red lace panties. Her breasts were even bigger in real life than they appeared to be in the pictures on the site.

Charlie’s own pants were around his ankles now. Things were happening much more quickly than he had ever dreamed. “What about your husband?” he asked Vixen, remembering her bio.

“Oh, he doesn’t care what we do with housepets,” she said. “He wouldn’t get jealous of a silly pet. Hell, he’s got a roomful of his own.

A roomful? Charlie thought. But he didn’t ask the obvious question.

They were all naked now, and Vixen and PussyKat helped Charlie get up on the leather-covered table, where they strapped his arms and legs into an “X” position.

Vixen climbed on top of Charlie’s naked chest. He could feel the warm wetness of her pussy against his skin as she slide up his chest to afford him a better view of her crotch.

“Do you like what you see, Charlie?” Vixen asked. “As a contest winner, you get to see us much closer up than on the site.”

Charlie tried to express how much he like what he saw by stretching his tongue out in the direction of Vixen’s crotch, hoping to catch a drop of her nectar, to taste her essence.

Vixen responded by sliding of top of Charlie’s face, lodging Charlie’s tongue deeply in her cunt. She began to ride Charlie, sliding up and down his face as he lapped at her frantically.

In the meantime, PussyKat had climbed aboard the leather-coated table and began lapping at Charlie’s balls and prick. He could swear that her tongue felt raspy, like a cat’s.

“Purr,” purred PussyKat, as she took Charlie’s left ball in her mouth. “I can see that Dr. Greib was not exaggerating this time,” she added approvingly, stroking Charlie’s wand.

Greib was the guy Charlie had to see in order to get measured for the conversation. Charlie remembered that Greib had certified him as coming in at exactly nine inches when fully aroused. Greib’s score was one of the things that had helped him win PussyKat and Vixen’s contest.

Vixen was rocking back and forth on his nose now and screaming with delight as his tongue continued to lap up her juices.

PussyKat finished running her feline tongue up Charlie’s shake and then swung her firm leg over him and mounted him, impaling herself on Charlie’s nine inches.

PussyKat bounced up and down on Charlie’s tool as if riding a bucking bronco, as Vixen finally released, pouring her fluids all over Charlie’s face.

PussyKat climbed off him before he could spend himself in her tight pussy. She started undoing the straps that bound him to the table.

“I think Vixen is about ready for you now, Charlie, and you certainly feel ready for her. I think I’ve got you well warmed up,” she said, as she helped him rise from the table.

Vixen had assumed the position, her pendulous boobs hanging beneath her as she got down on all fours, and PussyKat grabbed Charlie’s still throbbing tool and led him to a position behind Vixen’s delightful rump.

“Remember, Charlie, how Vixen likes it doggie style? You did read the site, didn’t you?” PussyKat asked him.

Charlie nodded in response.

“It would help Vixen a lot if you made barking noises while you’re doing this, Charlie, and hold her flanks by your forepaws.”

She pushed Charlie into Vixen’s still dripping cunt with a gentle shove to his buttocks. It feel like heaven inside Vixen; Charlie didn’t think that he would ever want to leave this sweet place for the rest of his life.

“I will be behind you to help you, Charlie” said PussyKat, as she began swirling her tongue around Charlie’s balls and licking the crack of his ass as he pummeled Vixen with his fully engaged member.

He grabbed Vixen’s sides with his forepaws and howled at the moon as he thrust into her and PussyKatlicked his balls. Finally Vixen screamed and he screamed and all three of them collapsed on the floor panting.

Vixen had a big smile on her face as she reached around to stroke his hair.

“I’m pretty horny, and I think Charlie is spent now, Vix,” PussyKat said. “I think we may need to give Charlie a rest and go get another one of the pets.”

“OK, Puss,” Vixen said. Then she reached into a drawer and pulled out a leather dog collar with a name tag hanging from it. A leash was attached to the collar. “Here, Charlie, you are going to have to wear this,” she said, as she strapped the collar around his neck.

Charlie read the tag. It had his name on it together with Vixen and PussyKat’s address and phone number. “What’s this for?” he asked.

“Sometimes, we give our pets such a workout they get delicious and wander the streets. When someone calls the police that a naked man is wandering around their neighborhood, the police bring him back to us. The police like us,Charlie. They like us a lot,” Vixen said, giving Charlie a little wink as she fastened a lean to his collar.”

“No, I’m afraid there is no getting away from us, Charlie. You are going to be our pet for life. We promised you a lifetime of happiness, didn’t we?” PussyKat said, as she and Vixen began to lead him to the basement.

Charlie meekly let them take him where they would. He felt defeated. If the police were in on it and he couldn’t get his clothes back, he would be trapped here forever. They were probably going to lock him in the room they were taking him to, maybe even chain him to the wall or to a bed. At least they would feed him. They looked as though they would be kind to their pets. After all, they had been very kind to Charlie so far. Very kind indeed.

Charlie Began to panic. What about the TechoCon report? If he did not get on that flight back to St. Louis, the report would never be finished in time for the Board meeting. Suddenly, Charlie felt trapped and hopeless.

They opened the door to the chamber, and Charlie saw six other men, all naked and all chained by their leashes to the wall. PussyKat quickly began to unchain the biggest of them.

Charlie looked at their faces.

They were all smiling the biggest smiles Charlie had ever seen in his life.

Charlie thought about things very carefully.

Suddenly, Charlie began to grin too.


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