It was a normal Friday morning nearing 7:30 am. Jeffrey had been up for about an hour, getting himself ready for the day, and in the kitchen preparing Vivian’s breakfast. He looked at the clock and hurried to pour the coffee, place it on a tray, and bring it to Vivian in bed at 7:30 sharp.
Vivian and Jeffrey were in the 10th year of their female-led marriage. Though today this unconventional arrangement is entering the “mainstream,” with abundant information about it on the internet, 10 years ago it was mostly unknown, and probably would have been viewed as more kinky than normal.
So Vivian and Jeffrey developed their special relationship mostly on their own. It was when they first met and were getting to know each other that their discussions slowly revealed their mutual years for this lifestyle. They both agreed it was a miracle they had found each other, and that it was a good omen for future success.
They got married before working out the details of how exActually the relationship would work, but knowing in general terms it was what they both earnestly wanted.
It turned out that their marriage would be a very complete and uncompromising wife-controlled one.
Vivian at the time was in her mid-30’s, a successful business executive in publishing, still rising in the corporate ranks, with the rising income that came with that.
In Vivian and Jeffrey’s marriage, her word would be The Law. She made it clear to him from the beginning that he must obey her always, everywhere, in everything. She would not tolerate the slightest disobedience.
This principle would be the absolute and enduring foundation of their relationship. Vivian declared there would be no protests, no arguments, no complaints. Ever.
Jeffrey was older than Vivian, and he too had a good job. But Vivian decided he would quit his job so he could devote all his time to his duties of keeping house and serving her.
Jeffrey was at first very pleased aboutt this because he assumed being responsible for a house would be a lot easier than holding down a full-time job. Was he in for a surprise! He very quickly found out that Vivian would be very strict about how she wanted Jeffrey to maintain her home.
Vivian carefully prepared a comprehensive list of each and every of the household chores Jeffrey would have to complete on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, depending on the specific task. Not only would his chores have to be done on time, they had to be completed to Vivian’s exact standards without fail.
This was the initial framework for Vivian and Jeffrey’s exciting new life together.
Over time Vivian added a number of Rules of proper behavior and general etiquette for Jeffrey to follow. For example, he had to ask for her permission to Leave the house without her, spend money beyond his household budget, or watch a particular TV show. If Vivian gave Jeffrey permission to go out with his friends at night, he had to be back home by the time she specified, and not a minute later.
Jeffrey worked diligently to follow all of Vivian’s demands, in what she called her Three Circles of Control: Obedience to Her Word; Chores; and Rules.
But, inevitably, he would sometimes fall short. And that would inspire Vivian to add a Fourth Circle: Punishment.
One evening during this time Vivian told Jeffrey to be in her study at 8:00 o’clock – naked. The study was Vivian’s private space, the one room in the house she cleaned and managed herself, which Jeffrey was forbidden to enter unless she summoned him.
At 8:00 Jeffrey knocked on the door. Vivian told him to come in and the close the door behind him. When he came in Vivian pointed to the floor in front of the chair she was sitting on. Jeffrey kneeled there, naked and vulnerable before her.
Looking up at Vivian’s face Jeffrey knew immediately something was seriously wrong, and it must be his fault. She stared down accusingly on him, then spoke, but slowly and calmly, without even raising her voice.
“I found crumbs on the floor under the kitchen table this morning.”
Jeffrey was confused and flustered, but then he realized what had happened. He started to explain to Vivian that she had had a late-night snack there after he had finished cleaning the kitchen for the day. But he had gotten only a few words out when Vivian slapped his face, not violently, but firmly enough to deliver a clear message.
Jeffrey was stunned. It was something she had never done before, and it shocked him to silence, and to keen attention to her voice.
“I don’t want any excuses,” she said. “You are to see to it that the kitchen is spotless before you go to bed at night. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Madam,” Jeffrey answered.
Vivian Then told Jeffrey that she wouldn’t punish him this time, but if it ever happened again he would learn the hard way to be more attentive to her kitchen floor.
“You can begin with thatright now,” she concluded. “Go to the kitchen and get busy!” And with that she slapped her hands together in front of Jeffrey’s face.
Jeffrey leaped up and ran to the kitchen to make sure there wouldn’t be a single crumb or a speck of dust there in the morning.
That first experience in Vivian’s study made a permanent impression on Jeffrey. He wasn’t physically punished, but the pain he felt from Vivian’s disapproval was just as great as any from a whipping. Or so he thought.
Jeffrey now understands it wasn’t a matter of a few crumbs, but that he had failed to do what Vivian expected of him. Yes, they were Vivian’s crumbs. But it was part of the whole meaning of their relationship that he was there to clean up after her, whenever it was, so she wouldn’t have to face any sort of mess in the morning.
The experience changed his attitude to all the chores and duties Vivian assigned him. When he vacuumed the living room, or washed the dishes, or scrubbed the toilet, itwas because Vivian wouldn’t then have to do them. All the time away from her job was hers, to fill however she wanted, whether it was listening to music, talking to friends on the phone, visiting her mother, eating chocolates or taking a nap.
His chores were also meaningful for Jeffrey because they were providing Vivian a home that was always neighbor, clean, quiet, comfortable and inviting, a home the way she wanted it to be.
Calling Jeffrey to her study to admonish him for his translations, and then only threatening a more severe punishment if he didn’t correct his ways, was Vivian’s preferred method of discipline in those first years of marriage. He was brought to the study nearly always on account of honest mistakes, not deliberate rebellion. Still, reminding him that physical correction was always available if needed worked wonders to keep Jeffrey trying ever harder to please and satisfied Vivian.
But Vivian also know that after a time the method would need to be reinformed with a more graphic demonstration.
One day Jeffrey provided a situation well suited for such a demonstration. He had gone to the store and forgotten something Vivian had told him to get. He thought it was no big deal, he’d just go back and get it.
But Vivian didn’t see it that way. She told him to stay home, and to be in her study at 8:00 o’clock.
Kneeling naked before her once again, Vivian looked down on Jeffrey but didn’t say anything. Jeffrey became more and more nervous, and wanted to look down or to one side to avoid Vivian’s star. But in the study he was required to keep his eyes always focused on Vivian’s face, ready not to just listen, but to absorb every word she said.
Finally, Vivian began to speak. She told Jeffrey she wouldn’t tolerate his sloppy, forgetful attitude towards his chores. That kind of attitude was a sign of disrespect for her, and she was having none of it.
Vivian reached down the side of her chair and picked up somethingg from the floor. As she raised it up before Jeffrey’s eyes he recognized what it was: a rattan cane. She tapped the cane on the palm of her hand and said,
“I expect you to carry out your chores exactly as you’re supposed to, every day, on time, without fail. Not getting what I told you to get at the store is not only failing to do your chores properly, it is outright disobedience.”
Vivian paused to let her words sink in, then continued,
“If I don’t see perfect performance from you over the next few days you’ll be back here, and you’ll learn what this cane feels like when I crack it on your buttocks! Do you understand?”
Jeffrey’s voice almost cracked, but he did get out, “Yes, Madam,” and was dismissed from Vivian’s study.
Again, just the threat of punishment worked wonders for Jeffrey’s attitude. He now understands that the slightest decision from Vivian’s expectations for him was an insult to her, and it must never be allowed to happen if he could possiblyly avoid it.
In addition to his household chores, Jeffrey was required to pamper Vivian as she wished to have her body patered. For Jeffrey, this wasn’t a burden but one of the greatest joys he experienced from their relationship.
His favorite was what became a weekly ritual for Vivian and Jeffrey.
On Sunday nights, unlike her weekday shows Vivian would take a long, warm bath, which Jeffrey always prepared for her. Afterwards, she would sit in the chair in her bedroom, wearing a fluffy bathrobe, a towel wrapping her hair. She placed her feet on a thick cushion Jeffrey had placed for her, and opened up a favorite magazine.
Jeffrey sat, naked, on the floor and carefully filed each of Vivian’s toenails to perfection. Then he took a small rack with half a dozen or so nail Polish bottles of different shades and held it up above Vivian’s feet. He waited, quietly.
After a bit Vivian would look up, take a moment to view the selection, point her toe to her picke, and return to her magazine.
With his hand trembling with excitement, Jeffrey opened the poison Vivian had selected. He struggled to compose himself and concentrate his full attention on his task. He steadied his hand and proceeded with utmost care to cover each toenail completely, without marking any of Vivian’s white skin.
When finished, Jeffrey once more waited quietly for Vivian’s attention. It might be 30 seconds, or it might be five minutes, but Vivian would always eventually look up and inspect Jeffrey’s work. She’d says something like, “Yes, very nice,” and go back to her magazine. And Jeffrey would be thrilled beyond measure.
Finally, of course, there were the rules governing Vivian and Jeffrey’s sexual relationship.
Vivian’s pleasure and satisfaction would be fortune, and it was Jeffrey’s responsibility to see that she received both.
Jeffrey’s orgasms would be strictly controlled by Vivian. She would decide if and when he ejaculated. Vivian hadno set schedule, but it worked out to be on average once every ten days. She never indicated to Jeffrey when they would happen, and there might be a 3-day interval or a 3-week interval, as her whim dictated.
Jeffrey never felt humiliated by his sexual servitude; he was proud of it. He was proud of how he performed the cunnilingus that elicited Vivians’s soft moans and whispered sights, which he worked to extend longer and longer until they culminated in her shuddering orgasm. And as their sexual relationship deepened in commitment and intensity, pleasure Vivian gave Jeffrey more pleasure than his own orgasms.
Over time, Vivian added more rules and guidelines for Jeffrey, but only when they seemed necessary or helpful. One special case, however, involved her new Rule that prohibited Jeffrey from Touching his genitals when Vivian wasn’t present to supervise him.
There was no indication that this had been a problem. But Vivian understand that the temptation was just toogreat, especially with Jeffrey home alone all day. Moreover, even inadvertent or absent-minded contact could easily escalate to something far more serious. So enacting a formal prohibition seemed a reasonable precaution.
Most recently, Vivian made a significant change in her household regimen.
Vivian greatly enjoyed the authority she wielded in her home. It had from the start being liberating for her, both practically and emotionally. But with that authority came the ultimate responsibility for the success of the marriage.
As Vivian took on increasing responsibility at work as she advanced in the company, her need to constantly monitor, instruct, encourage, admonish and discipline Jeffrey became a burden to her. And she was becoming increasingly resentful towards him for it.
As Vivian was the one with all the obvious advantages, blaming Jeffrey would seem irrational to her. So she expressed her resentment, and went ahead as if everything was normal.
InevitIt is necessary, however, that resentment expressed itself. She would snap at Jeffrey for no reason, and chastise him for things that weren’t his fault. Or often just walk away and ignore him.
Being so busy, Vivian didn’t see how all this was demoralizing Jeffrey, and affecting him in the opposite way she intended. His performance slacked rather than improved, and he became sullen and withdraw.
Still, Vivian realized some change was necessary to relieve the pressure on her. In the new system she instituted, rather than Vivian having to discover Jeffrey’s translations for herself, Jeffrey would be required to report them to her.
Vivian gave Jeffrey a box of 3-by-5 index cards on which to write a brief description of the translation. He would place it on the tray with Vivian’s coffee the day after the incident for her to read.
Most were trivial, and Vivian ignored them. But occasionally it was something of serious concern, which required a summons to the study and a stern warning.
All these intriguing and rewarding developments over the years in Vivian and Jeffrey’s relationship came together one Friday morning to inaugurate one more new, exciting chapter in their female-led marriage.
After pouring the coffee and nervously checking the clock so he wouldn’t be late, Jeffrey remembered he had a translation card he had to put on Vivian’s tray. He rushed to his room where he had left it, hurried back, picked up the tray with the card on it, and brought it all to Vivian’s bedside.
It was 7:31 am. Luckily for Jeffrey, Vivian was just waking up. He waited for her to stretch and sit up, and placed the tray above her lap and left her room.
Vivian yawned, took her first sip of coffee of the day, and glanced at the card. It read simply, “I touched myself yesterday afternoon when you were at work.”
Vivian was more than a little upset by this, and not only because of what Jeffrey had done. She already had her plate full for today and Saturday, and now he was making her deal with this. That old resentment boiled up again. In any case, it would have to wait until Sunday, but Vivian vowed it wasn’t going to he an ordinary trip to her study for Jeffrey.
Sunday came soon enough, and Jeffrey received his summons to appear in Vivian’s study at 8:00 pm.
Vivian looked down on Jeffrey kneeing naked at her feet. She had the index card in her hand.
“I want you to tell me what you did. Every detail. Don’t leave anything out.”
Jeffrey swallowed, and began:
“I sat down on the couch after I finished dusting in the living room, and I put my hand down my pants. Then I took my pants and underpants off and I, uh, I held my balls in my left hand and I, uh, well, I stroked the Underside of my penis with my right hand.”
Jeffrey stopped, but Vivian clearly wasn’t satisfied.
“For how long?” she asked.
“Just a minute or two,” he answered.
“Did you release any semen at all?”
“Are you sure?”
Vivian stopped. She studied Jeffrey’s face to detect any indication he may be holding something back. Satisfied that he was not, she pointed to the side of her chair where there was an old, antique-like footstool, about a foot-and-a-half high, with curved wooden legs and a thick embroidered cushion.
“Bring that here in front of me,” she told Jeffrey.
Jeffrey slid the stool over and placed it where Vivian showed, length-wise to her chair. Jeffrey waited at the far end.
“From now on,” Vivian said, “this is your Punishment Stool. Get on it.”
Jeffrey was stunned. He sat frozen, unmoving.
Vivian leaned over the other side of the chair and picked up her cane. “Now!” she ordered, and slapped the stool with her cane.
Jeffrey didn’t have to think. He instinctively throw himself on the stool, his forearms resting on the floor to the right side of Vivian’s chair, his legs stretching out to the left, with his bare buttocks raised up directly in front of Vivian. He waited.
Vivian tapped her cane lightly on Jeffrey’s buttocks.
She stopped, and then asked him, “Do you know you are not allowed to touch yourself when I’m away?”
“Yes,” he replied.
“You think you don’t have to obey my rules?”
“No – I mean yes – I . . .”
Vivian delivered Jeffrey a sharp, singing stroke with her cane.
“Yes, I have to obey your rules, Madam!”
“Do you think it’s funny to disobey me?”
“No, Madam.”
“What is the guiding principle our household is governed by?”
Jeffrey started to panic. Of course he knew it, but he couldn’t think . . .
Another singing stroke from Vivian’s cane refreshed his memory.
“Vivian’s Word Is The Law,” he called out.
“That’s correct. But it seems you need help to be able to remember it. Say it again, but I want you to say each word slowly, clearly, and so I can hear it. Begin.”
Jeffrey struggled to catch his breath and finally managed to get out, “Vivian’s.” Vivian snapped her cane on Jeffrey’s buttocks. “Word,” snap! “is,” snap! “the,” snap! “Law,” crack!
Vivian’s final blow was the most searing yet, and Jeffrey yelped. He was feeling pain he had never felt before, but at least it was over now. Or so he thought.
Vivian then told Jeffrey that from now on whenever she told him to “Recite,” he must repeat those words, and she didn’t want any hesitation before he did so.
“Will you always be able to do that, or do we need to repeat our memory aid?” she asked him.
“I’ll be able to do it,” he said. “Please don’t repeat the . . . “
Vivian waited a few moments, and then spoke again.
“Your punishment for touching yourself with me not present is three strokes of the cane.”
Jeffrey was confused. What did Vivian mean? Weren’t all those strokes he already received his punishment?
Later, Jeffrey would learn there were two phases in Vivian’s punishment protocol. First was the preparation phase, where Jeffrey was made to understand why he was being punished. The second phase was the actual punishment. What “actual punishment” means would now be made clear.
Vivian lifted the cane above her head, and with a whipping motion brought it down hard on Jeffrey’s already burning buttons.
“Ow!” was Jeffrey’s only response.
Once more the cane was raised and brought down on its intended target. And once more again.
Now it was over for Jeffrey. Over, that is, until his next trip to Vivian’s study.
Jeffrey was trying to hold back his sobs and relax his trembling body. Vivian waited several minutes for Jeffrey to compose himself.
When she did begin to speak to him again her voice was as casual and ordinary as it could be, as If nothing had happened there in her study. “Well,” she said, “it’s Sunday night, time for my bath. Go get it started.”
Her words at first bewildered Jeffrey, but then they reassure him. It was asIf, once the punishment had taken place, Vivian had forgiven Jeffrey his disobedience and everything returned to normal. He would still be allowed to pamper her, and at that moment, despite his painful backside, Jeffrey was overjoyed.
He got up as quickly as he could give the circumstances and hurried off to the bathroom.
Later on, her bath over, Vivian was in her bedroom chair, feet on her cushion, magazine in hand.
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