Vivian Ch. 02

Vivian becomes comfortable in her new role as a dominant and is very demanding. I suggest you read Chapter 1 first. Hope you enjoy it.


On my way home from Vivian’s on Saturday, I evaluated our new, yet changing relationship. I enjoy some role playing as a submissive, with moderne spankings and other kinky activities enhancing sex with my partner. But could I accepted a more intense dominant- submissive relationship? It seemed Vivian intended to find out.

I had a full week at work as well as other responsibilities, and did not hear from Vivian except for a text asking for my email address. She texted me Wednesday in the afternoon, advising me to check my email and be in touch. I didn’t get to her email until Thursday night.

Vivian at first tried me in her email and wrote she really liked me and hoped our dating would continue, but then the tone changed. She stated tersely we would meet Saturday at the pool in the early afternoon and listed severaltasks she expected me to complete by the time of our date. I needed to complete the tasks in order for me to maintain “good boy” status.

Her list included shaving my head (to get a cleaner look), and to call her Madam Vivian whenever we engaged in role play. Next, she curiously asked me to bring four thin strands of cord ( a type of narrow rope) at least two feet in length, if I had any.

When I arrived at the pool, I was expected to roll in the side of my small blue bikini to show off more of my butt cheats.

Finally, Vivian admonished me for “interrupting a discussion activity” on our previous date. ( I stopped her spanking so we could make love; she spanked me later). She went on to discuss how “we must take our respective roles seriously” , and that such interruptions in the future “shall be considered misconduct”, presumably meaning more discipline.

Vivian did mention she was looking forward to our date , noting that our role playing would begin at the pool./p>

Vivian’s email was a bit stunning in its tone and demands. Good boy status? We were just starting our role playing adventure, but Vivian was already testing me. While I am no expert, she sounded like an overly demanding dominant. At least to me, her tone in her email was ominous.

She had sent her email the previous day in the afternoon, so I needed to reply ASAP and it already was the middle of the evening. After grabbing a beer, I decided to be brief but cooperate in my reply and see how the date played out. There would be time to challenge her demands, if necessary.

“Madam Vivian: Thank you for taking the time to set forth your expectations. I will comply. Love your idea of ​​starting our date at the pool. Thank you again Madam Vivian.” Kevin

Vivian texted me on Friday. “Kevin, Thank you for your response and accepting your role!”

We were set for the next day.

After work on Friday, I found the nylon rope cords in approximately 20 inch pieces that were much narrower than regular rope, and which I used for practicing knots and outdoor activities. I suspected Vivian wanted the short cords for another purpose, and I had a pretty good idea what it was.

Before I left for our date at the pool, I held my head as Madam Vivian directed and trimmed back my pubic hair.

At the pool locker room, I put on my small blue bikini, grabbed my goggles and other swim gear and headed to the bathroom. There were quite a few guys in the locker room, and traffic was busy as the club included weights, spinning, treadmills and the pool. I sucked it up, ignored the other men , carefully rolling in the suit in the butt area and twisting the sides so that it would remain in place. As I checked myself in the mirror, my suit now showed more of my butt cheats, high cut on the sides. Madam Vivian will be pleased!

I grabbed my gear, showed and headed out to the pool deck, fortunately not very far from the locker room. Two younger women saw meand were giggling and pointing as I walked by a stairwell outside of the locker rooms. I had butterflies in my stomach as I made it to the outdoor pool area, hoping not to see anyone else than Madam Vivian.

Heading to the far end of the pool deck, I put my hands behind my back and waited. Madam Vivian arrived moments later, smiling as she strode to meet me. She was fully clothed, wearing loose fitting cargo pants and a long sleeped shirt. The contrast of her fully clothed with me wearing a small bikini enhanced the effect of my minimal coverage.

“Hi Madam Vivian, nice to see you.” I stood with my hands behind my back, then turning to show my partly uncovered butt cheats. No kiss, just right to the role play.

“I see you have followed my directions with that suit of yours and have shaken Your head too. Thank you Kevin!”

She leaned over and whispered in my ear, “That bikini does not cover very much of you, does it? Please show me again.” Modeling the blue bikini,I turned and rotated, pausing so she could see it from all angles.

“Mmm, you have made that even smaller, more of your butt is exposed. Let’s get you in the water, and then come out and get your googles. I want to see you dripping wet!”

I promptly jumped in, swam a few yards, then stopped. “Need to get my googles Madam Vivian,” I played. I stepped on the deck and made my way over to her. Vivian was gawking.

“Be a good sub, put your hands to your side,” Vivian advised. She then casually walked around me, standing behind me, whispering, “The front is now almost obscene, the suit is so thin, it is clinging to your cock!”

She slapped me two times on the butt, first lightly, then much harder. Fortunately, there was no one at our end of the pool, but the other end had folks in it, and Vivian was not being circuitspect. She pointed at the chair away from the pool on the deck. “Reach down below the chair my little subbie, and wait.”

“Yes, Madam Vivian.”

Shepromptly walked behind me and, using her body as a shield between her and the other swimmings, spanked me hard once on each side, smacking my partially exposed cheats. “You best get in the pool, we don’t want an incident, do we?” I was blushing, and the whole scene was making my cock excited.

Grabbing my gear, I jumped in and as I put my goggles on, Vivian shouted while walking out, “See you in 20 minutes back here.”

I began swimming and processed what just happened. I didn’t get annoyed, rather embarrassed, aroused. I was sure Vivian noticed my growing cock, and that I would hear about it.

When I finished my swim, Vivian was watching. “You move so well in there Kevin, but never mind about that, please get out, pronto.” I was still breathing hard, but I strolled across the deck to her, again turning so Vivian could get a full view. My cock had thankfully returned to its normal resting status, but that didn’t last long.

There were only two swimmers at the other end and they were preoccupied, talking and facing away from us. “Madam Vivian, may I make a comment? ” She nodded and I pointed out where there was a camera at the other end of the pool, and wanted her to be aware.

“Thank you Kevin.” Vivian looked delighted that I was following her commands.

“Go over to the chair and bend over it again, like you are looking for something. As I did so, Vivian again stood over me and slapped me hard on each butt chef, and then a few more. “Okay stand up please, and stay still my little subbie”, she directed, teasing. My cock was growing in my suit and I could feel my wet suit clinging to it. Vivian looked down, smiling. “Looks like someone is enjoying themselves, and needs a cold shower! Maybe wait a minute, I am leaving, see you in front of the club.”

When she left, I jumped in the pool and calmed down, showed and met Madam Vivian in front. We kissed and walked to the car. While we drove to her place, Vivian leaned over and put her hand on my lap. “Please pull over on the next side street, Kevin.” After doing so, and waiting for a couple to walk by, Vivian had yet another surprise. “Please take off your belt and unzip your jeans.”

I paused, “Madam Vivian, do you mean here, now? We are in public!”

I waited and there was a long pause. I hesitated further. Vivian’s voice was stern. “Please do as instructed, promptly. No stalling!” she directed, sounding angle.

“Yes, Madam Vivian,” I offered meekly. I quickly took off my belt and unzipped my fly.

“Also, you know we need wine for our evening. I am planning a nice dinner for us and did my errands so we would have the necessary items. Did you bring a bottle of wine?”

I had not, and Vivian was not happy. “You know you should have asked, especially when I am hosting you,” she chatisided.

“Yes Madam Vivian, I’m sorry, my mistake. I did bring the cords as you directed.”

“Good subbie. Let’s get some wine on the way to my house. You mayproceeded, Sir.”

As we drove to get the wine, Vivian put her left hand inside my unzipped fly and began caresing my cock and balls over my briefs. As my cock began to grow she reached her hand under my t-shirt and rubbed my chest, slowly descending to my briefs. This time, she moved her hand underneath, down to my balls, then softly stroked my cock. It was almost hard.

“I know you have had Some excitement down there today, but do not cum Sir.” Her tone was serious. I was driving and focusing on making sure I did not make a mess in my lap, and she pulled her hand out.

“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” She was beaming, revealing in her newfound control.

I thanked her for the special attention. Vivian got out, and purchased us some wine. She was unpredictable but very much in control. I was concerned about her admonitions about the wine, and my hesitant response to her request to unzip. Was she going to bring this up as misconduct, meaning spankings and more?

We arrived at Vivian’s house and once in her kitchen, she promptly asked me to pour her a glass of wine and some beer for me, “But not too much for you. Please wait here.” As she went to the bedroom I poured the drinks and retrieved the four cords I had brought. Vivian reentered the kitchen and we sat around a table, sipped our drinks and relaxed. I knew what was coming.

“Kevin, you have made a good effort to comply today with my directives but you also exhibited some bad behavior, the wine and failure to promptly comply earlier. I have done some reading about dominants and their subs, and how a dominant must properly discipline a sub when they misbehave. I need to do this with you today. Completing most of my demands and expectations is not good enough. I will be strict in order for us to properly grow in our relationship. Do you understand, Kevin?”

I nodded. “I am sorry Madam Vivian.”

Vivian continued, “Good, please stand up and let’s go to the bedroom. Bring thecords.” And when we entered, she ordered me to stand next to the bed.

Vivian was business-like, direct. “Take off all your clothes, and stand in front of the end of the bed, arms behind your back, head down.” I followed her commands, my stromach in knots. The discipline I feared was coming, but what exactly?

Vivian remained fully clothed. She gathered the cords, and was occupied with them on each corner of the bed near the headboard. She then walked over to me and told me she was going to attach two leather cuffs with a metal ring on each, to my wrists. I put out my arms and she did so.

“Please climb up on the bed and get on all fours facing the headboard.” She took the leather straps that were attached to the two front corners of the bed and attached them to the cords I had given her. She used the other end of the cords to affix them to the metal rings on the cuffs on my wrists. Vivian had done her homework. I was now naked on the bed on all fours, restrained, tied tothe front bed corners, able to move maybe a foot in each direction. She was out of my view but very much in the room.

“I already explained why I am doing this Kevin. We need to go forward with discussion as we discussed. Move to your left if you can.” I was able to move a foot or so to the left before the restraints stopped me. She began spanking me with her hand, on both sides of my butt, harder as she continued. This lasted a few minutes and she paused.

“Point your butt to the left please, head forward.” I purchased two tools tonight for your discipline, and will start with a silicane paddle. You were scheduled to receive six paddles to each side for your regular discipline but due to your bad behavior you will receive ten. Please count out loud as I paddle you.”

THWACK! … “Ah, Ah,” I groaned, exhaling. I began counting. “That is one.”

The force of the blow surprised me. This was hardly a spanking tool for beginners, which is what I thought Vivian and I wase.

THWACK! … “AAAAHHH”, “That is two.”

Madam V continued, pausing between blows, me counting. It hurt, the paddle’s impact penetrated deep into my tissue. Her blows got harder, paddling me up and down my left butt chef.

The singing blows had turned to pain. Vivian was taking her time, allowing each blow to settle in before her next strike. The pain was cumulative, my left cheek was burning.

THWACK… “OWWWW…Fuck!” I cried out.

“That’s nine,” I counted, gritting my teeth, awaiting the next blow.

She paused.


Another strong blow. The pain, singing and burning was already intense. The intensity of this paddling was over the top, worse than anything I had ever received. I was not ready for this, and needed a break.

“Yellow!” I shouted.

Vivian responded quickly. “Okay Kevin, I know it hurts, but this is necessary discipline.” Her voice was soft but her words indicated she had no second thoughts. She paused and came around to the other side of the bed. On all fours, restrained, I was completely vulnerable, available for her to do what she pleased. She briefly stroked my cock. My sensings were on overload.

“I will give you two more minutes.” Vivian was in full dominant mode, all business.

After the pause, “Please move over to the other side of the bed as you can, but pointing to your right, head forward. Continue counting.”

THWACK!! …. This time to my right cheek.

The blows landed, moving up and down my right side, again pain and burning. Now at six, she delivered a blow to the middle of my butt, compounding the pain.


“Seven,” I counted. That may have been her stronger. My butt was on fire.

“Yellow!!” I screamed. I had endured enough of the paddle. I exhausted and pointed my head down.

Madam Vivian came to my side, “Are you alright? I know this is your first time with serious discipline, it must be hard.” She leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. Her voice was consoling and it helped.

“I appreciate that Madam Vivian, but I cannot accept any more from that paddle. What is the other implementation and how many?” I asked warily.

“A rattan cane. I will lower the number of strikes to twelve. Can we continue in three minutes?”

Rattan canes are long, thin rounded pieces of cane , flexible, delivering a strong, singing blow with a wave of the arm and flick of the wrist. They are designed for punishment. I had never been the recipient of one, but was familiar with them.

Madam Vivian had chosen two spanking tools that could be used to mete out serious discipline. And she was doing so.

I nodded. “I will try.”

“Good job, my subbie.” She kissed me again and briefly fondled my cock. So much stimulation, most of it pain and burning. I looked ahead.

Vivian moved to the left side of the bed and I again moved my hips towards her. She would useher right arm with the rattan cane. My butt was already burning with pain. I braced for more.

After a few minutes, Vivian ended the silence. “I am beginning with the cane. Please count out.”

WHOOSH, “OWWW!” “That’s one.”

The first cane strike had landed, striting across my entire butt, singing, burning, poorly leaving red marks across my butt.

Whoosh, this one was not quite as hard. “That’s two.”


That’s three. The singing and burning was intense. That one may have broken my skin and left a red stripe mark across my butt.

Vivian must have practiced with this thing, the cane. My head was down now, gritting my teeth, bracing for more.

WHOOSH! … WHOOSH!! “AAAHHHHHH, FUCK!” I screamed out.

“That’s four and five.”

I gritted my teeth again. I was not ready for two in succession. Very sharp strikes, leaving marks on my skin without question.


Two more in succession. Again very strong. My butt was awake in pain, burning, singing all over my cheeses. I was at my limit.

“RED! ” I shouted out.

Vivian came over to my side, tried to console me, touching my cheese. Then, “Just a few more to finish.” Did she not notice my obvious disappoint?

I did not need to think. Again, clear and loud, “RED!”

“Okay, I am stopping Kevin.”

She came over, consoling me. She got on the bed and put my head in her arms. A few tears rolled down my cheeks. I was pretty drained. “No more tonight. You did a good job accepting your discipline. I am going to take off your restraints now.”

I didn’t move, just saved that it was over.

Vivian quickly retrieved some treatment items for my buttocks. “Please lie down on the bed on your stomach.” She applied a cold clothes, antibacterial cream, and a salary.

I asked about the status of my butt cheats. Vivian relayed that there was surface abrasion, what looked like two welts, and they were very red. She finished applying salary, gave me an ibuprofen, and then she brought a towel and ice, applying it over a thin towel. My butt was throbbing. She continued using the ice, and stayed with me, I don’t know how long.

“Thank you so much Madam Vivian for attending to me.”

“Of course, you are not only my submissive but my boyfriend!” We kissed and I did off.

Vivian awakened me, still sitting right next to me, applying ice to my butt cheats. I had been sleep for 90 minutes. I got up, and put on a shirt but wore nothing else.

The pain had diminished but was not gone. I moved to the kitchen and carefully sat down, applying the ice over a towel. Vivian quickly brought me a cold beer and prepared me a burger and a salad. Was I seeing a new side to her?

“You should stay a little longer so it can calm down more,” Vivian was being thoughtful. It was too early for me to sort through my feelings about the discipline.

She wantsed to talk and tried to start a conversation. “No more role playing tonight, no more Madam Vivian. How did you like our scene at the pool today?” she asked.

I told her it was sexy, walking around in that bikini under your orders, even exciting and so too the spanking in public.

“Good to know Kevin, that we both liked it. Let’s think of more activities like that. Kind of an exhibitionist thing. Send me any ideas and I have a few of my own. And I don’t mean discipline!”

We watched a bit of TV. As I moved out the door to leave, we kissed, I stroked her hair and went home, carrying the towel and ice.


I stopped at Vivian’s the day after our bedroom scene to get some more salary treatment, and she willingly did so. Talking openly while she applied salve and ice to my remaining welts and abrasions, we planned a date that had no role playing, just dinner and romance for the upcoming Friday night.

I asked for more communication on our kinky role playing, adding that I did not want it to dominate our traditional relationship. Vivian claimed we were of like minds on this, but her words were believed by her actions. I still needed to process the intensity session from the prior evening and was not ready for more talk that day.


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