Vivian and the 50 Wax Drippings

Hot wax dripped onto her calm and she let out a choked cry all her muscles tightening around the triangle she was suspended over only to make the weights on her title swing. Pain and pleasure waved through her while she sucked in air around the chocolates holding her tongue out.

Her right foot was next and the person dripped it right over the top, down to her toes. She squeezed her thighs riding the sensings it left screaming up through her. There was no concept of time for her, arms suspended by her wrists. Her hands were tied above her, she could grap ropes to take some of the pressure off her legs and that was it. A large triangle was between her legs forcing her to stay spread with her leg muscles flexed. If she released for even a moment the triangle ridge top pressed into her cunt uncomfortable.

Wax dripped onto her other foot and she jerked again making the weights on her nipples swing again. Breath in, breath out ride the wave. A blindfold prevented her from seeing the person dripping the wax on her. Special, magical earplugs played classical music in her ears so she couldn’t hear where the hot drippings would come from next.

Slowly she sunk into that place of peace that allowed her to handle the number of drippings she deserved. 50 people and she was only on the first person. More was spilled over her upper thigh and she hissed shifting to one side which made the ridge press into her left side cream unexpectedly and quickly she shifted back tensing her inner thighs.

How had she let this happened? It had been forever since she’d let anyone touch her and yet she’d let the this magical sex mansion tie her up like this. She’d accepted this punishment for being late with the, well literally the triangle she was suspended over. It was its own kind of hell to be suspended on an item you’d built. Drool slide off her mouth in a large plop onto the wood and she whimpered from the cold drops that were in sharp contrast to the wax.

Somethed dried her tongue, and then pressed it into something. What? She couldn’t taste anything, it was on the underside where there were not taste buds. All she could taste was a finger on top. The finger let go and lifted the headset covering her ears. A high pitched voice told her.

“When I do that you better give me a light puzzle demon. I know your measly capabilities. You will light the objects of Your torture or we’ll make it 500 people. Next time you are told to be done with something you will be done with it when we tell you.” The headphones were put back on her ears and her tongue was once more pressed into what she now knew was a candle tip.

With a whimper she pushed a small flame to the tip of her tongue to light the next candle for the next person. Her tongue was released the pressure releasing was like it had Just lifted from her clip instead. It pressed once more on her tongue and she rocked her hips trying to rub herself on the edge of the triangle. But she’d done too good of a job when she created it, if she brushed her clip on it the sharpness was uncomfortable, just like it should be.

The woman continued using her tongue to light candles, preparing the wax for the next people. She started to feel like a lighter, just an object to be used to create her own torture. After 50 had been lit she let Vivian know by dropping some wax on her tongue. Her scream echoed in the room through her headset as the heat touched her. Oh fuck. She couldn’t burn but she could still feel the heat and pain unlike her own fire. Rocking on the triangle she pressed her heels into it to get the lift. Oh god, 49 more people.

What she didn’t know was, this was how she was to know the person was done and the next person would arrive soon. A drop on her tongue until there was 50 layers. It was a good thing she was a demon could handle so much more than a puzzle human. She’d barely had time to relax from the pain when hot wax suddenly splashed across her left thigh and she flexed lifting herself with her arms as her legs stopped working for a second when it hit her delicious inner thigh.

Being part fire demon means they used regular candles since she couldn’t burn and damn it felt delicious as the tender skin was touched by that heat and pain. The pain only lasted for a moment until it turned into pleasure. Making stripes on her right leg like she was a tiger the new person went down her leg while she held herself by her arms. Soon the other leg was matching. Then the person did something interesting which she couldn’t see but felt.

The weight on one on of her nipples was lifted up leaving it without any pain for a moment. She tilted her head confused, what suddenly it was dropped and hot wax splattered drops on her thighs, belly and underside of her breasts. Her brain Practically flatlined, going white from the pleasure and pain mixing. Then it was repeated with the other and holy fuck. Once more on each side and she didn’t thinkher nipple could take anymore in that moment.

A soft kiss was pressed to her nipple where it was clamped as tears dripped down her face. She didn’t say the safe word because it was feeling so good and moments later a soft kiss was pressed to her other nipple. Fuck she’d love for this person to stay this was exactly what she needed in her life. But a moment later wax dripped on top of the dry wax on her tongue and she knew they were leaving.

She waited breathing in and out softly for the next set of fresh hell. Her toes, drip, drip drip, wax splattered in the sensitive areas between them and she jerked her whole leg sliding lower on to the triangle and with a cry she lifted herself up again as sharp pain between her legs reminded her of the need to stay higher. This time she was more prepared holding herself tense as drop by drop it splattered over her toes until her right toes were totally coated.

Breath in, breath out, steady then it hit her left foot and she still screamed around her tongue held in place. ANGEL-LIGHT, she cursed this was intense, then it was over, a drop on her tongue and they were gone. The wax was drunk on her toes and while she could press her legs into the triangle it was difficult to wiggle her toes with the wax hardening on them.

Just when she’d started to sink into a zone the next person was there. They took her calm on one side and dripped a line on the sensitive Underside, where the muscle was flexing to hold her up. Drip, drip, drip ever so slowly. The muscle jerked and contracted under the sensing making her glad she could use her arms. Finally she realized they were drawing something in the wax but she had no idea what, and she’d never know. A drip on her tongue and they were gone.

Four people down. The fifth one started with her tits, heat hit with a splash and she jerked back grabbing the support for her arms before arching back to give them a better shelf. They reached out lifting one heavy tit in onehand pulling up the weighted title. It flattened in their palm, a handful of jello as they dropped the hot wax on the tender flesh. Her spit dripped down making her middle chest a cool contrast to the heat slamming into her flesh on her title.

Wax splashed, tears poured out her eyes, her title was so tender compared to other places and then her title was gently placed back down, the weight clipped to her nipple carefully dropped down. The other was lifted and the same thing was carefully done. Splash, splash, splash until the top was coated with drying wax. Carefully it was set back down so the weight didn’t jerk then a drop was left on her tongue.

By this point her tongue was starting to feel tired and pulled by the weight of the drying wax. Her drool was spilling out her mouth and down the side of the chopsticks since she could barely swallow like this. Relax she had to, this was only 4 people!

Her arms started to slide back forcing her hips to shift forward, her arms flexed as she held herself up with her abs tight. The slanting triangle shape split her ass, threatening to be a hard landing spot for her tail bone if she didn’t keep herself upright. Her demon tail shifted to create a light spring behind her trying to help but it was painful on the sharp edge so she put it to one side.

How genius of her to fit the device with something similar to a claw machine where the person could be moved as the people needed. The fact that she’d created it brought red to her cheeses, it was embarrassing to have her own torture device, designed by her turned on her. Heat tinted her skin but most of it was hidden beneath the wax hiding most of her from sight.

She knew she was helpless but this position emphasized it in a way the previous position hadn’t. Her tits trembled as the weights hit her body and then fell to each side of her with a pull on her nipples that pulled a scream of painful pleasure from her throat. The weights pulled her tits in either direction while spit gathered in her mouth and she had to quietly the sounds to swallow it.

Hot wax spilt on her ribs, her arms flexed and her head fell back as her belly danced trying to escape it. It drizzled down nearing her pubis covered in a dark pink curls but it dried before reaching anything. A fifth drop on her tongue and the participant was gone. At least people only had a minute to have their fun otherwise this would take much longer than it already was. She couldn’t believe she’d have to be here for another 45 people. Fuck she already wanted to cum so bad, each hot splash of liquid chasing back the need only to send a rush of heat to her belly as it cooled.

They must have spent most their time moving her to the new angle, she knew she was in the middle of a glass room on display for people to look in, meanwhile if she didn’t have a blindfold on she wouldn’t be able to see them. Her left title was picked up by the chain, the teeth of the nipple clamp pulling her title up,Her hands squeezed, her body tensed waiting for the hot drop. Where?

Heated pain dropped on her inner thigh and her brain white lined, she lost her muscle flexing for a second dropping onto the sharp roof shaped triangle before the pain in her tailbone forced her to pull herself up again. Her right title wobbled as the weight bumped against her body and she whimpered. Her left title weight was dropped and the weight Hit her side pulling it wide once more. Angel-light she cursed, the title had been a distraction. Was that light laughter she could hear through the classical music.

More heat splashed on her inner thigh down the left leg but she was ready this time. Carefully she concentrated on breathing as the waves of pleasure pain rushed through her. In, out, In, out. Saliva spilled out her mouth and slid down her cheek but she could do nothing but breath in and out her nose. She didn’t notice when it stopped until the drop hit her tongue and she shuddered. Six.

The blindfold was smart really, there was no way she’d be able to resist teleporting if she could see where to go but her powers didn’t work without sight. Heat blossomed between her tits mixing with the saliva, up to her collar bone. She tilted her head back trying to prevent her chin from being hit and was greeted with a pool of it on her throat. It spilled down half circled her neck in a ring of cooling wax that split when they pushed on her chin to get her head back up right. A splash of wax now so covered she could barely feel it through the layers and the person was gone. Seven.

She didn’t know it was possible to be even further back but the next person tried and she stretched back, abs clenched her ass split even further. Wax spilt on the tender underarm of her left arm and then it was like the person couldn’t make up their mind because it went down the left side of her body one after another drop drop drop until the last one hit her foot. Searing heat following by cooling hardness that felt delicious and she rocked her hips wishing for some stimulation but her head was tilted a drop met her tongue and they were gone. Eight.

The underside of her tits were whipped with the wax, she thought whipped because it was like the flung it on her, like someone splattering paint. Little drops of burning heat turning into harden wax soothing the skin. Down her body they went then dropped their drop on her tongue and left. Nine.

Heat on her right hip, outside to the inside, dripping to the sensitive skin, almost touching her… “glaugh”. The person was trying to push something inside her vagina. Some stranger was pressing something inside her while she could do nothing! She flexed her ass pushing herself up so it was easier to push whatever it was it giving her a moment of feeling filled. She almost cried in joy as they started to fuck her with the object, was it a candle? A dildo? She didn’t even care it was satisfying the need in her to be filled. She flexedMeeting their thrust, 10 thrusts and then it was pulled from her, leaving her tense and unsatisfied. Another drop of wax hit her tongue weighing it down further. 10, was that the price for making it to 10?

A moment passed and then she felt her pussy lips pushed apart. Oh, what? Was. HOLY ANGEL OF and she lost thought for a moment a scream echoing from her throat as hot pain then pleasure burst on her clip. They’d dropped it directly on her clip. As it started to die down she whimpered and flex her hips as they blew to cool the wax. What a tease and now her clip feel.. different. She was fire proof so it wasn’t burned it must be the wax on it, it was almost muffled. A drop on her tongue and they were gone. Eleven.

Her skin was becoming sensitive and the drops were blazing hotter then they had at the beginning, only 39 more to go. Her big toe was pulled away from the other toes on her right foot and she tensed as hot wax hit the sensitive skin there. The next toes split and mor hit it, then the next until all the toes on her right foot were forced apart. The pinky toe was the hardest causing her to jerk as the hot wax it, making her nipple clamps bounce and she fell onto the triangle before she could pull herself back up. Hot wax on her tongue which was turning into its own candle. Twelve.

Hot on her inner right wrist, breath in, breath out. Her hair was a mess of the spit dribbling out of her mouth, her elbow was coated and they didn’t stop pouring it until they reached her tongue. It dropped on her hair, neck, chin until it hit her tongue and they left. Thirteen.

A hand wrapped itself in her hair and pulled her head back with an imposing command. She was very conscious of her tits going up and down with the weight as he dropped the wax on her forehead. The blindfolded was pushed and shifted down but she didn’t dare open her eyes as the hot wax hit her right eyelid while she shuddered. Oh fuck, she wasn’t even real to these people. Just somehing to turn into a wax status. A chased sob came from her throat before she concentrated on just breathing as her eyes were sealed shut. Now she could almost make out light behind her eyes but she didn’t dare open them while it was drying. Air blew across her face and the blindfold was removed.

The wax wasn’t dried when they left their drop on her tongue and she was completely frozen in place scared to move. Fourteen. Her nipples burned but she knew it would feel worse once they removed the clamps. She both wanted them gone and wanted them to never leave. Hot wax pooled in her navel but she didn’t dare move, her muscle stayed taunt as the wax still dried on her eyes. The person dipped their finger into the hot wax. They dug in, out, in, out, if she could have laughed she would have but instead she held herself taunt as they wrote LATE in the drying wax on her stomach. They dropped her tongue drop. Fifteenth.

The next person did what she had been dreading, they took offthe right nipple clamp and she screamed as the blood rushed back to it. Heat splashed around her nipple but if touched it she didn’t know because it already was blasting with painful pleasure. They moved to the left one and took it off too leaving her screaming. She didn’t try to hide how much it made her feel. Her eyes tried to pop open but the solid wax prevented it. She thrashed until they pressed a finger to the underside of her chin centering her on that and dropped their wax on her tongue. Sixteen.

A mess she was a mess, floating. Wax hit her right armpit splashing the delicate parts bringing her forth again. She clenched the rope her hands held to hold herself still as the sensing stopped. Yup, just as she expected her left armpit was decorated to match. Would there be an inch of her without wax after this? Seventeen.

Her nipple that still tingled from the blood flowing to it exploded white lining her brain as drops it the left one. Angel-light, her hips rocked andbefore she’d recovered her right one was hit. Where was she? Floating, oh she was floating in a lake of hot pain and pleasure. Vaguely she was aware of a drop added to her tongue. Eightteen.

Her shin went hot, drops coated it but she barely noticed where she floated. She was the wax, she was their wax status. Drop drop. Heat, tongue, gone. Nineteen.

She was brought back by the feeling of something sliding inside her once more. Moaning she rocked against it as it fucked her. In, out, her orgasm was further away than it was earlier but this object was pulling her towards it at a good pace. She rocked her hips to help it slide into her fully, then out. Lost, oh it felt so good, how she never wanted this to stop. It slide out leaving her empty and whimpering unsatisfied. The person split her pussy lips and dropped a hot drop right on her clip once more. Pain lacened with pleasure burst in her once more slightly muffled from the wax already dried on he clip. She yanked trying to escape before collapse in the restraints. Twenty.

The rope on her arms shifted and she was pulled once more upright. Her thighs starting to tire even with her demon strength clutch at the wooden triangle between her legs. Her head collapsed forward pulled by the weight of the wax on her tongue before she lifted herself up. They weren’t even halfway. Wax dripped on her quad across her tits and then dropped heat on her tongue. That was fast. Twenty One.

Her arms were pulled forward and she leaned with it until she was about at a 45 degree angle, her tits dangling down beneath her, her belly scrunched up. She paused there for a moment before she was moved further. her left title caught on the edge before sliding off the wax protecting her from pain. Finally she stopped moving almost flat to the wooden edge. A hand was put on her back and they splattered around it leaving a handprint of non wax behind. That wasn’t that bad.

The music was soothing her ears when she realizedThey hadn’t put a drop on her tongue. That’s when she realized the issue, her head wasn’t very far up unless they pulled it. Which they promptly did pulling her up by hair to drop wax on her tongue before releasing her hair. She lowered her head waiting for the next. Twenty-Two.

Sudden heat in her asscrack had her jerking and screaming as it continued a hot trail down down until it reached her pumped asshole. She screamed and scream, jerking her arms as tears streamed down from the pain but she didn’t try to tap out. As much as she let out her screams this felt incredible. It dropped off her ass before it could gather in her ass and she took deep breaths as she realized the issue. Her hips weren’t far enough back. Oh but she’d built it so the person on it could move forward enough if they wanted to. She arched for the hand that grabbed her hair so they could leave their drop on her tongue before setting back. Twenty-three.

The next person knew she could move further though, a hand pressed into her lower back forcing her to arch more. It put her clean asshole on full display and she whimpered trying to escape the hand by rocking but it stayed solid on her. Spit drooled out her mouth and she waited tension for what was next. Tears well as she felt the heat on her asshole, directly on the pumping hot wax dropped. She jerked once before still as the hand refused to leave and she surrendered to it. Relaxing as they blew air across it, cooling the wax in place before pressing their lips to her ass cheek in what felt like pray. They moved to her head and instead of grabbing her hair they gripped her chin and lifted her head up. Oh how it thrilled her, a direct line from her chin to her clipit as they forced her to stay there while they dropped their wax. The fingers caresed her chin sweeping up one cheek to take some tears with them. She’d bet anything they sucked them off their fingers too. A shudder went through her at the thought. Twenty-four.


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