In your living room you sit thinking about your day, all the normal trials and hassles and also the satisfaction that you did your best. You give so much of yourself during your day that it is a comfort to just sit and enjoy the quiet hominess of your apartment. You sit on your soft couch letting your mind drift and wander, off in a pleasant “I don’t give a fuck” kind of feeling. Your body is relaxing and you pull your legs up onto the couch to stretch out and allow yourself a nap. You gently close your beautiful eyes and slowly you drift, all worries floating away from you.
Just on the edge of sleep, you notice an odd noise of jingling in the bedroom, it seems far away in your sleepy, languid mind. Once again you detect the strange sound, metallly jingling in your bedroom. Now you rapidly come out of your hazy world, standing alert and ready. The noise this time did not stop, it rattles now like an angry rattlesnake only with a more metallic attitude. You heart, now pounding, is pumping adrenaline and fear rushes through your body. You stand for a second debating whether to run or go see if it was just the damn cat. The noise fades away, tinkling into the distance and now you’re sure it’s just the cat. Cautiously, you gently walk towards your bedroom still very on edge, you sense deep down as you pass though the threshold into your bedroom that it’s not the cat. Your room is dark and much colder than the rest of your place; you reach for the light switch on the wall, flicking it quickly. Nothing happens, only a frightening, lonely darkness. You feel a draft from the window, the curtains blowing in the cool night breeze. Cold and annoyed, you walk across to the window, closing and locking it firmly, your body shifts from the cool air and perhaps something else. You feel Something watching you. As you turn back a strange glitter catches your eyes and you sense more than see a dark figure pull a shining steel chain similar to a man’s heavy linked bracelet around your soft, vulnerable throat. It happened so fast you didn’t have time to take a breath. The chain bit into your flesh just enough to let you know that any second could be your last and you are pulled forcedly back against the hard chest of a dark, anonymous stranger.
A low lethally, vicious voice whispers hotly in your ear from behind you. “I was wondering when you would Come in here.” You feel the chain cut in a little harder, constricting your breath even more, his harsh low voice heats your neck with, “What the fuck am I going to with you, I hadn’t planned it this way but now you’ve forced me to deal with you.” He grabs you roughly by the hair at the nap of your neck and drags you with the chain over to the bed. Panting for breath, you realize that the sharpness of the cold, stainless-steel chain could cut you badly if he wanted.
His cold, quiet words bite into you again, “I came here for the jewels, not your hot little ass.”
You whisper hoarsely, “Don’t hurt me, please… I wont tell anybody you were here.”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP, did I say you could open your fuckin’ mouth?” He shoves you down onto the bed, always staying behind you, always on the edge of sight in the shadows. He relaxes the chain slightly and as you try to catch your breath he again speaks with that hard cold voice, “Listen very carefully girl, you have one chance at survival here, and that is to do anything, and I fucking mean ANYTHING I say, DO YOU HERE ME?!”
You nod your head afraid to say anything.
“Good girl,” he says, his voice a little soft commands, “Stand with you back to me now, if you try to look at me your dead.”
You comply immediately and stand as he lets the long, shiny chain play out in his fingers, always keeping a little pressure on it and your delicate throat. He moves close behind you and say, “You going to be sweet for me, aren’t you?.. ANSWER ME!”
“Yes, I’ll be sweet, I’ll do anything you want,” you breathlessly respond, “please, please don’t hurt me.. I’ll be good.”
His iron hard hand swoops out of the darkness and claps singingly over your tender mouth. You shudder involuntarily, feeling something deep within you, something strange, making you realize you are now much more aroused than scared. With every word from this hard man’s lips, you feel small lightning bolts of pleasure tear Through your body. They make you year for more, aching for his words and his potentially lethal touch. You are so wet you feel the heat and dampness of if on your thighs, as he harshly pulls you back by your face, to slam into his hard chest, your soft ass crushing into his hardness.
His voice, now a little soft, breaths into your ear from behind, “I bet all the guys drool over you don’t they little princess? You’re so sweet; I think I’m definitely going to like this.” With this he drops your shiny leash and swiftly rips the long t-shirt you were wearing as pajamas, down from your throat and pealsWhat is left off it off your supplies body. This completely takes your breath away and you lean into him without understanding why. You are now left standing only in your tiny panties, quivering with excitement and fear. He shoves you hard, face down on the bed onto your belly, pinning your hands above your head. He straddles your legs so your soft round bottom is pushed up near his crotch. A soft, wanting whimper escapes your lips as his powerful fist rakes into your hair and holds your head firmly.
He leans forward and whispers fiercely, “I’m going to take every part of your body, do you got a problem with that, DO YOU!?”
“No, please, please take me, I want if so bad, just don’t kill me, please, I’ll do whatever you want, I’ll be a good girl,” you say with desperate anticipation. His large, called hand slides slowly and hotly down your back until his fingers grasp the waist band of your cute little panties. With a vicious tug, he tears them from you exposing your beautifull soft ass, your silky, alabaster skin, glowing in the weak light from the hallway. You groan and grab the bed hard, entwining the sheets within your fingers. You can’t understand why, but this stranger has you panting and pulsing inside, lust completely overruling everything else. He gently runs a hard finger into the silken cleft of your bottom, letting it slowly probe down deeper between the cheeses. As he gets near Your tight little asshole he notices that you are completely soaked from front to back, your sweet pussy literally gushing with excitement.
“You really like this shit don’t you, you wet little slut, did I give you permission to enjoy this? DID I?”
You squirm involuntarily and respond in a sweet whisper as a tear glistens at the corner of your eye, “I’m so sorry… I can’t help it… you make me so hot inside, I need…need you to…”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP! I don’t give a fuck what you need, the only reason you’re still alive is to service me, DO YOU UNDERSTAND BITCH!?”
“Y..Yesss, yes, oh God yes… I’m so sorry Master.
In stark contrast to his harshness, he gently cares your spine with two fingers, as he slowly slides down your thighs toward your knees. His stubbled face hovers just above your creamy flesh, as he looks longingly at your tenderer, exposed ass. You hear him reaching for something on your nightstand, and then hear a click of a lighter. Fear and crushing desire surge through you, as you anticipate what he may do to you. He had found a candle on your nightstand and now had it lit and proceeded to drip the hot, firey wax across your lower back and sweet tender bottom, leaving burning hot beads stuck to your soft ass flesh. This propelled you to a place you have never known, between his hard words, his Knowing, yet potentially lethal touch, you feel you could explode at any second. He stands and continues to drip the hot, lust inspiring beads of wax up your sensitive spine; you shudder and moan, your entire nervoussystem crackling and on fire.
“Close your eyes and keep them closed girl, and no speaking,” he demanded, “or I’ll ram my cock up your tiny ass.”
Your pussy floods and you can’t help but whimper and gasp out, “God yesssss, please, please take it Master… Please fuck my ass.”
Your answered by a vicious smack on your white bottom, a brilliant red hand print glowing on your delicate flesh.
“Unnngghaaa!! Yessss…” is your breathless reply.
Now standing beside the bed up by your head he refuges hotly, “My, my, my, but aren’t you the slutty little princess, I bet daddy doesn’t know you want strange men to rape your tight little asshole. You want that don’t you… DON’T YOU?!”
“Yesss, God yes, please… I want you to take it… I want you to use me… I want you in my ass so bad Master.”
Your beautiful body and your sexy soft voice are starting to have an effect on this dark, faceless stranger, his breathing is more rapid as he uses your soft hair toturn and position your head near the edge of the bed. With your eyes still closed as instructed, you have no idea what will come next, all you know is that you need this man inside you, anywhere inside you. His hard, powerful hand holds your hair more firmly and you feel something hot and wet touch your delicate lips. You reach out your soft little tongue and taste that it is the moist head of his extremely hard cock, the tip glistening wet with his excitement.
He leans down and you can feel his hot breath along your sensitive neck as he says, “You’re gonna take my cock real sweetly in your mouth… If I feel even the slightest bite I will slit your throat from ear to ear, DO YOU HEAR ME SLUT!?”
“Yes, please yes”, you whimper, “I want to taste it, I’ll be good, I swear I’ll be a good girl, please may I taste your hard cock?”
He slowly parts your smooth wet lips with his hardness and proceeds to push his rigid meat as far as he can into your sweet mouth. He pushes withAgnizing slowness until he bottoms the head into the back of your wanting throat, grinding himself hard into your pretty face. He now holds your hair with both of his rock hard hands, holding your head absolutely still as he starts to pump in and out of your mouth in long slow strokes. You tingle and vibrate everywhere with the feel and taste of his powerful shaft in your hot sweet mouth.
He groans quietly and say somewhat softly, “Sweet Jesus you have a soft mouth girl, you are doing a very good job… you like to please me don’t you little one.”
“Ummhumm,” you answer around his hard girl. With every plume, a soft whimper escapes your throat, wanting him more and more and more, his pluming becoming faster and faster. You can feel him quiver slightly, signaling his impending release, the anticipation of tasting him driving you crazy. “Ummhhhmm Ummhhmmm.”
He roughly pushes your face aside and say, “That’s all you get for now baby.”
You cry out with crushing need, “Please, please, Master please… I need it… I want your hot cum on my tongue please!”
“SHUT UP YOU LITTLE FUCK!!… Do you think I give a fuck what you want!” It was totally maddening to have just a taste of his pre-cum and not be allowed to have it all.
“I already told you little princess that I’m going to fuck your soft, tight little ass. If you fight me, you will fucking pay dearly.” He moves over to stand beside you at the waist, and in one powerfully swift moment, grabs you hard and throws you over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift. He carries you forcibly into your living room, throwing you roughly; face down over the back of your soft, puffy couch, your hips up on the backrest, your sweet bottom totally exposed and vulnerable to his burning gaze.
This has you to the point that if he even looks at you hard, you are going to ignite into a shower of molten lava. Your thighs glisten with your hot fluid and your tender little but-hole is pulsing and pumpering in anticipation of what is to come. Again you see the long, silver chain flash and sparkle as he wraps it snuggly around your wrists, then throws the other end under the couch back towards your feet. He moves around and take the other end of the wicked chain and ties your feet so that you are completely immobilized.
Your breath comes in ragged gasps as he stars at you, admiring his handiwork, “That ought to keep you where I want you while I ravage your tight little pussy and ass, is that what you need little princess, a hard, brutal man deep up inside you?”
Your mouth is so dry and you’re gasping so hard that you have a hard time answering.
“ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE SLUT!” He shouts at you harshly and smacks you hard across your soft, sensitive ass, raising a twin of the previous hand print on your other cheese.
“Yesss!… yes Master, Yessss,” you blur out in abandon, “Yes, fuck me, please fuck me anywhere you want, please… I need you in me now!”
Angainhis hard palm slams down on your tender bottom, once, twice, three times, four times, you buck and shake against the delicious impact, teetering on the edge of a monumental orgasm. Whimpering and grunting as he strikes you, “I’ll be good.. Unghyaaa… I’m yours… Aahhhaa Fuck!… Please take me, I need your hard cock so bad.”
Before you can catch your breath, he stalls his severely hard dick into your dripping wet snatch, taking you as deep as he can, growing with feral intensity as he does so. Unable to contain your password you scream out a long squeal of heated delight, your body responding more and more to everything this man does to you. His iron hard fingers dig into your hips as he starts a deliberately slow rhythm, knowing that it would drive you even crazier. His hard, thrusting manhood opens you so deep and slow that you feel like you may lose your mind. As his tempo quickens gradually, your legs are shaking violently and you lose all control of the password welling insIde you, whimpers and moans turn to screams of heated ecstasy as he hammers hard now into your wet little cunt. Just as the massive waves of a giant orgasm crash through your small frame, he withdraws his diamond hardness, glaiming and dripping with your creamy luxury. He then slowly and incrementally inserts it into your tight, contracting bottom. This only causes the waves to increase in overwhelming magnitude, tears stream down your face and you are crying out and whimpering, captured within the shattering ecstasy.
As he slowly pushes in as hard and deep as he can, he says, “My God you’ve got a tight little bum, I can feel you coming all around me baby girl.” With that, he again gives you another sharp whack across your tender loins. The burn from his hard palm travels Throughout your entire body, combining with the sensings of his penetration, viciously electrifying the entirety of your nervous system. The effect triggers an even bigger climax, causing you to quiver and shake uncontrollable, moaning and screaming as you buck and shudder. Even though his penis of relatively average size, in your ass it feels huge, hard and throbbing as he slowly grinds deep into your most private, taboo place. He slowly moves his hips in small circles causing the head of his hard member to touch you in places so wonderful you are unable to stop the rollercoaster-like waves smokeing through you, assaulting you in their depth and severity. He pulls out quickly and buries his rough face into your ass licking and probing your clip and both your wet openings with his long slippery tongue. The speed in which he did this shocks you to the core, your feeling like your going to pass out from the ferocity of his talented tongue. Again he stands and this time drives his hard shake into your tiny, well lubricated asshole, grinding at the bottom of his thrust then giving you short stalling plunges into your sweet, abused bottom. You feel yourself flying apart at the seams, totaly lost in an ocean of sensings that are, like him, ravishing your super sensitive body. Your vision blurs and there is a loud ringing in your head.
He falls onto your back, crushing you to the back of the couch. Reaching forward, he grabs you hard by the hair, driving your face into the cushions he harshly whispers, “I’m not going to stop, I’m going to keep raping your tight little ass, I’m going to pound you until you cant fucking walk, that’s just how you like it isn’t it little princess, ISN’T IT?!!”
He slapses you again on the side of your now glowing red bottom, you respond with a small, girl, “Yes please… please take my bum, I want you, I need you, please cum in my sweet little bum.” He totally loves this and can stand no more, dumping gallons of burning hot man juice deep up your ass, surge after surge after surge, as he pounds into you violently milking every last drop of him into your sweet, soft bottom. This drives you over the edge of yet another precipitouscliff of pleasure, flailing and screaming into the cushions of your large, puffy couch.
Now exceptionally gentle, the large man releases your bonds and slowly pulls your sweaty, exhausted form down onto the cushions of the couch. He sits beside you and slowly and almost constantly, cradles you like a newborn as your whimpering breaths gradually slow. He draws you up onto his lap, kissing away your joy-filled tears and cuddles you to his chest, rocking you gently and whispers in your ear, “I hope that you still love me after all that my sweet girl… I adore you and always will love you Baby girl.”
As more joyous tears stream wetly down your face and onto his broad chest, you whisper, “I love you so much, I wish I could tell you how deeply I love you.” Totally at ease in your loving man’s arms, you truly appreciate and glow in the warmth and understanding he has always given you in relation to your powerful desires. He always tries to give you exactly what you really need and you loved him dearly for it. With your cheese on his warm hard chest you drift into a blissful sleep and dream of this sweet, powerfully loving man that holds you.
The end.
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