Visitor for Playtime Pt. 03

As my sweet, wonderful Nancy left the room, Richard enquired as to how had my husband had become so submissive. Being an extremely private person, I simply smiled and said, “maybe sometimes I will explain.” I knew I would never share the real story with Richard he was just someone to use for our enjoyment, nothing more nothing less. To ensure the conversation ended, I barked “less talking and More fucking, get over here.”

As Richard entered me and began to slowly fuck me, I couldn’t help but think of my beautiful man, my ‘Nancy’. I had begun the process of transforming him into Nancy full time. Deep down I know this makes sense to him. Yes, he is submissive and would never challenge me, but there has been no resistance to anything ‘Nancy’. I have a plan and it’s developing nicely.

Shortly after I reached my final orgasm and knowing Richard was close, I had him pull out and jack himself off onto my stomach, slowly moving my ab muscles I directed his beautiful liquid until most of it pooled into my belly button. I laid there completely satisfied and admittedly a little sore, watching Richard get dressed, I continued to ponder his question, “How did your husband become so submissive that he would allow today’s events to happen?” I had this overwhelming feeling that although I would never tell Richard, at that moment I knew I wanted to tell someone.

After Richard had exited the room, I slowly reached over to my bedside table and took a large straw from the drawer, then called for Nancy who rushed into the room and saw me lying on the bed in quite a mess, “I have a treatment for you Nancy”, as I handed him the straw.

Two days later I decided it was time to talk to someone about my relationship with my husband Nancy. We had always agreed to keep our Dominant/Submissive relationship private but that was over 10 years ago, so much has translated since that very special night when it all began. But who? Who do I trust? Who would understand? Not any of our close friends or family, I would never expose my sweet Nancy.

After much contemplation, I decided to test the waters with a colleague of mine, Elaina. She was very open minded, and we seemed to share many of the same views about things. We had never really talked about our sex lives but over the year or so since we had met, there had been jokes or comments that made me feel confident she my understand.

I stopped by her office just after lunch, “Hey Elaina, do you have time to grab a drink later?”

Elaina smiled and said, “That sounds perfect”. Before I could say anything, she added, “Oh wait, I need to be home right after.”

“Another time” I replied. I had to admit I was quite disappointed.

Before I got back to my office, I got a text from Elaina, “why don’t you come by my place later, why waste a good Friday night” Bing. The next text was her address.

Although we were office friends we had not really done much socially, and I had never been to her home or she to mine. Leaving the office, I punched her address into the Nav and started to drive. Fortunately, the drive was not too far and turned out to be quite close to our home. I was greeted at the door by her husband John, “Hi, my name is John, you must be Leslie, come in.”

“Elaina is out by the pool, it’s nice to finally meet you, she mentions you quite often.” Following John Through the house I replied, “Nice to meet you as well, you have a lovely home, have you been here long?”

“Thank you, we’ve been here 5 or 6 years now.” I answered.

As we walked through the living room I could see Elaina out by the pool, John motioned for me to go ahead and I continued out to the patio, John followed behind. Elaina got up from her chair and we had a friendly embrace. A hug, I thought this is new, clearly, we we’re more than ‘office friends’ now.

We exchanged pleasuresants and we both sat down. Elaina then turned to John, and simply said “John” as she motioned to withcarafe of wine on a neary table. John poured us both a glass of wine and then he asked, “can I get anything else for you ladies before I head in?”

Elaina thought for a second and then said, “Baby, I think that’s all for now, can I call you if we need something.” At that point, I started to get nervous about the reason I was there, to finally talk to someone about the Dom/sub relationship that I reluctantly entered but now embrace on a 24/7 basis.

We chatted about recent travel and of course gossiped about our co-workers until Elaina suddenly put her hand on mine and looked at me very seriously and said, “Okay Leslie, what’s up. You seem preoccupied and even a bit nervous.”

“I know, I know, I’m so sorry.” I answered. “I just…ah…I…I…I Thought I wanted to talk about…” I stumbled along.

Fortunately, Elaina interrupted me, “Okay Leslie, you obviously have something other than small talk on your mind. You don’t seem to me to be the type of person who can’tDiscuss the hard stuff. Do you need more wine?” We both laughed. It was nice of her to lighten the mood.

I took a deep breath and began, “Alright, I, I mean we, my husband and I have a fantastic relationship we are madly in love, I can’t imagine not being in each others lives. But it wasn’t always that way…” I paused.

“Do I hear a ‘But’? Elaina asked.

“No, no, not a ‘but’ more like an ‘And’. “And we have a ah…ah…sort a different…ah different type of life…” Suddenly I realized, Oh my god, she probably things we’re swingers. This is not going as planned. I started again, “ah, almost ten years ago, we had huge issues, sex was not great, we fought a lot, and it seemed like there was always a power struggle…” I stopped and waved my hands, “you know what, I’m sorry, this is crazy, I can’t both you with this, I should go.”

Elaina said, “Don’t go. I have an idea that might just make this conversation easier.”

She picked up her phone and sent a text.John immediately appeared. Elaina said, “pour us more wine and then go prep us a Charcuterie board and then prep yourself my beautiful Pet.” I don’t know her that well and I certainly didn’t know John, but there was a definite exchange between them. She got up and walked up very close and I couldn’t really tell but it looked like she was grabbing his balls, she then whispered something in his ear, John nodded and disappeared.

Several moments later we grabbed our wine glasses and headed inside. After a few minutes at the Charcuterie board Elaina said, “Okay, lets go continue our conversation but first I want to show you something.”

“Come Pet” she commanded. From a door off the kitchen entered John, on all fours, naked except for a dog collar and leash, and a very fluffy tail protruding from his ass. As he crawled to Elaina, I could see the cage between his legs. John reached her side, sat back on his heels and looked up. “Good pet” she smiled at him.

I was a little shocked but mostly relieved. I smiled and said, “You’re absolutely right, this will make the conversation much easier. We both laughed. Clearly, I had picked the right person to divulge my little secret. She picked up the leash and said, “lets go back outside”.

We sat and she commanded her pet to crawl over and lick my feet. Her pet didn’t hesitate, and she asked, “you don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all” I answered.

It was as if I suddenly couldn’t stop talking, finally someone to talk to about a ten-year journey that had until now remained private. It was instantly very clear we had traveled similar paths. After twenty minutes of chatting and having her pet lick my feet, she snapped her fingers and her pet crawled back to sit by her side.

We spent the next couple of hours comparing notes about the challenges, successes, failures and fun we’ve had over our journeys. I wasn’t surprised how similar our situations were, lifeless marriage, average sex and a husband who become compare. We both had our own epidemic or revelation at some point, ‘I need to take charge, to be in charge’. Both of us had searched for an answer and found it in the form of Dom/sub or FLR, whatever you want to label it.

We talked about how both our husbands submitted quickly and almost naturally. It was actually us who needed time to become accustomed to dominating someone we loved and cared about. I know for me it took a shift in thinking before I was able to physically hurt my husband, I was confused with spanking and CBT, but once I realized what it means to him, I was all in. It also took quite a shift in thinking to understand that humiliation was such a powerful emotion and sense of submission for him. We both agreed that our alternative relationship not only saved our marriages, but made them incredibly better, and most importantly our husbands become who they naturally were and allowed them to be better men.

It was getting late, and I needed to go, “Oh my, its late and I should be going. I can’t thank you enough. This has been exactly what I’ve needed.” I said.

We hugged and she said, “Honey, you’ve given me a gift as well. It’s finally nice to have someone to talk to.”

We hugged again, I bent down and patted pet on the head and gave a little tug on his tail and said goodnight.

“Text me when you’re safely home”. She called out as I got in my car.

“Of course,” I answered.

As promised, I sent her a text as soon as I arrived home. “I’m safely home and I must thank you for the amazing chat.”

“Thank you as well. Dinner tomorrow night? Our place? Just the four of us.” She replied.

‘We would love that” I answered.

“Wonderful, anytime after 6:00” Elaina replied.

I woke up very well rested and with a renewed sense of Dominance. Darin (Nancy) was downstairs, I could hear him making breakfast. I grabbed my phone and sent him a text, “I’m up.” Which was his cue to bring me a coffee.

“Goodmorning, Nancy. How did you sleep?” I asked as he walked in the room. I could see him flinch a bit when I used his new name.

“I slept great Ms. L. What about you?” he replied.

“Best sleep in a long time. Nancy, sit down I have something to tell you.” I said as I tapped the bed next to me. I continued, “We have a dinner date tonight with Elaina and her husband. And my sweet husband, Nancy, this dinner will be sort of a coming out party for you. You are going to go as Nancy.”

HIs mood instantly changed as he objected. “That’s not going to happen, we have always agreed to keep our arrangement private.” He said as he raised his voice. I smiled and waited for him to calm down. There was silence for almost a minute, knowing he was in trouble he Eventually added, “I’m sorry Ms. L, I was out of line.”

I let the apology hang in the air before I said, “Nancy, I know you trust me and would do anything I ask. Perhaps I could have approached the dinner date differently, howElaina and her husband, her Pet, have a very similar relationship to ours. Elaina knows most of the details of our D/S relationship, I know most of the details of theirs. Now, do you feel a little better?”

“Yes Ms. L” he said as he got off the bed and kneeed before me.

“Good, are you just a little bit excited about going out as Nancy? I think you are.” I said.

After a slight pause he answered, “Yes Mommy”. Ah, I knew I had him, he only uses ‘Mommy’ when he is deep in submission.

Smiling I then commanded, “Sweet Nancy, there is a very nice red poison on my vanity, you will paint both your finger and toenails. There is also a razor, you will shake your legs and any other body hair you can find. He hasn’t had pubic hair in years. I will pick out a nice dress to go over your coral pink bra and panties. We leave at 6:30.”

After a short nervous drive through our neighborhood dressed as Nancy, we stopped on their driveway, I pulled out a little box and handed it to Nancy, “These are for you.” I said. He opened the box and pulled out a pair of pearl clip on earrings and a short peal necklace. To my joy, my dear sweet husband just smiled and quickly put them on.

We were greeted at the door by Elaina and her Pet. Pet was on all fours with its leash, collar and of course the furry tail. I couldn’t decide who was more uncomfortable, Pet or Nancy.

“Come in, I am so grateful you agreed to dinner, I foresee a great night is ahead.” Elaina warmly said.

The dinner was mostly typical, Pet and Nancy seemed to get along, although most of the conversation was between Elaina and I, not sure if they were just being submissive or just didn’t have much to say. Once dinner was over, Elaina snapped her fingers and commanded, “Pet and Nancy, clear the table, clean the kitchen, then join us on the patio.” Quickly pet answered, “Yes Mistress E”, Elaina shot a glance at Nancy, “Yes Mistress E” Nancy quickly followed. “Good girlNancy” Elaina replied.

We sat down beside the pool and continued our conversation, “I have an idea.” Whispered Elaina.

“Do tell” I said.

“Do you or Nancy have any hard limits” she asked.

“Umm, not really” I answered.

She leaned in and began to explain her plan. I smiled through the whole explanation, once she was done all I could say was ‘genius’. Then we waited for our subs to reappear.

Pet and Nancy came out together, pet on all fours, Nancy holding the leash. I was nervous that Nancy had crossed the line by picking up the leash until Elaina said, “Well well Nancy, do you have a new pet?”

“No Mistress, I asked him to so it wouldn’t drag on the ground” Pet answered. “That’s fine pet, Nancy Please bring me the leash.” Ordered Elaina.

Elaina looked at me and I nodded ‘yes’.

She began “So Ms. L and I have decided we’re going to play a game and then watch some porn, who’s up for it? Being locked up I suspect neither of you are ‘up’ for it.” Elaina and I looked at each other and raised our eyes at the corny little joke.

She continued, “We have decided to unlock you both, how does that sound?” they both nodded yes. Elaina went on, “since pet is already naked, Nancy you need to strip, now.” Without hesitation, my obedient husband began to remove the dress I had picked out, placing the dress on a neary chair, she turned around I thought to myself, ‘god Nancy is beautiful, I do love that man’.

“Leave the bra Nancy, you look so pretty”, Elaina said as she continued with our plan. “We are going to unlock you now, and once you are free you will both start to jack yourself off while we watch. One of you is going to cum, the other will not. Whoever gets to the point of no return, you will ask permission to cum. Whoever asks first will continue to stroke, the other will stop and quickly place his mouth on the other’s cock. Whoever asks, then has ten strokes to cum, if they don’t cum in the 10 strokes, back goesthe cage and the other then gets a blow job in return.”

“Understand so far” she questioned. I was loving the look on their faces. Very conflicting emotions, I assumed.

Elaina then said, “The second part of our game, if you manage to cum within the ten strokes, will remain unlocked for the next hour, and do whatever they want with the other. The one who doesn’t cum gets locked back up for the night.”

I Then stepped in, “Do you both understand?”

They both somewhat reluctantly nodded yes.

“Come over here” I ordered.

We then both pulled out our keys and unlocked their cages.

They both were starting to harden when Elaina gave them the countdown, “5…4…3…2…1…Go.”

And with that they both started to quickly grab their cocks and do whatever they do to get themselves hard. If Nancy wanted to win and get hard fast, she would start with flicking her nipples with her nails, I wasn’t sure what pet would do. Right on cue, Nancy grabbed her cock, her other hand headed straight for her nipple. Pet started stroking and massaging its balls, different strokes, I guess.

Having both were in chatity for the better part of the week, we sensed the game wouldn’t take long and then we could get to watching our porn. Secretly I don’t think Nancy wanted to win, Richard had taken Nancy’s mouth and pussy, and deep down I think she now wanted to swallow pet’s load.

As I watched them stoke and moan, I glanced over at Elaina and saw she had her hand down her skirt. She noticed me looking and simply smiled and said, “I can’t help it, this is hot.” I agreed and quickly started pinching one of my nipples through my bloom.

Roughly five minutes had passed, clearly Elaina knows her pet as she blurted out “Oh my, here we go.” Within seconds, Pet spoke, “Mistress E, May I cum please?”

“Yes” she said. “Nancy, get down, I don’t cum on my pool deck”.

Nancy looked at me and stopped stroking her little clipty, she quickly got down on her knees and placed her mouth over pets cock, two strokes later, pets head went back and his cock went further into Nancy’s waiting mouth, then all the signs of a fulfilling orgasm, shaking legs, a few twitches, his head moving side to side with Nancy slurping and swallowing so as not to spill any of pets load.

“Did you get it all Nancy?” Elaina demanded.

“I think so Mistress E”, Nancy answered.

I walked over and placed my hand on Nancy’s head, “I’m so proud of you, that was very entertaining, I love how brave you are. Now the real fun is about to begin.” I walked back, poured us more wine, grabbed several ice cubes and handed them to Nancy, “Take care of your clip, I need to lock it back up for the next part of the evening”.

Elaina then walked over to her pet and took off his leash and collar and said, “Congratulations my pet, you won our little game and now you get to do whatever you would like for the next 60 minutes. Do you have any thoughts?” Befor pet could answer, Elaina asked, “would you like to start with a blow job from Nancy? “Yes” answered her pet. By now Nancy’s clip was soft enough that she could put it back in the cage, once it was locked, she handed me the key. “Thank you, Nancy, now go have some fun, Mommy will be watching and really wants to be pleased with the show” I said with a smile. “Oh, and Nancy, put Your panties back on.” I added.

“Okay, you two porn stars, let the show begin.” Elaina said.

Elaina had walked her pet over to a large double lock chair just beside the pool and laid him down. Nancy approached the chair and got down on her knees, reached out and took pet’s cock in his hand and started to stroke it back to life. After a minute or two Nancy moved forward and started to lick Pet’s shake and balls. Within a few minutes, pet was again hard as a rock and noticeably enjoying Nancy’s mouth and hands.

I was pleasantly surprised with Nancy’s profitency and enthusiasm, her head bobbed up and down, I could tell at one point she was swirling her tongue. I wasn’t sure if pet was taking his time or Nancy wasn’t as good as Richard had suggested, credit to Nancy for giving such a great effort.

Pet propping himself up with his elbows to enjoy the view finally succeed to the moment and laid back suggesting he may be close, Nancy then did something I would never have thought my dear sweet husband would do, he removed his mouth while continuing to stroke pet, licked her finger and gently inserted it into pet ass. Pet let out a very pleasant moan and lightly touched the top of Nancy’s head. After only a few minutes of playing with pet’s prostate, pet let out another moan and raised his hips in the air and blew his load into Nancy’s mouth for the second time.

Elaina was the first to comment, “That was beautiful, very sexy job Nancy, I think I’m dripping wet from watching. Now pet, you still have 35 minutes left with Nancy, would you like to fuck Nancy’s pussy?” “Yes Mistress E, please may I fuck Nancy’s ass…I mean pussy?”

“I think we’d both like to see that.” I added.

“I will go get some lube, Nancy back to work on pet’s cock, he needs to be hard again.”

My husband is a very smart man, I could sense what was going through his mind, the sooner he gets pet hard the longer pet will violence in his ass, and since pet had already cum twice, the odds of him cumming quickly a third time were slim to none.


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