Visiting Tasha’s
The Setting ============================
It was fifty three years ago that quantum portals were invented. Another twenty years or so to perfect them and it changed the world. Push something in from one side of a portal and it would come out of another quantum entangled portal, no matter how far apart they were. One lesser known use was portal chastity.
The Visit ===============================
Knocking on the door I was welcomed in by Mistress Tasha. I knew her well from the BDSM scene, knew she was highly reputable and a generally nice and caring person though she didn’t suffer the egos that occasionally intruded themselves into the scene. We’d also become very good friends. However, this was the first time I’d engaged her professional services.
“Hi Tom, welcome to my lair.”
She gave me a quick hug but there was a mischievous grin on her face.
“Hi Tasha”, I responded nervously.
I knew many Mistresses demanded they be addressed as Mistressbut Tasha wasn’t one of those. Thank God. She much preferred warm and caring rather than arrogant and hatty.
“Please Tom, nothing to be afraid of here. This is all about having fun. All about pleasure and I stick strictly to what you want. Your desires, your limits, times allowed, etc.”
I told.
“Yes I know, but this is the first time I’ve actually done this. I mean, I’ve played with partners before but never used portals.”
“I understand completely. Around the scene you’re a Dom, and a very good one at that, but I also know you’re a switch and I respect that very much. Truth be told, I’m one myself but I don’t advertise it much. There’s so many clueless stupid opinions about switches in the scene.”
“Yeah, that can be a problem in the scene – so many people are full of shit. ‘One True Wayers’ I call many of them.”
I told in exasperation.
“My switch side is something I keep fairly private and definitely away from play parties. And I know you’re the same as well.”
She nodded in agreement. “Yup.”
“Anyway,” I continued, “this is something I’ve had an itch to try for a very long time and I trust you to do it right.”
“Thank you for that Tom. I really appreciate you trusting me that much.”
She then looked at me sternly.
“Before we go any further, did you shake your cock and balls completely, as instructed?”
“Yes I did, nice and smooth.”
“Good. Also, have you brought your STD test results from the place I instructed you to get them from?”
I handed it to her and she checked it over carefully.
“Great, all clean because if you weren’t then I couldn’t accept you as a client.”
She nodded in satisfaction.
“Okay, lets go into the portal room and see the set up.”
She led me down a corridor before stopping before a very solid looking fire door. Inside the well lit room I could see a set of cubicles, nine across by three high, lined against a wall. Each cubicle was about forty centimetres high, by twenty wide and twenty deep. A clear perspex door fronted each cubicle.
In most of the cubicles I could see a set of cock and balls appearing stuck to the middle of the far wall. There were two women in the room.
One was sitting on a camping chair in front of an open cubicle and was playing with a very hard cock. The thumb and forefinger of her left hand was wrapped about the base of the mans balls Pulling them teaching. Her right hand was slowly struggling his shake. In the drink holder of the chair was a bottle of lube and every so often she dribbled more onto the mans cock. The other woman was playing with a different cock.
The other thing I noticed was a mobile phone attached to the adjacent cubicle door by a set of small suction cups. Whatever information was being displayed on the mobiles caused the women to constantly switch their attention back and forth between the man’s cock and the screen.
Tasha pointed to the women.
“I usually have three women per shift doing teasing sessions on our clients. Keeps us pretty busy.”
She turned to look at me.
“Once everything’s agreed I’ll place a portal ring over your cock and balls. Nanite technology bonds the ring to your skin. That’s why we need you to shake so we get a good connection. And once it’s on, you cannot take it off without an electronic key that I keep here.”
“Placing the portal ring on means your cock will come out of the matched ring in one of the cubicles.”
“This one here,” she said while pointing to an empty cubicle.
“And while your cock is here, I own it. It will be completely out of your reach. We will tease it, play with it, and torture it. All within your agreed limits of course.”
“There will be no mercy and no escape until the agreed upon termination date. And you will be completely powerless to stop us from toying with your cock and balls.”
I gulped at her words but also found myself getting excitedat the prospect of it.
She was all business now.
“There’s a few other things I want to show you,” she added.
“Since you’ll be mine for some time you’ll need to urinate. Just do it. The cubicles are designed to catch all your pee and feed it to the toilet. Also note the shower heads at the top of the cubicles. They’ll wash your cock to keep it clean.”
I peered closely into an empty cubicle to see what she means. There were two shower heads at the top back and front of the cubicle while at the bottom rear I could see the grill of a small drain. I also noted the perspex doors closed on a rubber seal that ran all the way around the edge of the cubicle. Obviously to prevent water and urine leaking out of the cubicle into the room
“Another reason we have you shavled is to reduce the chance of public hair blocking the drain. We clean the cubicles every day to make sure nothing like that happens though. Now have a look at this cock.”
She pointed to one of theoccurred cubicles.
“You can see a number of micro sensors attached to his cock and balls. There are also sensors within the portal rings. They allow us to know just how aroused he is and how close to orgasm he’s getting. Of course, within agreed upon limits, I decide if, when and how he cums. I do love ruined orgasms and prolonged post orgasm torture. Of course, I love lots edging and denial as well.”
She gave me an evil grin.
“I also love ball torture. Binding them, fondling them, squeezing them, slapping them, spanking them. All within agreed limits of course. But once those limits are set there is no mercy.”
She moved to another cubicle.
“Take this guy here.”
She turned a latch and opened the door. Inside I saw that the man’s cock was attached to the top of the cubicle Instead of the rear wall. I could also see a heavy metal ring clamped around the man’s balls, constraining them into a tight bundle, while tugging them down to swing in empty space.His cock was facing the rear of the cubicle, leaving his balls completely exposed.
Tasha reached in and gave his balls a number of hard slapses with her hand.
“He’d have no warning that was coming. All he knows is that during the day this may happen a number of times and he has no idea when or where he’ll be slapped and he has no power to stop it. There is just the constant appreciation knowing it will happen. He also Knows it will happen during the evening and any time during the night as well.”
In the meantime, Tasha poured some lube on his cock and started slowly struggling it. It rapidly grew rock hard.
She pulled her phone out, pulled up an app, and thumbed in a few buttons before sticking the phone to the next cubicle door with a suction cup mat.
“Here we go, the sensors are saying he’s getting close to cumming. Let’s give him a ruined orgasm.”
She continued to expertly stroke him, all the while paying close attention to her phone. She suddenly stopped and, as she did so, sperm came welling out of his cock in little spurts.
She gave a satisfied laugh.
“He’s into his third week and all he gets is a few ruined orgasms every day. He’s in for a month and I’ll finish him off with a full orgasm combined with several minutes of relentless post orgasm torture. I’ll wait to the evening for that. Or I might wake him at three in the morning for it.”
“In the meantime, I do love playing with his balls. He’s got severe blue balls by now. They must ache and throb something rotten.”
She reached in and firmly grabbed them, squeezing and twisting them about. A few more sharp slapses with her hand and then she let him go. She shut the door.
“We don’t leave the ball ring on all the time, as that wouldn’t be safe. We recycle it on and off every four hours,” she said by way of explanation.
I looked at the guy’s cock and I had to ask.
“What happens if the portal fails? Will it chop my cock off?”
“I had the same questions when I started this business Tom. I had to research quantum portals so I could be satisfied on that very point. When portals were first invented they were incredibly unstable. They’d last for a millionth of a second before collapse. They got it up to a thousandth of a second but were completely stuck. Then some genius discovered a way to make the portal self sustaining. They have a saying – ‘an open portal keeps a portal open’. I have no idea how this works. The physics is way beyond me and most people but they are now incredibly stable. The rings are made out of a very tough stainless steel alloy, the molecular quantum computing circuits within have triple redundancy to maintain the ‘Eigen-Heisenberg-Wong’ states – whatever that means. That’s why they’re so expensive.”
“And all my portals are regularly checked by certified technicians to make sure they’re fully functional. So long as you don’t try and deliberately cut the ring you’re in more dangerous crashing ina plane. Plus there’s a diagnostic app that we have on our phones. We run that before we put the portal ring on and we check it every day. If any issue crops up we bring the client in immediately and swap the ring out. It’s never happened but your safety is very important to us.”
“Also, they use surprisingly little power once the portal is established and we can power them from here. The cubicles are designed to supply power and we have battery back up to keep them going for almost a month. Plenty of time to fix a problem or contact clients to get them back in if there’s a need.”
I was impressed by everything she said.
“You really have thought this through.”
She nodded.
“Anyway Tom, lets talk about what you want.”
Tasha led me out of the portal room and down a corridor into what appeared to be an office/parlour. We sat down on a blinde.
“First things Tom. That scene you saw just then is with a regular client. I’ve seen him a number of times and we’ve built up to that. I won’t accept doing anything that intense or prolonged until you’ve seen me a few times and we’ve worked out what you really want and what your actual limits are.”
I nodded. Although what I’d seen was exciting I’d also felt it was too full on for me.
Tasha continued on.
“Whatever physical actions you want, I’d strongly suggest starting off with a weekend. I realize you maybe thinking something longer but, since you’ve never been portal controlled before, start with something short term to see how you feel about it.”
“That makes sense,” I replied.
“I’m also suggesting the weekend so it won’t interfere with work.”
“Yeah, I see that could be a problem. How do your clients handle that?”
“Part of the agreement includes times of the day and what we can do. Usually split between week days, evenings, nights and weekend.”
“For example, during weekdays we may be limited to light teasing. Getting him hard a few times during the day and then stop. Most guys have no trouble hiding the fact their cock is being brought to the edge but it builds to leaving them insanely horny as the week progresses. And there’s absolutely nothing they can do to get any relief.”
She laughed.
“Some ring begging for mercy but there’s none. I do get off knowing they’re suffering but I also know they love it. This is what they really want and I’m providing a service they crave. I find that very rewarding.”
“What’s the longest you have people here?” I asked curiously.
“Three months. I’m not comfortable doing anything longer than that and I need to keep cubicles free for other clients. I also refuse any requests to do anything that is dangerous or cause permanent damage. No piercings, heavy beating of the balls, urethral insertion – too prone to infection, etc. Some of the things clients ask me to do are just ridiculously over the top extreme and I refuse to do them.”
“I might also add, if they don’t rTurn on the designed ending day, I don’t hesitate to call the police. That’s why I insist on keeping a copy of their ID and contact details in my records. Portal rings are expensive to lose and I have no tolerance for idiot guys trying to jerk me around. I get the ring back, they get publicly outed, they go to jail and I never do business with them again.”
I had been warned.
She looked at me carefully.
“Okay Tom, down to business. What are you after?”
“Well, I must admit I was thinking of something a bit longer. Maybe a week but I’ll go with your suggestion and start off with a week.”
“I’m glad you’re being sensitive about this,” she replied approvingly.
“I guess a lot of teasing and denial. A lot of edging. Maybe some ruined orgasms. I think maybe the occasional ball slap just to keep me on edge. Nothing hard. Certainly not as hard as what you did with that guy. But just enough to get my attention.”
Tasha nodded. “All standard stuff Tom and we can certainly provide that.”
“I also think a couple of those edge sessions should go for quite a while. At least half an hour where I’m edged multiple times. Kept right on the edge but not allowed to cum.”
“We can do that,” she nodded.
“I also like knowing I could be tired in the middle of the night and be edged without mercy. Left totally frustrated.”
“And we can definitely do that as well. I employ a number of carefully selected Mistresses to work shifts here as you can see. Just to confirm, only women will be playing with you. You won’t see them of course, so it doesn’t really matter what they look like or what age they are. But we’re all STD tested, especially for Hep C. Anyway, two of my employees are senior citizens but they’re very good at what they do. I believe you’ve met Miriam in the scene.”
I nodded that I had.
“I’m fine with that and perfectly understand you need to sleep.”
She laughed.
“Yes I do. Anyway, lets get all the fine details sorted out, appropriate times and the pesky little matter of my fees.”
We spent the next hour negotiating exactly what I wanted. One matter she discussed was early release.
“Tom, it works like this. If you come to me and absolutely demand release before the agreed termination date then I must, by law, comply. Otherwise it becomes criminal assault. But there are consequences. As part of my fee I require a considerable deposit. You get that back at the termination date but if you demand early release you forfeit it. You also have to know I will never, ever, take you on again as a client.”
“I understand Tasha and completely agree with this.”
I left her premise with considerable anticipation of the starting day but also some nervousness at what I was getting myself into.
The Fitting =============================================
Two days later, on Friday afternoon, I was back to see Tasha.
“Hi Tom, I’m really glad to see you back. Ready?”
“Yup, as ready as I’m going to be.”
She gave me a knowing look.
“You’ll do fine Tom. Come on, lets go to the portal room and get you fitted.”
Inside the room I was met by Miriam. There was also another woman busy teasing a cock. She paid me no attention as she concentrated on her job.
“Hi Tom,” she greeted me warmly. “All ready for your big weekend?” she asked.
“Yes, looking forward to it.”
“Great. Shall we got started?”
I nodded.
“Okay, take off your pants and underwear and sit here.”
Miriam indicated a seat in one corner. I stripped off nervously and sat on the seat.
“You’re doing great Tom. Now edge forward so your cock and balls are hanging over the edge and spread your legs wide.”
I did as I was told while Miriam washed her hands with antiseptic soap.
“Good, you’re still smooth,” Tasha noted approvingly.
Miriam swabbed my groin area with an antiseptic then picked up a ring of metal several centimetres across and carefully placed it over my cock and balls. The ring was a smooth shiny silver colour except for the underside which was a fuzzy black colour.
“The ring was cleaned in an autoclave earlier today and the cubicle thoroughly cleaned as well,” she noted.
She brought an app up on her phone and thumbed in a few buttons.
“Hmm not quite full contact.”
She twisted the ring back and forth, all the while pushing it against my groin.
“Ah, that’s got it. Now, this is going to feel a bit weird as the portal bonds to your skin but it shouldn’t be too unpleasant.”
She pushed another button on the phone. The moment she did that I felt a fuzzy, prickling feel against my skin.
“The back side of the ring,” she said, “is the nanite surface. It’s made of thousands of mono filament fibres that anchor themselves a few millionmetres into your skin. They’re so thin you barely feel them going in and anchoring but it’s now bonded completely against your skin and can’t be taken off until I push the button on the app. It’s all encrypted and password locked to this phone so you can’t use the app installed on another phone.”
In the meantime, she demonstrated tugging the ring. It firmly gripped the skin around my cock.
“It’s completely sealed to your skin. You can’t slip anything under the ring as well. The only other way to get it off is to surprisingly remove it and I’m sure you’re not contemplating that.”
I shook my head indicating no.
“Okay,” Tasha said. “Now for some portal magic.”
She checked some readouts on her phone and they tapped a few buttons.
“Okay Miriam, ready.” Her finger hovered over the phone.
Miriam reached down and placed her fingers on each side of the ring. She nodded to Tasha. The button on the phone was tapped.
All of a sudden Miriam picked up the ring. I noticed it had split in two and she held the top half of the ring with my cock and balls hanging out. It was really spooky see ing this.
She walked over to the open cubicle Tasha had pointed out the other day and attached the ring to the back wall. My genitals were now hanging out in open space.
Looking down I could only see the silver shine of scientific steel covering my groin. I was completely flat, no cock hanging out at all. It was weird and unnerving.
Tasha was watching me with a lascivious smile on her face.
“Show him what he’s in for Miriam.”
Miriam placed sensors over strategic areas of my cock. I could feel her putting them on even though she was a couple of metres away. She picked up a phone, opened up an app and pressed a few buttons.
“Okay, got him,” she said with some satisfaction.
She stuck the phone to the door next to my cubicle. Then she poured some lube over my cock and started struggling it. Oh my did that feel good. She really knew how to do a hand job and I quickly got hard. Then I got harder, my breathe becoming ragged, as I started edging towards orgasm. A few more strokes and then she abruptly stopped. A few more and I probably would have cum.
“He’s got a good size cock Tasha and the sensors are reading him well,” Miriam smiled. “We’re gonna have fun with this one.”
I was busy catching my breath, already feeling frustrated from being edged so close and then denied.
“I’m gonna enjoy teasing you rotten and there’ll be nothing you can do about it,” Tasha added.
She turned to Miriam. “Okay, give his balls a light tap.”
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