Saving a lost beauty

I had just finished my afternoon shift at work on Friday and was headed for the local watering hole to have several cold beers and celebrate the fact that I survived another week. It was a warm June evening and I drove along the city streets through the worst part of town. I usually cut across the shady section of Detroit as I could get to the bar faster and there was usually no traffic to screw with. Tonight’s the same, burnt vacant houses and empty factories and nothing good going on.

As I came to the stop sign I thought I saw something on the street. I turned on the high beams and sure enough there was something along the side of the road. I moved over to avoid hitting it and as I was about to pass by it moved. My God, it looked like a person lying in the road.

I slammed on the brakes and backed up past it and turned so my headlights would sine on it. Sure enough it was a human body. I throw the truck in park and got out. Knowing what this part of town was like, I reached under the seat and grabbed my S&W nine million pistol. I got out of the pickup and carefully walked around the front of my truck and made my way to the body. When I got up close I could see that it was the body of a young woman. Just as I was bending over to see if she was alive she raised her arm and begged “help me please.”

She scared the living shit out of me and I almost fell over backward. I avoided my composure and moved closer to her. I could see that she was bruised up and had obviously been beating up. I wasn’t sure if I should move her or call an ambulance.

“Help me please” she cried “I need help.”

“It’s OK” I assured her “I will get you help.”

“No police” she said “please don’t get the police.”

“You need to go to the hospital” I explained “you could be hurt bad.”

“No hospital, no police, please” she became as she began to cry “I need help.”

“Can you move? Are you able to stand?” I asked her “we need to get the fuck out of here.”

“If you will help me I think I can walk” she answered holding out her hand.

I took her hand and I helped her to her feet. She was fairly tall and I put my arm around her and helped her to the truck. I opened the door and picked her up and sat her inside on the seat. Once the light inside the truck hit her face I could see the crueles and I quickly finished loading her into the truck. As soon as I had her inside I closed the door and ran around and got in my side. I drove like a wild man to get away from that part of town and headed for the hospital on my side of town.

She was sort of slumped over in the seat and I hoped that I hadn’t done the wrong thing by loading her in the truck. I am not much of a doctor but I had some first aid training that always taught you not to move a victim if you didn’t know what had happened. I looked at her and thought that she was very attractive and wondered why someone had done this to her.

I pulled into the hospital and up to the Emergency Room Entrance sign and stopped the truck. I got out and went around to her and as I reached inside to pick her up she grabbed my arm.

“I cannot go to the hospital” she cried “the police will be called and I will be in big trouble. Please don’t take me in there!”

“But you could be seriously hurt and you need help” I told her “please let me get you some help.”

“Don’t make me go in there please” she begged me “just let me go and I’ll be alright.”

I was really fucked up now. Here was this poor girl that someone had beaden badly and she didn’t want the police to know. She wouldn’t go into the hospital for help because they would notify the police and she would be in trouble. Why was she so afraid of the police and what in the hell should I do?

“Please drive me somewhere away from here and I will explain” she said.

I figured that if anything happened I could take her to the police and if she was bleeding internally she could die and then what the fuck would I do. She squeezed my arm and looked at me and I could see the fear in her eyes. I started to have second thoughts and she begged me again not to make her go in the hospital.

I thought to myself that I must be fucking crazy but I walked back and got into the pickup and drove away. I drove to the mall parking lot that was much safer and well lit. I found a spot under a street lamp and parked the truck.

“OK you need to tell me who you are and what the fuck is going on. If you won’t do that then I will let you out right here or maybe I’ll take you to the police. Do you understand me?” I said in as stern of a voice as I could and pointing my finger at her.

She was crying and she raised her hand to her face and pulled her long dark hair back from her face. She looked at me and I could see the tears running down her cheeks. She was a very attractive young woman and she had been beaden badly.

“My name is Andrea and I was beating and raped by several men who tried to make me their whore. I would not give in to them and they beat me until they thought I was dead. I played dead and they left me alone for a minute and when they did I made a run for it. I managed to hide from them and they finally left thinking that I would bring the police. I wandered around not knowing where I was and I finally passed out in the street. That is where I was when you found me. Thank God you found me and not them.”

“Why won’t you go to the police or the hospital” I asked her “what are you so afraid of?”

“Two of the guys who raped me were policemen” she sobbed “if they find me I think they will kill me to keep me quiet.”

“Where do you live? I can take you home. Where are your parents? Who do you live with?” I asked her.

She started crying big time and I could tell that she needed help. What the fuck was I going to do?

“I was staying in a hotel and when the police picked me up along the street. They found out that I was not a legal citizen and they told me that they would have me deported unless I did as they told me. I was scared and didn’t know what else to do. They took me to the hotel and made me load all my belongings into their car and then they took me to that awful warehouse and we met the other three guys. They told me that I would work for them and I would fuck men for money and they would take care of me. I told them that there was no way I would do that and they started to beat me. One man would beat me until he got tired and then another would start. They grabbed me and tore my clothes and raped me. The more I fought the more they beat me until I thought I would pass out. I don’t know how many times I was fucked by several different men. Then I thought that I would try playing dead. I just let my body go limp and one man yelled at the one beating me. He told him that he had killed me and now what would they do with me. When they left the warehouse I made a run for it and I got away. I hid in the dark until they left and then I wandered along trying to find someone to help me. That’s when you found me.”

She wiped the tears from her cheeks and looked at me. You could tell that she was a pretty girl and I knew that I couldn’t let her wander off with no place to go. Shit, I wasabout to do the dustest thing I had ever done.

“I’ll take you to my place and we can get you cleaned up and then we will figure out what we will do” I told her.

She put her hand on my arm and smiled at me and I could tell she was relieved.

As I drove towards my house she looked at me and asked me what my name was. I told her it was Mike and she smiled and said “Thank you Mike.”

My house is kind of out in the country and away from the city. It takes thirty minutes to get there from where I work and when I pulled in the driveway and opened the garage door I knew she would be safe with me. I parked the truck in the garage and carried her into the house. I took her straight to the bedroom and sat her on the bed. I got the lights on and then went into the master bathroom and got a warm washcloth and a towel and came back to her and began to clean her face. She pulled away from me as I touched her bruised face and she cried. I tried to help her but I was hurting her more than helping her.

“You need to take a hot shower” I told her as I pointed to the bathroom “that will make you feel better.”

“You will have to help me” she said “I’m not sure I can get undressed and stand alone.”

I looked at her and started to remove her shirt and jeans. She raised her arms and I pulled her shirt off and she had a blue lace bra under it. I removed her shoes and socks and started to pull on her jeans. I had forgotten to undo her jeans and she stopped me as she unbuttoned them and lowered the zipper. Then I pulled on the legs of the jeans that fit her like a glove. They were torn and dirty and it took some work to get them off.

“These tight jeans saved me” she laughed “they couldn’t get them off me either.”

I smiled at her as I finished pulling them off her long beautiful legs. This left her sitting on the bed in her blue bra and matching blue panties. She had a magnificent figure and I could see the bruises on her stomach and arms. Her legs were bruised also like someone had kicked her repeatedly. Who the fuck would do this to such a beautiful young woman?

I went to the shower and turned on the water to warm it up. I went back to Andrea and told her that the shower was ready.

“You will have to help me” she asked “I cannot do it myself.”

I helped her up and steadied her as we walked to the shower. I opened the door of the walk in shower and helped her inside. I turned to leave and she said “please Mike you must help me.”

I removed my shirt and pants and stepped inside in my boxes to help this hurting young lady. I washed her back and arms and legs and you could tell that the hot water was having a relaxing effect on her. I turned off the waterand picked her up and took her out and set her on the bathroom counter. I got a towel and dried her off. I could not help but notice how beautiful she was even though she was beating so badly.

“Please take off my wet clothes” she begged “I want to get them off and dry off.”

I did as she asked and I reached behind her and unhooked her bra. I pulled it around and she moved her arms to let me remove it. Her big tits spilled out and they were amazing. They were probably 36D and stood firm with big pointed nipples. I reached down and put my fingers in the top of her panties and started to pull them down. She raised her hips off the counter top and let me remove them.

I was trying to be as polite as I could to this woman who needed my help, but I could not avoid the fact that she was gorgeous. Her curvy hips led to a beautiful ass and she was completely saden. Her pretty pussy lips shined in the bathroom light. She looked atme and smiled and I think she knew that she could trust me.

I picked her up and carried her to my king sized bed. I sat her on the foot of the bed and I pulled the blankets back and then I laid her on her back on the bed and covered her with the blanket. I returned to the bathroom and removed my wet boxers and then I remembered that I didn’t have anything to put on. Oh hell, I figured she had seen naked men before. I turned out the light and went and got some shorts from the dresser and slipped into them.

I walked to the bed and told her she would be safe here and I turned out the light. I was about to head to the couch to sleep when she grabbed my hand and said “please lie with me I’m afraid to be alone.”

I crawled into the bed beside her and she rolled over and laid her head on my chest. I put my arm around her and held her and in a couple minutes she was sleep. I could not believe all the shit that had happened and Isure as hell didn’t know what I would do with her tomorrow. I brushed the hair away from her pretty face and kissed her on the forehead. That was the last thing I remember.

I awoke to the sun shining in the bedroom window with this gorgeous woman in my arms. She had her arms around my neck and had my head pulled to hers. If I moved she was sure to waken so I just kind of laid there and tried to be still. Finally I moved and she let go of my head and I turned and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and had a piss and came back into the bedroom.

The bright morning sunlight shined on Andrea and made her look even more beautiful. She looked so sweet lying there on the bed that I couldn’t believe that someone could do this to such a pretty young girl. As I stared at her I found myself getting more and more turned on by this lovely lady.

“What are you thinking Mike?” I heard her ask.

I shook my head as she brought me back into reality “I was wondering what kind of sick person could beat a beautiful girl like you. I can’t believe someone would do this to you.”

“It’s over now and I don’t want to think about it anymore, OK” she said as she looked me in the eye “we won’t speak of this again.”

“OK” I smiled “You lie there and relax and I will make us some breakfast.”

“You don’t have to do that” she smiled.

“You just lie there and let me do the cooking” I said as I walked towards the kitchen.

I’m not exactly a gourmet chef but my Mom had taught me how to cook and clean and do laundry so I could hold my own in the kitchen. I prepared Andrea a good country breakfast of eggs, potatoes, sausage and toast along with fresh coffee and orange juice. I put it on the table tray and carried it into the bedroom. I made her put the pillows up along the headboard and she sat there looking like a princess as I put her breakfast in front of her.

She looked at it and then she attacked it like she hadn’t eaten in days. She sure didn’t eat like a little princess! I looked at her chowing down and I started laughing.

“What?” she asked between mouthfuls.

“Nothing” I smiled “I guess you must be hungry.”

“I’m eating like a hog aren’t I?” she giggled “like slopping the hogs!”

“I didn’t say that” I chuckled “but you surprised me.”

“I’m sorry it’s just that I am so hungry and the food is so good. Who taught you to cook like this?” Andrea asked me.

“My Mom took the time to teach me things like that so I could make it in life” I answered her “she wanted me to be can to fend for myself.”

“She did a wonderful job, this is so good” she replied. I sat on the edge of the bed and ate my breakfast and she had devoured hers and was sitting there looking at me. I took a piece of sausage on my fork and offered it to her. She smiled and ate it from my fork. I fed her the rest of my food like a father feeding his baby girl. When she had finished it all, she put a pillow beside her and motioned me to lie beside her. We sat beside each other looking out the bedroom window across the field at the morning sun. She laid her head on my chest and thanked me for saving her.

I told her that I would take her where ever she wanted to go and that I would make sure that she was safe. I told her that no one would hurt her as long as I was there. I told her that she could trust me.

Andrea started to cry and she told me that she had nowhere to go and nobody to look after her. She went on to tell me that she had come to the USA from Romania and was promised a job by some company that had turned out to be front for a prostitution ring. She had left there and wandered around town and finally decided to try being a hooker to make enough money to get back home. That’s when the cops picked her up and all this bullshit started.

I told her that I was not rich but that I had some money saved up and that I would make sure she got back home if that was what she wanted. I said that anything I had she was welcome to and I would help her all I could.

She turned to me and kissed me on the cheese and said “I wish I had met you when I was beautiful.”

“What do you mean when you were beautiful, you are beautiful” I told her.

“No, I am dirty and ugly now” she cried “I will never be pretty again.”

I got up from the bed and went to the closet and got a bathrobe and went to her. “Comeon” I told her “get up and come with me.”

She stood up and I helped her put the robe on covering her beautiful bruised body. I helped her into the bathroom and I picked her up and sat her on the counter top so she could see herself in the big wall to wall mirrors. I took the hairbrush and started to brush her hair. I could see her getting a small smile across her face as I continued to brush her hair.

Soon she was telling me how she wanted her hair and I was trying to act like a hairdresser. She forgot some of her troubles and was actually enjoying herself. She finally realized what had happened and she took my hand and pulled me to her. She kissed me and thanked me for saving her.

I smiled at her and told her that I would save her any time.

She said that she didn’t have any clothes except those that had been torn and she didn’t know what to wear. I picked her up and carried her to the bed and sat her down on the edge. I opened the closet and started trying to find something this woman could wear. Of course I am twice her size and anything that I had in the closet was either blue jeans or something that wouldn’t fit her.

I told her to lie back down in the bed and take a nap and that I would be back in a little while. I got dressed and told her to write down her sizes on a piece of paper and I would get her some clothes. I asked her what she liked to wear and she said jeans and a blouse. I took the list and off I went to buy girls clothes.

I went to the ladies shop at the local mall and I looked like I was way out of place. Lucky for me there was a pretty young lady clerk and she was more than happy to help me. I told her that I needed clothes for a young woman like her and gave her the paper with the sizes on it. She said that she could get everything I needed except she wanted to know the bust size of my girlfriend. I told her that I didn’t knowand she laughed and told me that I should know her bus size.

“That’s the first thing most men know” she laughed “are they bigger than mine?” She stuck her boobs out in front of me and I must have turned red from embarrassment.

“She’s a little larger than you” I stuttered “but you are very pretty.”

She laughed and started to gather the clothes I needed. We looked at several blouses and she asked about hair color and what I liked. I told her that it didn’t matter what I liked and she told me that women bought clothes to make men happy not to make them happy. So I should get what I liked and that my girl would be happy too.

I paid for the clothes and tipped the clerk well for helping me and she smiled and said “any time sir.”

I returned home and found Andrea wait on the bed. Once again I found myself just standing there staring at her andthinking how beautiful she was. I laid the clothes on the bed and went to the kitchen and got another cup of coffee. I was sitting there reading the newspaper when Andrea walked into the kitchen dressed in her new clothes. Man did she look great.

She walked to me and kissed me on the chef “I don’t know how I will ever repay you Mike. But you have been my lifesaver.”

“You don’t have to repay me” I said “just seeing you smile makes it good.”

She smiled at me and started to cry. I took her in my arms and held her tightly. I had no idea what to do to comfort her so I just held her and told her that everything would be alright. “I promise you it will be alright” I whispered in her ear.

Over the next several days we became closer but Andrea still didn’t talk about herself when I asked her. She would always elude the subject and talk about something else. I didn’t hesitate to leave her at the house when I went to work and she had picked up around the house and always had a wonderful meal prepared when I got home.

She didn’t want to ever go to town and I thought she was afraid to be seen. Like maybe the cops would recognize her and try to fuck with her. I didn’t push the situation as I liked her being around and she sure was nice to look at. We seemed to get along with each other and I guess I thought that I could keep her for myself.

I came home from work one night and we sat and had a nice supper. After we did the dishes we sat and started talking. She asked me to give her a massage to help her with the healing of her bruises. I was not going to pass up the opportunity to put my hands on that marvelous body of hers. We went to the bedroom and she undressed down to her bra and panties and lay face down on the bed.

As I stood there looking at this grogeous woman I could feel my dick getting hard. Ireached down and adjusted my hardon and started to rub oil on her back and shoulders. As I massed her back I undid her bra and let the straps fall to her side. She moaned and allowed me to continue to rub her back. As I made my way down her back to her pretty ass cheeses she began to move around a little as I massed her butt cheeses. Her panties were in the way and as I worked them down her sleek long legs she raised up to help me remove them. I worked her firm ass cheats between my fingers and then traced her crack from top to bottom.

Andrea rolled over on her back and reached up and pulled me to her. She looked me in the eyes and kissed me on the lips. Then she looked at me as if looking for a reaction and again she pulled me to her and kissed me long and hard and deeply. It took my breath away and she kissed me again and then she whispered in my ear “make love to me Mike.”

I kissed her back and worked my way down her neck and then to thosewonderful tits. They were firm and the nipples hardened to my sucking and I softly bit on each nipple as I worked her tits over. I licked the smooth skin between them and moved down to her navel. She had a long dangling piece of jewelry from her navel and I took the time to lick and play with her navel. She put her hands on my head and pushed me lower. I licked a path to the top of her pussy and worked my way around the shaft above her sweet snatch. My fingers found her moistening slit and I rubbed her clip as I licked all around her pussy being sure not to touch it.

About two minutes of this was all she could stand and she pulled my face directly into line with her steamy cunt. I reached up and spread her lips apart and began to lick it from the bottom to the top. She cried out in pleasure as I worked my magic on her now sloppy wet pussy. The juices were flowing like a waterfall and running down the crack of her beautiful ass. I continued to suck and finger her until I felt her start to shake with the first of many orgasms. She shook and squeezed my head between those meaty thighs as she was cumming on my face. I held on and kept licking her clipit as she climaxed. Her body went limp and her breathing started to return to normal as I slowed my oral assault on her pussy. She reached for my head and pulled me up so she could kiss me. It was long and password and then she smiled and told me it was my turn.

She directed me to stand and she immediately went for my zipper and in about three seconds she had my pants to my ankles. I shook them off and she started to massage my rock hard cock through my shorts. When she knew it was as hard as it would get she pulled my shorts down and my dick popped up and hit her on the chin. She grabbed it and looked at it and I heard her say “nice.”

She started licking my cock and was getting it slippery wet and then she kissed it on the head and swallowed it. My dick went all the wayinto her throat on the first stroke and I was amazed at how she did that. She looked at me and smiled and she started giving me the best blowjob that I had ever experienced. She would suck on it and then she would swallow it and then kiss it and I was enjoying the hell out of her oral talents. I told her that I was getting close to cumming and she told me that was what she wanted.

“Please cum in my mouth” she asked “I want to taste your hot cum in my mouth.”

She went to work on my cock and in a couple minutes she was rewarded with a substantial load of steaming baby seed. She never gagged or lost one drop of my cum as I pumped it into her tummy. She continued to suck and lick my dick until it was clean and started to soften. Andrea crawled up my body and kissed me. I could taste my own cum as her tongue explored my mouth and she relaxed beside me.

“Now I want you to fuck me” she said “not just fuck me but make love to me.” She started to play with my cock and then she started sucking on it and licking my balls and soon it was starting to get stiff and hard again.

Andrea crawled up on top of me and slide my cock into her wet and inviting pussy. She rode me and rocked back and forth on my dick working it like a cowgirl rides a horse. We continued this way for several minutes and then she turned around backwards and all I could see was her wonderful ass looking me in the face. I could watch my dick plumge into that sweet wet pussy and then slip back out as raised herself up. We continued this for several more minutes and then I took her and rolled over so I was on top of her and I started to fuck her sweet pussy deep and hard.

I plugged in and out of her like a jack hammer and she was pulling me deep into her on every down stroke could feel my balls slap her ass every time I hit bottom. Over and over I pounded into her cunt until I was smoking and out of breath. I slowed my pace and she rolled around onto her hands and knees and I slipped my cock into her from behind. I started to fuck her doggy style and she lowered her face into the pillow and let out a small scream as she had yet another orgasm.

Now it was my turn and I could feel the cum as it shot up my dick and emptied into Andrea’s wet and wanting pussy. I pumped shot after shot of my juice deep inside her and then I collapsed on top of her. I kissed the back of her neck and rolled off onto the bed beside her. We just lay there catching our breath and then we looked at each other and started laughing.

“What are you laughing at?” I asked her.

“You are a sweety mess” she laughed “you look like you have been rode hard!”

“You’re not so beautiful either” I laughed “you look like you could use a shower.”

I picked her up and she screamed as I carried her off towards the shower. I turned on the water and put her under it before it was warm and she screamed and slapped me on the arm. I just laughed and kissed her again. As the shower warmed up I took her inside and slowly and carefully washed and inspected every inch of her soft curvy body. In turn she did the same for me and then we dried each other and went to bed.

As we lay there cuddling like any good couple does after hot sex, we talked about what we were going to do and what this situation was turning into.

Andrea asked if she could stay with me and I was thrilled to have her want to be with me. Of course I told her she could stay as long as she wanted and she kissed me and thanked me again for saving her.

Saving this beauty was the smartest thing this boy had ever done!


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