Visiting My Domme

I pulled on my hand brake and sat for a moment in my glaiming sales reps car. I had just put it through the car wash and as far as the office was concerned I was about to go into a meeting on the other side of the state, in truth I was intending on calling the client after and report back that I had been there in person. I would get away with it, I had done it before. Meanwhile, what I was really going to do that afternoon was spent an hour and a half with a professional dominatrix. I had been paying for these sessions for nearly six months now, once a month they worked out as being and I can’t really explain why or what I got out of them other than saying I felt so good, so uncoupled from the normal binds of everyday life that it was worth every penny I had spent on her so far.

I got out of the car and looked at my watch. I was a couple of minutes early so I bought myself with brushing imagine flecks of dust from my suit and trousers and transferring my briefcase from the back seat into the boot of my BMW. Not that it was the kind of neighborhood where cars got broken into – not at all. In fact the quiet, leaves suburban Crescent was home to the nearly rich of the town and Julie (or Mistress Julie as I would have to call her once I stepped inside the detached house) was viewed as a good neighbor and a respected member of the community. She had two kids, both younger than ten and both at primary school, while her husband worked abroad and was away four months at a time in the Middle East. He didn’t know about her little sideline and she was very circuits in taking on clients so as to keep her cover well in place. I admired the way she organized everything and knew she enjoyed great success with her select band of clients.

I stopped and tightened my shoes laces and a quick glance at my wristwatch told me that I had passed enough time so I straightened up and strode purposefully through the black gate and along her deserted drive and round the corner to ring the musical doorbell. It chimed out a jaunty, Disney-like tune which, I reflected was well out of place considering what would be happening inside in just a few minutes. She kept me waiting a good minute before I saw her shadow loom up behind the frosted glass, I swallowed, suddenly nervous, and straightened my tie and stood straight so as not to offend her. She opened the door, her face not betraying my true reason for visiting and she stood back without comment to allow me admission. I allowed myself a quick, appraising glance before stepping inside. She had long dark hair, was in her late thirties, had a friendly welcome face with perfect teeth and intelligent eyes. She was not tall at around five foot five and had a very large bosom that seemed to give the impression she was over weight, I didn’t think she was Just that she had this tremendous, natural curviness and a great, rounded ass. As usual to admit me she was dressed conservatively (she really covered all the angles to ensure her secret was not discovered) of a tight, black jumper and black leggings above her slippers but there was never any hurry in our sessions and before long she would have changed into an altogether different outfit.

I was more than acquainted with the décor and layout of the small lobby that led into a perfectly square hall that then led into all the ground floor rooms, it was only once I was stood in that square and Julie had closed the door that she addressed me.

“Well have you got the payment?”

It was more a demand than a question, and I quickly compiled. I folded out four hundred dollars and placed it in her outstretched, gripping hand. She stood and counted it, making sure it was all there, like I was ever going to short change her, that would have been dangerous. Once she finished counting she faced me and you would have been amazed in the severe look on her face compared to how she looked normally, she folded the notes up and pushed them into her jumper pocket and pointed to the walk in cupboard that disappeared under the hall staircase.

“Get in there and get undressed I’ll just go and get changed, I’ll be a few minutes. When you’re done get into the living room, knee before the television and play the DVD in the system. I want you to jack off to the action on screen, whatever it is and you will not, under any circumstances turn around until I enter the room and give you permission. Understand? And you do not cum until I say so!”

I knew better than to ask for the instructions to be repeated.

“Yes Mistress Julie.”

I stepped into the large, dark cupboard and did what I was told, leaving my clothesin a neighbor pile in the darkness. When I stepped back into the cool, air conditioned hall I was sporting an incredible erection that was stretching the full length of my six inch cock. The blinds in the spatial and modern living room were drawn, occasionally to keep the bright afternoon sun out rather than to prevent anyone seeing what perverted debauchery was occurring within. I walked across to the huge flat screen TV and switched it on then took the DVD remote that was set out and pressed play, holding my breath as to what would appear.

I was immediately confronted by the sight of two extremely well endowed black men fucking a white guy from both ends, obviously it was a hardcore gay porn DVD and as per the explicit instructions of my Mistress I gripped my dick and began to jerk it off.

Now this was uncomfortable and having experienced the twisted way that Mistress Julie’s mind worked in I wondered what this would all lead to, but no matter I still tugged away at my stiff dick. Watching the action on screen was a pretty surreal experience. On one hand I had no desire to see a naked man sticking his cock in an Other mans asshole and mouth, I wasn’t a faggot, no way. But then I was under the spell of this dominant, demanding, sexy woman and I knew that I had paid her to make sure Ienjoyed myself – and that means maximum humiliation and embarrassment, the twin feelings that powered my sexual drive.

The action on screen was sweety and extremely explicit and I concentrated on it knowing that I dare not look away and risk being discovered by the Mistress. I watched as the white guy was pounded in the ass and mouth, his two fuckers not really too bothered with whether he could take or handle them both or Not. I felt my foreskin be stretched further as I slid my palm along it’s slimy length and tried to think of what the Mistress would do to me and what she would look like rather than the gay action I was being forced to watch.

“Turn around worm!”

Even though I had been expecting her, her harsh voice still shocked me and I spun round preciously and surprised. And what a sight awaited my eyes, the prim and slightly dowdy housewife was no more, in her place was a Goddess. Her long, dark hair had been pulled back seriously into a fire, straight ponytail, her lips painted an aggressive red. Her chest was covered (barely!) with a black leather corset that hardly stopped her breast flesh over spinling over the top. At her crotch were a sheer pair of plastic pants with a black, plastic cock jutting out from the front – I had seen, and felt, it before. Her legs, which had appeared short and nondescript, were absolutely magnificent, encased right up to her thighs in shiny, black leather boots with five inch heels.

It was only after I had fully appreciated her amazing appearance for a full minute or so before I really registered the hand held video camera she was pointing at me. Only then did it dawn on me – she had been recording me jacking off to gay porn and now held the evidence in my hand. She laughed nastily as she watched realisation dawn in my face.

“That’s right bitch now I’ve got footage of just what a pathetic fag boy you are. So just you turn around and get back to wanking off, here’s a ladle once you’re ready I wantyou to cum in that, don’t you dare spill a drop on my new carpet!”

Burning with shame but secretly relishing my degrading treatment I obeyed immediately, took the ladle and turned back to the sweaty men on the screen and speeded up my action on my scaling cock. Mistress Julie meanwhile captured more incriminating footage. This wouldn’t be the only stuff my Mistress had on me, from previous sessions she had pictures of me dressed in various sets of feminine underwear, frilly pink bras and panties; pictures of me with her lipstick written clear across my naked, held body saying stuff like “WIMP” , “BITCH” and “COCKSUCKER”; and footage of her fucking me with that self same strap on and me licking it .

Julie moved beside me and stood over me, going me as I pumped away at my messy, hard cock. I was spasming and grunting and I could feel my sperm boil up in my balls. I somehow managed to lift up the ladle and hold in still while I milked a healthy load into it. This was standard practice for Mistress Julie, she liked me to cum nice and early in the session so that it was proper punishment for me, so that I gained only mental pleasure from my domination.

I stayed where I was recovering from my exercises, I was starting to get sore knees from kneeing in the same position for that length of time but that seemed to be of no interest to the Mistress, she just stood over me with a look on her face like the cat that had got the cream. When I finally managed to open my eyes and focus on her I watched her produced a number of small, corked test tubes from behind her back (in fact she had had them in the band of her plastic pants) and lean them against the bottom of the sittee next to the TV. They were filled up to about half way with a grey creamy substance that I could scar a guess as to what it was.

“In those are some samples of my other client’s sperm that I have collected. I want you to open them up, carefully now you really don’t want to stainmy carpet with them worm, and pour them into that ladle. Let’s have a nice mixture in there for you to drink, eh?”

I had guessed as much as soon as I had seen the tubes and set about my task with no great relish. A lot of Julie’s domination was physical but she worked on the mental side too and ordering me to do this pretty gross task just after I had cum and was experiencing the feeling of guilt and that I Shouldn’t be doing this, was very demoralising and humiliating for me, especially after having jacked off to that gay porn. Like I said she was good at this, real good, I could hardly bring myself to look at the stuff as it slowly slip down the ends of the tubes and into the ladle, there wasn’t tons of the stuff but enough that you knew it was there which was enough to nearly have me gagging. Once I had finished my task I held the ladle up, ready to get it over and done as quickly as possible when she stopped me and produced a drinking straw.

“Now I don’t want you to slug that all down in one gulp so use this, make sure you get the benefit of the full flavour, eh?”

I took the straw in a trembling hand, the mixture in the ladle was pretty sticky but Mistress Julie dropped some water into it and told me to stir it in with the straw. The straw itself was quite a struggle wide number so there looked to be little chance that at least some of the mixture would make it up the straw.

“Come on wimp! Get a move on and drink it up, we’ve got other things to be attending to you know!”

So I did just that, started sucking and immediately tasted the sticky, cloying mixture of various guys cum in my mouth, on my tongue and slipping down my throat. I tried to block out what I was doing but it was hard with Julie beside me reminding me exactly what it was that I was suctioning up from the diminishing pool in the metal ladle. When I was done (and just about ready to gag) she told me to lick the spoon clean. I must have finished up with a pretty disgusted look upon my face because she sneered and thrust her right foot under my chin.

“Did you not enjoy the taste? Well maybe if you start licking my boots clean that will help with that.”

Now this was familiar territory as I had cleaned Julie’s boots with my tongue many times before, I set to the task with vigour and tried not to think of the sour taste pervading my mouth. As I paid my proper tribute to my Domme she began to outline the next part of my session.

“We’ll go through to the kitchen next, I’m going to bend you over the wooden table in there and then I think I will discipline you with the cane, yeah that sounds about right. Now hurry up and get licking, we don’t have all day!”

It took me some time (all right maybe I lingered over it a bit as well, I did love worshipping those boots) but finally I had covered them in their entirety, right up to her soft thighs (which I knew from experience not to get too close to. My reward for a job well done? Mistress Julie gave me a totally insincere smile, stepped around to be directly in front of me and kicked a field goal in my nuts!

I howled in agony and felt like someone had driven a spike right through my abdomen, I wanted to roll onto my side and curl up and cry for a while until I avoided my wind but I wasn’t given that luxury as Julie grabbed my hair and held me up on my knees and pulled me, unsteadily and whining, to my feet.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re crying like a baby, my god what a wimp you are! Pathetic! That’s what you are! A pathetic cum drinking wimp, eh? Tell me!”

Sobbing and gasping for a breathe I healed out the weak admission she was demanding from me. My god this was a tough session – but so worth the money!

“Now seeing as you know one of my house rules is no crying I am going to have to punish you further, aren’t I?”

I was in no position or state to either agree or disagree and she led me through the hall and into her spotless, modern kitchen, the blinds were down on the two windows, but as it was to the rear of the house there was little chance that anyone would look at it and wonder why they were so in the afternoon. She pulled and pushed me towards the shiny, wooden table on thin metal legs and bent me over the end of it and produced four equal lengths of white rope that she expertly wrapped around both of my ankles and the metal legs then she pulled my arms out fully in fro not me and tied them with the rope to the far legs of the table.

“Now I’ve been very disappointed in you today worm, so let me tell you that I am going to give you thirty strikes with my cane and if you even make one noise then I will make you ‘walk the plank’ (you’ll find out too soon what this was and why it scared the hell out of me as a threat – I had done it once and never wanted to repeat it!) But I’m feeling a trifle beneficial bitch, so tell me do you want soft or hard strikes?”

I knew this game, I asked for soft and she did it harder than I could usually take or I said hard and she did it soft, with so much at stake I asked for ‘hard’ with my heart in my throat.

I heard her laughing softly behind me and braced myself but to my utter shock the first stroke I received was as soft and gentle as you could imagine, she must hardly have put any power into it at all. Seconds later though, I feel a harsh, tingling, singing sensing flush right across my ass. They started sharp and only got sharper with a second swipe from Julie that seemed to be softer than the first. The tingling was quickly too much for me and I couldn’t help but give a moan and an anguished “oww.” I screwed my eyes up and winced at both the uncomfortable sensings spreading over my bottom and the thought that I had just consigned myself to walk the plank. When I opened them it was to look right into Julie’s face, she was right up in front of me and, smiling, she leaned back to proudly show me her hand, and in it was her cane and wrappedaround it were some nettles!

“Too bad wimp, you know the rules. You make any noise you walk the plank so you’re walking the plank right after this. Still, look on the bright side, you can make as much noise as you like for these remaining 28 strokes!”

And I did as Mistress Julie abandoned her softly, softly approach and gave her arm full range to go wild on my sore ass! I suppose at least that way I was not so bothered by the nettles but by the time she had counted to 30 I knew that I was badly marked with red lines across my poor backside. Worse, I was now going to walk the plank!

She gleefully undid my bonds and left them scattered on the clean, laminate floor and seemed to be in such a worry to reach her next stage of punishment that she just left them there. She led me briskly to their trapdoor and we descended into the optimistic darkness of their cellar. ‘Walking the plank’ was Mistress Julie’s pirate referenced name for just the worst kind of domination I hadEver endured.

Basically, in that cellar of theirs she had had a thick plank of wood inserted into a dark reception on a wall by a carpenter who was one of her other clients. At the pull of a rope it would descend and jut out some three feet above the stone floor. It was thick and wide and would easily support two people standing on it. It was positioned directly under a big, solid rafter and wrapped around it was a thin climbing rope that Julie pulled down, it hung nearly taut about two feet above the plank. I gave an involuntary shiver at the sight.

She lowered the plank and pressed me to stand on it, I did so and stood there careful not to topple as she got up behind me on the plank. From the wall she took down a pair of handscuffs and fastened them securely to my wrists behind my back. I could have struggled but I was paying to submitted to my Mistress and if she wanted this then I would be doing it. Hands neutralised, she reached for the hanging rope and stretched open the tight slip knot that was carefully knotted into the end of the rope. It hung at the perfect height to my crotch and she cheerfully lifted my cock and balls and looped the knot around them and tugged it tight. The situation was clear, if I were to lose my balance and fall from the plank I would be hung by my balls!

But Mistress Julie was by no means finished with the set up yet, she reached around me and attached a pair of crocodile clips to my sensitive nipples, smiling as they dug into my soft, sensitive flesh. The she produced a leather hood that she pulled over my head, making sure that the eye zips were properly closed and pumping me into complete darkness. This was getting scary now and my mind kept flashing back to when I had done this before. To my horror, as scared and frightened as I was, I was also becoming increasingly hard and aroused. Then I felt the tip of her strap on dildo prod at my sore ass cheeses and slowly inch forwards and upwards into me. She reached around meand levered the length of her plastic cock right inside and I stumbled and shoot and concentrated desperately on keeping my balance and not moving my feet at all if I could help it.

She was wearing a special dildo, from previous experience I knew that in it was a reserveir that she kept topped up with her client’s sperm and at the touch of a pump beside the plastic cock it would shoot the cum deep inside me. Just as she pushed in I Felt the first of the substance being squirted into my ass, at least it was some form of luxury. She kept plugging away, ploughing harder and faster into me until she was all the way in and I felt the stomach churning feeling as she pushed right into me and simultaneously wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my tights from behind. The weight was too much and I almost buckled immediately, only the sharp tightening on my groin keeping my wits about me and stopping myself going down under her weight. But we both knew it could only bea matter of time. She kept the dildo buried inside and continued to press the button firing cum inside me then slowly, teasingly began to sway her body from left to right. With my arms helpless and unable to see I was in big trouble and could feel my feet shift from side to side minutely to try and stay up with her swaying. She drew things out long enough that mentally I was losing track of everything and wondered if I would be able to keep her on my back much longer when my left foot missed the plank nearly completely. Somehow my right foot managed to keep me up but as I staggered back to the vertical I was lost with where my feet were and with one more swway from Julie I was over and both my feet missed the plank.


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