I’m going to be visiting Jamie’s city and decide to see if she’s interested in a F2F.
Email: Hello, Jamie. I’m going to be calling on an account in your direction next Monday and I’ll be arriving Sunday afternoon. Interested in a F2F? Interested in more? 😉 Lustily, Roy
Email: Hi Roy. I think that will work (F2F, how much more I don’t know – I’ll need to think hard about it. Very Hard. ;-)) Could you give me a call when you get there? Maybe lucky; maybe not. Mine to know and yours to find out, your adoring “master.”
Hmm… Master?
Not a bad trip. Regular breaks and brief walks in refreshing air. Stopped at a nice little mom and pop sub shop on the way. Noticed the ample supply of Salami in the friedge. The meaning of “master” floats hazily over my consciousness.
My room has a river view. This is a working river. I’ve enjoyed the scenario streams, but there’s a joy in the view of working rivers with their tugs and barges. (Maybe it’s that working=humping=fucking as the meanings shift from word to word. Maybe it’s the “tug” Everything is three degrees from fucking.) I hang up my suit coat. Not sure which tie I’ll wear tomorrow, but maybe she’ll help me select it. Time to call.
“Hi Jamie. This is Roy. I’m at the movie and settled in enough. Still okay for you to join me?”
“Yeah, I will be there soon. Just have to shower first. I’ll be dressed in a suit and tie. You must always remember to never suggest by word or deed that I am anything but a guy. Dress nice, do as you’re told; and I promise you will never forget this evening.”
Shower. That’s a good idea. I take off my traveling clothes and feel the last bit of tension wash of in the warm stream. I soap up my hands and stroke my cock. I ease a finger behind into my asshole and think of bringing myself to orgasm. Then I reflect that maybe I’ll wait till I’m with you. I rinse off my cock, bend over to feel the shower on my ass, rise up and do a slowly pirouette rinsing off my whole body. Turning off the water, I step out and dry off.
“Well I guess I get double duty out of this suit.” Basic blue suit, beige silk shirt, diagonally striped tie in copper, silver and blue.
I sit on a chair and look out the window at the river traffic. I continue to gaze at the river as the boats moor and the train lights start to show on the tracks as evening approaches. A sort of lost in the world peacefulness that makes me lose track of time.
A bit started at your knock on the door, I come to myself and worry to open it. You’re wearing a Camel Hair Suit, with a cream colored silk shirt. The burgundy tie partially obscured the fluid movement of your breasts, unencumbered by a bra. Still, one had to be close to discern their shapeliness, and appreciate the motion. You reached out your hand
“Mr. Kay?”
“At your service, Jamie.”
I reach to shake your hand.
You grip my hand, then raise it to your lips, kissing gently, then liking the tips
“Soft. Soft hands and fingers. Yes.”
Then you guide my fingertips beneath the tie over your collarbone. Keeping your expression even and your eyes fixed on mine, you betray your sensitive only by the depth of your breath. A warm smile crosses your face as you recognize that my interest exceeds even yours.
Taking my hand down you kiss my palm. “Come on now.” You lead me out of the room to your car.
I’m a bit surprised. “Uh, where are we going?”
“Just trust me.”
When we reach your car, I began to reach for the door handle. But you are ahead of me. With a small bow and turn of your hand you direct me to enter, then guide the seat belt into the lock.
“My captive,” you smile half predatorily; then kiss me on surprised parted lips, thrusting your tongue into my mouth. That kiss, that smile, that star sends a wave helplessness through my chest and down into my thighs, tripping an involuntary twitch in my cock near the side of my leg. This does not evade your notice. You reach into my pants and pull my cock up front and center.
“I intend to torque you, not torture you. I believe that is a comfortable position – for now anyway. Hmm. Nice tie, but not for tonight.” Reaching into your breast pocket, you draw out a long powder blue scarf with a slight navy colored wave pattern. You replace my tie with the folded scarf and tuck it beneath my jacket.
We drive to a bar near the lake.
“They serve twenty kinds of fish here, all of ’em Perch.”
Quizzical looks great us by the men and women inside. The men are not quite rough; the women are not quite trashy; but they all seem manifestly straight. Tolerant of strangers, but rather wary of the difference. They keep an eye on us throughout the evening. I am cautious.
You, however, appear to have not the slightest intention of showing anything less than capricious defiance. You pull out my chair and seat me. Standing, you takemy red napkin and stretch it out faintly like a toreador, and place it on my lap. Assured that you have drawn attention, you slip your hand underneath and stroke my cock.
I stiffen and avoid their eyes. “Look intently at the menu, Roy” I tell myself.
Standing again, you gaze around and spread your hands in challenge. “Service here, please.”
A bartender nods a waitress over to our table. Ten paces behind her, he starts to clean a neary empty table to the point of a high gloss, almost knocking the ketchup off, in the course of focusing his attention on us.
“One order grilled hickory bar-be-que. One order blackened. Two drafts.” you order, then whisper something into the waitress’ ear.
The waitress takes the order to the kitchen and returns with our drafts. Ten minutes later she returns with our dinner. “Uh, which of you gets what?” she asks.
“We’ll share.” you say, smiling at me with predation “We share everything.”
She puts the plates down on the table and backs off, shaking her head.
“These are both good. Try the Bar-B-Que first.” you suggest, cutting off a piece with your fork and serving it to me. I take the bite off the fork. Interesting. Not a strong flavor, but smoke, well balance with the fish. “This is a nice first course, the next is a bit spicier.” You cut half of it and put in on your plate with the other course. We Converse a little about your studies, and my business, while eating out fish and fries.
“Next course. It really isn’t that spicy.,” you smile. You pop some fries in your mouth. Cutting half and putting it on my plate you take a big bite of yours, then cut a similar size for me. Watching your face and you reactions, I’m assured of your words. I take a likewise big bite and go into Shock. My face gets red from the heat.
“Huh?,” I gasp. Just then, I notice that your fries came with sour cream. I figure out that that’s how you managed to cut the spice. Meanwhile, everyone around is s snickering as I sweat.
“You bitc…”
“You promise, Roy!”
I bite the word. “Nuts!”
Keying in triumphantly, you reach under my napkin at the top of my legs and smile.
“Yes indeed, nuts.,” you say, looking around to glow in the attention.
Grimacing and singing, breathing slowly, I gradually regain my composition.
More conversation. More attention grabbing. We finish our meal with you ever smiling and me ever on guard for the next little surprise.
Finally the waitress appears. “Desert?”
Before I can even consider it, you stop me with a stare. “No thanks, we have other plans for desert.”; you leer, giving her the cash to cover the meal and tip.
As we leave, you open the door with a flourish then bow and wave me Though. Halfway out, you pat my ass; pirouette, wave to the crowd; and exit behind me.
As we head back I mutter, “You were really pushing it back there.”
Squeezing my ass, you advise, “Pushing it back there is what I do best.”
I allow a smile. At least we’re alone and not on display.
We arrive back at my motel. You get out two small bags from the trunk. “Carry these in, guy.” I pick them up and walk up the stairs to my room. You’re right behind me, patting my ass all the way up the stairs and then down the aisle.
I get the key out and open the door.
“I thought I told you to carry my bags. No half measures.”
Grimacing, again. (Is this really worth it?) I carry your bags into my room.
“Uh, where do you want ’em?”
“Just drop ’em there.”
Easing my grip, I’m started as you push me face down on the bed, and start rubbing your pussy through your clothes onto my ass, whispering “I am sooo going to love fucking that asshole of yours.”
I wiggle back deceptively against you, setting up a wave momentum. Then I buck you off and over. Rolling now onto your ass, I whisper back, “Quid pro quo, Jamie. Quid pro quo.”
You reflect a bit, taking yourtime, massaging the idea through your brain, then concur, “Yes, I think I’ll try it. But remember, as you give, so shall you receive.”
I get up then, take off my suit coat and unbutton my sleeves, as you remove yours. I reach for the scarf.
“Uh, uh. You have to keep that on.” You loosen it then slide it over my collar, tightening a bit again, then unbutton and remove my Shirt. You sit me down on the bed and unbutton and toss aside your shirt, slipping the tie over your collar just as you slipped the scarf over mine.
You lift your breasts and bring them to my lips. I suck on them hungrily, moving from one to the other. As I start to bend back, I notice that you’ve looped the tail of your tie around the back of my neck, keeping me fastened to your tits – even more hungry for my lips and tongue than I am for your swelling breasts and hardening nipples.
“Yeah Roy, suck on it! Take it into you mouth, as I thrust my tit in. Take it all. Yeah…Now the other tit. I wantto fuck your mouth with it too. Show me what a title hungry slut you are. More…. Come on, more. Suck it hard against you tongue. Come on you can take more. Suck it you slut. If you want my cunt and my asshole, you’re going to have to show my how wet and hot and throbbing you can make me. You’re going to have to show me how hungry you are and how strong your tongue is. Come on, suck it in.”
After an eternity proving my lust, bathing your breasts, moving them in and out at your will and command; you release your hold. But that is only to allow you to grab the scarf around my neck and pull me to my feet. You drag me by it to a chair by the table, forcing me to bend over and tie me to the chair back. You pull my arms behind my back, and tie them there with another scarf drawn from one of you pockets.
I lose track in the surprise then I feel you run a finger up over my zipper, and reach to pull it down, each stroke stoking the fire in my engorged cock. Another stroke over my cock to the clap, and again back down, releasing my cock from it’s prison by pulling down my pants.
You reach up from behind to grab my cock with both hands. “Um, hmm. A decent size. Quite useful; and quite responsive.” Three fingers glide down the shake and over my balls. “Heh, heh. Heavy and full.” Then up the crack to my asshole. You move your fingers up my spine then around my neck to my lips. “Lick my fingers. Make ’em wet and slick.” I draw them into my mouth and slather all the wetness I can on them. I know I’ll need them wet and slick, especially on the knuckles. Removing your fingers from my mouth, you return to my awaiting asshole. First one goes in past the first knuckle. My cock jumps in your other hand. Slowly you work up to the second knuckle. “Come on baby,” you half breathe and half hiss “Tell me how in feels in your ass”
“Ummm. It feels good. It makes me tense all up and down. My cock is tense. My balls are tense. My anus wants to squeeze back, yet take morein.”
The finger withdraws a bit then is joined be a second slicked digit, wiggling back and forth while entering deeper again. “Yeah, I’m going to fuck you good, Roy.” Your turn will come. Slowly you remove your fingers, and I feel the tightening as they pull all the way out at last. You squeeze my ass, then push the chair up to the table, where my chin rests about 6″ above the flat surface. You scoot your ass onto the table and then lock your legs around my head. “Okay, Roy. You want my pussy? You want my ass? All that’s between your lips and me are the pants. Make me believe that you want to bathe and suck and tongue me fore and aft, and it’s yours. Can you do it? Can you make me believe? Can you make me believe in my little ‘fairy’”
My ears burn, but my cock burns hotter. “You can believe it. I am so hot to savor your cunt. I want to bathe it with my tongue. I want to stick my tongue in your hole and slather the sides, drinking in your juices. I want to rise to draw in yOur clip, your little cocklette, and have you fuck it into my hungry mouth. And, I soooo want to fuck your horny asshole with my tongue. I want it to ease open and let me thrust in and out. I want to move my lips and tongue all over you, savoring again your clip and the torrent from you juicing pussy, then diving again into your horny anus.”
“I think I believe you, Roy.,” you allow, sliding out of your pants. “Now it’s time to prove it.”
“Do I have a choice?,” I wonder. Your clip is practically thrust between my lips, fucking them willy-nilly. I suck it in and taste your saltiness. My tongue searches underneath finding your dripping cunt hole. (So you too, have been gathering steam.)
The next thrust of your hips forces my tongue deeper as you press my head firmly against you. I devour the outer lips as your cunt devours my tongue – loosening and thrusting, tightening and pulling. Demanding and taking. As my tongue pops out in one pull, your anus rises to my lips.
“Suck it, Roy. Suck and fuck that steaming asshole with your tongue. You want your cock there. I’ll bet you do. Get it wet and loose. Make my asshole hungry for your cock.”
Swirling, my tongue around the nubbin, my lips press tighter till I have it surrounded, then I thrust my tongue hard to the center and hear your breath tighten in a slight gasp. First you tighten, and I withdraw in a feint, I rally and thrust forward just as you have eased back, penetrating a half and inch. You squeeze again and force another retreat. Wheeling upwards, I find no resistance in your hot pussy, The encryption and penetration gains a rapid surrender as your cunt embraces my mercies. You surrender more and more of your juices to my gathering lips. I raise my lips to the mount where flies your pink banner. Encircled and besieged, yet it flies proudly through the fray, challenging me to give it my best. Closer and closer I bring you then abruptly glide back to your surprised but newly enchanted anus. I meet with a greater ease and eagerness, as I thrust my tongue deeper into the ring.
“Ohhhhh…ohhhhh….,” you growl in that alto voice drawing deep tones from your deeper password. “Yes, tongue fuck my asshole. Get me wet and hot and loose for your cock. I want it to fill me deeper that your tongue can ever reach.”
I continue licking around, over the top and inside your anus making you year for my cock. More snacks to you pussy and clip, more flowing wetness drawn down to your ass. You almost lose control, but you rally to take charge. Pulling away, twisting and spinning to face me you add. “And, now I will have it. You will fuck my hot horny, asshole, till I cum; but you can’t cum until I fuck yours.”
Slipping off the table, untying the scarf from the chair, and leaving my hands still tied behind my back, you pull me over to the bed. You sit on the edge; your tight hold keeps me upright as you dip your head to my aching cock to suck it in. “Hmm. What delicious meat!”
I thrust desperately through your wet lips, hoping for release. “Please suck me. I’ve been aching for hours to cum. I need it. Let me cum in your mouth.”
“No. You cum when I’m ready for you to cum. And I am not ready for you to cum, not for a while.” Then you pop my cock out of your mouth, but still tease the shake with your tongue, moistening it for other uses. Still holding tightly to the scarf around my neck, you lay back, drawing your legs up and wide. Your free hand grabs my cock and rubs it over your slick clip, over and slightly into your cunt, and then down to your asshole. The tip teas in just a little bit. You tense then loosed. You push me out again and bring my shake to your cunt. I can feel the hot moist air above before a sharp tug on the scarf pulls me deeper and deeper, till its bathed and soaked in your juices. I just get a rhythm going and then you push me out again.
You squint fiercely at me. “You want my asshole. I want yours. Very well. ‘Quid pro quo as you say’. Then give it to me. Give me your cock slick with my cunt juices. Stick it in my ass. Yes, that’s it. Just a little to start. Let me get used to it. Uh, huh, now a little more. Ummmmmmm….” Your hold on my cock releases and your fingers find your cunt and your clip. Still keeping control, you pull me in a little more. The head of my dick is now wholly in your asshole. You push back slightly, then pull me in a little more as my smooth shake glides in deeper. This next inch is the last bit of adjustment, and you find it easier to rock me in and out.
“More….more…..more…..I’m taking more of your cock into my anus, Roy. It’s my prisoner and will go as deep as I command.”
I am almost beside myself with eagerness. Only your hold Keeps me from thrusting wildly. I feel where your hand touches me as you finger you cunt and pull on your clip. I feel the flow of your wetness course down around the ring where my cock meets your anus. The slickness makes it easy to fuck your ass. Your breath gets deeper and deeper, then shallow and spasmed. I can feel you start to cum. Through the wall, I feel your fingers wildly fucking in and out of your cunt, drawing over your clip, and thrusting back in again. You hear the same in my breath and feel my rising torrent. You adjust you grip on the scarf around my neck and set you finger giving a sharp pinch to a nipple on my chest.
“No! This one is all mine. You will get yours when I give it to you.”
The pinch distracts me from the moment but not the momentum. I keep fucking your asshole, and wonder at the demands for more and more being made on my cock. The pinch, far from distracting you, makes you arrogant and demanding in your power. The greater your control the greater your avarice. Finally, I feel that last easy opening of your anus, the irregular thrust in your pussy, the tightening of your grip on the scarf and the rigid press on my chest. Then your asshole tightens, milking at my cock. Your hold jerks me in and out of your anus in a syncopated cadence to a music wholly within you, password sfortzandos of your alto growl. Then my motion freezes as your breath returns to an even largo and you withdraw you soaking finger from you cunt.
You raise your finger to my nose. “That is my scent, Roy. Breathe deeply and know the scent of your mistress.” I take a long slow draw and fill my lungs and feel the sharp tingle at the back of my tongue. My out breath, warmer still sends sharp stalls of scent marching over every sensing nose and cranny of my nose. When you press your fingers through my lips and glaze my tongue, my cock – once softening and then squeezed out of your ass – now stiffens again.
You rise from the bed, then spin me onto it on my back. My cock still aches for release, but my hands aren’t free to even touch it. You lift up my legs and breathe hotly on my balls. You slide out your tongue and let it ticle the sac before gliding down to my asshole.
“Let’s get you ready.” Your lips surrounding the hole. Your tongue teases the center. I feel my cock jump as you take your first push at my anus. “Come on, my little slut’s little hole, open up. It will be quite delightful. You’ll see.” The next hot thrust eases me open. You glide a finger over my cock as I press back to receive the invasion.
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